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Realistic or Modern Étoile: All-Girls Boarding School


Madam Stabby-Stab



WEATHER: Sunny with a hint of chill

LOCATION: Étoile Campus Lawns


It was cool enough to stand out in the sun, but Mara had chosen to set up under the shade. A long foldable table, made of opaque grey plastic, sat a few feet away from the tree trunk. A'top the table, boxes. Shoeboxes. Six of them, stacked to make a nice little pyramid. She fiddled with the sunglasses on her face as she waited, checking her phone, again, again, and again, while intermittently reaching and touching the top box as if to make sure it was still there. She took the red-rimmed sunglasses off her eyes and placed them on top of her light-blonde hair, looking again at the long plastic table and frowning. "Think I shouldav gone with tablecloth? Maybe..." she spoke aloud to herself, patting the top box.


There weren't too many new arrivals this year, so it'd been easy to split them up into little meet and greet groups. Étoile boasted their one-on-one interactions, be it in academic or extra-curricular settings, and Mara had been quite proud of herself, setting it up like she had.

They'll be here any time now! She thought excitedly, covering her forming smile with the back of her hand. From their forms that she'd taken the time to read, she'd learned a lot about her little group. Suddenly, she brought her other hand to her face, touching her brow. "Oh no..." she looked on top of the table, under it, around the boxes, she even turned around and looked the tree up and down. "Oh no, oh no! Where are they?" she uttered frantically, searching like a hyped squirrel, "Where are my sunglasses!?"

INFORMATION All of Mara's group (aka, your char) would have gotten a text over the weekend that told them to come out to the Étoile lawns on Monday for the Meet & Greet. The text said it would start around 11:15 - 11:30 ish. The Meet & Greet is not mandatory, but Mara conveniently left that out of the texts she sent your character. They could have found out in other ways, though, and if they choose to ditch, they are free to. Just write a small little blurb about what they're doing instead.

@dkitsune , @Dark Elfling , @Unbridged , @theunderwolf
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Noctis skipped happily towards the introduction table, humming a random tune. When she actually got in sight of it, she stared in confusion at the sight of who she assumed was the introduction committee running around screeching about her sunglasses. That were on her head. Slowly walking up, she tugged the end of her snow white dress nervously. "Um, excuse me? Noctis just wanted to say she found your sunglasses." She said, her voice meek and soft.
Gwen hummed as she worked. She was dimly aware that at some point the sun had risen behind her curtained window, but she was far to engrossed in her work to notice. It was almost done. With a manic grin, she bent the last small metal covering into place then wound up the key on its side. With a mechanical chattering the wind up lion spun to life and began running around Gwen's all to small desk. She grinned tiredly and put it in her pocket, flicking open her phone as she did. It was 11:10 and the text about the gathering had shown up on her screen. "I guess I better go... it sound's interesting," Gwen muttered as she went over to her oft used coffee maker and poured herself a massive cup. She sipped sighed appreciably and spun on her heels. "I mean who knows I could actually meet people god forbid, and make friends? Ma say that's why she was making me go here away from all my projects so that I could actually meet people," As she chattered she stripped off her Pajamas and threw on a dark green tank-top and cargo-pants, before carefully buckling on her heavy tool belt" I mean I actually might make friends which would be interesting because I reallly haven't ever had any and who knows, maybe someone else with a love for engine grease in her hair," she checked hers, there was some grease and oil in it, but none of her original hair color no re-dying today. Thus prepared, she walked out of her room and into the harsh sunlight."Bloody bright" she muttered as she walked, eventually reaching the picnic tables. She was the second to arrive, a girl in a white dress being the first. The teacher? What was Mara anyway? Was fretting a about her lost sunglasses. Gwen stepped next to the white dressed girl and raised a hand to her head. " Check you hair," she said quietly.
When Gwen showed up, Noctis's shy attitude suddenly disappeared. "Oh, hello! Are you a new student? Noctis is as well!" She said, beaming.

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"Well that's good for Noctis," Gwen said quickly, "Oh wait you're Noctis. We're talking third person pronouns here OK I can deal with that. It's cool. I'm Gwen. Gwen Irons. And yeah I think we're all new here, where ya from Noctis?"
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Tame walked slowly down the walkway to the courtyard where the meet and great was held. Like most times she had her nose stuck in a book. Her glasses sat on the bridge of her petite nose and her blue eyes focused. she wore her hair in a side ponytail to keep her hair from falling in her face and interrupt her reading. Behind her two other girls followed. Kiki strut with her hands resting behind her head, looking around at the large campus. Adjusting the black hat she wore over her short hair she spotted a group of girls off to her left. Roku dragged her feet as she turned the corner following the two girls to the meet and greet. Shoulders slumped over and hands shoved in her pant pockets she felt hesitant about joining the group and stayed in the back.

