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Fantasy Faereach City of Magicks (Now Accepting)

For it to be a proper theme song, it needs a really, really distinctive intro that just shouts "you". The first two bars should get people hyped beyond belief.
Slow buildups don't work. Good theme songs have an initial "Holy shit" moment at the start to announce the person, then step back so said person can make their presence felt and allow the crowd to bask in their glory. Look up the themes of Randy Orton, The Rock, or Edge as examples.

Also, direct song links please if you intend to keep linking them. AMVs suck away more phone data than I can spare.
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](Why are you bolding "ILL-INFORMED LOGGING OPERATIONS" xD )

Please don't post OOC in the IC thread without an accompanying IC post, we have this thread for that.
Metaphysics said:
Kandra Bal Magna - Dracolich Castle's Throne Room
"Oooh, black lightning. A like soul to mine I suppose." Kandra mumbled, sipping at a goblet before spitting out at the strangers stripping. "*cough*Why is he stripping?" He asked himself incredulously. With a quick hand movement lightning struck in front of the stranger in an attempt to smite him like an insect. "Why do people strip in the rain when fighting? Actually I do know the reason but why do they still have to do it." He mumbled, before another hand gesture sent two bolts from different vectors crashing down on him.

(I got the storm, I reply later though, sleeping now)
It's not stripping xD whenever he fights intensly he takes off his shirt/jacket so he has more flexibility. Not to mention alot of martial artists (bruce lee) *cough cough* do that so they have flexibility when they fight. xD lmho

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Mitchs98 said:
@Halohbottech Don't forget to reply for Frillz. And if you did. I completely missed it :D
oh shit I completely forgot about that! Sorry!

I'll get on that right away, but do you mind putting the post in here?
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