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Equinox [Rae & Mei]


Ava had driven up to school in her small but nice car. It was anything expensive, but it wasn't anything that was garbage. A simple Toyota that's all. She had parked her car in the parking lot, ready to start the school year. She had gotten out of the car and grabbed her items, starting to walk towards the school and up the stairs. Ava was glad that she'd be seeing her friends again, even though she saw them during the summer. She'd be seeing them everyday now...Maybe this year she can make more friends or even get a boyfriend. However, it wasn't a simple to do. She just wanted to be with her friends and maybe go to parties with them. Also, Prom was going to be huge...Ava really wanted a date. Even if it was just a guy friend, she wanted to go with a boy. Her parents wouldn't care, she's with her dad for the school year. Then she'll be with her mom in the summer. Funny, both her parents live in the same state but they're hours apart. Ava had walked inside, not finding her friends yet. Then again, she was usually a little bit too early before most people came. She had then opened her locker, putting books away and inside her backpack. Her backpack was a plain one but was turquoise with some lace on it. Not something too fancy, just something chic and lightweight.


Edward had driven to school by himself in his fancy car. He was followed by Emmet and Rosaline in the hummer. Then, followed by Alice and Jasper. Alice and Jasper were close friends, they wanted to date but Alice didn't like him that much. She's more of the mentor. Anyway, Edward has parked his car, brushing back his thick hair. He got a few of his books, no backpack, and walked slowly inside the school hallway. Reaching his locker next to Jasper's and Emmet's, he had put away a few books. They were getting inside a couple minutes after normal time to come in. Edward knew everyone's scent except one. A new person...? New girl. Seems that there was a new girl coming in, he didn't know where she was though. The new scent, would usually drive him crazy. He would have to control himself though, the Vulturi would definitely end him in two seconds if he killed someone in front of others. He knew better. Edward decided to try and ignore it, leaning on the locker next to Emmet and Jasper. "Two more years guys, we'll have to find a new school soon. Add the caps to our collection at home." He said, chuckling at the end.


Oh simple thing where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

Soft and mallifluous, a young woman hummed to herself, her ballerina figure weaving in and out of a slowly growing crowd of students spreading quickly across the fourteenth campus she'd been to in her life time. She made it a point to bump shoulders with as few individuals as possible, reluctant to engage in the energy that emanated from them. In one hand, a crumpled, white sheet of paper with a typed list of her assigned classes, her other arm clutched a thin, black binder to her chest; bumping against her hip was a light weight shoulder bag, blush colored and practically empty.

Mere minutes from the late bell, she made haste to the locker she'd been given, rolling her eyes as she fiddled with the lock, inserting a failed combination twice before glancing at the female beside her, who seemed amiable enough.

She put on as bright a smile as she could, indulging in the nervous habit of running her fingers through her hair, letting it fall to the side as she spoke, "Hey, I'm Rae. Do you... mind opening my locker for me? The combos 7017, but it's not budging for me. Sorry."



Jasper couldn't deny how eager he was to get away from the highschool scene, or the public in general. As if the constant aroma of blood wasn't overwhelming enough, his ability to empathize with every individual that passed, both absorbing their emotions and manipulating the atmosphere until the right mood was set, tended to be more draining than he let on. Distracting, too, especially when each human held a different level of interest to him, some more than others, and understanding how they felt without them so much as looking at him... years had passed, and he was still adapting to it all.

With a wide grin, Emmett exclaimed, "Can't wait to get out of here. Rose and I are thinking about college next time around, though."

Jasper shifted his attention and quirked a brow at his 'brother', his eyes golden as he responded coyly, "you mean, she wants to go, and is demanding you accompany her?"

"Details, details," Their hulk of a brother waved the assessment off dismissively, eye brows arched at the sudden blare of the first morning bell.

"That's our cue. See you at lunch," Emmett patted his brothers on the back, to which Jasper flinched from the sheer strength, before he made his way through the crowd, careful not to shove anyone as that'd likely be the end of their lives.

"Everyone fears him," Jasper nearly chuckled, though the situation was hard for him to make light of. "I suppose it's off to class for us, as well?"
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"Mind opening my locker for me?" Ava had heard next to her. Her eyes slightly widened as she saw the unfamiliar girl stand next to her and asking her a question. She was pretty and had a nice figure. Ava had nodded her head and smiled. "Nice to meet you Rae..I'm Ava. My friends call me Eve because Evelyn means my name so they say Eve sometimes. But call me anything you want." She said as she moved over to Rae's locker. "Are you new here..? I've never seen you around so that's why I'm asking." She added, slightly grinning and smiling. After a couple seconds of moving the combination dial, she unlocked it. "Oh! When you unlock it, go right four times, left three times, right two times, and then for your last number, go to the left once." She said, informing her.


