Everything So Far

Namia Shadowdancer

BE FOREWARNED that the Inquisition investigates the mortal Spire of Silverlight. Present the truth of your activities to them with honour if you have of late visited this Spire.

Her heart pounded in her chest. A torrent of questions coursed through her as she read those words. Were things so bad back home that the Infernals had to investigate? And because she could see Llorn trying to see the note, she angled it so he could read it for himself.

She figured, from their conversation, that a Bone was an Infernal of some sort and she had both the greatest desire to take everyone back home and settle things once and for all, while at the same time wanting to get as far away as possible.

And the worst part about it was that she couldn't actually go to the Silverlight factor and demand to know what has been going on in her home. Not, at least, unless she wanted to bring attention to herself and risk putting her friends in danger. She shuddered. She knew what her friends were capable of doing, but she also knew of the terrible power of a spire lord's power against an Infernal wearing clothing made of metal.

In agony, she started to shake.

Post Office


Heresh's internal monologue falls silent for just a little while, as she holds the letter close, as if trying to absorb her parents' touch through the paper.

Looking back down at the page, her lips quirk at the mention of 'barbarism'.

Right, well, no need to mention that bit.

She looks again at the mention of Urral, and then again, and then again, her eyes tracing the words over and over.

What. No. Huh. Explains some things, but.....

Heresh's fingertips finally demand her attention, the sheer emotional content of the letter beginning to fade in the light of a potential discrepancy.


Holding the letter carefully away from the metal of her armour, Heresh closes her eyes for a moment. She opens her eyes, and sees - silver lines of force. They define the world, the forces of push and pull, opposed fields of magnetic repulsion and attraction, the output of electrical power, everywhere. She focuses on the page, trying to see, to feel, the strangeness in the ink.
Olimak Lenore

"Thank you, esteemed factor," responds the Olimak with a dignified nod.

She pauses, pursing her lips thoughtfully.

"I am however, curious. Tell me, what would warrant an Inquisitorial investigation of Silverlight Spire? I had heard they had come under assault by the Celestine, but that was more than a month in passing," asks Lenore, a note of interest in her voice.
Llorn Miles

Olimak Factor's office, Puddlegum Spire

The sight of the color draining out of Namia's face told Llorn more than the cursory glance at the note she offered him did. Something bad happened, something to do with Silverlight Spire. He lay a supportive hand on the elegant armor of her shoulder and drew her to where a row of seats lined one wall. Once there, he gently but firmly sat her in one of the chairs and sat next to her, grasping her hand as a physical comfort.

"Don't start panicking over situations you cannot influence right now.", he told her, looking at the note she reflexively folded and unfolded while she looked out to nowhere, "That's the surest route to melancholy and despair."
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Namia Shadowdancer

She hardly noticed him escorting her to a seat as those words kept popping at her.

BE FOREWARNED that the Inquisition investigates the mortal Spire of Silverlight. Present the truth of your activities to them with honour if you have of late visited this Spire.

"Don't start panicking over situations you cannot influence right now," he said softly to her, "that's the surest road to melancholy and despair."

She shook her head. "I've been through both melancholy and despair but this, this is different. This, I don't know what this is. Something happened in Silverlight, but what? I am finding myself wanting to storm the Spire Gates with everyone behind me. Even knowing that many could die from such onslaught. The Sire Lords are powerful mages and those who wear armor are prey to our natural defenses. And I find myself wanting to run away and never look back so that my friends don't have to go against them, go against that awesome power. I have seen what Urral and Lenore can do, but how can you fight when someone uses all the power of a storm against you? How can you stand and fight when someone is cooking you alive inside the armor designed to protect you? And I cannot go to Our factor here else I'd give myself away and bring attention to everyone."

She lifted her head and stood when Lenore asked the Olimak factor about Silverlight. She took a deep breath and stood tall, erect, much like the queen she was destined to be. She would face the news bravely and with fortitude. Fear was to be overcome, grief was to be used, and the shed blood of murdered kin was to be neither forgotten nor unpaid.

She bows courteously to the dock worker, offering her gratitude, and examines the inlays, looking over their patterns closely. Srikha grins at Macrus and begins moving along the path laid down with a speed that can't quite be called running.

Urral lets the smile on her face drop with the announcement that no true Lezek walked the tower beside her. It had been some time since her mission was given and by the Lightbringer himself she has wished to see another infernal besides Olimak or what have you.

Even with the dissapointment fresh on her face, the Invested before her knew his purpose well. His demeanor doesn't change. Urral, well and truly acting the exasperated noble, gives a lengthy sigh.

"It would be much appreciated if any sort of blessing may be conferred. The priests blessings will be both welcome and accepted by my person. The outfitting may commence after that with my things being delivered to my ship. In addition, I would like you to send me a list denoting any major upcoming Lezek events and their locations and do send word to my family that I wish to see them again soon. "

Urral gathers herself and takes a step back.

