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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

Sarah went to sit down next to Oliver and smirked secretly. So she had guessed right with those two. "She will be fine and if not then we both take the blame for it. I didn't mean to get her jealous, I'm sorry for starting your fight." She said with a small sigh. If he hasn't helped her then they wouldn't have had the problem, but it wasn't their fault that Seraphine had acted like a little kid. "If you knew it was going to end bad, why did you step up to her in the first place?" She asked out of curiosity.

Je suis Charlie
I shook my head and looked down at the ground again as I responded. "We we're all in a bad place" I said, eventually looking up at Sarah "I heard her playing her music and we got to talking, and the rest was history. Plus, our fight would actually have just ended right after she got mad for training if I hadn't said something really, really stupid. As for why I broke it off, I felt that I was doing the right thing for both of us, because this whole relationship seems like it was just something that happened because we were both not handling this place very well. She deserves more than that."
Sarah listened to him and nodded her head in understanding. "You deserve more then that too, you know. All of us are strangers to each other. You can't just jump into a relationship with a total stranger especially not the way we all are. First we all need to become a team, then we can figure out the rest." She said with a smile. "We're all having a tough time, so you shouldn't be embarrassed if you are too. You don't have to be strong for anybody. We're all panicking wether we admit it or not and we all make mistakes because of that." Sarah leaned back in her chair and looked at the door, wondering what was going on behind it.

Je suis Charlie
I was about to respond, when Tobias came out of Seraphine's room door and looked at us as he spoke. "Shes starting to wake up, but we've restrained her just in case she decides to try and cut herself again or something" he said, trying to persuade us that they were only doing all of this for her own good "I promise you, if she still wants to leave in a little while once we've given her some time to cool off, she can go and we'll even take her back home if she wants. You guys can go in if you want." I stood up to go, but then hesitated. "Actually" I said, leaning against the wall and crossing my arms "I only came to make sure she was okay. She doesn't want to see me at the moment, I can guarantee that."
Sarah stood up when Tobias came out of the door. She listened to Oliver afterwards and rolled her eyes. "Go in there, stupid. The least you can do is apologize." Sarah said and pointed at the door with her other hand on her hip. "She's gonna have to trust you eventually and the sooner you two start making up, the better. I don't mean it in the romantic way, but as team mates." She said and started walking away, she had to think of an escape route incase anything happened to any of them.

