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Fandom Everyday life with monster girls House Kai

(lol I said sweet unless angered in the personality so take that

xD the panties triggered her there was no abuse without reason)

After that Isis went back to normal and promised to herself she would never speak of this again as long as she shall live.

*Pokes cheek*

"You okay?, oh come on I didn't kill ya"

he opened his eyes... "yeah.." *zoom out to a bruised up Kai. "I figured as much...." Gentlemen, don't go into panties just like that without knowing what they are "I would say what were they, but Nothing." he rubbed his face sitting up "owowowowoow"

"That's something you don't need to know..."

She did feel a bit bad afterwards but hey he brought it on himself.

"Anyways, what do you think?, you know about me and fairy being here?, I'm sort of curious"
"surprisingly I am aware, just didn't know it'll be girls but i thought there are no such thing as fairies, Lamias are one thing to know but fairies arn't my style" he rubbed his nose and sniffed. "i think its cool enough to know another person."
"Oh were all real, Lamias, Fairies, Elves, Vampires, Centaurs, Harpys the list could go on and on but I think you get it, cool to know another person you say?, that's an interestng perspective on it"

"Well, you are a person arn't you? You have a heart, a mind, a personality, an body, a voice, lungs, you breathe air. You're a person." describing Isis as he checked her out a bit, describing her features as a person
"then you're a person." he sat up more to a stand and began to walk. "And if anyone gives you a hard time of anything BUT a person dont get too worked up cause they dont know you and dont go apeshit, the law of the Exchange Bill: (Smith's voices over) "That number 1 on this Bill is that no inter-species must harm any other human other than their home master. It's basically the only family they CAN hit on" *wink* (fadeout)

Kai: "Im gonna go take a bath, make yourself at home" he said for the third time.

Wow, that big-boob lady really was a strange one.

"You said that three times already, and okay take your time then"

She really wasn't sure what to think about all of this but she did know that she agreed to stay here and so long as no more incidents like earlier occured she may even come to like it here eventually.
The hot water bath was up and Kai sank into it, "now this.... is a bath..." It was bigger than a Jacuzzi, it was doubled up a one though. Steam came off the top and it was relaxing.
While she waited for him to finish with his bath she organized her books on a shelf making sure to hide those questionable ones. She didn't particularly like humans and yet she had all kinds of books on the culture. She was so uninterested that she was interested in them. That was the knowledge she used, she found some things interesting like how they haven't come up with a world-wide species language yet or how people like her were limited to just myths to most.

Kai soaked in the bath and had a video out; Krillin: "i was on Namik, shit got crazy, i got stabbed and blown up." Yamcha:"i got stabbed and blown up too, and dumped by the only girlfriend i ever had." Krillin: "Same, but you know the difference? Whe mine left, she took all my money. When yours left, she took all her money." ........ Roshi: "Gonna need a Senzu for that one..."

Isis tried to keep her attention on her book but got distracted by the rather loud video.


*Barges in with the poking stick*

"Who the hell's in here?! Break into this house you get beat with my wood!"

She probably could have phrased that better.
Kai turned around with his video on. "Huh?!" when he heard her and "beat you with my wood" scared to hear a girl say that but then he sees her barging in like a bat out of hell. it was a good thing he sad soap and nearly a towel on him. "What the hell!??? Isis!" the towel was loose enough for one more jumpscare left. and the video ranted on: "Before I take these Dragon Balls and leave my associates here to clean up, is there anything you’d like to say to me, Vegeta?

Vegeta: As a matter of fact there is. Look at your men. Now back to me. Now look back at your men. Back to me. I am not your men. I’m flipping you off. Now look at the ground. Back to me. Where’s the Dragon Ball? It’s gone. I threw it. AND THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING YOU CAN--

Burter: (lands with the Dragon Ball) Here you go, bossss.

Ginyu: Thank you, Burter.

Burter: 'sss what I do.

Vegeta: But--but I chucked that son of a bitch as hard as I could!

Burter: Oh, you can’t beat my speed. I’m the fastest in the universe.

Krillin: (offscreen) That’s what she said!"

Isis screeched.


well that was a bummer. She was looking forward to beating someone today. Wait, didn't she already do that?
Kai jumps back into the water and turns around. "Gah You Didn't SeeAnything, actually you saw something, just dont speak of it!"

"Pourqoui?, Eh?


Nous ne serons jamais parler de cela à nouveau."


"Je Parlez-Ingles?"

"Ahem, Engerish Oui, Oui"

*smacks self*

"I apologize I saw something I shouldn't have, I guess it has weird effects"


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