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Fantasy Fantastic Desolator: Realm of Hrenna

Monica tightened her grip on Shado, gasping. "Big Sister? Whats going on?" She placed her faintly glowing hand onto Shado's head and tried her best to help.
"Guys! I've got this." Momoka pulled a small bottle with green liquid out of her pouch. She gave it to Shado. "Here, it's a headache right? It should soothe the pain a little bit. Tell me if you need more."
Haruto stopped and looked at Shado, seeing her in pain.

"That's not just any headache. It's most likely got something to do with her powers... Be careful."
"G- Guys, i- it's not a headache," Shado clenches her teeth in pain, "Haruto is right. This has to do with my powers. I-" Shado's eyes widened, "Quick! Get away from me!"
Shado is encased in a mass of abnormal black light, that subsequently explodes. Pained screams came from the center of the mass, before the explosion.The rubble clears, leaving debris everywhere..... and an unconscious Shado in the dead center.
Haruto had poured most of his mana into his protection rune, so he only managed to crawl next to Shado before passing out from exhaustion. He had scrapes and bruises all over, as he and his rune had absorbed most of the damage. Unconsciously, Haruto curled up next to Mika and continued resting by her.
Shado wakes up not long after Haruto passes out.

"Oh my gosh! Did I do that?" She curses under her breath.

She goes to heal Haruto, the pain in her head subsided, but her bones have not healed after the explosion. Shado, having been injured multiple times, only thought of the pain as minor. She begins healing Haruto, slowly bringing him to consciousness.
Emy didn't know what to do,"Ok maybe it was better to call my dragon friend..." She faced away from the group and took out a small horn, which blew such a loud sound. Only a young earth dragon 2x the size of a horse came and landed in front of Emy,"Oh hey Leafa. Guess your mom's busy, huh?" The earth dragon just nuzzled Emy,"Ok ok I missed you too." Emy pets the young dragon.
Shado, now unfazed, arches her back to relocate some of her ribs that had been dislocated, and eventually managing to relocate and mend every broken bone in her body.

"Sorry guys..."
"It's ok, but hey look who we got here!" She pets Leafa,"This is Leafa, one of my dragon friend's pups. She's already growing if you can't tell. So now we got ourselves a ride! But I don't think it'll be much since she's only 3/4 of a year old."
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Haruto slowly returns to the conscious world, rubbing his head as he felt his mana somehow being replenished. He then noticed Shado healing him, and sat up; albeit painfully.

"Well... I think we should all take a nice, well-earned break. Eat a quick meal and replenish our mana before we disembark again." Haruto summoned a rune that brought him a nice meal that consisted of a chicken and cheese sandwich, some apple slices and a canteen of water.
"Yeah. Oh yeah I ate earlier so I'ma nap on Leafa don't worry she's obedient." Emy lies on Leafa's back before falling asleep soundly.
Momoka brought out a bento box she had prepared earlier from her pouch. She took an onigiri from and began eating.
Monica was knocked far away by the blast. A rush of adrenaline caused by seeing Shado hurt knocked her out if her daze. She ran over and hugged her sister, "Big Sister? Are you ok?"

She then noticed that Shado was healing Haruto and she unhugged her, before beginning to help. "I-is he ok?" Her eyes were filled with fear.
Emy woke up hearing Monica,"What? Oh yeah he should be fine." She got off Leafa (her dragon pup), giving her a couple berries,"Yeah I know these are your favorite Leafa."
"He should be, at least. Unless there's any internal damage that we missed." Momoka shrugged. "He could be bleeding internally for all we know." She took another bite of her onigiri nonchalantly.
Emy just sighed, petting Leafa. She kinda felt like she should leave them, but then again, she doesn't like feeling alone,"Hey Momoka. Have you ever seen a dragon?"
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Momoka turned to Emy. "Seeing as I'm looking at one now, yes. I have seen a dragon." She took another onigiri from her bento box and took a bite. "Why do you ask?"

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