Edward had nodded his head. "Go on, I'll catch up later. Have to fix my classes." He lied. As soon as Jasper was out of sight, Edward had roamed around, trying to find the scent of this new girl. He had walked slowly around the corners, still having a little time left before he could get to class. Using his special hearing ability, he heard two girls talking. Slowly, he crept up the corner and saw the two talking. One taller than the other with dark hair. She was...beautiful. Wait, Edward can't think like this. As of now, he knew who this new girl was. A pretty girl who was as tall as him, he then walked back and headed to his class again. Slightly smiling to himself and then frowning, not thinking about the girl anymore.

"Lovely name. Eve it is," The brunette stepped back, watching intently as the young woman keyed in the combination with ease, thus unlocking her locker.

"I... Might need you to repeat that next time," She said sheepishly, her brain already overloaded with thoughts, th directions Ava gave her hadn't even sunk in yet. She took to sticking two text books she'd checked out earlier into the small space, before softly shutting it again.

"Unfortunately, I'm new. I switch schools... a lot," She grimaced as she spoke, obviously not fond of the concept. She changed the subject. "Aaanyways, what's your next class? If there's a chance we have the same one, you wanna..."

She suddenly paused and glanced over her shoulder, feeling the slightest tug on her attention. But the halls were nearly cleared out, and she shrugged it off as just nerves. "... You wanna walk there together?"



Jasper hadn't caught Edward's lie like he usually would, and just assumed he was switching classes to wisely avoid something potentially dangerous. He parted ways with his 'sibling', his stride graceful as he eased his way down the corridor, avoiding physical contact like the plague.

Some were too intimidated to meet his gaze, a reaction the Cullen's had grown accustomed to. Others were oddly allured or attracted, but Jasper's blatant lack of interest sent the shy fumbling away, and the confident with their tails between their legs. Humans... they were so predictable, somewhat amusing, but honestly just boring, through the vampiric perspective.

Except that one.

He stopped in his tracks, a voice that tugged at what would be his heart strings catching him of guard. He knew the voice, it's feminine sweetness that stood out among the others. He was familiar with her scent, one that'd forced him to bolt from their shared class with all the speed of a lightning strike as it'd hit him so hard, with an obvious distinction from every other bloodline in Forks, perhaps even further.

He held his breath, eyes wide and his lissome figure frozen in the midst of the hall. Boldly, his gaze flickered upwards, only to meet that amiable gaze of the heart of that sweet scent he couldn't inhale. He watched her, as she conversed with another female, before abruptly disappearing from the hallway, arriving in class whilst the internal battle to regain control raged on.

As Ava turned the dial on her locker to make sure she locked it, she turned Rae's just to help her out. "Sure. I have Bio first. What do you have?" She asked. Ava had swung her book bag around to her stomach and started placing her books inside it carefully, making sure papers or books wouldn't overlap and crumble. After she put her books inside, she zipped up the bag again. She looked over Rae's shoulder, seeing classmates leave to their classrooms. From her wrist, she pulled a hair tie and put her hair in a messy and loose ponytail. Yawning after she did this. "I'm excited on the first day of school, then again..I hate waking up early in the morning." She said, giggling to herself.


Entering Literature, he didn't really listen to the new girl's conversation. He didn't want to seem nosy even though she wouldn't know. Edward had went in the back of the classroom, ignoring the glances from other students and also avoiding the googly eyes made by girls who were attached to him like he was a pretty doll or something. Edward had looked around for the empty seat in the back and sat to the one closest to the window. Setting his books on the table and glancing at the time on his phone, he looked up at the board. Opening his book but not taking notes. Not needing to take notes anyway since he's learned about it so many times. Plus, if he ever needed help, he would read other student's minds to get the answer from them. However, he couldn't really stop thinking about the new girl. She was prettier than most girls here and seemed as the nicest pretty girl he's seen. Edward had put his chin in the palm of his hand, resting his head slightly.
Rae caught Eve's yawn, yawning herself soft and sleepily. "Mornings can be lovely, if you're not being held prisoner in a classroom." She responded, her disdain for their surroundings evident.