"Hey ladies." Kiki smiled.

The sudden voice behind her made Tame jump and almost dropped her book. Turning and adjusting her glasses she looked back at the two strangers that followed her.

"Oh hi!" she laughed nervously, "I didn't see you there."

The blue eyed girl looked over Kiki's shoulder and spotted the tall redheaded Roku bring a slight flush to her cheeks.
Em and Emma were already at the spot they were instructed to meet at by the text, dancing to themselves in the background. The two were definitely the weirdest of the group, both by how they acted and how they looked... they looked like they belong at the circus instead of a school. After a little while, Emma fell to the ground and causing Em to stop dancing. She got to the ground and picked up her twin before giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Don't push it, I don't wanna see you get hurt" pouted the pink haired girl in the black attire. "Alright" was the simple reply by the girl dawned in white before rubbing the spot where she was just kissed, like a school girl would if kissed by their crush. The two sat down near the tree, deciding that they were done with dancing for today; so they decided to wait, holding hands.
Noctis smiled, pleased that she made a friend. "Noctis is from a village right over there." She said, pointing east. Her father didn't want her going too far away. Hearing someone else speak, she turned and waved excitedly at the the girls that were approaching. "Look! More new students!"
Kiki waved cheerfully at the group stepping ahead of other two. She wore green baggy cargo shorts and black converse that matched her black hat and layered top. The beater she wore on the bottom layer hugged her skin while her top shirt was loose to hide her petite form underneath. The wind blew from behind her playing with her short black hair, she adjusted her hat again looking around at the group.

There was a girl in similar apparel with lighter hair, about the same build too, though her boots added a couple inches in height. Kiki smiled at the oil smudge on her cheek.
The energetic girl with striking blue hair and eyes to match was a bit taller than herself, which she was use to. Two girls stand under a tree wearing the strangest clothing, they looked related, but Kiki noticed how they affectionately held hands and the one wearing white had a slight blush almost the shade of her hair. She shook her head of the debate going back and forth in her head.

Her red eyes fell on the older blonde with the red sunglasses, the way she fretted about them was adorable.

Tame got distracted by her book, nose deep in it's pages. She wore a large baggy shirt over a pair of black leggings with matching flats. Slowly she made her way over to the table and climbed over the bench one leg at a time before taking a seat.

Roku watched Tame make her way to the table, the leggings she wore showed off her curves and her long legs . The redhead blushed seeing how Tame's hips swished as she walked. Roku towered over everyone here, she sighed at her largeness and hunched her shoulders forward and made her way over to the bench and sat on the opposite side of Tame. Hands still resting in her pockets, she was nervous.
Noctis darted excitedly towards the group, stopping at Kiki. Her hair fascinated Noctis and she almost unconsciously reached up to pet it until she was stopped by her hat. Sighing in disappointment, she said "Hello. You're a new student, right? Noctis is as well."
Kiki raised her eyebrow looking up at the blue haired beauty, "Who is Noctis?" she dropped her hand from her hat and placed her hands in her pockets and stood by casually. The girl couldn't help but notice a slight tone of disappointment in the other girl's voice.
Noctis stared blankly at Kiki. Pointing to herself, she repeated "Noctis is Noctis. What's your name?" It'd been so long since she'd been out in public that she did not know how to explain who she was. All she could do was point at herself and hope they understood.
The dark haired girl smiled at Noctis and laughed silently to herself. With eyes filled with amusement she answered, "Well Noctis, you may call me Kiki." She held out her hand to the girl.
Noctis grinned, pleased she'd understood. "Hello, Kiki. Are you excited for school to begin?" She said, bouncing lightly on the toes of her feet. @dkitsune
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Em and Emma noticed that there was a small group of people now, assuming that they probably got the same text as they had. There was a girl that was sitting down at a table, a tall red haired girl; she looked content in staring at an awkward girl, blushing as she did. This made Em do the slightest of chuckles to herself before bringing Emma closer and whispering something in her ear. The twins nodded at each other and got up silently and walked over to where she sat; holding hands still as they did so. The girls were silent as they moved closer to her, letting go of each others' hands they both sat on either side, one of the siblings for each side, "Hi!" Em and Emma greeted in unison as they sat down simultaneously, a smile on both of them.

Roku stiffened at the twins, they each sat on either side of her and looked up at her smiling.

"Hello" She mumbled, unsure if she needed to go on the defense or not. Looking to her left she noted the girl wearing a white jumpsuit and to her left, black. The twins had bright pink hair and seemed to move in unison. The tall girl looked at them back and forth unsure as to who was going to speak next.


