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Fantasy Faereach City of Magicks (Now Accepting)

Not trying to brag but Hitsu has been in quite a number if martial arts tournaments that are life threatening and hasn't lost. And seeing as how El Ruidoso defeated a dragin that makes Hitsugya eager to spar. Too baf Torr was already fighting him :P
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Not trying to brag but Hitsu has been in quite a number if martial arts tournaments that are life threatening and hasn't lost. And seeing as how El Ruidoso defeated a dragin that makes Hitsugya eager to spar. Too baf Torr was already fighting him :P

Well, no matter how strong Hitsu is, he was still pretty rude to the crowd and the fighters. =P
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Mango said:
Well, no matter how strong Hitsu is, he was still pretty rude to the crowd and the fighters. =P
Remember how he lost control and nearly killed 2 people? Well he has an alternate self, not really an alternate self more like a shadow being inside of him, that gives him even more power than he already has and it was put in him when he was a toddler. When he wants to fight and get attention you will soon learn that's not the actual him . . . that didn't make much sense :/ meh now you know
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Remember how he lost control and nearly killed 2 people? Well he has an alternate self, not really an alternate self more like a shadow being inside of him, that gives him even more power than he already has and it was put in him when he was a toddler. When he wants to fight and get attention you will soon learn that's not the actual him . . . that didn't make much sense :/ meh now you know

So if he's been acting like this for almost the entire time he's been at the tournament, why is there a dramatic "fight" over who gets control over his mind now?
This all just seems like a cheap way for you to have your unbeatable godlike character get into fights with whoever you want, with no worries about such things like "proper justification" or "consistent characterization". All you have to do is justify it with "it was my evil headmate!" and make it clear that you didn't do nothing wrong!

Sorry if I sound bitter, I'm always a little sour over people who abuse cliches and trivialize Dissociative Identity Disorder like that.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]His goods side is trying to fight his alternate side. It's complicating and hard to explain.

But that's kinda cliché. It would be impossible to hate him, becuase every bad thing is the bad sides fault, and Hitsu "Didn't do anything wrong, it was all his bad side!"

Edit: Same as Skippy, sorry if I sound rude, I usually am, but Hitsu was pretty mean, and that's not much of justification.
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SkippyGranola said:
This all just seems like a cheap way for you to have your unbeatable godlike character get into fights with whoever you want, with no worries about such things like "proper justification" or "consistent characterization". All you have to do is justify it with "it was my evil headmate!" and make it clear that you didn't do nothing wrong!
Sorry if I sound bitter, I'm always a little sour over people who abuse cliches and trivialize Dissociative Identity Disorder like that.
You think what you want :/
I'm done trying to explain things to people and I rather not argue. Dislike my character, hate the way I RP and the way my character is like. Do what you will but please don't make assumptions. Just want to clear things up, he is technically the one who did it, and just because he's got an evil self doesn't take away what he does it just puts him under the influence of wanting to kill and fight. Say it's cliche and cheap or whatever, it may not make sense to you because I don't quite know how to explain it but don't put me down because of something like this. And no he's not the nicest person because he shuts everyone out.
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SkippyGranola said:
Sorry if I sound bitter, I'm always a little sour over people who abuse cliches and trivialize Dissociative Identity Disorder like that.
Ah! Someone who calls it by its real name! <3
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I'm done trying to explain things to people and I rather not argue. Dislike my character, hate the way I RP and the way my character is like. Do what you will but please don't make assumptions.

I honestly think we're having an enthralling discussion about a character's traits, as arguments imply a lot of ad hominem musslinging, and we're sticking to the facts, but whatever you say. Also, saying that we're hating and making assumptions is as just as bad, as you're implying that we have some kind of vendetta against you or something.
I never said that, it just seems like you find my character some cliche guy that is super OP, bad ass, and likes to fight everyone and anyone when he isn't. Just because he's under the influence of wanting to fight and has an evil being inside of him doesn't take off what he does and I know that but at least let me explain it so you don't think I'm some jerk that has an OP character and doesn't want to accept 'justification'
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I never said that, it just seems like you find my character some cliche guy that is super OP, bad ass, and likes to fight everyone and anyone when he isn't. Just because he's under the influence of wanting to fight and has an evil being inside of him doesn't take off what he does and I know that but at least let me explain it so you don't think I'm some jerk that has an OP character and doesn't want to accept 'justification'

I don't think you're a jerk, I was merely posting my arguments. Additionslly, you act and speak as if I'm flaming you, but I wasn't. Nothing was ad hominem.

Whew, my asshole side really came out today. Apologies to anyone who didn't want to bear witness to that, but a woman's gotta say what she's gotta say.
Mango said:
I don't think you're a jerk, I was merely posting my arguments. Additionslly, you act and speak as if I'm flaming you, but I wasn't. Nothing was ad hominem.
Whew, my asshole side really came out today. Apologies to anyone who didn't want to bear witness to that, but a woman's gotta say what she's gotta say.
I just hope we can put this behind us. I really don't want to get into an argument and if any of you have a problem with my character just ask me and I'll clear it up. And I apologize if I seemed like I was OP, I hope you understand that I wasn't.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I just hope we can put this behind us. I really don't want to get into an argument and if any of you have a problem with my character just ask me and I'll clear it up. And I apologize if I seemed like I was OP, I hope you understand that I wasn't.

Alright, not a problem. I didn't see you as OP, but in my mind, I did have a problem with your character. Just remember that my opinion is my opinion, and it shouldn't bother you, no matter what I think. No need to change anything just because one person is disgruntled. I'm willing to pass the pipe and bury the hatchet now, no hard feelings.
I'll pop in and give a reminder (aimed at no one in specific), but just generally based on the current conversation. Just because people have a problem with your character doesn't mean they have a problem with you. Or, the reverse, just because you dislike someone's character doesn't mean the player behind it is bad. OOC should stay in OOC, and IC should stay in IC. Our characters are not us, they're fictional entities. Like or dislike, our feelings towards a character should have nothing to do with our feelings towards the player behind that character.
Colt556 said:
I'll pop in and give a reminder (aimed at no one in specific), but just generally based on the current conversation. Just because people have a problem with your character doesn't mean they have a problem with you. Or, the reverse, just because you dislike someone's character doesn't mean the player behind it is bad. OOC should stay in OOC, and IC should stay in IC. Our characters are not us, they're fictional entities. Like or dislike, our feelings towards a character should have nothing to do with our feelings towards the player behind that character.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Colt556 said:
I'll pop in and give a reminder (aimed at no one in specific), but just generally based on the current conversation. Just because people have a problem with your character doesn't mean they have a problem with you. Or, the reverse, just because you dislike someone's character doesn't mean the player behind it is bad. OOC should stay in OOC, and IC should stay in IC. Our characters are not us, they're fictional entities. Like or dislike, our feelings towards a character should have nothing to do with our feelings towards the player behind that character.
Thank you! Honestly that's one of the things that slightly bothers me and you are very right.
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