"Bio?" She double checked her list, brown eyes crestfallen as she noted she didn't have the same class. To know she'd have English first thing in the morning was wonderful, but to know she'd be beside her wasn't as nice. She was used to it, though, and shrugged off the disappointment. "I've got English. Guess I'll... see you around, yeah?"

As if on cue, the last bell blared, indicating they'd be late if they were to stand around any longer. She waved good bye to Eve, and with a dramatic huff headed off to her classroom. It was closer than she thought, bubbles of seriousness brewed in the pit of her stomach as she pushed open the door, the last to arrive. She peered around, big eyes taking in everything and everyone.

"I'm assuming you're the new student?" Asked the teacher quite suddenly, and with a firm nod of confirmation from Rae, the older man added, "Then you'll be seated in the only empty seat available beside Mr. Cullen. Mr. Cullen, can you please raise your hand so she knows where to sit?"

Cullen... that's probably the loveliest surname I've ever heard of.


Jasper had arrived early enough to have any seat he wanted, inevitable, he chose a seat by the window, noting it was a predictable cloudy day in Forks, so he had no need to worry about sunshine pouring in through the glass and giving him trouble. No, his mind was free to wander, which would be exhilarating for some, but only seemed to add to his confusion as he let his thoughts revolve around the young woman from earlier; something he shouldn't allow himself to do, yet he hadn't much a choice.

To be compelled by a, mortal as he could call her, was... New. Frightening. Alluring. Odd. All of those adjectives piqued his interest greatly, and for the very few that knee him, it wasn't easy to capture Jaspers attention, he was too busy working on the emotions of someone else!

"Alright everyone, take your seats," came the boisterous voice of the teacher, and with apprehensive, golden eyes the vampire watched the doorway as the onslaught of teenagers stumbled and rushed past the threshold.

"I'll see you around then. Maybe we can meet up at lunch. I'll wave you down so you can sit with me and my friends..!" She said, smiling at Rae. Ava had turned around and slowly started heading to class. She thought about Rae's sentence earlier. "I'm not a morning person anyway." She said to herself. Honestly, Ava hated mornings. She didn't eat breakfast and she was always sleeping. Ava loved the evening and night, it made Forks look pretty sometimes when the stars would come out. Luckily for Ava, she could climb out her window and lay down on her roof. Once the bell rang, she snapped out of her thoughts and started heading towards Bio. Heading in the classroom, almost the last person, most of the seats were taken. Her teacher had looked up and pointed to the empty seat next to a boy. Ava was trying to think of his name Jesse....James...Jasper..? Ava had looked down, a bit mad at herself for not knowing his name. However, she nodded her head and started heading in the back, sitting next to the good-looking man. She had set aside her backpack next to the table and brought her notebook out with a pen. She didn't know what to say, she knew that the awkward feeling was lingering between them already. Ava had sighed to herself and finally decided to break the ice. "H-Hi." She smiled. "I'm Ava." She said, feeling awkward and wanting to just slam her head into the table.


Edward had slowly looked up, seeing his teacher asking him to raise his hand. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the girl again. 'What the hell?' He thought to himself. This was insane, this beautiful girl was going to sit next to him? It's a coincidence, how he didn't want to think about her yet she was going to have be next to him. Slowly as he looked down in frustration, he brought his hand up but only half way. He brought his hand up to the length of his chest. He then looked back up, unamused and looked at her and back at the teacher. Even though he loved her beauty and knowing that she was a good person, he didn't want to be involved with her. He knew if he would be, something bad could happen. However, Edward would just mind his own business and try to be as quiet as he can. But, he couldn't get her scent out of his head..It was so different and lovely. It made him..hungry. Good thing Edward can control his hunger, he just couldn't control loving a scent.
When their eye's met, Rae felt her breath get caught in her throat. All too soon, he looked away, not nearly as transfixed on her as she'd been with him- or at least, that's how it'd seemed. She suddenly understood why all the girls in the classroom were glaring madly at her- He was absolutely beautiful, breath takingly so, and his aura? Shimmering.

As she circled the classroom and took her seat, she sighed, attempting to settle into the plastic chair, which was dreadfully uncomfortable, as well trying to stretch out her long legs, only to end up kicking the chair in front of her.

"Can you, like, not?" The blonde barked, shooting a glare over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak teenager," Rae replied indignantly.

"Who the hell are y-"

"-Class, please, settle down." Their English teacher demanded. "Today, we'll be reading a classic, Beauty and the Beast..."

