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Realistic or Modern Étoile: All-Girls Boarding School

She smirked a bit before downing the rest of the water, "You blush now" stated Zara in a smug voice, sounding somewhat cold but for the most part a bit cocky and neutral. She guessed that the girl was still rapping her mind around the kiss, and this made her ponder if the pain will entice the girl or drive her away. "Very expensive to do that though, unless you have connections" continued Zara.

Still blushing Haven didn't know wether to nod or answer so be fore she spoke she took another sip of her tea then licked her bottom lip. "S-so you have people to give you blood. But isn't that a bit risky?"

( Make Haven a low key masochist? I think yes)
Zara raised an eyebrow at the still blushing Haven, "How do you mean" asked Zara, confused why it would be dangerous. Didn't haven know wha purified meant? Meaning that she could drink the sh** as long as it purified.



Haven sighed " Are your connections completely trustworthy? " People nowadays will do anything to you if you just look at them the wrong way...That also means they could do something to themselves to taint the blood and you can get sick or something. That's what i meant."
Zara shook her head at the girl, Haven, when she mentioned sabotage. "I already have that... taken care of" replied Zara, giving off a cocky smirk, as if hiding a secret from the girl.

Haven sighed. " As long as your careful..i guess. What made you start drinking blood anyway?" She asked curiously.
Zara thought about it for a few seconds before shrugging it off. "I don't know, it don't really matter" replied Zara, honestly she could not remember why she began drinking the stuff; but it was good and free for her, so it was all good.
Haven drank the rest of her now cold tea and stretched then rested her head on the table. But why blood of all things? She thought to herself.
Zara got up from her seat to go over to the thrash bin and throw away any thrash she might have. Once doing so she she licked her lips to moisturize them before walking back over to Haven. Zara noticed for a half second how small she was compared to the other people at campus, no wonder why she didn't recognize her face. "Something bothers you" stated Zara in a neutral tone.


" Hm? Not really.." She said. Zara liking to drink blood was shocking but it didn't really bother her. Haven was more concerned with Zara being safe and that she wasn't getting hurt in anyway.
Five minutes after Tatiana and Emma had left, Noctis was fed up with just standing there. "Alright, it's been five minutes. The girls are obviously hiding somewhere in the dorms so...should we give them some time alone and take a walk around the courtyard or just look for them now?"

Em chuckled a bit at Noctics' statement, "Oh, I had no plan to actually play, this was just to get Emma and Tatiana alone together" chuckled Em as she began walking away from the dorms. A few steps later she turned around and smiled a bit, "You coming or what?" asked Em.
Noctis smiled, her heart giving a sad pang as Em's cheeky smile reminded her of Kiki. "Coming, coming."

As they walked, Noctis's smile slowly faded from her face. Sighing, she whispered "Noctis really misses Kiki."

Em put an arm around Nocticses' neck and drew her into a one armed hug. "Don't worry I miss Roku myself, and I'm sure Nowi misses Tame; but they'll come back, they wouldn't leave behind such beautiful girls now would they?" replied Em with a small smile, trying to cheer up Noctis.

@Dark Elfling
Zara was now growing bored by the minute with this idol chatter and decided to relieve herself from it by putting on her headphones and turning on her music to max before leaning back and closing her eyes; propping her Gothic combat boots on the table. Might as well catch a few Z's while she has the time.

Noctis smiled sadly at Em, forcing herself to cheer up since she knew Em's heart hurt just as much as her own. "Well, you make a very good point. Noctis is sure Kiki will be back for her in no time."

Haven started getting bored and regretted putting her violin away. The dance didn’t start until another hour and she was already dressed up and ready to go. Sighing she tapped her fingers in the table and watched Zara get comfortable and go to sleep. Feeling a bit bold Haven pushed her chair next to Zara and leaned against her and closed her eyes.
(lol what happened to Anukai and Tatiana? xD @Dark Elfling )

Em smiled a bit before booping her on the nose,
"Good, now lets go get ready to dance" smiled Em before letting go of Noctis' neck and beginning to walk once more.
Zara felt Haven lean up against her and her brow furrowed quite a bit. She sighed a heavy sigh as she continued to listen to her metal music, "Try anything and I break your fingers" stated Zara coldly.

