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Realistic or Modern Étoile: All-Girls Boarding School

Alexias' blush only deepened when Anukai pulled her closer to her, she trying her best not to freak out or faint; or both....probably both. "Wha-Wha-Whas a'a x-x-xuia guung?" asked Alexia nervously, her voice very shaky as she spoke.

@Dark Elfling
Anukai tilted her head, trying her harder to try to decipher what Alexia was trying to say but failing. "I'm sorry love, no matter how cute you sound when you speak like that, I'm afraid I don't have the slightest clue what you're saying." She said, smiling crookedly.

Alexia blushed more and more when Anukai called her love and cute, bring Alexia even closer to the breaking point for her. "Love? Cute?" squeaked out Alexia, trying her best to hide her blushing face; and failing miserably at it.

@Dark Elfling
" Train? So if you skip a day does your muscles ache? Also what type of business? Is it about blood? " Haven asked.

( Sorry for the crappy one liners and late replies ;-; Work has been kicking my butt lately

I might not reply till 5PM )
"No they don't" replied Zara, pausing in between the questions. "And believe me, you don't wanna know about business" stated Zara coldly after using a hand to pull Havens face closer to hers, like a parent would when scolding a kid. What she did next though would more then likely surprise the small girl as she pressed her lips roughly against her, her tongue demanding entry into her mouth.


(lol ignore the last tag, tagged you in wrong place :3)
" But why no-" Her question was cut off immediately by the feel of Zara's lips against hers. Allowing the entry of Zara's tongue she gave a small moan and tangled her tongue with Zara's. Not wanting to pull away she bend down lower to where she was basically laying on top of her.
Zara smirked as there tongues danced in her mouth, the girl tasting her mouth at her pleasure; the girl completely dominated Haven; who was now almost laying down on her. She drew the girl closer to her body, the girl acting very lustful at the moment; the cold girl persona completely broken down at the moment. When Zara broke the kiss she smirked a bit more, "I have to say that I find you less annoying then others" smirked the cold girl.


(@Wynn @Dark Elfling @dkitsune @PlaguedWithInsanity @Peter Pan )
Haven panted as Zara broke the kiss and nuzzled in to Zara. “ I find that to be a good thing.” She said after regaining her normal breathing pattern. Haven nibbled on Zara’s bottom lip and gave her a small smile “ Would you get mad if i marked you?” She asked a bit lustfully.

( Sorry for my super late reply ;-; )
Zara smirked coldly at the girls lust, it was very obvious that the girl had lost a bit of control, well to Zara at least. "Mark me and you will have to suffer the consequences" replied Zara in a confusing way as the words sounded like they were suppose to be playful but the delivery was cold.
Haven bent down to her neck and whispered in Zara’s ear. “ Whatever the consequence it would definitely be worth it.” And with that she licked and sucked spot on Zara’s neck tasting her skin then bit down drawing a bit of blood. Smiling she kissed the mark she left then licked her lips and looked Zara in the eye as if to say " I've done it, So what now?"
The cold girl smirked a bit when Haven began to lick and suck on her neck, her eyes fully opened when she felt the girl draw a bit of blood. When the small girl came back up to Zaras' eyes, Zara let out another smirk before quickly grabbing and standing up, carrying the girl so she would be off the ground by a few inches, with one hand. "This" She began to walk to the restroom, taking her sweet time as her right hand slowly moved up and down her inner thigh seductively, hoping to arouse the girl as much as possible; smirking the whole time as her head remained bent down and next to the girls ear, whispering inappropriate things to her the whole time.

When she got to the door, Zara stopped caressing the girls inner thigh and used the hand to open the down before turning around and walking backwards into the bathroom, returning the hand to her lower thigh and moving it ever so gently upwards, past the thigh, until she had a firm grasp on the girls ass, squeezing it lightly just after the door closed shut and locking it.

She immediately turned Haven around to face her and leaned down into another one of her rough kisses, she not even waiting for the girl to respond to the moment as her tongue pierced into her mouth and began to dance with Havens' tongue. While this was going on, her hand began to caress the girls inner thigh once more, this time more lustfully, this treatment lasted a bit; Zara thinking the girl would soon loose her mind. She slowly began to remove her lips before placing her hands on the straps of the girls dress,
"My turn" smiled Zara before the straps of the girls dress began to slide down her body.

(Fade to black?)

@Wynn )
Haven squeaked when Zara picked her up and blushed to the point her ears were red. The feel of Zara’s hands made her warm and tingly and the words almost made her toes curl in excitement. Holy cheesecake this is really happening. She thought as Zara kissed her roughly, Tangling her tongue with hers she let out a moan. Feeling all the excitement and lust she didn’t even feel her stars of her dress slide off her arms all she knew she wanted more.

( Yea lol *Fades to black~*)

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