Elder Scrolls RP brainstorming

It's got some great concepts, and I love Sloads and Maormer. Awesome. Love those guys.

Why would the notoriously xenophobic Aldmeri Dominion simply abandon all their goals after the collapse of the Empire? A Dominion-ruled Tamriel would be a vastly different place than the multicultural and tolerant Imperial regime. Especially for humans. Remember that slavery was only illegal under the laws of the Empire, and still widely practiced in Morrowind and Alinor (in disguised form, perhaps, but Tiber Septim could hardly do much about it after his treaty with the Living Gods of the Tribunal). I mean, the First Empire itself was formed after a slave revolt led by Alessia the Slave-Queen.

The Falmer are the way they are because of the Dwemer, not the Daedra. Certainly not Boethiah, who is one of the three 'Good' Daedra worshipped in Dunmeri culture. Vivec was the 'Anticipation of Boethiah' under the Tribunal Temple, and Boethiah is accredited as the one responsible for teaching the Chimer how to be different from the Aldmer, even if Azura was the one who actually made them into Dark Elves after the betrayal of Nerevar Indoril. He loves the Dark Elves. His entire portfolio makes him unlikely as a candidate for Mehrunes Dagon/Molag Bal style Tamriel-siege. Molag is the Prince of Rape, the enslaver and dominator, while Boethiah, encourager of deceit, betrayal and rebellion against authority, is his foil and polar opposite. (And thuggish Dagon was simply cursed to destroy what he loves). A hostile takeover of Tamriel would not be in line with Boethiah's various agendae, or his personality, which is that of a sadist, not a conqueror.

And the Snow Elves, incidentally, have vastly more reason to hate men than even the Altmer, since the ancient history of Skyrim is more of less a history of war and atrocity between the Falmer natives and the Atmoran colonists of Ysgramor. The Night of Tears and the culling of Saarthal, the Return, the Enslavement...Seriously. The Snow Elves are absolutely the least likely agency to serve the role of peacemaker between Mer and Men. They'd be first in line to see Mankind's genocide or slavery, just as they themselves had experienced at the hands of the Nords.
[QUOTE="The Pooka]It's got some great concepts, and I love Sloads and Maormer. Awesome. Love those guys.
Why would the notoriously xenophobic Aldmeri Dominion simply abandon all their goals after the collapse of the Empire? A Dominion-ruled Tamriel would be a vastly different place than the multicultural and tolerant Imperial regime. Especially for humans. Remember that slavery was only illegal under the laws of the Empire, and still widely practiced in Morrowind and Alinor (in disguised form, perhaps, but Tiber Septim could hardly do much about it after his treaty with the Living Gods of the Tribunal). I mean, the First Empire itself was formed after a slave revolt led by Alessia the Slave-Queen.

The Falmer are the way they are because of the Dwemer, not the Daedra. Certainly not Boethiah, who is one of the three 'Good' Daedra worshipped in Dunmeri culture. Vivec was the 'Anticipation of Boethiah' under the Tribunal Temple, and Boethiah is accredited as the one responsible for teaching the Chimer how to be different from the Aldmer, even if Azura was the one who actually made them into Dark Elves after the betrayal of Nerevar Indoril. He loves the Dark Elves. His entire portfolio makes him unlikely as a candidate for Mehrunes Dagon/Molag Bal style Tamriel-siege. Molag is the Prince of Rape, the enslaver and dominator, while Boethiah, encourager of deceit, betrayal and rebellion against authority, is his foil and polar opposite. (And thuggish Dagon was simply cursed to destroy what he loves). A hostile takeover of Tamriel would not be in line with Boethiah's various agendae, or his personality, which is that of a sadist, not a conqueror.

And the Snow Elves, incidentally, have vastly more reason to hate men than even the Altmer, since the ancient history of Skyrim is more of less a history of war and atrocity between the Falmer natives and the Atmoran colonists of Ysgramor. The Night of Tears and the culling of Saarthal, the Return, the Enslavement...Seriously. The Snow Elves are absolutely the least likely agency to serve the role of peacemaker between Mer and Men. They'd be first in line to see Mankind's genocide or slavery, just as they themselves had experienced at the hands of the Nords.

