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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

"Well I would personally start with the walking on walls thing" I said, smiling at her as I walked to the nearest wall "Because first, that sounds super fucking awesome, and second, at least you know where to start. A wall. With the bubble thing...how you're gonna manage to get that to activate, I have no earthly idea."
Sarah send Oliver a deadpanned look at the last comment and walked up to the wall. "Well I don't exactly know how to change my gravity point either. She glared at the wall and stuck her foot against it. "See? It doesn't work. Now how would you suggest I activate this? You lift me over your head until my feet finally stick to the wall?" She asked. She really didn't know if she could do this.
"Well that's not the worst idea in the world" I said, a smirk creeping onto my lips "Just hold you up there until you miraculously stick. Or just dropkick the wall with both feet and hope that you stick." I chuckled a bit, but then tried to be more serious. "Okay, I guess the best idea I have is you could try just walk onto the wall" I said, demonstrating by walking towards the wall and then putting a foot on it "Just keep walking like you're still on the floor. Close your eyes if you need to, I don't know, just give it a go."
Sarah exhaled a deep breath and took some steps back. "Fine, but if I walk into it, I'll make sure to shove and electronic rod up your ass." She joked and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and started walking as if she was on a cord. She just kept on walking, not really knowing that she was up on the wall and ceiling. "See, I told you it wouldn't wor... Work..." She froze right above Oliver and screamed in panic. It made her loose focus and she dropped, landing right ontop of Oliver.

Je suis Charlie
I had been positioning myself as carefully as I could below Sarah, and I managed to catch her perfectly as she fell, without needing to fall myself. I smiled at her, then realized that I was still carrying her in my arms and carefully put her back on her feet. "See!" I exclaimed, grinning widely at her "You did it. Now next time you should maybe...like...not shit yourself so that you can actually stay on the ceiling." I chuckled and looked up at the ceiling where she had been standing.
I finally got tired of punching the punching bag, so I stopped to catch my breath and looked around. Rather than going to a different machine and further the pain, I focused on the bottle of water now in my hand as I began to think. "There's no way," I mumbled distastefully as I sighed soft. I threw it down in frustration before crossing my arms and silently walking over to where Sarah was. I figured something having to do with walking on walls was one of her powers from the looks of it. "Walking on walls? That's pretty damn cool," I told her with a genuine smile though it immediately fell for only a brief millisecond before making an appearance again.
Sarah let out a small yelp as Oliver caught her and turned slightly red when he put her down, but when he said that she shouldn't shit herself, her embarrassment turned to annoyance. "J-just shut up! It's not like I like heights and your weren't so pretty with that machine of yours either." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. why was she getting so riled up anyways? She looked at Seraphine and sighed. "Thanks, but it's not as cool as you guys' powers." She said. "Anyways... How long do they want us to stay here? We've been here for a good bit."
"Dunno." I said plainly, a little embarrassed that I had ticked Sarah off so much "I don't think they're forcing us to stay. If you really want to leave, you probably can. The thing is, if we leave and go see our families, its gonna make it that much more difficult to come back. Because we do need to be here, to help them with whatever's coming here, but seeing our families could just stop us from realizing that. Could blind us from the fact that no matter how difficult it is to understand, we're pretty much the last hope for this world." I had been frowning and looking into empty space as I was speaking, trying desperately to wrap my head around the concept of saving the entire world.
"Look, Sarah. Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to get you anywhere," I said with a sight as I crossed my arms. "And getting pissed at everyone else isn't going to help either. Maybe instead of doing those things, you should spend your time practicing like everyone else is!" I ended up yelling, my anger washing over me. Before I could say something I would regret, I turned around and walked away, making sure to avoid any contact with Oliver. I picked up my water and found a bench in the far corner of the room and sat down, staring at the bottle silently as if it were going to do something.
Sarah agreed with Oliver he was right. She couldn't go back. Not yet. She was kind of shocked when Serafine started shouting at her. Those words kind of hurt her, what had he done now. "Thanks for helping me, Oliver. Sorry that I basically dropped myself on you. I'm going to practice somewhere else." She said and walked away. She found her way to her room and started practicing there.

Je suis Charlie
I watched Seraphine walk off in a huff, then Sarah decided she would rather be alone and also disappeared, leaving me standing there, very daze and confused as I tried to figure out what had just. "Women..." I said quietly to myself, shaking my head as I walked in the direction that Seraphine had stormed away in, and found her sitting on a bench, concentrating on her water bottle. "Uh..." I said, walking up in front of her but not sitting down just yet "Is everything okay? You got really upset really fast there. You want to talk about something?"
I clenched my jaw angrily as I started squeezing the bottle as hard as I could. I finally got frustrated and slammed the bottle against the walk, forcing the lid off in the process. I watched as the water remained still, but when I proccessed it, The water gave way and poured into the floor. I slowly looked up at Oliver and tilted my head to the right a bit. "Does it really matter? Why not go see how Sarah's doing," I added as I threw the bottle down and moved my gaze to the ground.
I watched as she froze the water, and I was a bit stunned, until she told me to go see Sarah in an extremely jealous tone. "Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me." I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in the air "How do you expect me to do this? To try and comfort you every time you get insecure about every little thing that I do. I mean, I was literally just helping someone because they helped me, and just because that person happens to be an attractive girl, now you have to go get all jealous about it?" Uh oh. Only after I said it, did I realize what I had really just said. Big mistake.

