Everything So Far


The base of Puddleglum Spire

Srikha waves her hand airily about, "How am I supposed to know that all of you humans don't live in Spires? They are all I have seen since I left the Worldcap! Besides, your lot are already odd. You stay in one place for so long." She clicks her tongue against her teeth and looks across the ground until she finds a relatively bare patch of mud and crouches down, touching the mud. and examining it closely. "No wonder the land gets tired." Standing back up she wipes the mud off of her hand and looks back at Roland with a quirked eyebrow. "So, Stone-jaw, if you aren't from a Spire, what strange place do you hail from?"
Roland Macrus

"If the clan stayed in one place long enough, I'd be able to answer, Flickerlight. An extended family of traders, we." Roland held the amusement of keeping ahead of the elemental woman all this time. And then the smile faded as memories returned. Mama, Father, the uncles, aunts....

Blood on canvas, the whoops of cruel raiders... the stench of burned flesh.

If Srikha didn't know better, she'd swear the flush made the burns on his face stand harshly out even more.
Olimak Lenore - Olimak Embassy/Office, Puddleglum Spire

  • "Regrettable. Still, I thank you for your service Most-Useful-Servant. If you would deliver those listings and inform the Bones post haste, I would be most appreciative," replies Lenore, pursing her lips.

    "One last request before we leave. I would have you record and publish the following missive," she continues, taking the Factor aside.


The Elemental knows that look upon Roland's face, and the silence that followed his mentioning of home. She claps a hand on his shoulder, "There is room for words as well as silences, if you ever wish to talk." Her grip tightens for a moment before she steps away to give him a moment of silence.

Olimak Embassy

Heresh turns to Namia.

"Cousin, I am sorry. I had to bring some rough news, but we're still here around you, keeping an eye out. Plus, with this information out...my mother knows that we're on the same ship. That gives her a channel to us, if she needs to warn us or give us information."

There's also a grin, sneaking its way back onto her face, peeping at Llorn.

"Thanks for accompanying our wayward lass, Doctor. No trouble on the way up?"
Namia Shadowdancer/L'ámnia SIlverlight

"I thank you, Cousin. You are lucky in your parentage. And if your mother is half the woman you say she is, then I'd say that Silverlight is in capable and fair hands. I will rest easier knowing that."

She then took in a deep breath, held it and forced the tears that hadn't stopped from threatenting to go back down. Only once she was sure she was in command of her emotions did she looked with fake brightness around her and plaster a smile on her face. Such habits had been hard-won, but necessary over the years. And, most of the times, she could almost trick herself into thinking that she really was as happy as she pretended to be.

"Well, I suppose that I should be somewhat used to being followed around. And, maybe it'll be good training for later on. The Dragon only knows that should I claim my patrimony, or rather, my matrimony that I won't ever be allowed to be alone."

She glanced at Lenore. "Captain, is there anything, other than making my own declaration, that I can do to make our lives easier. If my detractors know where I am, would it help us if I sought out coin from the family's accounts? Maybe, just maybe, the least that Silverlight can do is help offset the cost of the guards you're requesting. Or Hagan, even. it is in my aunt's best interest to see to it that one of my useless cousins don't secede her."
Olimak Lenore - Olimak Embassy/Office, Puddleglum Spire

Lenore shakes her head.

"I appreciate the offer Silverlight, but Bones are indentured servants who have given their lives to the Olimak. It would be... rude... of me to have another pay them. However, if you so wish, you may donate to their armory funds,"

She smiles.

"A good Bone will never turn down a chance to expand and improve their armory,"

There's a tilt of the head as the Captain considers something.

"Speaking of which, Master Colby, I do believe I have the funds currently to invest properly in that personal project of mine we discussed earlier. If you would accompany Quartermaster Silverlight to whatever materials warehouse or store they have here, I am sure the pair of you could see to it that the ship is fully stocked for both events,"

There's a gleam in her eye as she looks to Heresh.

"And I am sure that Pilot Morrikin would not say no to having a say in our ships expanding coffer of raw materials. In addition to whatever funds that Silverlight wishes to donate specifically for the Bones perusal, the baseline of one thousand gems worth of crafting materials, the two thousand gems towards my own personal project, I will bequeath a further five thousand gems for expanding the material bank. Spend it as you would see fit,

"Does that sound agreeable?"
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Llorn Miles

Olimak Factor's office, Puddlegum Spire

"Certainly not, Mem'selle Heresh, this isn't some backwater Shaydensea dock. And quite beside that, with the good captain at hand, there's little shy of the Spire spontaneously toppling over that could possibly be a serious inconvenience to us.", Llorn replied, then gave the floor a speculative tap, just in case.

