Elder Scrolls RP brainstorming

Der Kojote

TS Historian, and Eternal Throne of Kagu
@Veirrianna Valentine, @Airagog

Alright we are discussing the creation of an elder scrolls RP, we have no idea where we are going with this, anyone interested can hop aboard.
I vote for when Dragons first appeared, there's just no reason to rp after skyrim. I mean, yeah you could include the Thalmor war if you do after Skyrim but to be that's ehhhh...
I would prefer fall of the empire, we don't even have to touch on the Thalmor war, don't have to even get near it
I'd love to be involved. I still say the direct aftermath of the events of Skyrim would be the richest field to plow from.
Der Kojote]this currently is an attempt to get the main group that is working on this together and not in Google docs. nice and orderly. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2853-mad-prince-of-sanity/ said:
@Mad Prince of Sanity[/URL]

@Status Undead

Thank you both. Waiting for the others.
I'm here but its six in the morn, here's my roguh idea, I should get some sleep though.

"Okay, so here is my rough idea. The EMpire as an Empire falls. Man finds a new way to govern it’s people, and the Thalmor are still in X and X process trying to destroy man when the Thalmor get hit hard be something(our new enemy). Nearly crippled by the attack, the Thalmor blame Man until Man too is likewise attacked. REalising that they both could face extinction, The Thalmor and Man shut the fuck up about their differences and band together against their new enemy."
I like the idea of RPing sometimes during the timeline of Skyrim. Of course not everyone can be a dragon born, if any at all, I'd prefer none. Though partaking in the civil war with the Thalmor running amok sounds nice.
Well, the Empire is falling apart explicitly through the efforts of the Thalmor. Their strategy is divide and conquer. Hammerfell has already become independent, and Skyrim is on the brink of seceding from the Empire, leaving them with only Cyrodiil and High Rock as intact member-states. Also, the Septim Dynasty is broken and the new Emperors are weaklings.
To go from Veirrianna's idea, options I see... 1. we bring out the Deadra, always good for villans, 2. Sloads, they are giant slug people that excell at necromancy...but they are slow and plodding...that give us more than enough time to have other stories and intrigue.
Ehhh, it sounds alright I guess. Idk, just seems like every rp I join now is overly complicated political stuff that revolves around a falling apart government or leader.
It should also be mentioned that on a cosmic scale, the Mundus itself is weakening. The Oblivion Crisis was caused by the deactivation of White-Gold Tower. The Dragons returning immediately in the wake of Snow-Throat Tower (The Throat of the World) being mysteriously deactivated is no coincidence.
I suppose so, I just don't want this to be another House of Cards-esque rp. Cause to me Elder Scrolls is more like grand adventuring and less of, "Oh no corrupt government."
Ada-Mantia is the first Tower and will be the last to go down. Because it's Stone is the Zero Stone, which is Convention itself.

"First Tower Dictate: render the mutant bound where he may do no more harm. As God of the Mundus, alike shall be his progeny, split from their divine sparks. We are Eight time eight Exarchs. Let the home of Padomay see us as sole exit."
I like the Mundus falling apart, less focus on the empire and less political more "holy shit we're gonna die."
Right, well, one more comment before I'm off to bed.

I think that, if we went with my rough idea, then went down the path with the Sloads, we could see some fun, same with the Deadra.

And finally, let me remind everyone that the Snow Elves are rumoured to have pockets of 'proper' snow elves still existing. Such as the two brothers from the Skyrim series. They could somehow be employed as well, maybe even as a couple Player Characters.

In fact, I would love to see a large amount of freedom with player characters, which is why I thought straying from the racially bound war settings would be best.
Aragog, the whole Aldmeri Dominion vs Empire thing is only the surface of events. The real conflict is a metaphysical war on reality itself. The Thalmor against Talos. Mer vs Man in the oldest reflection of the conflict between Lorkhan-Shor-Shezarr and Aka-tusk/Auri-El/Alduin. God of Stasis and God of Change. Time Dragon and Space Serpent. Every conflict in the series has this as its underpinning.
I gotta go to bed now, at this point i'm really tired.

here is what pooka is talking about


"The "Sons of Talos" or Men are also seen as an obstacle, so they seek to remove Man from the equation. Simply killing every human would not suffice, rather the very notion of man must be eliminated. This would be achieved by deactivating the aformentioned Towers that hold up Mundus."

As for the destruction of mankind...it seems they just have to shut down the towers. Not kill man
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Right, well, one more comment before I'm off to bed.
I think that, if we went with my rough idea, then went down the path with the Sloads, we could see some fun, same with the Deadra.