The blonde huffed and whirled around to listen to the teacher, but Rae could feel the anger emanating off of her. The brunette snickered and sunk in her seat, unaware of whether or not she had bothered him. She was still thinking of a way to break the ice, though her mind was drawing a blank for every time her gaze briefly met his, she felt like there was way more to him than just an indifferent teenager.


Jasper stiffened considerably in his seat, eyes slightly widened, lips pursed, and he'd completely stopped breathing. He mustered the faintest smile as the young woman came and settled in beside him, just barely nodding in acknowledgement when her gaze briefly met his.

He could feel how contemplative she was, an urge, predictable for most humans, to introduce themselves in fear of awkward silence. Considering the circumstances, he had no quarrel with awkward silence. Alas, she'd boldly attempted to break it anyways.

"H-Hi." She smiled, "I'm Ava."

And like that, he was already reciprocating the smile, as hers was simply too endearing to ignore.

"Hello, Ava. I'm Jasper," He responded calmly, not taking even the slightest breath for he was still a little new at this, and to say his control was fickle, well... that assessment wasn't so far off. And he knew if he were to slip up, even Edward, the fastest of their family, wouldn't be able to wedge himself between his brother and this girl who'd made him nearly lose himself in the corridors mere minutes ago.
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Jasper, that's what his name was. Well at least that was one of the names she thought of. Ava had given him and small smile and turned her head to look at him. "Nice to meet you Jasper. I guess this means we will be partners for the rest of the year. Don't worry, I don't bite. I'm a calm person." She said, giggling and trying to lighten the mood.

"Class, to start off. Tomorrow we will be examining cells from a cork. So start to take notes from your textbook on what you are going to expect to see. I wish you all luck." The teacher said, smiling to the whole class. He was a nice man but very strict and didn't really help you or try to ease up in grades. There was no extra credit and everyone would be on their own. So overall, he was an
okay teacher.

Ava had looked up to the front of the room and then leaned over her chair to take her book out of her backpack. After she found her book, she pulled it out and brought it to the table. "We can share books if you want. I don't mind." Ava said, scanning the pages in her textbook to find the information about the corkscrew. From boredom, Ava had yawned once more. "Sorry. Mornings are just not my cup of tea." She said, excusing herself.


Looking up slowly at the blonde girl yelling at the beautiful girl next to him, he gave a small glare to the blonde. 'Idiot, getting mad over your stupid seat getting kicked accidentally.' He thought to himself. Once the teacher had announced that they'd be reading Beauty and the Beast, he pulled out the book, ready to read even though he would just zone out. He's already read this book multiple times before, he didn't enjoy it as much as he used to.

After pulling out his book, he stopped in his track. Edward caught her scent. It was so much stronger than before. He could feel himself slowly start to sweat from nervousness and holding himself back inside. Quickly, he brought his hand over his mouth so he would cough or make noise that would attract attention. He stopped breathing through his nose and kept enough room between his hand and his mouth so he could breathe through his mouth. This was going to end up badly. He wished that this class would end really soon so he wouldn't be next to her and having to smell her scent. Not only was she beautiful but it felt like she was sucking him into her trap for him to want her.

Jasper's smile hadn't faded, in fact it'd been the least forced it'd ever been as class proceeded. Though both cautious and alert, this... human, was pleasant company, and even though he'd not taken a breath since she entered, he could only imagine how eccentric her aroma was at the moment. His smile had faltered when she made a harmless joke about not biting in the wake of company, one that was both incredibly ironic and which reiterated exactly what he was worried about.

He could do as his brothers did, and switch classes to avoid any further confrontation with her. But that's an awfully suspicious action to take, and he didn't want to fuel her to be inquisitive. He had to speak to Carlisle about this one.

"I don't mind... sharing. I... prefer the night, myself," he told her, remarkably calm for someone who was so on edge. Her scent wafted around him, however, he didn't permit breathing, he just remained stiff and collected as a vampire could, influencing the atmosphere to keep as calm as he was trying to be. Though he attempted showing interest in the subject at hand to seem human and not so odd, he knew, realistically, he could teach the class better than their instructor, so he didn't stress, and just assured he was aware of their studies.



Upon feeling the slightest shift from the male beside her, the brunette glanced at him through her peripheral vision, her face suddenly heating up dramatically as it appeared he was covering his mouth, as if holding his breath.

