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Fantasy dungeons and dragons newest edition rp! needs help setting up XD

.... hmmm fill out this

(Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orc)

Are you ...

[ ] lawful

[ ] neutral

[ ] chaotic

Are you ...

[ ] good

[ ] neutral

[ ] evil

What do you want to be?

[ ] cleric

[ ] fighter

[ ] wizard

[ ] rogue
How old are you?


How tall are you/how much do you weigh?

6"7 and 168lmb

What language besides Common do you know?

Dwarvish and Elvish

Are you ...


Are you ...


What do you want to be?


So how are we going to do this anyways?
Idk, I'm just filling out character sheets for people.

I guess I can attempt DMing for once, but it will be very experimental by nature of me never having DMed before.

@devon armadues

Which ethnic group are you from?

(Calishite, Chondathan, Damaran, Illuskan, Mulan, Rashemi, Shou, Tethyrian, Turami [pages 18-19 of the basic rules])

Also you only get one language choice at the moment.

What is your fighting style? (pick one)

[ ] archery

[ ] defense

[ ] dueling

[ ] great weapon fighting

[ ] protection

[ ] duel weapon fighting

Choose 2:

[ ] Acrobatics

[ ] Animal Handling

[ ] Athletics

[ ] History

[ ] Insight

[ ] Intimidation

[ ] Perception

[ ] Survival


Choose 1:

[ ] chainmail

[ ] leather, longbow and 20 arrows

Choose 1

[ ] a martial weapon and a shield

[ ] two martial weapons

Choose 1:

[ ] a light crossbow and 20 bolts

[ ] two handaxes

Choose 1:

[ ] a dungeoneer's pack

[ ] an explorer's pack

Other Questions for @The Akolite:

What is your name?

Equiptment: (You get leather armor, two daggers, and thieves’ tools)

Choose 1:

[ ] a rapier

[ ] a shortsword

Choose 1:

[ ] a shortbow and quiver with 20 arrows

[ ] a shortsword

Choose 1:

[ ] a burglar's pack

[ ] a dungeoneer's pack

[ ] an explorer's pack

Choose 4: (You already have Perception)

[ ] Acrobatics

[ ] Athletics

[ ] Deception

[ ] Insight

[ ] Intimidation

[ ] Investigation

[ ] Performance

[ ] Persuasion

[ ] Sleight of Hand

[ ] Stealth
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What is your fighting style? (pick one)

[ ] archery

Choose 2:

[ ] Acrobatics

[ ] Survival


Choose 1:

[ ] leather, longbow and 20 arrows

Choose 1

[ ] two martial weapons

Choose 1:

[ ] a light crossbow and 20 bolts

Choose 1:

[ ] an explorer's pack
I'm down...

But my character has none of the race or class selections that you give.

But I'm willing to make a new character.


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