Roku arrived back at the dorms along with Tame and Kiki. The girl's had had a grim past few days and we're looking forward to seeing their loved ones and surprising them at the dance. Looking out of the window of the cabbie that drove them to the academy, she bounced her knee impatiently. Roku felt a pull, a need to be near her mischievous Em.

Tame was busy chewing on her lip to even notice how close they were to to school. The pink haired girl clung to the skirts of her new dress she wore for the masquerade tonight. Furrowing her brow she worried if Nowi would forgive her for leaving so suddenly, if she would like the dress...

As if on cue, Kiki, who was the calmest of the three put a comforting hand on Tame's shoulder. "She will love the dress." Kiki smiled at the timid girl. She looked back out her window and sighed contently. She felt excited yet at peace, she knew that her Noctis was waiting for her.

"Why are you so calm and collected?" Roku asked, irritated that Kiki was so cheerful and relaxed. "You left just like we did, in the middle of the night without so much as a word-"

Before Roku could continue, Kiki spoke up,"If she loves you back, then she will forgive you." She smiled softly, feeling the warm glow that grew inside her whenever she thought about Noctis. The car pulled up to the Academy. It appeared to be empty, all the girls were busy getting good ready for the school dance. If not slowly making their way to the school garden where the event was to take place. Kiki smiled at her two traveling companions and slipped on her mask before opening the door, "Shall we?"

**pictures of their outfits will be provided at their arrival to the gardens**
((Sorry, when posting in school I only have enough time for one character at a time and things are getting a bit hectic with exams arriving soon. Dun DUN DUN! @Federoff ))

Tatiana almost growled when she got to Emma's tattoo, immediately focusing her attention on creating a hickey at the center of it. Tattoos were a secrecy fetish of hers and with this final provocation, the control that Tatiana had been holding onto so desperately since she arrived at this school flew out the window.

Lifting Emma up easily, she adjusted her so the girl was straddling Tatiana, all the while she continued trailing kisses down her neck, going to the collar of her shirt. There, she paused, still having enough sanity left to check how far Emma wanted to take this.
Zara could feel Haven shrug as she replied back " Not like it would be the first time." She snuggled against Zara and closed her eyes then chuckled. " I really don't think you could do anything that hasn't been done to me before."
Emma continued to blush harder as Tatiana began to straddle her, running kisses even further down her neck to the point of her cloth. "Wh-what are you doing?" asked Emma in a super small mousy voice, unable to get her voice any higher due to her embarrassment at the moment. Her mind was saying no to the situation at hand, but her body was saying yes.
@Federoff @Dark Elfling

Tame ran through the empty hallways to her dorm room wanting to find a pair of earrings to match her mask. She was nervous to be in the halls on her own again, and in such attire. Her hair was down in soft voluminous curls that framed her silver and pink mask. Arms bare, she held up her full skirts as she made her way to her bedroom. Fishing her key out from her purse she slid it into the lock and turned it with a click. Opening her door she stood frozen at the scene that was occurring in front of her...on her bed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/2015-20-4--20-44-57.png.4870aee457b430ee02c17f2d48348472.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/2015-20-4--20-44-57.png.4870aee457b430ee02c17f2d48348472.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Roku slowly followed behind Tame, hands in her pockets, she sulked as she followed her friend. When she saw Tame freeze in her doorway, Her cold eyes snapped into focus and hurried by the pink haired girl's side. What she saw made her see red, was that her Em? No, it's Emma. The anger in her eyes did not burn out easily. She stood in front of the timid girl and eyed the two girl's practically fornicating on Tame's bed.

"What the hell is this?" She growled.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/2015-20-4--21-06-18.png.5d2567604d5493a4076beeb2b90fdea6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/2015-20-4--21-06-18.png.5d2567604d5493a4076beeb2b90fdea6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zara scoffed at the girls retort, giving off a small grin at Haven. "You seem very confident in that girl, do not underestimate me" replied Zara in a cold fashion. She did not move though, continuing to listen to her music.


Now was currently lying down in her bed, her door unlocked and slightly ajar, her dress and mask lying on the edge of her bed. She had her music playing on max, not having her headphones on; trying to melt away the pain of Tames' disappearance. In her hands, she held her phone, staring at her empty message box, she let out a sigh.




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