All fine points, but keep in mind, the Snow Elves could hate the Nords and Imperials plenty, for it was they that mostly had a hand in the atrocities against them. The Red guards were mostly not a part of that. That and at this point, I'm imagining that the whole of the Snow Elves 'land' would probably account for less than a third of Skyrim's map total, for every surviving settlement. As in they survived, but did not fare well in the slightest and haven't been able to flourish again. That said, I would imagine they've become master tacticians, stealth aficionados, and skilled in illusion based magiks, all for hiding their continued existence from those who would see them dead.

We could also have them having been at war with the Falmer for centuries, which would likewise account for them not hating man that much/as much anymore.

Secondly, I know the Dwemer twisted the Falmer, but that doesn't mean that he couldn't have worked with the betrayed and bitter creatures left behind. And actually, lets do some slight tweaking, and now a Dark Eld organisation is actually working with Boethiah, and as the Falmer and Sloads attack, this group is subverting things in an attempt at a coup. Ta-da, works with Dark Elves. And Boethiah could actually have no shits given about the Sloads or Falmer, which is why he is letting them attack, and encouraged them to do so, because they are not his intended 'peoples'.

And as for the Aldmeri Dominion. I imagine they have a rough grasp over most lands of men, except for say, the Redguards(tough fuckers). Post Skyrim they went into Skyrim itself and made examples of a couple towns then 'took over' and now have a similar set-up with the Imperials and Bretons, which is, we control your government, enslave your criminals, and deal with Rebels.

Rebels, of course, would be a thing, but after a vicious and devastating attack from the Falmer tears through the Headquarters for the Aldmeri, the pompous High elves realise that they can't expect to win alone(having scorned the Snow and Sea elves claim of a Falmer invasion originally, though other races took the arrivals of the oft hidden races more seriously.)

So yay, explanation on Boethiah(who we don't have to know is behind things immediately), the Falmer and Sload involvement, a dangerous group of Dark Elf Cultists(Technically the real enemy), and how racism would work right now. I can imagine that the High Elves probably got snotty towards the other elves too right after the Empire fell, so not everyone has to like High Elves. That said, not all of them are dicks either, so there we go.

So it'll be our(Players/Player Characters) jobs to survive an attack(maybe we all gathered for a 'war council' in a specific city) from Sloads and Falmer, and then get assigned to try to trace this attack to its root, Fellowship of the Rings style or whatnot.

This also allows for a slightly less politically driven set of gameplay, which, to be honest, I can see biting us in the ass if we involved. I hate talking politics.

It'll pretty much be our band of survivors from the attack on the war council against the Falmer, the Sloads, and Mythic Dawns-esque Dark Elf Cult. 
I personally would like to see the playable races as follows.

  • Nord
  • Imperial
  • Breton
  • Redguard
  • Altmer-High Elves
  • Bosmer-Wood Elves
  • Dunmer-Dark Elves
  • Maormer-Sea Elves
  • Orsimer-Orcs
  • Snow Elves(Falmer are the twisted kind.)
  • Argonian-Lizard Folk(There is a snake-like type as well that apparently has a venomous bite.)
  • Imga-Ape~people
  • Khajiit-Cat people, with sub races

  1. Ohmes-Raht-Appearance similar to that of men and mer, but with cat ears and tail, as well as fur.
  2. Suthay-Raht/Suthay-The standard Khajiit build, though with digitigrade legs.
  3. Cathay-Raht/Cathay-The standard Khajiit build, but with plantigrade legs(I.E. Oblivion and Skyrim Khajiit.)
  4. Dagi-Raht/Dagi-Khajiit smaller than the Bosmer, and lighter, that are often extremely skilled with magics.

I only listed the Khajiiti subraces I could find info on and could actually operate like people.