"I'd be wanting to join that little shopping expedition, captain, if you have no need for me. I wish to make some modifications to Mem'selle Namia's armor and I'd want to speak with our good armsmaster and pilot to see what can be achieved between us."

Olimak Embassy

"With humble gratitude, Ascendant-Captain. I have some modifications to make to my armour, and I can also begin preparations for constructing the stormcannon."

She turns to Llorn and Namia.

"So, I'd love to come along!"
Namia Shadowdancer/ L'ámnia Silverlight

She inclined her head regally. "Thank you, Captain." She thought about it. Then nodded her head. "Then might I suggest we do thusly. First we make our way up towards the Upper Spires. Since I do not need to remain hidden, I might as well throw my weight around. There will be plenty of people who would love to see what I am up to, and to tell me what's been going on since I've been away. Keep your ears open, Cousin, I am sure some people will be more than happy to gossip."

She turned to Lenore. "And I am sure that people will ask me what I am doing, I shall inform them that I am under your tutelage and protection. That should get people talking. Also, it will work even better than some sort of signed statement from me. Who know what they'll say by end of the day, but, people will know that the House of Silverlight and the House of Olimak are, for the moment, friendly."

She turned back to the others. "Heresh, you know very well that it would be considered so low if I were to actually take money out myself. How would you like to browbeat and intimidate the bankers into doing what you want? However, if we can get paper and pen, I can draw my crest onto something, affix my signature to it. That should be legal enough, i suppose. Then we can pull out the funds we need to outfit the ship. Let's make it good, I'm going to be very selfish here. If people are intent on killing me, then let's make sure we have what we need now to make that job harder than is necessary. Once we get the coin, we make our purchases and have them sent to the ship. And then we need to see about restocking the ship."

She looked about them. "Have I missed anything? Is there anything more?"

Olimak Embassy

Fervently relieved that the impending visit to the Embassy did not result in him having to fear for his - or others - safety, the rat visibly relaxes, ears and whiskers drooping in contentment.

Thank Rion for that...

"Speaking of which, Master Colby, I do believe I have the funds currently to invest properly in that personal project of mine we discussed earlier..."

At this, they perk once more, staring up at the looming figure of Lenore three times his height, rather conveniently blocking out the sun for him, "Oh, certainly Captain, it would be a great pleasure for me to commence creating again,"

He grins excitedly, rubbing his paws together with childish glee.

Shopping, you say?

Materials, you say?

Collaborative projects you say~?

The rat is now a little vibrating gizmo of energy.

He turns to his three mage crewmates in tow, and offers a hand up to Heresh, "Since gracious Lady Silverlight has the Good Doctor on her arm, may I offer mine so that we may discuss machinations of stupendous potency and god-hewn levels of collateral damage?"

Olimak Embassy

Heresh grins and lays her hand on the gentlerat's arm.

"My pleasure, Mr. Colby. I have wicked plans, to enact all kinds of dreadful modifications to the armour you made for me."

She leans over a little.

"....I'm going to put patagia in it, and a sealed mask, plus miniaturised maglev orbs!"

She straightens up.

"Also....Exalted Cousin. It is time for you to learn the Stormlord arts of war mechanical. The arms and armour which I bear, I have built and modified for myself, to be refined weapons of elegant murder. You too must possess these skills."

She looks to Colby and Llorn as well.

"So, we're going to design and build a compressed air potato cannon."
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The base of Puddleglum Spire

After what (she) feels like an appropriate amount of time for Roland to gain his composure, Srikha sighs dramatically and looks dismally around at the surrounding hamlet before turning back to Roland. She grabs him by the shoulder and ushers him onward into the hamlet, "Come on, Stoneface. I need a drink and so do you." Stopping the first local who's willing to talk to her, she asks very politely where they can find a tavern.

"Maglevs, hmm?" he muses, "I'll have to take a gander on such blueprints. Gravity may not be my forte in my weave, but it's worth a look..."

He giggles, "The Captain wishes me to build her gauntlets to allow her to punch things while punching,"


"I second the notion of vegetable launchers,"

To The Markets!

Leaving Lenore to her business with the factor, Heresh will lead Mr. Colby towards the marketplace, following signs for metal merchants, leather and wood dealers, and whatnot.

Also nattering cheerfully about her intended modifications, and what kinds of things she could help Colby make for himself.

Everyone's got their dandelion seed drop core, right? Heresh would have given those out before we left the ship.
The Lower Market

A short ride down a lift occupied by a janitor scrubbing graffiti from the walls, and you're in the bustling market of the lower decks.

