• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Dream Quest [OOC Hub]



Berry bad fruit puns
For any questions or just general chat. :)

If you guys have discord then I'll make a discord for this as well!
Also have a discord. Would actually be easier for me to PM my CS on there, because I'm new to the site and need to post like 7 more messages before it'll let me PM. :closedeyescryingfrown:
Ahaha alright! I’ll make a discord when I get home tonight. :) Welcome to the site, Aphro! :D
Loki777 Loki777 iijora iijora E E-Ruler39 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro amva amva Its_Just_E Its_Just_E

Hello people! :) I know a few of you expressed interest but aren't totally on board yet but here's some updates:

-We now have a discord! If you're new to the site and can't PM me your CS, feel free to DM it to me on discord. Aside from that, it'd be easier to OOC chat and do announcements there if everybody has one. :) Hop in!
Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

-The CS thread is here for your convenience: Fantasy - Dream Quest [CS Hub]
We've had one accepted CS so far who has been assigned a relic! :)

-The lore thread is up but it's still a major WIP. I'll give updates here and on the discord when different portions are finished. My next priority is finishing the information on the war and the worlds. The "relics" section will be filled out as characters are assigned them.
Fantasy - Dream Quest [Lore Hub]

If you want to opt out of the rp I'd recommend you tell me now or else I'll keep pinging you for updates lol.
Loki777 Loki777 iijora iijora E E-Ruler39 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro amva amva Its_Just_E Its_Just_E Jakiro Jakiro ebb ebb

Hey guys! The lore thread is now complete (sorry it took a little while, we recently got a puppy so I got a tiny bit distracted lol).

We only have 1 accepted character sheet so far, meaning that there is still 4 spaces open for characters. :) Characters are being accepted on a first come first serve basis so make sure you get CSs in soon!

Note that while characters are being accepted first come first serve, if you submit a character sheet and it’s not accepted (say I ask you to make some changes), if another person is fully accepted during that time your spot will not be held. :)

Make sure to hop in the discord anytime!
Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

The lore thread is here:
Fantasy - Dream Quest [Lore Hub]

And the CS thread is here:
Fantasy - Dream Quest [CS Hub]

Thanks for your interest. <3
iijora iijora ebb ebb izayoiix izayoiix foxlaux foxlaux

Dream Quest [IC Hub] [Accepting]

The first IC post is up! :) Just click on the tab that has your character's name and you'll be taken to their introduction.

At the moment they are all separated but will soon find each other. During your posts I will respond with scenery and other important GM stuff for now (no spoilers lol). I wanted to start this way to gauge how fast ya'll post without it dragging other players behind. :) Feel free to post as much as you want in the upcoming days, I will reply whenever I am able!

People who respond the most will end up meeting other characters the fastest, but never fear if you're busy or not available because by the end of the week all the characters will have met up.

If you have any questions, just ping me here!

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