Having listed all that, I can imagine only one or two people can play as Maormer or Snow Elves, simply due to their rarity. So while we could have say eight men, eight mer and eight beast races, we would only have 2-4 Maormer and Snowelves. 
And finally, before I go get to work, I would just like to say that if we do have the Snow Elves as a playable race, regardless of how the story turns out, I have a really good idea for one and would like to be able to play it ^.^

Also, sorry if I'm say, getting over the top here, my writers side is showing through a bit xD
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Moonbacon said:
Oooo i'm liking the sound of this.
Care to extrapolate? Like what all you like(The role play idea in general, the race ideas, someones idea in particular.) I ask cause I don't want everyone to get into an argument/needless debate about things >.<
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Care to extrapolate? Like what all you like(The role play idea in general, the race ideas, someones idea in particular.) I ask cause I don't want everyone to get into an argument/needless debate about things >.<

The race ideas.
Moonbacon said:
The race ideas.
Ah, alright. Yeah, I also don't think we should actually have to have one of every race, and if we started up and everyone went elves and beast-folk, then the men died, or if everyone chooses men and elves, then the beast-folk died in the attack. Fairly simple, doesn't force anyone to choose a specific race or anything like that.

And the reason I say a war council meeting be the beginning is because it gives time to explain a few things as well as introduce each character as well as a few important NPCs

But, again, that's just rolling with my idea, and I'm still waiting for input from Yote and Pooka and such.

Also, the reason I say avoid politics so much is because I don't want the Men and Mer PCs to stop every five seconds to have a fight/debate/argument/dick-swinging contest over which is better/worse because that would get old really fast in my opinion.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Ah, alright. Yeah, I also don't think we should actually have to have one of every race, and if we started up and everyone went elves and beast-folk, then the men died, or if everyone chooses men and elves, then the beast-folk died in the attack. Fairly simple, doesn't force anyone to choose a specific race or anything like that.
And the reason I say a war council meeting be the beginning is because it gives time to explain a few things as well as introduce each character as well as a few important NPCs

But, again, that's just rolling with my idea, and I'm still waiting for input from Yote and Pooka and such.

Also, the reason I say avoid politics so much is because I don't want the Men and Mer PCs to stop every five seconds to have a fight/debate/argument/dick-swinging contest over which is better/worse because that would get old really fast in my opinion.

I say politics should be allowed but in moderation i'm pretty sure not all Men and Mer hate each other.
Moonbacon said:
I say politics should be allowed but in moderation i'm pretty sure not all Men and Mer hate each other.
Well, for my idea it takes place after Skyrim while the Aldmeri dominion(Elves, mostly High Elves[Doesn't include Sea or Snow elves])) are trying to express their superiority over mankind and were part in bringing down the Empire. So Men and Mer wouldn't necessarily like each other.

Individual warriors, shopkeeps and other civilian/peasants may not care, but the higher ups would probably be a bit dickish to each other.

I mostly just want to avoid settling round a campfire to rest only to have the resident Redguard and High Elf get into it over something stupid, like the phrase, 'Talos protect us' or some anti-(insert race here)slur that turns into a political fit.

What is it, two things you don't bring up in polite conversation, politics and religion? Yeah. I'm not saying we should ban it, just not have characters fight about it, especially if they already have characters that don't like each other.

But, say, if I had a Snow Elf and she turned to the Nord and said 'What the hell is your problem with the Dark Elf Healer?' and he goes 'Damned elves think they're better than everyone else, not your kind, I mean the Aldmeri and Thalmor.' followed with the Dark Elf healer simply explaining his opinion that elves are better than men, followed with my character going 'That sounds stupid' or 'Oh, well, we're a team now' is one thing, a full blown fight threatening to boil over into OOC is another.

Honestly though, I'm not a fan of politics. As long as you live your life in a way that doesn't harm others, everyone should shut up and enjoy their corner and try to enjoy their lives.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Well, for my idea it takes place after Skyrim while the Aldmeri dominion(Elves, mostly High Elves[Doesn't include Sea or Snow elves])) are trying to express their superiority over mankind and were part in bringing down the Empire. So Men and Mer wouldn't necessarily like each other.
Individual warriors, shopkeeps and other civilian/peasants may not care, but the higher ups would probably be a bit dickish to each other.

I mostly just want to avoid settling round a campfire to rest only to have the resident Redguard and High Elf get into it over something stupid, like the phrase, 'Talos protect us' or some anti-(insert race here)slur that turns into a political fit.

