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Fantasy Fantasy High school OOC chat

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi You know Kirios and Synthia are riding together, right? Kirios was already at the stop... Unless you don't wanna ride with him, that's cool too. We can swap if that's allowed.
Considering how people are already being taken to the school it would be a bit difficult to make changes to the seating
Considering how people are already being taken to the school it would be a bit difficult to make changes to the seating
Right I was assuming he didn't leave like that close and that she'd be the next bus stop.
Then he wont have anyone to interact with for a while. :(

I wouldn't mind swapping with someone who hasnt posted yet, but that's completely up you danigurl and the other person involved. :/
just seems a bit ... boring and senseless to me. but if it works it works, ig. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On that note, could you label which rider is driving which character when you write for them? It get's a little confusing with all the riders.

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