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Dice Exalted 3rd: Salt and Blood

Legend of tomorrow

Junior Member
The principalities of An-teng in the southwest used to be under the rules of the Solar deliberative, a long time ago. The Realm hadn't been kind of them since the usurpation and under their servile smiles, the people of An-Teng are praying to dark gods, cursing the princes of the earth, who comes to enjoy some vacations and local pleasures.

The youth of An-Teng is planning to rebel against the dragon-blooded. The southwest vast expanses , also has the presence of the Lintha Family, where joining the family is easy but there is no quitting once you join the Lintha Family with jade. On top of it, the recent mysterious circumstances of the High-Queen death, didn't help with the stability of the principalities.

Islands of the west are unique, with different people, cultures and many more places to explore for brave exalts.

Character creation:

The game will begin in the southwest, mostly in An-teng and surrounding areas, but the players as they grow in power and the likes, will be able to extend their reach or even visit other places of creation or even the gardens of Yu-Shan.

Vast open seas and the likes, would serve well anybody with at least one dot or two in Sail and yeah people who specializes in Sail charms would be able to enjoy too with naval combat and the likes. A perfect circle is not necessary but I'm unlikely to want two characters with the same supernal ability. Social characters and non-combat in characters will have opportunities as much as those focused on combat.

You can decide to be pirates or be heroes of An-Teng or maybe you just want to reclaim ancient treasures and manses of the Solars in the principalities. The presence of the princes of the Earth, the Yozi cultists and Lintha pirates are more than enough reason for a group of exalts to band together.
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