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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

((Today was a great day to be uncreative, brain. Any ideas for the name because I just spent ten minutes thinking about possible names and all of them are terrible. By all of them I mean two. "Undertale: Surfaced Complication" they be on the surface and bad shiz happens or whatever and "Determination." oh wow gg brain 11/10 creativity may as well paint with green))

Chloe stumbled away from the large flash of light just in time to see Valentine realise her idiocy and start to help. The corgi slashed at RipTrap's form, almost taking off his head. Chloe ran away, steering the room's animatronics to another. "Any ideas as to how we beat that dude?!" Chloe grumbled, checking behind the door every so often, hand at eyepatch and bazooka ready to aim.
(oshit the posts tho)

Polly responded to Chloe, "I can feel nostalgia building inside me. The best way is to cause mutiny, get someone else at the helm. Freddy was always a good leader, perhaps he can use those skills now." He turned back to Riptrap, who was most likely about to power up another attack. He called to an old pal of his, Freddy Fazbear. "Freddy! I know you're in there!"
(Eh, Determination may be a bit silly, but it is nice.) Riptrap grunted and blasted Valentine with a heart. "You did this to me, you're the source of my pain!" Riptrap screeched at the animatronics in a familiar voice. "You took my humanity from me! I'm a mechanical monster because of you! Now I'm gonna make you hurt as much as I do!" Riptrap summoned red, glowing knives that exploded upon contact with anything from his hands and sent them in the direction of the group, one hit Chloe on the shoulder and another hit Polly in the wing. Freddy wasn't in control at all, he did hear something, something so faint that he could barely make it out. But it was another tormented soul, that really liked knives, who was in control. Wonder who that could be? "It hurts so much... and soon so will you! I'm going make your life a living hell!"
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((agh *slashes hands around and probably speaks swedish* im sorry

have an apology temmie <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.a5caf539a4da7f7c9159899befac1526.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.a5caf539a4da7f7c9159899befac1526.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> PS: Never look up Temmie without safesearch jfc my eyes))

Chloe mumbled some curses and sat on the floor. "It's hopeless. Anything good about that guy is gone. We should just give up. Freddy is gone. Bonnie is gone. Chica is gone. Ripper is gone. GONE. THERE IS NO HOPE, WE ARE FACING OFF AGAINST A DEMON WITH THE POWER TO CRUMBLE REALITY, AND WE'RE JUST A BUNCH OF HOMOCIDAL ROBOTS. RIPPER, BONNIE, CHICA, FREDDY, THEY'RE GONE, FOREVER, ABSORBED INTO A MONSTER, ANGRY AT THE TORMENT WE'VE LOCKED THEM IN. AND... I don't blame them." Chloe calmed her voice to a whisper, and stepped out from behind the doorway, pulling the knife out from her shoulder and dropping it to the ground. The clang was the only audible thing in the pizzeria. "Take my souls and end your torment. End mine."



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Bonita saw as the fight played out she started regaining her bad memories, the ones she's been trying to forget. Ripper turning evil, the pizzeria getting torn to shreds, and her only friends fighting each other to the death. When Chloe started losing hope, Bonita gasped, "Don't say that, you've been fighting this monster wrong. We can't fight fire with fire, we have to fight fire with something stronger, and before someone asks no it's not any sort of bombs or missiles." She said in her sweet innocent voice. "There's only one evil soul in that monstrosity, and that's Springtrap. So Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, and I'm especially talking to you Ripper, you have to fight against him as one." She just didn't want to lose and let that big meanie Springtrap win.

[/media] (Thanks for apology Tem, and words that express how much I love those replies.) Ritrap grinned. Then he grimaced. A memory of Chloe floated into his mind, before the fighting and screaming and becoming an amalgamate of machines and humanity. A memory of when he saw her, with Charlotte, and he was dressed up as a nightguard. He saw how happy they were, and compared that memory to now. Seeing her broken, hopeless, and defeated, filled him with a manic happiness... but the more he looked at her, the more he realized how much he hated seeing her like that. His red eyes brightened. Hearing Bonita's words, helped him remember what he really is. "Hey, Chloe, Bonita, Polly. Don't you dare give up us, I may be the only one who have heard those last words, but you can't forget who is in here. We can't save ourselves anymore. As much as I hate to say it, we are weak against our own anger. We need your help. And, let me say this, remember who you are. Don't forget yourself, because that's when you've lost. So don't lose to a thing like me." Riptrap's eyes dimmed, and flashed blue, purple, yellow, brown, but not red anymore. They stopped on brown. His mace appeared in his hand. "I have to protect them. I have to know why I'm stuck. Why I stayed behind." He said in a deep voice.
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Chloe looked up at the monster before her. It seemed less scary knowing that she was not alone, and all he, they, wanted now was answers. "Because... Because of the murders, I should assume. You, we, were lodged into the suits without a care, and it seems... the unfinished business has kept us here, without a clue as to why we can't just... Move on to another life, without the endless torture of knowing that we have no way out... That, well, we're stuck. Does that answer your question...? You can ask more if you want, but I don't really know... I've met the same fate, after all... We all have..." She said, careful with her words now that she truly knew that the only way to free the souls was to ACT.