Je suis Charlie
When I slowly started to come to, I groaned softly just before pain dhot up my arm, making me scream in pain. Finally managing to calm down, I panted softly as I began to think about everything that happened. I went to go get up but immediately realized I was being held down. Glancing over, I saw Tobias in the doorway and gritted my teeth. "Get your ass over here and get me out of these things! Don't you think that if you hold me down, I'll just tank them until I hurt myself even more? Besides, I'm done. If I wanted to kill myself I would have. "Now let me go and....." I trailed off. I had to clear up one thing. "I want to see Oliver. Alone," I said quietly though it was audible. "I wasn't even sure what I wanted anymore. I didn't trust anyone in this situation except for two people and that was Oliver and Sarah, believe it or not, and I wanted to talk to each of them alone.
I heard Seraphine say that she wanted to talk to me alone, and just before Tobias was going to protest, I stepped through the door and said "Tobias, just take the restraints off." He did as he was told, leaving the room and shutting the door. I sighed and thought about sitting on the edge of her bed, but then decided against it because I thought she didn't want to be very close to me, so I settled for leaning against the wall. "Seraphine...I..." I tried to think of something to say, but all I could come up with was "I'm sorry."
I rubbed my wrists and ankles from the restraints before looking down at the bandage on my arm. "Don't say that. Please..." I said softly as I looked up at him. "Just sit down so we can talk like civilized people," I added quietly as I crossed my legs and placed my hands in my lap. "If you're thinking I hate you, as much as I want to, I don't. We all just met yesterday and we did rush into that. Which is exactly why I plan on actually getting to know you and hopefully try again," I said with a small laugh in an attempt to lighten up the mood but then sighed. "But the moment I see you kiss her I'm categorizing you as a hypocrite and then you'll have hell to pay for being a hypocrite," I warned him with a serious tone. "Either way...I was being serious when I said I hope to try again later on after we get to know each other. I've been taken from my home, locked up here and shot in the shoulder, which still hurts like fucking hell. I don't trust him and I sure as hell don't trust anyone here besides you and Sarah because I haven't talked to anyone else to figure that out. And Tobias better do something real big to regain my trust considering he's the one that shot me." I finally said as I looked at him.
I nodded as she spoke, trying to make sure I heard everything she said before I responded. "Well hearing you say that you don't hate me is a good start." I said with a smile as I took a seat in the chair next to her bed "And we can try again, if you want, after we take some time to get to know each other. As for Tobias, he was trying to stop you from hurting yourself anymore, I think, don't give him too hard a time." I purposefully didn't comment on what she said about being a hypocrite. There was a definitie connection between Sarah and I, that I couldn't really explain, but I wasn't about to say that now.
"So he tries to help me by shooting me. Okay," I said as I rolled my eyes and studied him for what seemed like forever before shaking my head. "Wow, really? You think I can't read you, Oliver? Just fucking typical. Perfect guy falls for the perfect blonde cheerleader. How about instead of hiding things from me you actually tell me. Not being completely honest with me is not a good way to go right now and you would think that I actually deserve that much but I guess not. The ugly brunette loses everything and nearly self destructs and can't even get the honesty of those she's supposed to trust."
I sighed and looked up at her as I spoke. "Fine, you want me to be honest. Then here's the truth." I said, allowing myself to just tell her everything that I felt or thought "I don't know. The truth is that I don't know very much at the moment. But I'll tell you what I do know. I know that I like you a lot, and that hasn't changed. I do know that we rushed into what we did and I think it was right to end it for now. I do know that I would definitely consider trying again at some stage." I paused before continuing with my thoughts "I also know that I feel a strong connection with Sarah. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but its there. I know that I am attracted to both of you, but what straight guy in the world wouldn't be. The thing is, there's too much that I don't know for me to be making decisions on the stuff that I do." I had kept my gaze locked with hers as I spoke, and i didn't break it as I waited for her response.
I kept my eyes on his, sighing when he finally finished talking though I didn't move my eues. "Thank you," I said softly as I finally broke my gaze. "All I wanted was for you to be completely honest with me. Am I upset that you have a connection with her that you don't have with me? Yes, but now that I'm calm, I can handle the truth. Besides the last thing I need is to make an enemy out of either of you because I still don't trust this place," I Said softly as I looked back up at him, secretly wanting to hug him though I knew it wouldn't be the best idea.
I nodded as she spoke, and was glad that she was in agreement that we couldn't completely trust this place. "Sarah and I said the same thing" I said, once she was finished and she was looking at me again "We can't trust anyone or anything about this place for certain for awhile, so we decided that we're gonna give it another week or so to see how genuine they are, and if anything goes horribly wrong, we're gonna make a break for it and try and go it by ourselves. As a team, no matter what." I paused to let what I had said sink in and finally added "Anything else you need to talk to me about at the moment?"
I thought for a moment and nodded ever so slightly, surprised at myself that I was actually staying. "Okay...but if I'm staying at least another week then he better start by fixing my room which includes my guitar and piano. I kind of messed it all up in my fit of rage so if you don't mind telling him that...I'd appreciate it... And one more thing," I said before I could stop myself with a small, nervous sigh. "Can I have a hug? Please...." I said softly as I heaitantly kept my eyes on him.
"Yeah, of course I'll tell him" I said, as I stood up to walk out, before she asked me for a hug. I turned quickly on my heel with a smile and said "Of course." before walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her, pulling her into a warm hug. "Never do anything like this again, though" I said quietly into her ear as I gently rubbed her back "Fight or no fight you scared the living shit outta me. You promise you won't?"
"I can't promise but I can try," I said softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Old habits seem to always make a reappearance," I added before reluctantly pulling back and pulling the collar of my shirt over my right shoulder showing a long scar and shrugged. "It just acted as an escape," I said softly before thinking. "Can you tell Sarah I want to see her? I want to clear some things up with her too," I told him as I pulled him back into a tight hug. "But keep in mind that I'm gonna hold you to trying it again."
I nodded as I eventually pulled away from the hug and smiled at her as I walked to the door. "I'll call Sarah in now." I said as I paused for a bit at the door "But once you're done talking to her you should get some rest. I think you lost quite a lot of blood before they managed to stitch you up, so you're probably gonna need it." With that, I left and closed the door quietly behind me. Sarah was close by, so I found her quickly. "Hey" I said, smiling at her as I approached "Seraphine says she wants to talk to you. Don't really know what for, but she requested you specifically."
Sarah had gone to sit by a table to check out the map. The facility was bigger then she had first thought. She was so taken in to the map that she forgot all about time and soon Oliver popped up. "She wants to talk to me?" Sarah asked and tilted her head in confusion. "Well okay." She said and stood up before heading to Semele's room. "So what's up?" She asked the girl. "You feeling any better? You really gave us a scare back there, especially Oliver."