She discreetly sniffed at her hair, and then her shirt, noting she smelled of a lavender, vanilla and honey mix, one she found to be very pleasant, however, he didn't seem to agree. She hoped she was just being insecure, and he had another issue that caused him to be so... stoic and reserved.

When she realized she'd been thoughtfully gazing at him, head slightly tilted and her big, brown eyes pensive, her gaze abruptly fell to her copy of Beauty and the beast, which she eagerly opened, sunk in her seat, and tried to engulf herself in. When Rae read, the world around her faded, though it was a little more challenging this time around. Her eyes flickered to the clock, and she sighed as she realized they had thirty minutes left.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the girl look down at her book. 'Only thirty minutes left of this class.' He read the blonde's mind in front of him. He let out a small sigh and shifted his hand into a different position to cover his mouth. A little bit of her scent had come to him but it wasn't as strong as before. Edward kept breathing through his mouth. He wasn't paying attention now. He turned his head towards the window and looked out, looking at the trees and grass. From being so bored, he could even hear the clock ticking even though the teacher was reading the book.


Ava had smiled lightly and looked over at him again. "Yea, I enjoy the night. However, I don't like going out by myself at night. It freaks me out like I'm being watched. But I don't feel that way with friends. I enjoy being around others most of the time." She said. While she was speaking, she had frowned about being by herself. But she quickly started smiling again. Ava didn't mind being alone, she just would want to feel safe if she was by herself. She took her pen and switched it out with a pencil. Then, she lightly circled some words that could help in the project. She knew that she wasn't supposed to write in the book but she didn't really care. Plus it was a pencil and it was light.

Well she lives in a fairy tale

Somewhere too far for us to find

Forgotten the taste and smell

Of a world that she's left behind~

Discreetly, Rae had slipped her head phones in her ears, praying the man beside her wouldn't make a scene of it. She read better, and twice as fast, on her own, and honestly the teachers voice and commentary were ruining the piece for her; that, and music helped pass the time. She couldn't help but quietly hum, and drum her fingers to the beat against her book, her leg bopping up and down along to the music whilst she tried to forget the discomfort of the man beside her.

She'd gotten four chapters in, whilst the teacher spent the half hour analyzing just the first chapter. The bell rang abruptly, causing her eyes to shoot up and note that it was indeed time for second period. She wasn't looking forward to the rest of the day, not when she knew she'd be alone.


He listened and nodded in acknowledgement as she spoke, noting the attractive lilts in her timber whilst she spoke her mind freely, as if they were old friends. Be it ignorance or friendliness, he for once didn't analyze, but instead enjoyed the gentleness she emanated, which, in turn, aided in his calm and collected stature.

He'd watched her circle words in the book, highlighting and making notes up until the abrupt blaring of the school bell. He had to admit he was shocked he'd not paid attention to the time so much, like he usually did. However, he was still eager to detach himself from this scenario. Nice as she was, she was human, and that was very much a problem.

"It was nice meeting you, Ava," He managed to say, but inevitably inhaled, and before he could get a response, he'd bolted out the door, involuntarily at his vampiric speed, feeling the venom pool within his mouth, and that insatiable burn in his dry throat.

As time was passing, Edward was glancing over at the girl. Realizing that she had put headphones in her ears, he sighed to himself. 'She'll probably get caught this week if she keeps doing that.' He thought to himself. Edward had started to really like this girl however, he felt himself twitch when she started tapping her thumb, seeing her move her leg and silently hum. 'She'll definitely get caught.' He thought again. Seeing and hearing the music she was listening to was slightly annoying him but also making him more interested in saying something just to talk to her. However, he kept his mouth shut until the bell was going to ring. Once the bell went off, he quickly got up, holding his breath and got out of class in a fast paced walk.


"Nice meeting yo-" Ava was about to say until Jasper had left the room in such a hurry. Ava was a little shocked and was left there with her jaw half opened and her hand extended out a little bit. She then closed her mouth and brought her hand back, smacking her lips together. Ava had sighed to herself a little. 'Maybe he has a girlfriend.' She thought to herself. Quickly, she started packing her things up and put her backpack over her shoulder, with a book under her left arm. She had then left the room and started walking to her next class, History.
The periods had passed, uneventful, especially compared to first. He'd kept an eye open for Ava to prevent a run in, yet inevitably caught her in the corridors every single time he was in them, almost as if he sought her out, though he wouldn't admit to that. Inadvertently, he'd been able to tune into her teenage relevant conversations when he'd seen her, and even as he sat in a completely different classroom, he could distantly hear her voice the few times she answered some thing, coughed, and so on.