What is it, two things you don't bring up in polite conversation, politics and religion? Yeah. I'm not saying we should ban it, just not have characters fight about it, especially if they already have characters that don't like each other.

But, say, if I had a Snow Elf and she turned to the Nord and said 'What the hell is your problem with the Dark Elf Healer?' and he goes 'Damned elves think they're better than everyone else, not your kind, I mean the Aldmeri and Thalmor.' followed with the Dark Elf healer simply explaining his opinion that elves are better than men, followed with my character going 'That sounds stupid' or 'Oh, well, we're a team now' is one thing, a full blown fight threatening to boil over into OOC is another.

Honestly though, I'm not a fan of politics. As long as you live your life in a way that doesn't harm others, everyone should shut up and enjoy their corner and try to enjoy their lives.

Yea good point i'm not a big fan of politics either.

But i'l be honest though i like every elf race except high elves but not for the reasons you think.

Here's a little tale back when i first played skyrim.

So i was at the markarth and i was on my way to a quest destination after buying some items from the blacksmith(s) and i ran into some thalmor (i wasn't inside markarth) and i talked to them since this was my first time playing and i was 11 years old back then didn't really paid attention to what they were saying until they asked a question about Talos and i answered it. Turns out they didn't like the answer at all so they attacked me and i died in no time and 11 old me practically rage quited crying a little bit.

And thus my hate for high elves was born.
Being at war for hundreds of years with twisted degenerates of their own kind is one thing. Forgetting thousands of years of enslavement, genocide and war is quite another. And technically, Redguards are from Yokuda and have nothing to do with Nords and Nedes in any case, but then again, Khajiit are technically kinsmer too, though you wouldn't know it to see their treatment at the hands of Dunmer and Altmer. I just think you are keen on playing a Snow Elf to the extent that you are willing to twist the backstory of the entire race. But why not simply have your character be an exception? The Snow Elves are indeed supposed to be exceedingly rare, to the point that I could no more imagine a coalition of their race as a political force of consequence any more than, say, a party of Lilmothiit or Imga. Have your character be the Cassandra, warning the Thalmor about the Falmer.

A Dark Elf organization working for Boethiah? There already is one. It's called the Tribunal Temple! xD And you must notice that the Dark Elves at this point are scattered refugees after the eruption of Red Mountain and the devastation of Morrowind.

I still don't see this as being very likely to be the work of Boethiah, it's literally the opposite of his modus operandi -- far more in keeping with that of his rival and foil Mehrunes Dagon. Besides, we've had invasions of Tamriel spearheaded by Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon. Why do we have to do it again? There are so many more dangerous internal threats to the Mundus. Like the Thalmor themselves.

"The Thalmor is easily the most dangerous organization in the Aurbis (Universe). Moreso than Talos.

They cannot be understood. They are the Other and they hate everything that even smells like mortality."

Reducing them to the status of a political alliance with their enemies (White-Gold Concordat notwithstanding) against the threat of a horde of blind goblins from a pocket of Blackreach in northern Skyrim seems a touch...well, it would be like the Forsworn suddenly becoming a dangerous threat to the entire world. Kinda ruins the build-up of the Thalmor.

Also, really? No politics, racism, slavery or religion? So, basically Elder Scrolls as a D&D game without any of the gripping social and mystical metaphysical elements that make it something unique? Those were always the appeals for me.
[QUOTE="The Pooka]Being at war for hundreds of years with twisted degenerates of their own kind is one thing. Forgetting thousands of years of enslavement, genocide and war is quite another. And technically, Redguards are from Yokuda and have nothing to do with Nords and Nedes in any case, but then again, Khajiit are technically kinsmer too, though you wouldn't know it to see their treatment at the hands of Dunmer and Altmer. I just think you are keen on playing a Snow Elf to the extent that you are willing to twist the backstory of the entire race. But why not simply have your character be an exception? The Snow Elves are indeed supposed to be exceedingly rare, to the point that I could no more imagine a coalition of their race as a political force of consequence any more than, say, a party of Lilmothiit or Imga. Have your character be the Cassandra, warning the Thalmor about the Falmer.
A Dark Elf organization working for Boethiah? There already is one. It's called the Tribunal Temple! xD And you must notice that the Dark Elves at this point are scattered refugees after the eruption of Red Mountain and the devastation of Morrowind.