"Now kindly direct me towards this priest so I may get my outfitting under way and return to my companions. The Father of Lies only knows what sort of trouble is being committed on their behalf. I may end up having to rescue parasitic children again."
Urral gives a nasal little chuckle, flashing a brilliant smile at her servant.

Post Office

Heresh pales.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What are we doing in a fukken Spire?!

With a brush of her fingers, she degausses the letter and wipes the coded contents clean, before putting away the extra package her parents sent her.

"Mr. Colby, we have a problem. It must be addressed with great haste, and possibly decisive action."

That done, she looks around for the post office's couriers, looking to engage two of them. The first, she sends to the tea company with a note informing them of their shipment's arrival.

The second courier, she addresses in a torrent of swift Spire.

"There is a package which must be escorted to the Olimak factors' office, as fast as possible."

She secures her pistol and rifle, and puts on her helmet.

"The package is me, and we have to go now."
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Roland Macrus

Roland followed at a speed which is just shy of running, as he had to keep up with the excitable elemental.
Ichabod Colby - The Post Office

The Library is on an upper floor; the other two down below at the Commons Market.

Excellent. Well I know how I'm going to spend the next few days in port...

Or... at least I was.

"Mr. Colby, we have a problem. It must be addressed with great haste, and possibly decisive action."

The rodent's stomach did a nervous flail at the word "problem." Then progressed to backflipping when the word "decisive" turned up.


That came out considerably more high pitched than he had anticipated. He cleared his throat.

He watched with rising dread as Heresh skittered about the Post Office, before announcing, "The package is me, and we have to go now."

He follows.

Is this going to involve violence? This is going to involve violence, isn't it.

---> Olimak Embassy/Office

Within minutes, Heresh presents herself at the gate, raising her visor to assess the guards.

"I am Stormlord Pilot Morrikin Heresh, service of Desolator Olimak Lenore. You must give enter, to alert of danger."

Heresh's face is in one of its rare serious moods, as she looks into the lobby to spot Lenore.

Ascendant-Captain! Important word!"
Olimak Lenore - Olimak Embassy/Office, Puddleglum Spire

Lenore looks up, raising an eyebrow with the barest hint of consternation, and bidding a halt to her question with the Factor with an upturned hand.

"Speak, Valued Unascended," she intones with a wave of her fingers. "In Tradestongue,"
Namia Shadowdancer

An inquisition about home, and an assault of the Celestine? Her gut wrenched at the sound of Heresh's desperate voice speaking urgently. She was pretty sure that whatever Heresh had to say, she was not going to like it. Still, she wasn't a child to run from bad news and sometimes the only way to fix something was to know if there was something wrong.

Olimak Factor's Office

Heresh glances around, glad that both Llorn and Namia are present, while she spins a whirlwind around all four of them.

Some chance of privacy secured, Heresh gets around to dropping her information.

"My mother Bronwyn, she's in Silverlight Spire, helping the Inquisition with the inquiry. Namia's location is common knowledge, down to the name of the ship and her captain. There can be no safe anonymity now, not until we kill a few more assassins."

She pauses.

"I'm sorry."
Olimak Lenore - Olimak Embassy/Office, Puddleglum Spire


The Captain purses her lips thoughtfully, brows furrowing deeply.

"I had suspected it was as such,"

Her expression hardens.

"No matter. I am procuring a protective retinue for the Quartermaster as is, and with the Doctor, I trust that he should be capable of shielding her from any long range munitions, as I understand is a skill of those of his ilk. That should deal with actual attempts,"

She turns to Namia.

"As for attempting to stop the problem at its source, Miss Silverlight, I will release a statement that you are under my protection, not as a political maneuver, but as a member of my crew. I will profess that previous attempts on your life while under my care will be forgiven, as there may have been some misunderstandings about your standing in my care,"

"However, another attempt will see the end of such magnanimity on my part, and I will respond as only an Olimak can. I will track such movements to their source, and I will crush them."

"Additionally, Namia, I would have you make a similar statement, albeit without the threat of force,"

With that, the Olimak straightens her posture, gently rolling her neck.

"Other than that, I see no need to change our behavior. With the these precautions, and the threat of flaming blade, there should be no further attempts, save by those either bereft of sense or wishing a creative suicide,"

She looks to the four crew assembled.

"Do you understand?"
Llorn Miles

A mild state of concern, Olimak Factor's office, Puddlegum Spire.

Llorn's face hardened as he heard the news Heresh brought, but it was softened as he heard the captain's resolute response.

"Of course, I'll do everything within my power to protect Mem'selle Namia from harm. I'll have words with Master Ichabod regarding some greater enchantments on her armor. I'll need a new supply of high quality tiger's eyes though. I've used up pretty much all the best I had in my own fruitless attempts at enchantment.", he sighed, patting the pistol strapped to his chest.

