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Realistic or Modern Étoile: All-Girls Boarding School

Tame's face started to turn beet red under her mask and turned to run, forgetting about her earrings.

Roku turned as Tame ran, "Tame!" She yelled down the hall after her friend. Tame kept running. Roku held tight to the door frame and glared back at Emma and her new friend. "What the hell Emma are you doing? In Tame's bed of all f**king places, I thought you were her friend." Roku snarled at the two and followed after Tame.
Emma looked up from her current *Ahem* situation when she heard someone open the door and Tame yell at them. Her face was as red as a beat, comparable to Tames', her facing reading Help me as she was confused, embarrassed, and wanting all in one. She winced when she was yelled at by Roku, "No dont!" yelled Emma as they went away, her feelings now turning to disgust in herself for letting this happen and sadness.

@dkitsune @Dark Elfling
Haven gave a small laugh " I'm pretty sure you could wipe the ground with my ass but there's been a lot worse." She said .
Roku stopped at Emma's cry and tried to calm the anger that was eating up inside her. Thinking about Em, her Em...what would Em want her to do? She growled in frustration and stormed back into the room and pulled Emma from the other girl, holding her to her chest. Pointing her finger at the other woman she spat, "If I ever see you disrespecting my friends again-" Em flashed in her mind, that disappointing look she gave when Roku fought. "Do not tempt me." she towered over the girl, glowering down on her before swooping Emma up in her arms and walking out of the room.
Zara smirked once more at Havens' stupidity, before shifting a bit, making Haven shift a bit closer into her side. Is Zara loosing her rough shell of b***hiness? Maybe so... maybe not... stay tuned for more ( xD ).


Nowi got up from her bead when she heard yelling coming from across the hallway, she placing her phone in her pocket, before walking to the door and poking her upper half of her body out to see what was happening. She saw Roku chasing a running Tame, but she did not pay attention to Roku.
"Tame?" asked Nowi hopefully, the masked girl looking like Tame but she couldn't quite tell.

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Tame continued to run down the hallway and almost tripped at Nowi's feet. She looked up to see the skater girl she had grown to love over the short time they knew each other. Her cheeks retained their normal shade of blush as she whispered her girlfriend's name, "Nowi..."

Nowis' expression imminently lit up when Tame replied to her query, her girlfriend was back. She quickly walked out of the room and drew Tame into a tight hug, "Tame I was so worried" stated Nowi with a soft sniffle, her thinking that Tame just ran off and that she did something wrong to cause her to reach her breaking point.

Tame caught her breath as Nowi held her in a strong embrace. She reached up and softly pressed her lips against the other girl's, "I came back, just in time." she smiled and looked down at her dress...Tame blushed again, "Do you like?"
Now it was Nowis' turn to blush, and her turn to have a kiss stolen from her; something Tame rarely did to her. She embraced the soft kiss and returned it with a soft one of her own. When the kiss broke she continued to hug Tame until she asked her about her dress, and loosened the hug a bit so she could lean back and get a better look at her. This caused her to blush as well, "Whoa... your even more of a princess then I though" starting Nowi before pausing and smiling at her beloved Tame, "Your beyond beautiful Tamey" finished Now, still smiling and blushing as she did so.

"I wanted to look nice for you at the dance.." She mumbled to Nowi, then looked at the skater girl still not dressed for the Masquerade. "But it looks like maybe you dont want to go..."
Nowi smiled a small gentle smile at the girls' statement, "You always looking nice though" stated Nowi before placing a soft,gentle, slow peck on Tames' cheek. She then looked down at herself before looking back at Tame, "I wasn't going to go if you weren't there" stated Nowi before leading Tame into her dorm, her dress still laying across her bed (Look on last page, I think, for how it looks). "I-I don't like this kinda stuff, but I got this cause I though that you would like dances" explained Nowi with a small blush.

(I'm heading off myself lol)

Nowi raised an eyebrow at this, she thought that the shy cute girl would have been asked out at least a thousand times, let alone go to the dance. But that did fit who Tame was, she smiled a bit before placing another kiss on the top of her head,
"Your pink hair is so soft" stated Nowi before giving one last squeeze in the hug before going for the the dress and heading to the little bathroom they had in each dorm. She came back out a good 10 minutes later, she had a little difficulty putting it on. She always hated anything fancy and formal, including dresses and fancy, who would have thought that she would finally be in a dress?