@KneelingAngel @Lexie
I tried my best not to flinch when he shouted at me but it was hard not to. I kept my eyes on the ground, but the moment he said 'attractive', my eyes shot up to him in disbelief. I grabbed another bottle of water and took a sip of it before standing up. I splashed the rest of it in his face and threw the bottle at him. "Go to hell," I spat coldly before turning to walk away. I suddenly stopped and turned back around, not bothering to hide the hurt in my eyes. "And do me a favor. Next time, don't fuck with my feelings just so you can go and fuck her," I said a bit too calmly before walking away, going straight to my room and slamming my door. I laid down and faced my wall as I curled up in a ball and finally allowed the tears to fall.
I didn't try to stop her as she stormed off. I thought she had overreacted, but after what she had just done, she was clearly in no mood to be talked down, especially after what I had just said. I slammed my fist into the wall and groaned with frustration, causing my knuckles to split a little. I sat down on the bench and leaned my head against the wall. Good going, Oli I thought to myself as I banged my head lightly against the wall Real smooth, man.
Connor did not know for the life of him how he would go about practicing with his powers. So, he stuck with things he did know. Like shooting. Then there was the rack of weapons. Sword took time to learn, which he had none of. This would be the first time he would be picking one up. Aiming was much the same, at distance anyway. So, perhaps something with the spray-and-pray option was best. Like a shotgun, smg, heck even an lmg would do. Meanwhile, for when things got close, a bludgeon would do. It didn't take much time to learn how to hit things with that.
Sarah kept on practicing in her room, pacing up and down the ceiling. She tried not to look down/up because of her fear of heights, but she slowly started to build up her courage. She eventually found out that she could also lay and sit on the ceiling, it was like she was stuck to it which seemed kind of funny. Maybe her powers weren't too bad after all. Sarah was sitting on the ceiling, wondering how her blood didn't run to her head when she heard a door slam shut. Sarah jumped to the floor and walked out of her room, trying to figure out which door had been slammed shut. She wanted to check up on Serafine, but if the girl was pissed off then she'd rather not mess with her. Sarah took a deep breath and headed back to the training room with some sodas that she had taken from the canteen. "Hey guys, I brought some sodas for the ones who want one." She said with a small smile.
Connor stopped his practice with the ever graceful and complex club to look at the drinks. He didn't trust them, ge hasn't trusted anything all day. But he was getting thirsty. And you can survive longer without food then you can without water. So he ran into a problem, trust that these people didn't put something in the water supply (heh, joke) or go thirsty. The first option won out as he set aside the club and walked over to the waiting drinks, beads of water already forming in them.
Sarah smiled as Connor walked over and handed him a drink. "So what were your powers again?" She asked. She hadn't really talked to this guy much and getting to know each other never hurt anyone. They we're gonna be a team after all, so they had to get to know and trust each other. Wasn't a team always build on trust? If they had to save the world then all of them had to open up, not that she liked the idea completely, but it was a must.
"Earth and air manipulation apparently." he said after taking a couple of drinks. "But I don't know what they are talking about or how to practice." he admited to her. This was the first time he had heard he had powers. Why would they expect him to know how to control and use his powers? It was ridiculous. Why can't they just point a nuke at it or something, like in "Independance Day."
Sarah just smiled at him and laughed softly. "I didn't know how to control my powers until Oliver help me. Maybe being outside can help you train your powers. There's not a whole lot of earth or wind inside." She suggested and took a drink herself. "You seem to have really cool powers, it would be sad if we let them go to waist. Sounds ridiculous though, huh?" She asked. "Having powers sounds really weird."

Je suis Charlie
I walked over to Sarah had the drinks, and I grabbed one with a polite smile, but didn't say anything as I walked over to the Manonites again. I attempted to draw energy from them, but I was so frustrated already that I didn't have the patience to try and concentrate on them. I sighed loudly, and rather went to start training on the punching bags, to release my anger, before I tried to practice my powers. But once again I started punching the bags to hard, and my knuckles that were only just starting to heal slowly started to split again.
I slowly managed to force myself to calm down but it didn't help. I got up and slowly trudged over to my piano, sitting down and looking around. I focused my gaze on the keys before bringing my hand up and pressing the keys, immediately stopping when the displeasing sound came out. It was only then that I realized I had nothing anymore. My feelings were numb and I couldn't even play in order to take my mind off of everything.
"Yeah." Connor said before taking another sip and realizing that there was nothing left. "But I think it means more like air, instead of wind. Air is everywhere. And I would love to go outside, if they'll let us." Setting the now empty bottle down, he looks one last time at her, says "These people think we can do what they said we can do. Shame I don't know how to go about seeing if they are right." And with that, he goes back to the shooting range. That was his cycle, or would be anyway. Range, club, drink, repeat. He didn't practice with his power, because he didn't even know how to work, activate, or what ever it was he did to get his powers going.
"Oh wow, I never really thought of wind and air like that. Cool!" Sarah smiled as she talked to Connor. She watched him go back to the shooting range and finished her drink. She looked around and saw Oliver basically have this gloom hanging over his head. What was it with people today? She shrugged it off before leaving the training hall. She kind of thought about what Connor said about outside. They couldn't go HOME but no one said anything about OUTSIDE. And if she found a way out then maybe she could figure out where the hell they were. She would have to ask Tobias first though, probably. "Hey Tobias, you around??" She called down the halls.

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