I still don't see this as being very likely to be the work of Boethiah, it's literally the opposite of his modus operandi -- far more in keeping with that of his rival and foil Mehrunes Dagon. Besides, we've had invasions of Tamriel spearheaded by Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon. Why do we have to do it again? There are so many more dangerous internal threats to the Mundus. Like the Thalmor themselves.

"The Thalmor is easily the most dangerous organization in the Aurbis (Universe). Moreso than Talos.

They cannot be understood. They are the Other and they hate everything that even smells like mortality."

Reducing them to the status of a political alliance with their enemies (White-Gold Concordat notwithstanding) against the threat of a horde of blind goblins from a pocket of Blackreach in northern Skyrim seems a touch...well, it would be like the Forsworn suddenly becoming a dangerous threat to the entire world. Kinda ruins the build-up of the Thalmor.

Also, really? No politics, racism, slavery or religion? So, basically Elder Scrolls as a D&D game without any of the gripping social and mystical metaphysical elements that make it something unique? Those were always the appeals for me.

The thing I'm trying to get at is that anything with the Thalmor is going to have huge political draws on it, which is something I mind of want to avoid. Nor am I trying to twist the backstory of the Snow Elves, but instead figuring that if any survived, and had they been battling the Falmer for generations, they would actively recognise that right now there are bigger threats(Maybe even go with the forgive but don't forget ideals. Considering what bitter revenge/hatred[and poison, I know] has done to their twisted kinsmen). And that has nothing to do with wanting to play a Snow Elf. I have no problem being a khajiit or Dark Elf, I just will take the chance if it is available is all. Also, I can't imagine the Snow Elves being a 'strong political group' but if they've been waging a secret war on Falmer only to stumble upon them being a much larger threat that could threaten everyone, yes, I can see them seeking help, and they would be the tacticians to talk to on the matter.

Another thing is that the Falmer don't have to just be in Blackreach. Get creative, go deeper, expand further. The Blackreach could literally have been a forward set 'outpost' of sorts.

There can be more than one 'secret group' working for Boethiah as well, or we could stage a threat from one of the Akavir species.

Finally, I'm not saying completely don't allow any racism, slavery or religion, just not to allow it to become such a big topic that anyone who doesn't enjoy such topics, anyone not well versed in the lore, and anyone who doesn't know when to let a point settle makes it become an issue or a problem that the roleplay gets hung up on. If we get too deep in the lore, or too wrapped up in the politics, it goes from being interesting for everyone to a chore for most to deal with, especially if it becomes a big enough topic that we have long and drawn out debates on it.

Actually, that reminds me, not everyone is super well versed in the lore, and fighting the Thalmor, who are against all mortality, is a big stretch, both as a roleplay topic, and for anyone who has played the games but hasn't studied the lore.
Fighting Boethiah would also require significant lore study, especially considering his realm has not been visited yet. (The Deadlands, Coldharbour and the Shivering Isles have been seen, on the other hand). Plus, I just can't get behind the simplification and subversion of Boethiah's nature.

And why would the Thalmor involve politics so heavily? In Skyrim, yes, but if the White-Gold-Concordat is broken (and you could make a case that the Dragonborn broke it when he negotiated a temporary truce between the Imperial Legion and the Talos-worshipping Stormcloaks on High Hrothar) then the Thalmor are within their rights simply to renew the war against the weakened Empire. And so politics goes out the window.

