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Fantasy DreamWorlds

@Leo Radomir As you can see the RP has already started and so I will be much stricter in accepting characters from on. I hope you understand. But if you could add more information in the CS I might reconsider.

Name: Pan

Age: Unknown

Bio: Pan appears in the form of a young teenage boy, but his true age is unknown. His goal is simple, to guide the lost or mistreated children of the world to a better place. Nina had been his biggest challenge, to scared to even use her own voice to communicate. Pan spent all his time trying to heal her, and eventually he became too attached to her. Finally the time came to leave little broken Nina, and he went off to find something more. However, Pan's thoughts never strayed from Nina, thinking about the day he would see her once again. His biggest fear is being confined, and he values freedom like none other.

Loyalties: Himself

Dream abilities: DreamWalk, DreamSight, DreamLink

Country of origin: Unknown


Name: Anelie Diamant

Age: 18

Bio: Needless to say, it was hard growing up in the shadow of two successful musicians. Anelie’s lineage has long been steeped in creating and performing music and it was a given that it would continue that way for a long time. Raised with a deep love and appreciation for music, some of her first memories were skimming her fingers along harp strings or gliding a bow across a violin. However, whereas Anelie would like nothing more than to while away her days playing music, her parents had other plans for her. They were busy people and it seemed the only time they took notice of their daughter was to instruct her in her music and point out areas that needed work. It was expected that she would choose a career in performing like her parents and carry on the family’s legacy. Given little choice in the matter, Anelie felt sorrow, music was not something meant to be corralled and planned, it was lovely and as free as the wind. It was here she found solace in the DreamWorlds. In the DreamWorlds, she could play her music how she wanted, something that no one could take away from her.

Fears: Being forgotten and unnoticed, fading away into the background. Also being forced into a future she doesn't want and being unable to play her music her way.

Loyalty: Dreamers

Dream Abilities (D.A): DreamWeave, DreamWalk

Country: Vienna, Austria
WIIIIIIP 'cause BBCoding~

‘Blue’ Jaigh Graye

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.d0ead64c9526f03f1bf401140df960e0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.d0ead64c9526f03f1bf401140df960e0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Gender: F

    Age: 18

    Loyalty: Herself, Chase, the Dreamers

    Dream Abilities (D.A): DreamWalk, DreamLink

    Country: USA (Central Alaska specifically)



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