By the time he'd arrived in the cafeteria, he practically felt like he knew her, though he hadn't seen her right away when he appeared, he could sense she was in her way. It was overwhelming and frustrating to be involuntarily attuned to this stranger, but it also piqued Jaspers interest greatly, for it was a first.

As always, he was one of the first in line along with his other siblings, grabbing a lunch tray that they wouldn't eat robotically, bolting towards the table they'd easily claimed for themselves and grouping around it, complete outcasts amongst the pubescent humans that soon filled the cafeteria.

He kept his gaze discreet but upwards, Alice's silvery voice white noise while he focused in and out of the forming audience of students. He tried not care, he really did, cause he had a nagging feeling it was just the scent that had him so revolved around her, like a predator and its prey.

He heard Edward mumble something about how Jazz thought too much and shot him a golden glare, stiffening as he inhaled, only to have that scent come around; faint, but there.

"Uh-oh," Alice hummed, watching Jasper with utmost curiosity. "Do we have a problem?"

"No," He assured her, letting his gaze fall to whatever they'd served and decided to call food on his tray.

"You're stiff as a board," Emmett snickered.

"He's always like that," Rosalie said with disinterest, tossing her apple towards a very distant trash can with ease.

Emmett grinned, "Score."
Ava had finished gathering her notes and books together back in her locker. Only two more classes till the end of the day. Luckily, most of the classes happened in the morning and before lunch rather than after lunch. It was good to eat now instead of earlier. However, Ava's stomach was growling like a snarling dog. She had yawned to herself from the first day of school and got her lunch.

Ava had found Rae next to her and smiled. "Hey, follow me so we can eat at lunch! I got three other friends at a table waiting for me. They are all nice so hopefully you'll like us." She said. Ava had then got her lunch and started heading to the cafeteria. She wasn't too fond of eating cafeteria food, it grossed her out really. The only day that was good for hot lunch was pizza day. Other than that, you have Mystery Meat Monday, Fishy Taco Tuesday, Throwback Leftover Thursday, and Fried Anything Friday. Pizza was on Wednesday so it was the only day she would buy lunch.

Ava had set her lunch down and greeted her friends. Then she introduced Rae to them and they were all nice to her which was good. Ava then excused herself to go on line and get water and some fruit they had out, she was awful at packing her own lunch. She had slowly waited in line, now looking like she was going to pass out from exhaustion. She had seen Jasper and his family sitting at a lunch table. They all looked so...perfect. Ava tried not to look at them so long and looked down at her shoes, still waiting in the never-ending line.
"Jasper, don't." Both Alice and Edward snapped, to which the brother flinched, but continued to watch the young woman in line, able to hone in on her as if he had a tracking device planted on her.

"I just love being left out of the loop," Rose sneered dramatically, rolling her eyes.

Alice sighed, "He's going to at some point. Might as well let him while we're all here watching."

"I'm right here, you know," Jasper purred, influencing a calm on the air. Otherwise, his siblings would be twice as on edge.

"Stop it," Alice chided, and slapped his arm.

"We will drag you out of here so fast if you-"

Jasper cut his brother off, "I'm not going to do anything. Trust me. Edward, what does she want over there?"

"Water and fruit," he answered with a reluctance Jasper rolled his eyes at.

Honestly though? Jasper didn't even know if he could trust himself. Slowly, he rose from the bench, appearing quite suddenly beside Ava, to which his siblings groaned in frustration.

"Hello again, Ava," He said, wishing he could speak without the prying ears of his siblings.

"Carlisle would be furious," Edward said through pursed lips, his voice lilting as he spoke with a forced calm.

"Oh, like you don't have your own human to worry about." And as Alice said this with that silvery tone of hers, all eyes were momentarily on Edward- Even Jasper's flickered his way. "I see things happening, you know."

Their attention shifted to Jasper once again, mostly in an effort to stop provoking an already growling Edward.

"Is there anything specific you'd like?" He asked, "The line is dreadful. However, I..." He thought for a moment, burrowing his brows before his face relaxed and his gaze met hers again. "I have... a front of the line pass."

