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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Hahah, try just googling 'frozen lake art'. That should help out more than trying to sift through Frozen pics.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/frozen-wallpaper-disney-frozen-35897178-1920-1200.jpg.7f8e3d73fde7560e09a52ea16883aef9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/frozen-wallpaper-disney-frozen-35897178-1920-1200.jpg.7f8e3d73fde7560e09a52ea16883aef9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I am so tying this in to the real fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson "The Snow Queen"

Lols, I know, that movie did exactly what we were thinking of, I found a few good ones with really cool (and slightly ominous) castles in the middle of frozen lakes, I will post in the teaser section of updates tomorrow. Night all!

New rule on profile building, doesn't affect existing characters.
A quick question/idea before we journey ahead:

What about yet an another confrontation with the darkness? It has been a while since we saw a massive amount of force and since we have quite a formidable army still... how about before the journey we defend Branbern as it gets assaulted by massive dark forces? For da lulz I guess.

Just ignore this if it is too boring/cliché/stupid.
DawnAntalios said:
A quick question/idea before we journey ahead:
What about yet an another confrontation with the darkness? It has been a while since we saw a massive amount of force and since we have quite a formidable army still... how about before the journey we defend Branbern as it gets assaulted by massive dark forces? For da lulz I guess.

Just ignore this if it is too boring/cliché/stupid.
Its a good idea, I was actually tying with the idea of something like that happening, but let's go for this quest first; I've been working on some ideas for it.
Can my character inform yours? Since she was picnicking in the forest speaking to the wind just to make she do something useful again :P
I have a question about the upcoming quest! Should Banba start acting crazier than normal, in a slow progression, or all at once, like a switch was pulled?
Well, for one, it'd be awesome if someone noticed the lone werecat seemingly meditating in the middle of the palace gardens lol.
Lioness075 said:
Well, for one, it'd be awesome if someone noticed the lone werecat seemingly meditating in the middle of the palace gardens lol.
Can I please? I long for a partner to rejoin the story :3
I just want my Luness getting involved with the group one way or another. I figured by now that despite Luness avoiding the group, one of them would chance upon her before she realzied it while she was meditating. Fair warning though, she won't make that great of a partner for anyone. At least, not right away.

By the way, Luness isn't that big. She's based off of a lynx and those cats while decently sized, are not that large. If you look at her werecat picture in her profile, she's more lean and taller than more muscular and bigger. Just wanted to point his out ahead of time. ^^;
Well large is quite a vague term if used at creatures, and a werecat is still large compared to a normal cat :3

Didn't want to offend her though if I happened to do that.
It feels like foxy was being rejected....

That's partially my fault, I'm not here as often as I should be, and for that, I am sorry.

I tried interacting when foxy stabbed the crystal, but no one said a word.....
We have a little breather in the story so this is the chance to rejoin.

When I saw all these awesome people join in the forest quest I just let them do it, I could not get to do anything :D

But now in the suspense there is the opening you need to rejoin the action!
I've been drawing my character a bit lately and I'm thinking of doing fan art. I've got a pic of a very rough and basic water color and heavy fountain ink pic of Elena. Let me know if you like the style and want a cover with a mix of characters and or a scene. It's still rough though. Just a tester so sorry if it's not the best yet<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.ee0c6039dc4edbbe760daaff2f132aa2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.ee0c6039dc4edbbe760daaff2f132aa2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Are we just to assume that all of our characters have received their winter garments? I know that Luness, for one, has not and she does intend to join the group in this endeavor.
Lioness075 said:
Are we just to assume that all of our characters have received their winter garments? I know that Luness, for one, has not and she does intend to join the group in this endeavor.
Same with Ashley ^^
Lol, I'm just rolling with it and leaving Luness in her werecat form. She is a lynx after all, so her winter fur coat will be sufficient enough to keep her warm as long as she doesn't change into her human form. She's only wearing a tank top and shorts in her human form lol.

@KattRai Ward already jumped through the portal pool.
Everyone sure moves fast on this Roleplay ^^ And I thought I was fast when it came to posting.

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