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Futuristic Dystopic Love (Free World Market)


David watched as the door was kicked in and the first of the Enforcers accompanying him charged in. He could hear the guy cursing from somewhere upstairs followed by the sound of a window breaking near the opposite side of the building. David charged around the corner quickly enough to see the guy taking off from the alleyway down the side walk. He gave chase.

I hate it when they run. It is so annoying to chase people while wearing this freaking bulletproof vest.
Rosa heard a crash as she walked down the quiet street. She furrowed her brow, looking behind her to try and locate what had made the noise. Another noise was made and she looked in it's general direction, only to hear rapid footsteps approaching. Shit.

She narrowed her eyes, taking a few steps backward as someone charged in her direction. It was fine, just step out of the way and avoid getting involved. Which was her plan, until this man grabbed her by the arms and threw her into whoever was chasing him.
David had grown so focused on catching his prey that it took him a second to realize that someone else had appeared in his way. Specifically, the person, a woman he quickly found out, had been all but thrown at him. He was lucky to be able to stop himself in time. He caught the girl in his hands, glaring at the assailant as he ran off. David could barely keep his anger out of his voice as he told the others coming up behind where the guy had gone.

It was only then that he turned his attention to the woman that had been caught up in this.
"Are you alright?" He asked, keeping the edge out of his voice.
Rosa was a little shaken by suddenly being launched into some stranger, but she was fine, just a little confused. She took a moment to understand her surroundings, before pushing herself off of and away from the man who had caught her. She looked behind her to the people who were still running before turning back to the man.

"Yeah, fine." she huffed a little, more just confused with the whole situation than anything else.
"Sorry about that. They always run. Freaking deal breakers. Well, if you are alright then I need to help take that guy down." But even as David spoke, he wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to finish the chase. The girl was kind of cute and maybe he would get brownie points for being an Enforcement Officer.
Rosa just raised a brow, folding her arms over her chest and shifting her weight to one side. "Your... friends have it." she stated, turning her head to the man who was now on the floor, having been tackled by one of the other officers. It was pretty early, about 5am, and was still quite dark out, which meant that no one was out in the already quiet street.

She carried a bag over her arm, presumably from the corner store, but didn't seem bothered to check if anything was damaged.
"Cool. Great job, guys." David yelled to his comrades. He could hear the frustration in the woman's voice and something about her made him want to antagonize her. He wasn't sure if it was her demeanor or the attitude in her voice. Now he knew he needed to win.

"So I have some free time now. Would you like an escort home? It is a little late for a woman like yourself to be wandering around." He gave a smug smile.
Rosa's blue gaze dragged back to the man in front of him. She sighed, just wishing to go back to her dad. It wasn't that far, the caravan park was relatively large and she knew a few people, sure most of them didn't really like her, but there were a few good ones who looked past her dad's decision.

She scoffed when he offered to walk her home. "Woman like myself? I don't need some creepy Enforcement Officer walking me home, I can take care of myself." she replied with a snarky tone.
There it is. Now lets see how far I can go with this. David's grin didn't drop a bit. "You can take care of yourself, huh? That's why you just tossed lack a bag of potatoes by some lowlife. Also, creepy Enforcement Officer? Real original. Bet you were real venomous with words at the program."
"I don't need to be taken care of by a man." she stated angrily, narrowing her eyes as her voice raised a little bit. "It's not an insult, its factual." she huffed, before finally adding a final statement. "And I didn't go to the program, genius My dad got that Family Certificate and basically had me read textbooks on everything."
That final statement got David's attention. All thoughts of teasing were brushed out of the way by the hate brought out by those words. He remembered the mocking words of the guards back in the program. Bet you wish you were as spoiled as those family kids. They don't have to buy their furniture or meals like you program rats.

"Wait. You're one of those family brats?"
She narrowed her eyes with a huff. "By all technicalities, yes. But I'm not like those dumb stereotypes. I wouldn't be buying from the corner store if I had money like you think I do." She stepped back, sensing this conversation was most likely going to end since he knew now.

"It's not like I got to choose, my dad was the one to buy the stupid certificate, I didn't really have a say in it."
"Fine, then you can tell your dad that people like you and him make me sick." David barked before shouldering her out of the way and making his way over to his comrades. He tried his hardest to suppress his rage enough not to hit her.

"Hey, Nightstick, who was the chick?" one of the others, Gabriel, asked.

"Just some family brat." David growled, not even trying to keep his voice low.
Rosa sighed as he walked off, stumbling back when he shoved her. She didn't bother to act aggressive, just watching with an ice cold glare as he spoke to his friends. Nightstick? That sounded kinda dumb. She was snapped back to reality when she heard a familiar voice.