Smells of ozone, roast peppers, and sandalwood drift through air pulsing with traditional drumbeats and electronic throbbing. A group of exiled Orcs stop in an alcove and sing throat-songs for the joy of it. A prostitute heavily invested in modifications for his trade hurls a burly human from his perfumed stall, glistening muscles standing out under golden skin on his long arms and thighs. The market is not unlike a shanty-town built in a massive hangar, but prefab Spire-built structures abound and are built into the walls.

The Rustbucket

The rusting wreck of a ship sits proudly across the square from the Spire's base, hung with bunting, pennants, and flags.

Inside the decks and bulkheads have been knocked through to accommodate tables, a bar, and a stage where a group of rats are playing up a storm on fiddles, guitars, and hand-drums. The assembled patrons clap and drink and dance in the warmth, the rain on the roof adding to the atmosphere.

Keavney's Lounge

As Urral's wandering brings her higher into the Spire, she passes through a lounge which is currently all but empty. A few rats and humans bustle around, setting up equipment on a stage at the back - signs hung above it scream 'PEREGRINE & THE NOSEDIVES'.

A tall, lithe woman in a silver dress with dark skin, golden eyes, and feathers in her hair - not, not in her hair; the result of expensive cosmetic sorcery - stands watching the workers with a glass in her hand. Lenore enters the room at the same time, on her way to a bathhouse promised on this floor.

The staff appear flustered by all the armour.

Lower Market

Hot damn.

Gabbling in Spirespeak, Heresh wanders from stall to stall, inspecting and taking notes, but not actually buying anything...yet.

Periodically, she'll share her list of notes with Mr. Colby for his approval, and pointedly nudge L'ámnia, showing her the list of items and going through their intended purpose in the workshop.

When Heresh is buying things with other people's money, she's pretty anal about comparing prices and getting a receipt for everything. Joyful frittering is for her own cash.

Of note, Heresh's own purse is tucked inside her breastplate, and her rifle is strapped. Her helmet is off, though, and is latched to the back of her belt.

After a while, she'll also prod the good doctor.

"Dr. Miles, I have to admit to some ignorance. I love steel and tin, and copper and tungsten are kissing cousins to those metals in my hands. Sapphires are precious to me...what are your stones? What do you need, in order to make permanent enchantments? Glass, right? Particular grades or shades of glass?"

In case Grey feels the need for it, Heresh has:

Intellect 2

Intuition 3

Bearing 2

Guile 2

Awareness 3

Academics 2

Magical Theory 3

Craft 3

-----Craft Manatech 4

Artisan 1

Mingling 1

Spirespeak [Native] 4,


Urd 1

Familiarity: Techhead

+1 die to Empathy, Mingling, and Persuasion only while dealing with fellow engineers and technicians.
Lezekim Urral

It was like a magnetic pull. Gold, feathers, silver, beauty... Here comes the speech voice.

As casually as she can, Urral inserts herself into the scene. "Lo' I am Lezekim Urral, Scion of the Infernal, Beholden to the Father of Pride, First Halberdaughter of the Right Mace of the Infernal Light, his lordship Serral Leketh and the Second Spearmaiden of the Father of Lies, Defender of the Children of the Dark Spire, Bearer of the Eye of Lezek, Winged Truth of Mortal Sins, Champion of Pride, and Ambassador to the Brass Captain of House Olimak, The wroth of Anger, stirrer of ire."

Wind is kicked up and light erupts from her as she performs the third iteration of the armored non violent curtsey with wing expression at both Lenore and the Lounge at large.

"The establishment is honored to be hosting us as we are honored to have us in the presence of a being that exudes taste in physical appearance. Greetings to all." She turns to look at Lenore, eye casting light upon the armored giant. "What are the chances we've happened across each other? My stay so far has been ineffective, except for refitting."
Namia Shadowdancer... L'amnia Silverlight

"I'm sorry, Cousin," she said, reverting to Trade so that the good doctor would not feel left out. "I am finding it disturbing to be down here. Do not the rulers see the poverty? Do they not care? And then I wonder if the lower levels of Silverlight are like this. There's poverty and then there's needless poverty. Heresh, I think we need to go to the Upper Spire, shake it a bit and see what falls out. If they know I'm here, then there's no point in pretending I'm not. Also, the best way to get information is to go where people can't wait to tell you things you don't already know."

She looked about her. "Also, this will be the best way I can think of to let it be known that, for the moment, the House of Olimak is extending its protection to the First Daughter of Silverlight." She grinned nastily, "It will be fun to watch their faces." She turned to the good doctor. "Have you had an occasion to bear witness to the slings and arrows usually cast in the Upper Spires? It can be a political battle-field where words are weapons and silks and satin are like armor."

