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Fandom Elves, and werewolves, and cannibals, oh my.


that one crazy person we all know
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
First off: hi and hello! I am looking for partners to start up a roleplay or even multiple roleplays. I've been in this game for a long time. The short version of this: people over 21 only, email only, fade-to-black if it comes to that, either FxM or F// pairings, fandom and originals. I have a site that is a bit more detailed, so if you feel we may hit it off or want to check that out, I can link you to it.

Well, I have quite a few fandoms I am jonesing for, so let's list them out.

1. Tolkien - Always and forever, I will want to roleplay in this specific fandom. I have an OC I am down for using (Nessavendë; she spans all ages, from the Two Trees up to the Fourth Age) as well as a not-so-well-known canon that I play (Lothíriel; she is Third Age/War of the Ring to Fourth Age only). I would love someone who is interested in playing against both in different storylines. Doubly love you if you have an interest in playing Éomer for Loth. I am also down for playing them against anyone within their respective timelines. (Book knowledge is preferred but not required.)

2. Hannibal - Something AU, perhaps? I want to try out a TV version of Clarice. I also have an OC to pit against Hannibal who would fit into his "crazy killer I attempted to somewhat groom" mold.

3. Werewolves - I prefer to use the universe/guidelines/mythos of Werewolf: The Apocalypse for this one. I have a character in the world that is Kindred with two children who are Garou (or will be). I also have an idea for this that deals with all the Fera and Gaia. If you may be interested, let me know, we can discuss it further and see where it goes.

4. Superheroes - Marvel and DC, I am game for either/or or mixing them together. I kinda want to try my hand at Ivy. Warning: I have no comic knowledge for this, so I prefer something AU. I have seen most of the movies and have seen some of the animated DC stuff.

5. Zombies - This is hit or miss. I have an interest in it, but I know a lot of people tend to wax and wane. I prefer to mix settings and make our own thing (although if you want to use a canon from a setting, I am fine with it).

As an aside: I do not require romance in a roleplay! Obviously some of them would be great, but it is not a requirement!

I look forward to hearing from you!
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Well well, finally someone who likes LOTR! It's been awhile since I've roleplayed and even longer since I've finished the trilogy, so admittedly I'm rusty. A quick trip to the Wiki ought to fix it. But I'm a huge fan of Tolkein and would love to write with you, in either of the settings you suggested or even both!
Well well, finally someone who likes LOTR! It's been awhile since I've roleplayed and even longer since I've finished the trilogy, so admittedly I'm rusty. A quick trip to the Wiki ought to fix it. But I'm a huge fan of Tolkein and would love to write with you, in either of the settings you suggested or even both!

I sent you a message!
If you do not mind taking on another person for a Tolkien-based RP, I'm down.

Tolkien is my life and while university has pushed his Legendarium from the forefront of my mind, I expect I can still pull something off. My knowledge of The Silmarillion is definitely lacking, though. Like Aequitas, it's nothing a visit to the wiki couldn't fix but I still think it fair to warn you.
If you do not mind taking on another person for a Tolkien-based RP, I'm down.

Tolkien is my life and while university has pushed his Legendarium from the forefront of my mind, I expect I can still pull something off. My knowledge of The Silmarillion is definitely lacking, though. Like Aequitas, it's nothing a visit to the wiki couldn't fix but I still think it fair to warn you.

I sent you a message.
Bump bump. Always looking for players!
I am still searching for folks to write with!
Love to write something with you if perhaps!!
aequitas aequitas im interested in your Hannibal rp but I have a few questions! I could play Hannibal for your oc but would you mind playing will graham for mine? She is female! Also I'm exactly 21 but not over. Is that alright? Let me know :)
I would totally be down for a Werewolves of the Apocalypse based rp. I have a handful of different characters for it from different table top campaigns I rp with from time to time. Note me if you are interested in that still. I would love to hear your ideas for it.

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