Despite his outward expression, within Llorn was exultant. For the longest time, Namia had been unsure of the captain's feelings toward her and this surely would resolve her concerns. She was within the protection of a most puissant scion of the Olimakim Host, and she had several powerful allies at her side, to boot. He almost pitied the assassin who wished to try their blades against such a crew.
Namia Shadowdancer

She was stunned. And she felt...things she wasn't sure what she felt but determined was there. She was determined. She looked at Lenore and nodded. "How about something to the effect of: Her Serene Highness, L'ámnia Silverlight, First Daughter of Silverlight Spire, Countess EastWing of Hagan Spire, Baroness of Windsong of Skydancer Spire and Heir presumptive of Hagan Spire does hereby make it known to all Princes and their vassals of the Storm Circle that she is, without bondage, and under her own, free will, under the protection of Lenore of the House Olimak. Let it be known that the unwanted attempts to cease her mortal struggles are without cause and all will be met with the famed Olimak mercy."

She shrugged apologetically, "I'm sure that I could write something better with a little more thought. I'm sorry Captain, I'm afraid I am a bit distracted at the moment. I am feeling a bit emotional but anger, I feel anger. And not just because people are out to kill me, I can understand political motivations for assassination. I am sure I have some cousins who would love to see me dead so that they might have a chance at Hagan, but, I am angry that they would put my friends through this. Look at Master Colby- he's a good ratkin and wants nothing more than to ply his trade and live in peace. Because of these people, that might not happen. What, Captain, what gives them the right to put their lives in danger?"

She sighed and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I am babbling. I've got emotions and they'll take a while to sort out. I understand that something happened back home, that there is now an inquisition, and that the assasins my uncle sent to hunt me down know exactly who I am and where I am, and where to find me. What I do not know is whether or not the Inquisition has removed him, whether or not he is dead, if my cousin is alive and can be trusted. Most mostly, I don't know if Mama is still alive. I feel fear, worry, sorrow, sadness, gratitude, determination, anger, and other things I don't even know." She shrugged her shoulders in apology. "And so I babble. But, I'll stop talking now."
Llorn Miles

A sea of words, Olimak Factor's office, Puddlegum Spire

"And, of course, Her Highness offers her profound and heartfelt gratitude to the good captain of the skyship, The Ember Rose, the most Ascendant Desolater Lenore of the House of Olimak. May she live long enough to see all her foes fall before her blade.", he chipped in with a smile, gently prodding the Spiremaiden with his elbow.
Namia Shadowdancer (Maybe she should go by her real name)

She relaxed at the gentle teasing and smiled at him. "Yes, those words are good too. I am sorry Captain, I momentarily forgot your new title. How remiss of me, I shan't do it again. You have more than earned heartfelt felicitations on your recent promotion."
Olimak Lenore - Olimak Embassy/Office, Puddleglum Spire

There's a wave of fingers as the Captain shakes her head.

"I appreciate the effort, but there is no need for extraneous titles among crew. It is enough that you remember, and act accordingly in formal situations. That is all I would ask of you, at least with regards to titles,"

"Now," continues Lenore, turning once again to the Factor. "As I had been asking, what exactly occurred at Silverlight Spire to facilitate the need for a full Inquisitorial investigation?"

  • The factor informs you the priest can be found at the base of the Spire, and it will take some time to summon him. Unless you wanted to go yourself, in a proper act of piety...

Roland Macrus

The heavy pressure of rain, and the stench bothered Roland, but not that visibly. The needs of impassivity for professionalism had long been an important thing in his life. He gave a little side look to Srikha. "So... is it everything you'd ever hoped for?"
Lezekim Urral Leketh

"The base?" Urral shows her displeasure with the look of disgust she kept at the ready. "Why would someone of Lezekim worship demean their station by locating their personage to the realm of the dregs? They need to be up here among the followers that better personify the Highfather and Master of Pride Himself." She pauses momentarily to briefly consider a plan of action. "Prepare for refitting my armament. I will seek out a blessing when the blessing is located properly to align with Lezek beliefs. Send my fittings to my registered ship, have me sign for it, and send any sort of bill to the Leketh retainer."

Urral turns ready to leave.

"Actually" She speaks over her shoulder before turning back. "Leave a notice for the Priest that a representative of House Lezek stopped by for a blessing and conversation. Let it be known that He missed out on a chance to grant his blessings on a Daughter of Lezek. Do not make it seem like I missed out on his presence."

Urral gives a curtsy respective of the factors station before leaving the Lezekim section of the Spire with a smug look of satisfaction upon her face. Glancing about the busy pathways, the look however quickly vanishes. Unsure of what now to do, Urral begins to slowly wander back in the general direction of the ship. Taking time to observe and absorb the looks of awe she expected.

The base of Puddleglum Spire

She returns Roland's look with a glare of her own and wrinkles her nose at the stench. "Is this like where you come from mercenary?"
Roland Macrus

"Who said I came from a Spire, or anywhere nearby?" Roland retorted, before casting a knowing look and hand across the scene. "Do you think the good stuff in a Spire is outside it? It's really the same in all of them. At the end of the day, that which is not wanted is down here. The shit goes downwards, sometimes literally."

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