He growled too low for human ears as Emmett bursted into laughter, scaring every single person in there half to death.
Ava had waited in line and just zoned out, she glanced at Jasper once and a while but kept zoning out. It was really bad where she didn't even notice that Jasper just moved next to her. She quickly snapped out of it and smiled at him. "Oh hey..! Sorry, didn't notice you there, a little too tired today." As Jasper was talking, she was a little shocked that he would recommend giving her his lunch pass. "Well, I just needed water and any kind of fruit that looks decent up there...But you are really willing to give me the pass?" She asked, a little surprised of his act of kindness. "You really don't have to." She said, smiling. Ava tried all her might not to blush but luckily, hearing one of his siblings start laughing really abruptly and loud, made her jump a little. Then, Ava started blushing from embarrassment. She had put her cold hands on her cheeks so she could stop blushing. "S-sorry..!" She said, feeling embarrassed and ashamed inside.
Jasper looked nothing more than amused, the amount of emotions that went through a teenager was astounding, but hers were simply flickering from one to the next, a little overwhelmingly so.

"No need for apologies, here," he held his hand behind his back for a moment, feeling the breeze of Edward whirl past him and drop of some random students lunch pass, appearing back in his seat at a speed so quick no one would notice he was gone. He smiled softly and held it up to her, all the while holding his breath, noting the scent would be particularly strong due to the blood that rose to the surface of her skin, causing her to blush maddeningly.

"I insist," He ever so cautiously held out his hand, feeling the weight of his siblings stares on his neck.

"How chivalrous," Rose murmured with a snarkiness, and Emeett laughed again, a little quieter this time.

Alice seemed to zone out, the first of what she felt could be many visions appearing within her mind, like a brief clip that, all too soon, came to a pause. "He's in the clear for now."

At that, they all, even Jasper, visibly relaxed.
Ava had thought about it for a moment and looked over at her friends. They were watching her like hawks and nodded their heads furiously. She could almost tell that they would be yelling at her to go along with everything he was doing since he was offering. Ava had then looked over at him and smiled. "All right, if you do insist." She said, blushing lightly. She was about to take his hand and once her finger tips touched his palm, she felt how cold his hand was. Ava had even felt chills roll down her spine but she didn't make a scene. As she walked with him to the front of the line, she got angered glances from either girls who were in love with Jasper or people who just wanted to get their lunch.

Even though, some of the students had used their passes before them. Maybe they were mad at her because she was using the pass with him? Ava stopped paying attention to them and then finally made it up to the line. She had grabbed a water and glanced at the fruit. Luckily, the school had finally brought in her favorite fruit. Peaches. Peaches were her favorite fruit and she loved everything about them. The color, the fuzziness, the taste, and what else it could be turned into. Like peach cobbler! One of her favorite desserts. Ava had then took out some dollars in her pocket and paid for the food. Once they got to the concession stand, she turned over to Jasper. "Thank you again for helping me out. I probably would've waited till we graduated." She said, giggling. "But really, thank you. I'll repay you back once I think of a way to repay you." She said smiling.
Her energy shifted constantly; fearful as she felt what he presumed to be his icy skin, curious and worried as they waited beside each other, to he found himself curious, he didn't know why she felt that way. Until Edward cleared it up.

She's reviving jealousy from the females in strong doses.

"Ah," He mumbles out loud, a little irked to be watched by more than just his siblings.

Excitement rolled off at her at the sight of something on the counter, which Edward clarified as peaches. Jasper had to smirk at this; peaches? A mere fruit had her so worked up? He couldn't relate, therefore, he was further intrigued.

"It's truely unnecessary," He told her, but received an odd look for Alice, to which he added, "But... If you insist, I look forward to that time. It was my pleasure... Ava." He bowed his head a bit, and then left her side at a more leisurely pace, slipping back into his seat on the bench and sighing as four pairs of golden eyes, all varying in tone depending on thunder, rested on his, some more incriminating than others.

"It was my pleasure? Way to sound your age, Jazz," Emmett chortled.

"Did you your fill? Are we finished playing with our food?" Rosalie asked nonchalantly.

Jasper felt rather defensive, "Domt refer to her as such. I'm more in control than you're giving me credit for."

"Mmm, and I'm a brunette." She rolled her eyes, pretending to observe her nails.
As Ava held both items in her hand, she smiled and nodded her head. Then she saw Jasper leave and felt her heart flutter and felt butterflies in her stomach. She had walked back to her seat and smiled, so happily.

"So what did he say..??" Ava friend, Sarah asked her.

Ava had giggled like she was a school girl. "Well, he's very proper. He's so...different and nice..."

Before she was about to say anything, the sarcasm from Wayne had interrupted her.

