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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

Sarah followed the others into the training room and looked around. It looked really cool, but it wasn't totally her thing though. She wasn't very athletic and her powers weren't the most awesome either. Since everybody had to train though, she found a treadmill and started walking. How could she use her powers? She didn't even know how to activate them!

Je suis Charlie
KneelingAngel said:
Sarah followed the others into the training room and looked around. It looked really cool, but it wasn't totally her thing though. She wasn't very athletic and her powers weren't the most awesome either. Since everybody had to train though, she found a treadmill and started walking. How could she use her powers? She didn't even know how to activate them!
Je suis Charlie
Ha just like Jacob and his second ability (but I really need help with his second power can you give me a suggestion on how to use his second power which is 'breaking the laws of time and space' I really need help) xD
(Sarah has really cool powers, she just doesn't think so. When it comes to your second powers, you could say that you could slow time for a couple of seconds. =^^=)

Je suis Charlie
KneelingAngel said:
(Sarah has really cool powers, she just doesn't think so. When it comes to your second powers, you could say that you could slow time for a couple of seconds. =^^=)
Je suis Charlie
What about breaking the laws of space the thing.
((You can't have breaking the laws of time and space as a power because that basically means you sre a god. If you want a non OP second power use the one KneelingAngel suggested, the ability to slow down time for like 7 seconds or something...))
JKthegreat said:
((You can't have breaking the laws of time and space as a power because that basically means you sre a god. If you want a non OP second power use the one KneelingAngel suggested, the ability to slow down time for like 7 seconds or something...))
Connor did not pay much mind to what everyone was doing. He did, however, notice that someone went over to the shooting range and picked up a bow instead of a gun. "Idiot." he grumbled to himself. Making his way to the range with the girl, pushing if he had to, he picked up a gun. He hadn't fired anythi g like this before, a bb gun or .22 rifle at camp. But nothing like an assault rifle. But, they couldn't be that different. Safety was where it was supposed to be, the sights weren't to complicated. And he knew that to open end pointed towards the target. So, he did everything his dad and. Arious instructors had taugh him. Aim at the center, breath in, breath out, breath in, hold, and fire. From their, adjusting to hit more towards the center was easy. And once he was done shooting, he could adjust the sights completely.

The kick back was a lot less then he expected, and the first shot was down and to the left. Adjusting, he fires in quick, three shot bursts. After the first shot, the rest clustered nicely in the yellow. "Gun." he says, lifting the now empty gun, ammunition spent, "Is better then bow." Why does everyone think it's the other way around? If tht was true, nobody would have made the switch to guns.
I noticed Conner walk up and take his time shooting the gun. Rolling my eyes, I shook my head slightly and crossed my arms. "So immature. It's not a matter of what's better considering its all a matter of opinion. You like guns, I like bows and arrows. A bow is just as effective as a gun if you know how to shoot it, which I do. In fact," I continued as I pulled another arrow, "I'm willing to be fifty bucks I can split that arrow with this one because practice makes perfect and I've practiced enough that I have to say I'm damn near perfect at it."
Jacob sees everyone start practicing and he sighs knowing he'll have to practice today so he walks to a giant chunk of metal and looks at it and starts to inspect it looking for any blemishes and cracks and starts writing a strange symbol that appeared in his head and starts drawing on the side of the block where it was facing everybody and finishes the circle and unwraps his hand and puts them on the circle and thinks of an animal and white lightning starts shooting everywhere and hits a wall leaving a giant burn mark and the giant block starts to waver and Jacob is still touching it while the Lightning is going past his hands burning them even more and a giant explosion could be heard and Jacob goes flying back on the floor and gets back up panting hard and walks toward the smoke that used to be the block and sticks his hands out and a giant servant head could be seen and the smoke dissipates and a giant metallic snake could be seen moving around while Jacob was still panting hard and starts to pant harder for a reason.
((Dude...full stops/periods/any form of punctuation need to be a thing in these sentences...))

