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Fantasy FableWood - OOC

So I thought about it Shame Shame , and here's what I came up with for how Jekyll and Hyde would view Azovka. Hyde would most likely see a very kind and gentle face, much like the one on the front of your CS page for her, where Jekyll would see a bit more edgier almost domineering woman much like the one on your personalities page. XD
So I thought about it Shame Shame , and here's what I came up with for how Jekyll and Hyde would view Azovka. Hyde would most likely see a very kind and gentle face, much like the one on the front of your CS page for her, where Jekyll would see a bit more edgier almost domineering woman much like the one on your personalities page. XD
Love it. Everyone sees their type of beautiful and those guys are so different, she would be very different
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If it tags someone, then a RPer has that username somewhere on this site lol.
"It had been his experience that such a neutral tone was the best when dealing with the young races"

Haha Azovka is as old as a mountain. How much older does she need to be?
St. Boethius St. Boethius
"It had been his experience that such a neutral tone was the best when dealing with the young races"

Haha Azovka is as old as a mountain. How much older does she need to be?
St. Boethius St. Boethius
Lol man has been inside a lamp for the past thousand years. Out of touch doesn’t even begin. She is literally the only exception.
Ridge Ridge Due to my insane weekly schedule, I can only post on the weekends. I'm hoping to get up a post on Friday, but have some cadet obligations on Saturday so I can't possibly post on that day. There may be chance that I won't post until Sunday.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to get anyone stuck in posting during the week. I'll try to get a post in on Thursday if I can.
Ridge Ridge Due to my insane weekly schedule, I can only post on the weekends. I'm hoping to get up a post on Friday, but have some cadet obligations on Saturday so I can't possibly post on that day. There may be chance that I won't post until Sunday.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to get anyone stuck in posting during the week. I'll try to get a post in on Thursday if I can.

That's okay! Irl must always come first! Hope the week calms down for you soon so you can rest <3

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