And finally, let me remind everyone that the Snow Elves are rumoured to have pockets of 'proper' snow elves still existing. Such as the two brothers from the Skyrim series. They could somehow be employed as well, maybe even as a couple Player Characters.

In fact, I would love to see a large amount of freedom with player characters, which is why I thought straying from the racially bound war settings would be best.

And I'm thinking less from the 'coolest story' aspect and more from the 'funnest to roleplay in' stand-point.

Side-note, I am a master procrastinator -_-
The real joke? Akatosh and Lorkhan are two sides of the same coin. The Enantiomorph. Note the way Vivec calls Emperor Uriel Septim the Two-Headed King (the Emperor is connected to Akatosh via the First Empire's Alessian Dragonborn covenant and to Shor via inheriting the Third Empire from Talos Stormcrown, who was himself a Shezarrine who inherited the place left by dead Lorkhan at the axis of the Wheel of Convention). 
I had one idea for a story, wherein, in the midst of a renewed war between the Aldmeri Dominion and an Empire weakened by the Civil War in Skyrim, the players are recruited by the Psijic Order (located on the floating and time-displaced isle of Artaeum) on a mission throughout the Far Realms (the Psijics have gateways to Oblivion realms; Sotha Sil once made use of them to meet with the Daedric Princes and make a pact between them and the Tribunal of Morrowind), in search of:

a) The Nerevarine from Morrowind. And maybe Vivec.

---Maybe in Coldharbour? Vivec has ties to Molag Bal, who taught him of CHIM.

b) The Champion of Cyrodiil from Oblivion, who mantled Sheogorath.

---Maybe in the Shivering Isles? Might be fun to explore the Jyggalag and CoC thing.

c) The Dragonborn, from Skyrim, and possibly his dragon buddy Odahviing.

---Maybe in Apocrypha? Hermaeus Mora seems very interested in his 'new champion'.

I do like the idea of meeting and recruiting versions of the heroes of the three latest games.

(Daggerfall's hero was killed by Numidium, and Arena's hero is long, long gone, btw.)

d) I dunno. Anyone else immortal and important and prominent in the Elder Scrolls?

---Yagrum Bagarn? Paarthurnax? Divayth Fyr? Pelinal Whitestrake? Ma'iq the Liar? xD

...in order to unite them as a force against the Thalmor, who plan to bring Numidium back into the Mundus and unmake the Wheel of Convention and all of mundane reality. Note that the Empire and even the Aldmeri Dominion themselves could be turned against their Thalmor government if they knew the goal of the Thalmor was to break the Aurbis and erase Mankind.
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"It has been ‘X and X’ years since the fall of the great Empire. Long were it’s years, and far was it’s stretch, but nothing is truly immortal.

The Aldmeri Dominion have laid off their siege against mankind, and a form of brittle peace has formed across the lands. But it is not those who live on these lands that are to be feared.

(Insert time/date here) The leaders of Man and Mer alike were met with the most unlikely of peoples, the Snow Elves. It seems that, despite the tests of time, they had proven to be far more resilient that anticipated. The Snow Elves were not arriving to declare any sort of war though. Far from it. They were there to offer an alliance, and a warning of grave danger stirring deep beneath the surface of the earth.

It would seem that Boethiah, the Deadric prince of Deceit and Betrayal, had been long at work since the creation of the twisted Falmer, teaching them, cultivating them.

And now he was making his move.

The Falmer were coming nearer and nearer to the surface, and their intent was clear. It was to eliminate the lives of the topside men and mer, and usher in a world of deceit and chaos he would absolutely revel in.

Like wise, envoys from the sea elves also appeared, giving warnings of the Sloads. It seemed that they too had fallen in line with Boethiah, and that Cyrodiil was in mortal peril.

Realising that Boethiah had no care for their kind, regardless of race, Men and Mer found themselves uniting in preparation for what was to come."

I randomly thought this up the second my head hit the pillow, and had to come toss this out for people to see. I figured It was as good an idea as any, allows for plenty of leeway with characters, including the more unused races of the Sea and Snow elves, and hell, could include the Imga as well.

It gives a common enemy, with variations, and has a Deadric Prince behind it. It is neither too political, nor is it too in depth into the lore that more vanilla learned people won't be overly confused.

Kind of a perfect meet in the middle as I see it.

Anyway, now I'm really, truly, off to bed. I'll be up in six to eight hours.

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