(@Wynn :I'll respond in the morning if you put in a post :P )
Tatiana stared in bewilderment at the door where the target of her affections was just swept away. After a minute of bewildered silence, Tatiana finally got over her shock and scrambled off her bed to follow Roku, who had taken Emma away. "Oi! What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" She bellowed, her accent thickening till it was almost incomprehensible.

@dkitsune @Federoff


Noctis stopped dead in her tracks when she hear Tatiana screaming in anger. "Uh oh. Noctis doesn't think our plan worked, Em." She said, tugging on Em's sleeve nervously as she debated whether to go see what's happened or not.
Em s' heard perked up when she heard the yelling, "I think your right, now be quiet about the plan, we were searching for them" stated Em with worry in her voice before running in the direction of the yelling to find a limp and unconscious Emma in Rokus' hands.
Haven snuggled in to Zara as close as she possibly could and smiled. Even though Zara maintained a cold exterior she was actually really warm. "Just so you know, I like you a lottle. Basically, that like liking you a little, except a lot." She told her grinning.
"Yeah whatever" replied Zara coldly when Haven let the cat out of the bag, metaphorically speaking of course, saying that she liked her. In all honesty she thought something like this would come out of the girl who was brave enough, or foolish enough, to ask her out to the dance.


(@Wynn )

(lol i would love to see a group of people *Cough**Cough* and react to this, I think we have a potential gold mine right now xD )
Sill grinning Haven quickly kissed Zara's cheek then snuggled back against her.

( Lol Yus!)

Roku turned as saw Em and Noctis approaching. She carried the unconscious Emma to her twin, carefully cradling the girl close to her, almost possessively. Her cold eyes softened through her dark mask at the sight of the girl she had left behind and felt that familiar pull towards the other twin. "Em" Roku sighed.


Tame looked in awe at Nowi in her black gown and mask. "You're beautiful." she gushed.
Ems' first reaction was of the unconscious Emmas' in the strangers hands, Em took Emma away and brought her close to herself, "What happened?" asked Em to herself before looking back up to thank the stranger for bring Emma to her, Em judging by how red she was that something happened that overloaded her. When she looked up she heard a familiar voice from the person and it suddenly clicked, it was her lost Roku. Em blushed a bit, "Roku" replied Em with a small smile.


(Would like to have more pplz)
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Zara felt the girl move up to kiss her cheek, something that she did not expect out of the girl I tell you what. She continued to sit there, propped up and leaning back in a comfortable position, seemingly just brushing off the kiss and acting like it didn't happen; a cold expression on her face like always. "Hmph" went Zara in defiance.


(Quickly, someone come over to the cafe
xD )

Nowi blushed at Tames' compliment before placing her mask on, surprisingly right now her least favorite part of the dress, ironically since she hated dresses, but anyways its her least favorite part right now because it would hide who they were and she didn't like that.
"Thank you princess" smiled Nowi before walking over to Tame and holding her hand, intertwining their fingers.

((Me thinks you got the twins switched hee hee))

Roku removed her mask, sliding it up to sit on her head and smiled softly at her Em. Her joy was however short lived as her eyes flashed back to her love's twin. "She was on Tame's bed under another girl that I dont know." She answered irritated, "Tame walked in on it and she ran off." Roku nodded down the hall. "I don't think that Emma was exactly willing...what happened while I was gone?"

Tame let Nowi lead her out into the hallway and down the stairs. She held onto the girl's arm and nuzzled her cheek against her shoulder, blushing.
(oops lol xD , fixed)

Em nodded a bit in understanding before looking back to her twin and petting her lightly. "We were bored and waiting for the dance to start so we decided to play hide and seek" stated Em truthfully, leaving out the part about this being a backfired plan.
Nowi smiled at the behavior of her lovely Tamey, herself blushing lightly as she led her to the sport for the dance. "You look so adorable right now Tamey" smiled Nowi before placing a kiss on her head and entering the dance area.


(@Wynn :P )

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