I walked around the training area, taking in as much as I could of the area before touching anything. Even though I knew my dad still thought of me as his son, and he worked here, I still definitely did not believe a word they said nor did I trust most of the things that they did. The only reason I ate breakfast was because I saw Tobias eat some before us. I eventually found a massive shelf of hundreds of cells, with writhing lights inside of them. "Those are for you" Tobias said, creeping up behind me and almost making me jump "They are called Manonites. They are small cells filled with doses of electricity, and they are able to, once the electricity has been removed from one, reproduce more and fill themselves again completely independently. Very useful little tools." I nodded, and attempted to to focus my energy on drawing the contents of one of the cells. I felt the sparks hit my finger tips, but only for a moment and I hadn't managed to draw practically anything from the cell. "Don't worry, it just takes some time" Tobias said, as warm as ever "You'll get the hang of it."
JKthegreat said:
((Dude...full stops/periods/any form of punctuation need to be a thing in these sentences...))
I walked around the training area, taking in as much as I could of the area before touching anything. Even though I knew my dad still thought of me as his son, and he worked here, I still definitely did not believe a word they said nor did I trust most of the things that they did. The only reason I ate breakfast was because I saw Tobias eat some before us. I eventually found a massive shelf of hundreds of cells, with writhing lights inside of them. "Those are for you" Tobias said, creeping up behind me and almost making me jump "They are called Manonites. They are small cells filled with doses of electricity, and they are able to, once the electricity has been removed from one, reproduce more and fill themselves again completely independently. Very useful little tools." I nodded, and attempted to to focus my energy on drawing the contents of one of the cells. I felt the sparks hit my finger tips, but only for a moment and I hadn't managed to draw practically anything from the cell. "Don't worry, it just takes some time" Tobias said, as warm as ever "You'll get the hang of it."
Sorry on school and rushing my posts.
((Yo if you need to rush a post that much, my personal opinion is rather either write a very short but well written post or don't post at all and wait until you have some more time or something.))
JKthegreat said:
((Yo if you need to rush a post that much, my personal opinion is rather either write a very short but well written post or don't post at all and wait until you have some more time or something.))
(Srry man)
"Deal." He did not care how much practice she had. He had only seen one person Robin Hood an arrow. And that was one of his Scout Masters. The shaft was also made of aluminum, so he wasn't able to exactely split it. But it did get stuck. And he was rather certain that they had only aluminum shafts, and no wooden ones. Then another thought struck him, how were they supposed to finish the bet? They didn't have money.
"When we get money that is," I said simy as I checked out the shaft of the arrow. "Perfect...don't think I don't know what I'm doing," I said as I carefully positioned the arrow and aimed. "Anything can split. Wood, plastic, aluminum, even steel with just the right amount of force," I said with a small smile and pulled back as far as possible. "Deep breath in...deep...breath.....out," I said softly as I released the arrow, a small smirk on my face. "Dead center." A smirk on my face, I set the bow down and turned away. "I'll be patient," I said and walked away. I found some tape and tapes my hands up before heading into a changing room and changed into my gym clothes. I walked out and went straight to the punching bag before instantly beginning to punch it.
Sarah eventually stepped off of the treadmill, quite bored, so she started walking around again. She saw Connor and Seraphine keeping themselves busy at the shooting range, but she knew that it would be quite useless if she tried. She had never fired a weapon after all. After walking around a bit she found Tobias and Oliver talking. She watched the man walk away before stepping up to Oliver. "Found something interesting?" She asked him. Hopefully it would entertain her more then the treadmill.


(Sorry for not replying for a while. Didn't really get any alerts :/ )
I was testing out my power on the little cells, when Sarah crept up behind me and almost made me shit myself. "Jesus!" I exclaimed, chuckling a little bit at my surprise "You scared the shit outta me. Uh...yeah I did actually find something. These little things." I gestured to the Manonites, smiling with wild interest at her before continuing "They're called Manonites. They were created for me, to train with. They all contain certain amounts of electricity that I'm supposed to draw out, and when I do they make more to automatically fill themselves. Apparently they fill themselves in about three seconds. Pretty amazing, except I can't use them. I've tried to draw from them, but it just doesn't want to work." I frowned as I tried to draw the electricity from one of them again, but once again all that happened was sparks flew from finger tips, making me sigh.

A laugh escaped Sarah when she scared Oliver, she really hasn't mean to do that. She watched him talk about the manonites and showed her. "Oh wow, that is interesting." She said and examined them without touching it. "I wouldn't worry about not being able to drag energy from it, at least you know a bit how your powers work. Maybe you should focus on drawing energy from yourself first." She said with a small smile. "Once you got that under control, this should be a piece of cake." She said and pointed at the manonites.

Je suis Charlie
I nodded as Sarah spoke, trying a to work out what she meant and to figure out how I would draw the energy from myself. "Okay, I kinda see what you're saying" I said, after she had finished speaking "But the problem is right now that I can't workout how to draw from anything." I decided to give it a go in any case. I closed my eyes and tried to focus all my energy into my finger tips. I could eventually, after a few moments, actually feel warmth slowly moving across my body towards my finger tips. As they got to my finger tips, my eyes shot opened and I aimed my hand at the titanium walls that were meant to withstand our powers. A small bolt shot out, not nearly as powerful or bright as the one I had produced after the machine had pumped energy into me, but probably still enough to knock someone out pretty easily. I was about to jump for joy, but I then felt how much energy I had lost from using the power and I fell to one knee, my head pounding a little. "Well it worked" I croaked, my head spinning as I remained on one knee.

Sarah jumped back when Oliver send a shockwave through him and into the wall. A big smile was plastered on her face. "That is so cool!" She smiled, but it disappeared when he fell to his knee. She crouched down in front of him with a bit of a panicked look. "Oliver, are you okay?" She asked. She didn't want to touch him incase he could hurt her. "Told you you could do it." She smiled.

Je suis Charlie
I coughed a couple times and struggled to my feet. "Yeah, I can do it" I said, facing her with a weak smile "But I shouldn't do it. Just that one small bolt without drawing on something else made me feel like the next morning after I've had like six bottles of triple vodka by myself. I need to learn how to draw the energy from other things, unless I have a death wish. Anyway, enough about me, how're you doing? Getting anywhere with your powers?" I could feel the energy in my body sort of starting to rebuild, and I now looked as if nothing had happened.
"Well it's always good to be able to take energy from yourself just in case. You never know when a emergency might pop up." Sarah was kind of surprised that he asked about her powers and shrugged. "I have no idea how to even start training them, they're all lame anyways so it feels kind of useless. I wouldn't want to get in everybody's way." She said with a small sad smile. Honestly she wanted to have cool powers, but changing her point of gravity and creating a defense shield bubble thing didn't seem as cool as Oliver's power or any other power that the others had.

Je suis Charlie
I shook my head and said "Well no matter how lame you think they are, you've clearly helped me a lot with my power, so I'm gonna help you with yours in return. Which one do you want to try first? I'm not even going to try and venture into my second one yet, seems too weird, so I would suggest that you try just one for now." I smiled at her, trying to be as encouraging as possible.
"Well." Sarah signed, she did have to admit that Oliver was a little bit right. "I can either change my point of gravity, so I guess walking on walls or something and I can create a defense shield bubble sort of thing. I wouldn't know with which one to start, which one would you suggest?" She asked

Je suis Charlie

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