[/media] (Ayyyyy Lmao)
"Really? Don't you think there might be more to it than that? Like... possibly we want... revenge? Like we want to... fight?" Riptrap's eyes glowed menacingly, and he brought down his mace at Chloe's head. You know, like you do when you're having a civil, not-so-civil fight/conversation.
Chloe ducked away from the mace in incredible time, though the mace still hit her left ear incredibly hard and bent it back to the point where it snapped off. "Quite possibly, in fact, it's incredibly likely seeing as most of us would kill nightguards as an act of revenge, I suppose?" Chloe said nervously, watching the mace swing.

"Heh, yeah, you're right. But after seeing the world now, I see that no person is innocent. Everyone's out to get us. I have to fight, to protect those I love." Riptrap swung the axe one more time at Chloe, but decided that it wasn't the right way to go about it. So he picked up a piece of debris, and smacked the projectile at Chloe.
I don't know what to do, I mean aren't you two battling, Bonita doesn't like fighting and Angelina (Toy Chica) isn't even there.

Angelina heard sudden noises, and she hesitated before heading to the loud noises. "What is going on here?" She said. Then She glimpsed at Springtrap, "You, I saw what you did! Killing my closest friends, what kind of monster are you?!" She said ticked.

I know it's short, but ugh! Writers block :)
(I don't much care if it is short. Even one more post adds to the story and makes it just a BIT harder for it to die.)[media]

Riptrap turned to Toy Chica. "I did what I must. I have to keep fighting, for them." Riptrap said, brown eyes flashing. He then turned to Polly, and seemed to look as though he was remembering something, something about a friend... He looked around himself. Something was coming back to him, something just out of his reach. He looked harder at Polly and the at everyone surrounding him, and finally noticed Winter watching them, who he promptly grabbed and dragged into the thick of things.
Bonita just wanted her friend back, she kept thinking of a plan. What she said previously seemed to have brought him back for a second. "Ripper?" She said just talking to him, not any other soul combined with him. "How can I help free you!? I know this whole evil thing isn't you. It's you!" She said facing the monster, "We will free all the souls, and you won't get away with it! I promise you that." She said before turning and facing him, "Nightmare?" @CheezPaw

Toy Chica and Sugar the cupcake were thinking of a plan to retrieve their friends. @DarkLordFTW
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(Well. Um. Did you just announce your leaving the RP, or are you coming back? @CheezPaw ) [media]

"Who's Ripper? Bonnie? Is that... you? But you're in here with me..." Riptrap said, taking his eyes off of Polly and looking more closely at Bonita. "Ah, I see. You're... that... Why can't I remember you? You are... Bon-who are you!? I know you! Aren't you my friend? Why am I fighting you?!" Riptrap paused for a moment. He opened his mouth slowly and said, just as slowly as he opened his mouth, "I know who you are. You're Bonita, the same Bonita we were told, in our very programming, wasn't to be helped. You were so scared that you weren't gonna be found, weren't you? And you, you're Chloe, right? I remember all of our conversations now, you're very... humerus. And of course I couldn't forget my old friend, Polly! How are you doing, Mr. Dapper? And more importantly why was I fighting you all-" Riptrap stopped short and began convulsing rapidly, and he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were flashing blue, yellow, and purple. When they finally stopped, instead of being a certain steady color, they were blue on one side and yellow on the other. Double trouble, how interesting.
Bonita's eyes widened in excitement, she nodded and smiled, "You remember?! Ripper you remember me!" She turned to her other friends, "Guys, he remembers!" She turned back to Ripper and steps forward, "Ripper I thought I lost you" tears of joy were pouring down her eyes. "You have no idea-" she was cut off. His eyes started flashing different colors, "What's happening? No. No! Ripper I'm not going to lose you again. Please" she said, crying hoping that her friend didn't leave her. @DarkLordFTW
(Sorry for the wait, school has been crazy.)[media]

Riptrap looked at her as if seeing her for the first time, however, there was a faint something that he couldn't yet grasp. A ripple of energy shook the very air as his wings appeared on his back and his guitar axe came into existence in his hand. "We don't know who you are, or why you look like us, but we don't trust you. The last time we trusted someone... ended badly. So let's end you before you end us!" As he spoke, it sounded as if there were two people speaking at once. He brought his axe up, and the lights in the ruined ceiling flickered with wild abandon. It was like the beginning of a big performance. Electricity crackled. Riptrap took to the air, and electricity arced towards their wings. "Its showtime!" Electricity arced towards the ground, like lightning in a thunderstorm. Discolored red and brown orbs of energy vaguely resembling spotlights appeared and shot towards everyone in the room, however, something made them very weak, as if something was holding back the near-god power Riptrap contained, and most of them dissipated before they even hit someone. This surprised Riptrap, and two voices in his head started telling him not to fight. He put his hands to his head and screamed. The resulting shockwave caved in more of the building, but afterward he calmed down and seemed approachable. @CelestialBunny @Dawn2Dusk @The Unamed Beast @ferociousfeind

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