And racism might not be such a big issue with the player characters if they are on an important mission, but I'd never be one to throw out the juicy tensions and dramatics that motley crews with racial/cultural/religious tensions can bring, especially if they are blown out of proportion and become a serious risk to the quest itself (see Boromir for a great example of the pathos such an escalation can bring, and Legolas and Gimli for a great example of how it can be overcome).
[QUOTE="The Pooka]Fighting Boethiah would also require significant lore study, especially considering his realm has not been visited yet. (The Deadlands, Coldharbour and the Shivering Isles have been seen, on the other hand). Plus, I just can't get behind the simplification and subversion of Boethiah's nature.
And why would the Thalmor involve politics so heavily? In Skyrim, yes, but if the White-Gold-Concordat is broken (and you could make a case that the Dragonborn broke it when he negotiated a temporary truce between the Imperial Legion and the Talos-worshipping Stormcloaks on High Hrothar) then the Thalmor are within their rights simply to renew the war against the weakened Empire. And so politics goes out the window.

And racism might not be such a big issue with the player characters if they are on an important mission, but I'd never be one to throw out the juicy tensions and dramatics that motley crews with racial/cultural/religious tensions can bring, especially if they are blown out of proportion and become a serious risk to the quest itself (see Boromir for a great example of the pathos such an escalation can bring, and Legolas and Gimli for a great example of how it can be overcome).

But going back to a war between two sets of races draws a line in the sand. You're either these guys, doing this thing, or you're these other guys, doing this other thing.

Besides, you're acting like a threat of the Sloads and the Falmer hinges entirely on Boethiah(not that they'd have to go to his realm if they beat the physical problem.)

But back to the Thalmor, if we did a plot based on the war between Men and Mer, then the options become severely limited(in a logical manner). The reason for this is if we wanted to keep all roleplayers together, they would either have to all be men or all mer. That or we'd have to split up the men and the mer roleplayers who would have to roleplay separately.

Because logically, a high elf mage would not be serving with Nords and Redguards at that point, and the elves wouldn't allow men to get high in their ranks.

That is limiting to an extreme. No one is saying the Thalmor would magically stop being a threat if Falmer and Sloads attacked, nor are we saying they couldn't go back to trying to kill men afterwards. It's just that they would all shut up and get along for a brief time to defend themselves.

It doesn't have to 'ruin the Thalmor'.
Nono, the war would be the backdrop. A canvas for more personal quest, a race against time to stop the war from bringing about the destruction of the Mundus itself. We would play the few people who realize/have been told about what the stakes really are. The Aldmeri Dominion are not the enemies. The Thalmor are, and they are only a governmental party. It's like the difference between Nazis and Germans, if you pardon. Um...had you read my earlier idea?
You sort of have to have more faith in people. War for any reason is not just a destructive force but a uniting one (despite popular opinion). On the front lines against a common threat, enemies can become grudging allies in the face of total destruction. What you need is a cause that transcends their racial differences, something that isn't just intangible but a threat that hits right at the core of your players' characters.

As for politics, it is an interesting plot device, one that could save you from a slump in the rp, what better way to save your team from the cold tundra of the North than a roving Thalmor war band searching for spies or for whatever reason. Politics is a great conversation topic and it may provide you with an interesting relationship, a Romeo and Juliet scenario comes to mind.

Your only limit is yourself, the only pitfall you face comes from your players themselves. Players are easily handled; "Do this or leave, don't do that or leave" that is generally all it takes. But don't take that idea too far, no one will play with a bully.
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Aye, Ninzy speaks soothly.

A common threat like the universe falling to pieces with all the pillars holding it up collapsing, one by one.
ninbinz said:
You sort of have to have more faith in people. War for any reason is not just a destructive force but a uniting one (despite popular opinion). On the front lines against a common threat, enemies can become grudging allies in the face of total destruction. What you need is a cause that transcends their racial differences, something that isn't just intangible but a threat that hits right at the core of your players' characters.
As for politics, it is an interesting plot device, one that could save you from a slump in the rp, what better way to save your team from the cold tundra of the North than a roving Thalmor war band searching for spies or for whatever reason. Politics is a great conversation topic and it may provide you with an interesting relationship, a Romeo and Juliet scenario comes to mind.