She looked over at the ratkin. "And how about you, Master Colby? Have you had any occasion to go up top?"
Roland Macrus

Roland found a seat along the bar, leaning on the old hardened planking of a counter-top while he ordered drinks for himself and Srikha. Well, it was a cozy enough place, but to think. Even the rats had their own thrown outside. "Let's just say," he finally admitted to the elemental, "not everyone gets a happy ending. And only a few of us had our stories go on past a particularly bad one. A lot of raiders were involved."

"What about you?"
Olimak Lenore - Keavney's Lounge, Upper Spire, Puddleglum Spire

The Captain's face remains still during the entirety of her kin's posturing, completely impassive as epithets of Infernal glory resound around her. Only when Urral addresses her directly does Lenore show any change.

"I am venturing forth to a bathhouse that I am told exists on this floor. After a month of labouring, I would believe I am entitled to an interlude of rest and relaxation," she responds calmly, ignoring the stares of others. "Would you not agree?"

Lower Market

Heresh is a little nonplussed.

""Cousin....this is not poverty. This is a market. There are some poor people here, yes, and a fair amount of the goods for sale is junk, but that's markets....."

She frowns.

"Namia...L'ámnia...have you ever been to the lower markets in a Spire before? Remember, our Stormspires are not palaces. They contain palaces. Each Spire is a fortress, a port, a factory, a college, a hospital, a market, a town. Every Spire is much more than just the top ten levels."

Her frown flips to one side of her mouth, consideration.

"Not to say that there is no poverty. There is. Just....this isn't what I'd call an example of it. Poverty is when you're living in scrap, not selling it at inflated prices in an indoor market on the twentieth level of a Spire."

On that subject, Heresh finalises her notes, and makes a neat list of metals, woods, leather and cloth stock, and some spare tools.

"Now, I'll happily come to the Upper Spire, I just have to order these items for the ship."

Heresh will proceed to order steel, tin, bronze, tungsten, copper, brass, glass, hardwood samples, leather, canvas, linen, some silk, solder, flux, carborundum paste (fine and coarse), oils, paints, dyes, wire, enamel powders, and a sack of bolts, nuts, and screws. She'll note the name of the ship and Captain on the order, including Lenore's title.

Payment on delivery to Ember Rose.

She'll natter enough with each merchant to get the message across. I am spending large amounts of money. I know what's quality and what's not. I am an engineer, a full blown Stormlord, and I work for the Olimak. If you stiff us, I'll know.

In a bright, smiley, cheerful fashion.

That done, she'll turn the others.

"Hey, you know what'll be in the upper levels of the Spire? Fine gunsmiths. Bones are Invested Olim warriors, in service to a sky captain. I wonder how they feel about boarding shotguns?"

Heresh's face makes it clear that she is in favour of boarding shotguns.

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Lezekim Urral

"Pah, I could not disagree even if I wished to. Your respite is well deserved."

Urral casts the beam of light from her helmet around the room, settling on the feathered woman before snapping back to Lenore.

"A private bathhouse would be suitable, it would do you no well to be sharing with both mortals and rabble. Have you..."
She pauses for a second thinking. "Have you chosen a departure date yet? I'm uncertain of what I'm to be doing here. I fear my skills being wasted and unable to indulge in my Vice"
Namia Shadowdancer... L'amnia Silverlight

"A market," she sighed. "I've never been allowed to see how the common folk lived. It wouldn't do for me to get my shoes dirty," she said, making sure that only her friends could hear her. "It's just, I don't know. I always thought that every level of the Spires were shining examples of Stormlord superiority. It's humbling to realize that I've allowed myself to think that."

She was quiet as Heresh went about ordering supplies and, when they approached stalls selling various foodstuffs, she examined the quality of the food and would either order or reject things to be delivered to the Ember Rose, payable upon delivery and only if the goods were of top quality. "The last thing you want to do," she warned many a vender, "is sent poor quality food to ship's captain when that ship's captain is an Infernal warrior."

The little rat for a moment seems to stop and freeze, observing the new sights and sounds of the market and smiles to himself.

He inhales, slowly and calmly, little toe claws curling in the mixture of sand and mud and damp earth and metal underneath.

Oh. Oh I had forgotten this. This. This feels like home. Oh, I'd missed this.

"And how about you, Master Colby? Have you had any occasion to go up top?"

He lazily opens his eyes to observe the young stormlord, "I was born in a place like this. This is as close to being home I am going to get without setting foot on home soil..."

His whiskers twitched, "I was only invited up top to work off a d- ... to work,"

He twiddles his paw fingers, "This crew was afterall not the first to take advantage of my way with metal~"

His native tongue comes out now, helping Heresh with translations and bartering, as he scampers between the stalls, inspecting and poking and prodding. Like a kid in a candy shop.

He offers a pink paw to Namia, making urgent motions at the music thrilling in the background.

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