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Fantasy Everton Heights Characters~ CLOSED

Name: Beatrix Clay

Age: (Unknown)

Gender: Female

Birthday: October 24th, XXXX

Human Appearance:


Ranking: None

Personality: Beatrix has a flirty, snarky personality, she HATES Ayden with a passion, she works alone, an ex to the Vampire group and an ex to Ayden. She's has a pretty dark and horrible personality. (More Development in roleplay.

Bio: Beatrix has been bitten into the Vampiric pack Ayden's family had grown up in, she has lived with them for awhile, until Ayden and her Dated for a bit, ending in heartbreak. She became an emotional wreck, and soon after Ayden left, she left too. She's now on the hunt for Ayden to murder him, or give him back over to the vampires.

1. Blood
2. Death
3. Alcohol
4. Smoke
5. Fashion
1. Rudeness
2. Smart - Aleks
3. Dating
4. Fighters
5. Betrayal
Close friends:
Romantic Interests:
PM/OOC me.

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