Your only limit is yourself, the only pitfall you face comes from your players themselves. Players are easily handled; "Do this or leave, don't do that or leave" that is generally all it takes. But don't take that idea too far, no one will play with a bully.
I'm just worried that if we delve too much into the Thalmor's plot to 'destroy mortality' seems like a stretch to expect some of the more laid back Elder Scrolls fans to wrap their heads around, especially since the Thalmor are apparently supposed to win regardless. (This didn't save fully for some reason)

[QUOTE="The Pooka]Nono, the war would be the backdrop. A canvas for more personal quest, a race against time to stop the war from bringing about the destruction of the Mundus itself. We would play the few people who realize/have been told about what the stakes really are. The Aldmeri Dominion are not the enemies. The Thalmor are, and they are only a governmental party. It's like the difference between Nazis and Germans, if you pardon. Um...had you read my earlier idea?

I understand what you mean by the difference by the Nazis and the Germans, don't worry.

I just can't help but worry about the /how/ involved in getting these races to work together, though your option definitely allows for the use of multiple races, even more extensive than my own list(if we wanted to involve the Akaviri at all that is).

This is going to be a time of extreme racism and most likely some strong classism as well, and while a massive threat of a underground horde/Slug people is a tangible, visible threat, a handful of people suddenly having a vision might be a little harder, considering how set in their ways they would probably be.

And I still fear that tasking the roleplayers to save all of Mundus is a bit extreme. Killing a dragon? Been done before Skyrim. Defying Daedra? People have done that too before the Oblivion Crisis. Saving everything mortal ever in all existence? I worry that's just too overwhelming to throw at people, and I think that a more tangible threat such as a massive force of Falmer, or Sloads, or an Akaviri race invasion, would be easier to unite people against.

Also, keep in mind that, outside of the fact that the gameplay is different, history generally tells us that the heroes did not work extensively alone. The Hero of Kvatch had an army behind him, as did the Dragonborn, and that isn't including guilds, the Companions, or the Dark Brotherhood. And in the role play we can't all be the dragonborn/hero of kvatch, it has to be a group effort, so it would be different, slightly, than playing one of the many games.

And I'll respond in a bit, I keep having an issue with a couple stray mutts outside that needs fixed.
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So apparently I was sought out for this.

But I don't think you'll care much for what I have: https://docs.google.com/document/d/180fY0s5gZGovtiaBbgb4tmQvTJqAGK-MAnzr5PppJzE/edit?usp=sharing

Since, you know, I'm assuming this is meant to be freeform...

You know where's good to visit? Elesweyr. Before the events of Skyrim, Masser, the biggest moon, vanished for two years. Khajiit myth states that Khajiit were made to put the moon back if it ever fell down.

Two years in the deserts and jungles of Elesweyr with only Secunda and Mannimarco to fill the nights.

Back when I tried to run a game, that was where I was going. Canonically when the moon came back, the Thalmor took credit for it. But Nirn is full of secret histories and there might be no-one to remember the band of heroes that the Scrolls foretold...
Grey said:
So apparently I was sought out for this.
But I don't think you'll care much for what I have: https://docs.google.com/document/d/180fY0s5gZGovtiaBbgb4tmQvTJqAGK-MAnzr5PppJzE/edit?usp=sharing

Since, you know, I'm assuming this is meant to be freeform...

You know where's good to visit? Elesweyr. Before the events of Skyrim, Masser, the biggest moon, vanished for two years. Khajiit myth states that Khajiit were made to put the moon back if it ever fell down.

Two years in the deserts and jungles of Elesweyr with only Secunda and Mannimarco to fill the nights.

Back when I tried to run a game, that was where I was going. Canonically when the moon came back, the Thalmor took credit for it. But Nirn is full of secret histories and there might be no-one to remember the band of heroes that the Scrolls foretold...
It's definitely an open story to work with. I personally prefer simpler character customisation and don't care too much for dice rolling roleplays, but that's just me.

And yeah, I was told to inform you, because apparently you were making one too =P
Not right this minute. I'll likely do so at some point, but I run almost exclusively system-supported games (and I'm very friendly to newbies).

I've got to wake up and board a bus in a few hours, so consider this bookmarked - I'll have a ponder and come back to brainstorm more usefully later.
The fact that you're aware not only of the Void Nights but also that Mannimarco is the Necromancer's Moon...impresses me very much. :3

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