"You sound like a soap opera. Why don't you marry him already?" He said, chuckling that was more like a snicker.

"Hush you moron!" Kate had elbowed his stomach, causing him to yell loudly from pain.

Ava had started laughing. "Even though I've seen him pass these hallways for the past four years, I think I have a crush on him." She said, smiling to herself.

Sarah had smiled widely from joy. "Oh boy..You better not mess this up. Don't be weird and scare him off..Alright?"

Ava was zoning out and had her chin rested on her fist as she ate the peach and nodded her head. "Mhm.." She said, smiling and zoning out.

*Edward's Turn*

"Alright, we can all stop now you know." He said chuckling. "Happy now?" He asked Jasper.

Seeing Jasper unamused, he saw him nod and then turned to look over at Rae.

"Oh? You too?" Emmett looked at him, rolling his eyes and laughing.

"What? I can't look at something beautiful but Jasper can?" He said, chuckling.

"I expect it from Jasper but not from you." Emmett responded.

"You know I'm still here." Jasper said, annoyed at Emmett.

Emmett and Alice started laughing again as Rosalie kept quiet and Edward started staring at Rae again. I love hearing her talk and watching her. She's amazing. He had thought to himself. He loved her smile too, it made him feel warm on the inside.
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How did it come to this?

Love is a polaroid

Better in picture

But never can fill the void

Though she'd nod and smile at all the right times, the master of adapting to new surroundings, Rae had long ago slipped her head phones into her ears, using the comfort of the music to make up for the unfamiliar cacophony of voices. She'd watched Eve's interactions with the Cullen boy, Jasper, and at the very mentioning of Cullen, as if a natural reflex, Rae's topaz-brown eyes had flickered to that very table, though, of course, they were engulfed in their world and laughing about something, not looking her way; which was probably for the best, considering how disgusted that one male had been with her.

Eve was blushing and giggly on her way back, and her friends were reacting in the same way, gossiping about the possibilities regarding the two. Rae couldn't say much aside from laughing slightly at their enthusiasm, she was still just trying to memorize faces, much less plan a future wedding; all in all, it'd been an eventful lunch for everyone else, but only added to the brunettes confusion.

Once the bell sounded off, she quietly waving goodbye to the group, slipping from their perimeter and sighing heavily as the crowded cafeteria filed out in a rush that she tried her best to avoid. The corridors seemed longer this time around, no doubt the lengthy, first day was getting to her. To her relief, finding her biology class had been a cinch, and now all there was left to do was claim her seat; which she did, the one furthest in the back, against a window overlooking senior park. It was doused with water as a light rain was falling, smeared but she could still see the looming, silver sky above.

"Take your seats, kids. I'm Mr. Crocker. Don't give me nicknames, that's my name, use it." Came the hippie like voice of a rather rounded man, with little glasses, a button nose and a swirl of white hair for a beard and along his outer skull. Rae blinked, was her bio instructor Santa?
Edward had sighed to himself, watching the girl leave. Soon, him and the Cullen family had walked back to their lockers. They filled up their backpacks with items they probably wouldn't use either way. Edward had then separated himself from the rest of his family, walking around and then started heading to his Biology class. Biology interested him more than any other class really. Finally, he had walked into class and was greeted by the old man. He had looked around to find his usual seat and saw it was...that girl again. He sighed to himself and went in the back, taking the last seat that was of course, next to her.

He set his books down and held his breath again, knowing that her scent was so strong that it would make him go crazy. Like English class, he had slowly put his hand over his mouth like he was bored and looked away. Even though he wanted to stare at her beauty all day, he simply couldn't. Alice would probably beat him senseless when he got home.

I think i’m ugly

And nobody wants to love me

Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

Knowing that this teacher would be acutely more aware than her last, she put away her music, sighing as the silence within the classroom was rather loud. Her eyes had flickered to the door as, ironically, that Cullen guy had this class with her as well, and in a quick and graceful notion took the last seat, inevitably right beside her.

"Like it always goes, the person beside you will be your partner for the year. If you have any problems with that, come and see me. It'd be best if you didn't choose a friend to partner up with, cause we both know you won't get any work done."

No worries there, Rae propped her chin on her palm, seemingly acting just like Edward as she gazed out the window which was blurred by the rainfall. Suddenly, she turned her head, eyes on his and her heart thudding lightly. "If you want to switch, I'd understand. You seem really uncomfortable," She said, although she could feel it more than see it. "I'm no Bill Nye, but I'm not a hard person to work with, either."

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