Je suis Charlie
I looked up when Sarah came in and sighed softly. "I was upset and lost control. I was happy and he ripped it from me but I understand why. And I don't hate you either. To be honest, I'm jealous of you. You're smart, you're gorgeous....and he has a connection with you. Which I'm extremely upset about but he made a point. We all don't even know each other that well. And I sure as hell don't trust this place. Maybe I did somewhat before I got shot," I said as I rolled my shoulder. "But that was it for me. They have to do something big for me to trust them. And if they don't and we do make a break for it, I'm going with you," I said with a small smile as I looked at her.
Sarah was quite surprised to hear that all from Seraphine but she appreciated it. "Look, forget the whole connection thing. For all we know it could be a fake feeling, just instinct in being in a new, hostile environment. I might click with Oliver, but doesn't mean that we're soul mates. I have a click with all of you. What Oliver and I have it probably a blond thing so don't worry about it, okay? We all need to team up first before with think of anything else." She said with a small smile. "And I'm not the only one who's pretty, he came to you first, didn't he?" She smirked. "Anyways.. Here is a map for you." Sarah said and handed Seraphine the paper. "I'm gonna find us an emergency exit so that we can leave as soon as possible incase anything happens. we can train and save the world ourselves. The Avengers didn't need SHIELD, so we don't need these guys. I'll make sure to know the entire facility so you can all come with me... Now, are you okay?" Sarah asked.
"Just because he came to me first doesn't mean I'm pretty. Hell there's nothing special about me but there's nothing I can do about that," I said with a small shrug as I looked at her. "Anyway apparently I have to get rest though I'm not going to," I said as I held out my arms. "Come here," I said with a smile and laughed a bit. "And do you think you could help me with my powers? I don't even know where to start and the most I've done was freeze it in a bottle and I don't even think I could redo that if I tried."
Sarah didn't really know what to do with the outstretched arm, but walked up next to her. "I'll help you with your powers, if you stop bing so insecure about yourself." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Don't tell me that you're not special when you can play the piano and the guitar, I'll bet that you can also sing. you're more talented then me so that makes you special too. Oh and if you've forgotten, we also have super powers." She said and looked at Seraphine. "We can work on your powers once your arm is better, last thing we want for you is to rip your stitches." She said and took a deep breath. "Try to get some rest."
"Not until you get your blonde ass over here and give me a hug," I said with a serious tone though a smile was plastered on my face. I kept my arms stretched out as I raised an eyebrow and smiled softly. "And would you mind going to my room, ignore the mess, and grab my journal off my bedside table and a pen?" I asked as I looked up at her.
Sarah sighed and rolled her eyes before giving Seraphine a hug. "Okay, I'll go get it. Get some sleep though. I'll make sure you have it once you've rested." She said and started to walk out, closing the door behind her. She looked at Oliver and smiled. "Come on, let's go get Seraphine's journal and head outside afterwards. I feel like partying." She said and headed for the dorms.

Je suis Charlie
"Sounds like exactly what I need" I said with a smile as I walked with her. We got to Seraphine's room and opened the door, stepping inside slowly as I looked around. "Jesus..." I said, quite shocked by how much she had destroyed. I tried to ignore it and quickly found her journal lying on her destroyed piano. I threw it over to Sarah and closed the door as we headed back to Seraphine's room.

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