"Not as excited as you" she smiled at the bouncing girl. She sidestepped Noctis continuing to face her till she was standing behind her.

@Dark Elfling
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Noctis blinked in confusion when Kiki was suddenly behind her. Freezing in place, she tried turning her head slightly to see behind her. "What on earth are you doing? Why are you behind Noctis?"

The twins continued to smile, it was pretty funny how the girl who had over a foot on them just froze up when they greeted her. "Oh come on you act""Like we're going to attack you" stated the Em and Emma, finishing each others sentences, something they have done since childhood. The twins looked up an down at the tall red head girl, as if scanning her, "Whoa, your tall" chuckled Em, the one in the black suit, she wasn't making fun of her nor did it sound like it, it was more like she was impressed by the fact.
Anukai strutted into the school courtyard where everyone was meeting up, her headphones slung around her neck. Hopping up to sit on a table, she laid back to bask in the sunlight. Tucking her hands behind her head, she closed her eyes and waited for the tour to start.
@Dark Elfling

Kiki still smiled at the girl and held out her arm gesturing towards the table behind them, "Isn't that were the meeting is being held?" Her smile widened flashing her white teeth, "Come with me, we can sit together." She held out a strong gentle hand to Noctis.


Roku relaxed her shoulders slightly, "I'm not use to such animated attention." she said. Looking at the twin on her to her left she winced at the comment about her height. "195 cm" she mumbled and a blush spread across her cheeks.

Glancing up from her book Tame observed the others at the table across from her. The tall redhead blushing at what one of the twins had said, she looked nervous being sandwiched between the two. Focusing back on her book she continued reading.
Em nodded at the girls comment, that was quite tall; though then again she only stood at 5'4 (165ish cm), the girl had almost a foot on the twins. When Roku blushed, both the twins smiled and stood up a little so they could be at somewhat of an even height, before squishing into the tall girl. "Aww look at you""So cute when you blush" stated the twins teasingly, still smiling as they did so.
Nowi was skateboarding across campus, preforming a few tricks to herself as she listen to the album, Time tears down by Parasite Inc. She came to some stairs and grinned down the railings that lead to the meeting place that was sent to her by text. To be honest, she was surprised that someone had sent her a text, she figured that most of the girls at school didn't like her one bit. When she finally came to the place, she stopped in place and propped her leg on the end of the board, stopping it in it's track. She took off her backwards cap and wiped the few strands of sweat from her forehead as a light breeze kicked up, sending the water and her long light-brown hair flowing backwards.

With one ear bud in her ear, she made her way over to the table; now carrying her board and sat down right next to a girl reading a book, straight across from two twins sandwiching some tall girl between them. As she walked, her tight pants hugged her lower half of the body, showing off her calfs and hip as she walked; her stomach shown due to her wearing a jacket of sorts and a short shirt.
"Hello" greeted Nowi to Tame before switching her attention to the three girls straight across from her.

@dkitsune @Federoff

Shocked and completely caught off guard by the sudden show of affection towards her, she continued to sit there confused. No one was yelling at her to leave, that boys weren't allowed or shunning her for her height. These two girls where hugging her and calling her cute. She had never been called cute in her life. Her shoulders relaxed and she lifted her arm behind her head and laughed awkwardly, "Well that's a first." Roku was ready for a fight when she had received the text for the group of girls to meet, she was not prepared to be accepted.


Tame was startled by the girl who sat next to her she almost dropped her book. Clenching the precious leather binded story to her chest she sighed with relief and looked up at girl who spoke to her. Her cheeks flushed a pale pink as she looked up at her through her long dark lashes. Adjusting her glasses that had fallen to the tip of her nose she answered back quietly, "Hello" Her gaze traveled from her multicolored hair to her jacket, bare midriff, her hips then to the girl's skateboard. Her blush grew.
Em and Emma backed off then, going back to sitting down, still smiling at the girl though. "I'm Em"" And I'm Emma" stated the twins, finally revealing their names. "First?" the girls queered in unison, wondering what she meant by it. Noticing the girl that Roku was blushing at earlier was now blushing at the sight of a new girl, she was quite cute, she smiled to herself and brought her head up to Rokus' ear to whisper something in her ear. "Awww looks likes you might have competition" teased the girl in a whisper.
Nowi put her cap back on, backwards as always, as she watched the twins and the tall girl interact with each other, the two seemed very affectionate; though something was weird about them, and no not the circus clothing. When the shy girl responded with a shy hello, she turned to face the sheepish girl that was scanning her, a blush appearing on her face as she did so. "You ok blushy?" asked the girl, since she didn't know her name she just went with the first nickname to come to mind; it seeming appropriate since she was blushing quite a bit. Some of her yellow and light-brown hair fell to cover her right eye, the same color as her hair.

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