"Rosa!" the tired man called her name, coughing a little afterwards. She jogged over, hugging her dad and exchanging a few words. He looked awful, with ripped, baggy clothes and messy hair. He was concerned when he saw she didn't come home at the usual time, but Rosa just argued that he shouldn't be up and about in his condition. The two both glanced back at the group before Rosa began to help him back to the caravan park. In actuality, Rosa's father couldn't cope with the thought of his daughter going off to a program, she was all he had, so he had scraped up enough money to keep her at home and taught him herself.
Even though he pretended not to watch the two, he couldn't help but notice how disheveled the man looked. Something didn't add up, but David wasn't in the mood to investigate right then. He had a deal breaker to deal with a sleep to catch. He really hated the night shift.

But apparently, he wasn't the only one to notice. Gabriel wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was looking. He was still looking when he spoke up. "Hey Nightstick," he spoke softly so the two wouldn't hear, "I thought they said that all the family kids were rich? Why does her old man look like he is three steps from keeling over."

"No idea. Lets just deal with this deal breaker and get some sleep." David replied as the team carried away the guy, who was barking constantly about how he had done nothing wrong.
Rose took her father back to the caravan park, helping him walk the whole time. He didn't have anything wrong physically, but he was currently quite sick over something they couldn't really identify nor had the money to. Rosa sighed as she opened the front door, helping him to get to his room, the only room in there other than the bathroom.

Rosa put the bag on the small counter and began putting away the few things she'd bought - mostly just essentials, like milk and anything for the bathroom they needed to stock up on.
After turning in the deal breaker, David went to his own barracks. He glared at the room he shared with Gabriel. The last time David had had a room to himself was in the program and while that wasn't an experience he wanted to repeat, he did miss the solitude. He pulled out his nightstick and put it on the bed as he changed out of his uniform. The girl and her dad reminded him of his days in the program. Specifically, the day he had earned his nickname, Nightstick. He suppressed the memories and went to bed.
Eventually, Rosa gave her dad the generic medicine she'd been buying for him. It wasn't very clear how much they helped, but she had at least little bit of knowledge in most things from her years of reading, and while medicine wasn't really something she enjoyed learning about it was useful. After giving him the medicine she turned off the light and headed for the couch in the main "room" of the caravan, where she always slept.
As the sun went down, David and Gabriel rose in order to go on patrol. They dressed quickly and went down to the deployment office.

"What are we doing today, bossman?" Gabriel asked as David looked over his gear.

"Patrol out near the caravan park. There are no deal breakers out there, but you know how we have to be ready for anything." The guy at the desk replied, clearly nervous about the two men in front of him. David guessed that the guy was new.

"Great, maybe we can peaceful night." Gabriel replied as they walked toward the car. A few minutes later, the two officers were walking around the caravan park getting a wide berth from everyone who saw them.
Rosa really didn't have much to do. She didn't have a job, and didn't go to school - obviously. And so, she sat outside her caravan on the small steps, petting her cat as it basked in the sun. She smiled warmly for once, too invested in Lotus to really notice the commotion being caused by the officers.
David stopped in his tracks when he saw the girl sitting with her cat. Him and Gabriel weren't too close just yet. He was shocked to see her here. There was no reason for a family kid to be in caravan park. Something wasn't sitting right with him and he wanted answers. He began to march toward the caravan, leaving Gabriel surprised and then concerned about what was about to go down.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing here?" David yelled at the girl.
Rosa wasn't really facing his direction, so when he marched over she didn't see him in her peripheral vision. She continued to play with her cat, only moving to turn when Lotus looked behind her. She didn't turn in time before David yelled at her, and so still jumped in fright.

"Jesus! Dude, I freaking live here? What the hell are you doing, harassing me at my house?" she yelled right back, and a figure could be seen through the window suddenly jerking their head up.
"Bullshit that anyone who lives here can afford a Family Certificate. So either you're lying about being a family kid or someone broke the law and you know how that will end." David barked at the girl, his anger seething unchecked as Gabriel began to hurry over.

"Nightstick, what are you doing?" Gabriel yelled. He didn't fail to notice movement in the house or the panicked running of everyone in earshot as they raced to their homes.
Rosa laughed a little, only angered by the stupid situation. β€œSeriously? You’re that ignorant? Just because someone once had money doesn’t mean they’re gonna be rich forever!” She spat angrily, her cat running inside due to the sudden change in the situation.

Rosa’s disgruntled father got to the door in a panicked rush. β€œWhat- What is it?!” He asked worriedly, but his worry faded to annoyance when he saw the officer. β€œOh for Christ’s sake, can’t you leave my daughter alone?” He huffed, large bags under his eyes as he coughed during his speech.
Gabriel got in front of David, shooting him a glare before addressing the other two.

"I apologize for my compatriot's rather abhorrent behavior. We have no official business with either of you and I apologize greatly for the inconvenience. We will just be on our way." Gabriel spoke to the two calmly and was truly sincere. He turned to David and tried to shove him away.

David just glared at the girl, anger spurred on by hatred and confusion clouding his eyes. He didn't even want to acknowledge the old man or Gabriel. He even resisted Gabriel's shoving. All he wanted to let out his anger on the girl and get some answers. Finally, he took a deep breath and turned.

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