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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

((I love the little "DO IT!" at the beginning of the song. It makes me want to make my memes come true.))

Chloe once more weaved around certain death, quite conveniently. And definitely not at fault of the fact that she is a total Mary-Sue, like was I on hard drugs when I thought to myself, "My FNaF ocs are gonna be a bazooka cat and a katana dog." I don't know the answer myself tbh. "No no no no! We're not the enemy, you, in a way are the enemy, you can trust us, we- hold on what the frick just happened with that belly-talking motherf**KER GET BACK HERE YOU RECOLOUR-LOOKING ASSWIPE FITE ME I WILL LITERALLY STAPLE YOUR NONEXISTANT ROBOT BALLS TO YOUR UGLY F**KBOY FACE WE ARE NOT FILTHY CASUALS WE ARE HYGENIC GODS OF THE WELL-PACED- Wait, that ass interrupted our dramatic fight." Chloe paused to cough up some friendless pellets she had inhaled from the flowey bombs. "Ahem. We too, have met the terrible fate of undeath, please, cease your attacks and let us fully work this out, you have to remember us!"
(Lol, I liked that too.) [media]

[/media] "Remember you? We've never seen you before! But fine, explain yourself, considering what just happened... However, ANYONE can make a SHOW out of a defeat!" Said Riptrap, drifting slowly to the ground, with electricity surrounding the area fading. He did not, however, let go of his guitar axe into the void, instead, he clutched it ever so slightly tighter, expecting a possible attack. He seemed itching for some real action, and real bloodshed, as if anything could tip him off and make him go fabulously berserk. He saw a white face in the background.(@The Unamed Beast)
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Winter just looked at the rabbit with confusion. She wondered why he was so made. She would have said something, but her voice was disabled due to her being deactivated. That way she could not make noise while in storage
'Of course I am not known, I come out only three months of the year, why was I expecting someone to recognize me?' Winter thought as she walked out of the shadows. The white fox animatronic had some mechanics showing and a red and green scarf. She was the winter edition of mangle, except she was not all torn to shreds.
(Okay, so basically, Riptrap is cycling through giving each soul he has complete control, and that opens them up for being "saved" and having them all remember who they are and who they're fighting. Ripper and Freddy have already been saved, and now Bonnie and Chica are in control. There's just one more soul to save after them. Who could it be?)
Toy Chica walked up to the monster creature, if that bunny ghost girl could talk to whoever Ripper was she should be able to talk to her friends, "Freddy? Bonnie? Chica? Can you guys hear me?" She asked, Sugar floating right next to her.

"Hm? How do you know our names? And... why do you look like us?" Riptrap asked, looking at Toy Chica for an answer.
"I'm Angelina, stage name Toy Chica. This is Sugar but you guys know that because we're friends. Remember I use to be an animatronic before I was freed from my suit, now I'm a human ghost that wears a yellow dress" she said. She just wanted her friends back, and this was the closest she was since they were killed.
"...Friends?" Riptrap looked a bit confused, and the voices in his head came back, urging him to remember something that he didn't quite grasp yet.
Angelina was nervously trying to remember more memories, "I bake cakes! And cupcakes. Fred you sing. Bon-Bon you play the guitar and you Chica are like an older sister to me! Please come back" she said. Sugar tried comforting Angelina, and she hugged her cupcake, waiting for her friends to response.
"Hm, if we are friends, then tell us, who was one of the gang's other great friends, who wasn't an animatronic." Riptrap asked anxiously, trying to confirm what he thought.
Angelina sighed, "But you know I have a horrible memory and we had so many friends!" She was trying really hard to remember, "We had the Marionette, that girl named Mary and oh! There was a boy, he was a lot of fun but he had such a horrible past. His name was I cant remember but we use to call him... Richard? Rick?... Rinny? Umm.. Ripper? Ripper!! We use to call him Ripper!" She said hoping it was the right answer.

Bonita was confused

(Me: I'm just hoping it's the right answer)
(You're still in this bud, just because you're not exactly in the convo at the moment doesn't mean you can't insert yourself into the story.)
Chloe looked RipTrap dead in the eyes. "I'm the misfit cat. Valentine's shadow. If you don't remember her, she's the corgi lying on the ground cringing at her attempt to- Never mind. Look, I know you don't remember any of us, but please, just trust me. You've been lied to by many, but I'm not going to add to that number."
"Hm, really? It DOES feel like I've seen you all before. In fact, your name is Chloe, right? Yes, yes, and Valentine was... oh my. What happened to you, Valentine! Don't despair, we'll find some spare parts and-" Riptrap worried face scrunched up in extreme pain and let out a horrific scream. His eyes flashed only one color. Purple.


"You know, sometimes... when I'm lying awake at night, I remember what I've done. I laugh and laugh. Sometimes, I cry all through the night. But these are just words, and I've yet to introduce myself. Hello, hello, my name is Vincent, and the party is yet to start." Riptrap, or, should I say, Vincent, let out a laugh.

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