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Fantasy Dream Quest [CS Hub]



Berry bad fruit puns

Alrighty here we go! The lore thread is still a work in progress and will contain information about the real world versus the dream world as well as more info on the Stars and Tremors, and to top it all off there will be more info on magical beings and the nature of magic as well. You may want to wait until all that is up before finishing your character, but you're welcome to start on characters now (not to mention that all that information isn't too vital to character creation).

You will have the option to choose your relic once your character is accepted. :) The character sheet is contained below, and below that is a character sheet containing explanations on which each part is asking for and other information you need to know to complete it. Please PM me your character sheet before posting it here. I will give you feedback in the PM, and then also give you your relic options there!

Character Sheet

General Info


Character Info


Combat Info

CS Explanation

General Info
Name- First and last
Age- Above age 18
Class- Choose from warrior, scholar or adventurer. Warriors will know how to fight, scholars will have information on magical beings and how they work, and adventurer is for any other miscellaneous skills - feel free to make up your own class and put it here as well. :)

(IMAGE)- Image is optional, but if you choose to use one realistic artwork is preferred (no anime or photographs).

Character Info
Profession- Profession can be whatever you want, it just has to exist in the medieval era. Examples are blacksmith, knight, apothecary, baker, etc. If you want your character can also be royalty or a lord/lady, etc. Professions should reflect your character's skill set. If they are good at fighting, they must have a combat-related profession.
Background- You have full creative liberty over your character's background, but make sure that it corresponds to their skills and strengths! For instance, if your character is a marksman, they should have some kind of marksman training. The character background is only here to explain why your character has the skills that they have - their personal history isn't too important. Your background doesn't have to be over a paragraph or two as long as it addresses your character's abilities.
Skills- These are non-combat oriented skills and abilities (ex. cooking or persuasive skills).
Weaknesses- You should have an equal number of skills and weaknesses (ex. clumsiness or fear of heights).

Relic- Leave blank for now you'll get one later.
Equipment- You have as much creative freedom with equipment and gear as you want, though be mindful of what a character could realistically carry!
Weapons- You can have swords, bows, etc, but make sure your weapon is consistent with the character's time period.

Combat Info
*If applicable. If your character is not a warrior then you can disregard this.
Style- Information on your character's fighting style and/or strategy.
Skills- These are combat-oriented skills and abilities (ex. reflexes or dodging attacks).
Weaknesses- You should have an equal number of skills and weaknesses (ex. low stamina or bad eyesight).
General Info
Name: Jehan
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Class: Warrior


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs

Character Info
Profession: Blacksmith's Apprentice
Background: The son of a blacksmith, Jehan's future had already been decided since birth. Since as far back as he could remember, his father taught him the way of smithing, just like his own father taught him however many years ago. With a penchant for daydreaming and a rebellious streak a mile wide, Jehan would often shirk off his duties to go hang out with his friends. One of them was the son of a retired knight whom Jehan pestered to teach him how to fight in his spare time. And like that, when his father wasn't lecturing him about the nuances of their craft, he would spend the better part of the day training with a blade with the hopes of becoming a knight.
Skills: Sprinting, Blade/Armor repair, Minor Smithing
Weaknesses: Aquaphobia, Absentminded, Reckless

Keyrth (Dormant): A large ankle band made out of light-colored stone, most likely granite. There are a series of lines etched into the band, but they don't seem to have any patterns or reason to them.
Equipment: Smithing Hammer and Tongs
Weapons: Shotel

Combat Info
Style: Still a fledgeling fighter, Jehan lacks the finesse and muscle memory to perform certain maneuvers that'd come easily to experienced fighters, like parrying. As such, his method of attack is pretty straight forward and easy to predict. However Jehan favors relies on his strength and reflexes to see him through a fight. Usually avoiding his opponents attacks until they slip up, before overwhelming them with his strength.
Skills: Strength, Reflexes, Stamina
Weaknesses: Inexperience, Predictable, Clumsy


Name: Karluk Morrison
Gender: Female, but is often received as androgynous or male. (I’ll be referring to them as “they/them”, even though this is probably ahead of the times. Your character can call them either “she or him”.)
Age: 25
Class: Upper middle class, scholar.

Height: 6’1
Weight: 155

Character Info
Profession: Doctor
Karluk was brought up in a small village, where they were taught the values of hard work and labor. The village was northern, rich with local fauna- fox, seals, and other animals. These pelts were sought after by the settlements in the surrounding areas, because the furs received high prices overseas. In the beginning, these furs were traded for luxuries local to other areas. Dyes for fabric and carefully crafted beads and ceremonial masks. On the bluffs nearby, rough drawings of beings from another realm generated myths, whispered about by the local children. Before outside influence, Karluk was tasked with cleaning and tanning, because they had a natural affinity for understanding inner workings. Additionally, they were expected to tend responsibilities shared by the tribe (hunting, fishing, weaving, gathering, and other obligations). The young cared for the old, and respect was ingrained from a young age.

Because the village was smaller compared to the larger conglomerations in the vicinity, Karluk's village was eventually overtaken by another tribe. The ruling tribe tasked the remainder of Karluk's group with hunting and fishing, and they were given little in return. Many members would be stationed in freezing huts were would work from sunrise to sunset. The long days spent tracking and poking holes in the ice gave Karluk a variety of life skills that were valuable to the faction.

As outside groups began passing through the village from the West, diseases that the isolated group was fragile to brought famine, and consequently, starvation. As was common for the time, travelers from the mainland would gather expeditions to stake claims on land and take a slice of wealth from the tribes.

As life became more difficult for the village, many of the members were either stolen or came along willingly. Locals married off to outsiders, and the bonds of the group loosened rapidly. Volunteering to aid those suffering from disease, Karluk did what they could to make the sick comfortable on their deathbeds. As word of the sickness reached beyond the village, it brought in a group of scholars and doctors that were curious to study the affects of outside exposure. Watching their life deteriorate, Karluk decided to leave with the group, along with a handful of others who wished for a change. The doctors operated out of the top floor of an old building, highly experimental and acting on a small scale. Inspired by the work they did, Karluk wished to understand the diseases that laid waste to their people. They pursued medicine and eventually became an assistant for the doctor of the establishment.

Skills: Healing, natural medicine, understanding of wildlife and animals.
Weaknesses: Socially abrupt, takes a while to warm up to strangers. Claustrophobic.

Relic: Corym (dormant).
A pair of earrings in the shape of feathers. The metal the feathers are carved out of is very bright and constantly reflects light as they move. The feathers themselves are very detailed and each of the feather’s veins are so thin that they almost seem to move in the wind.
Equipment: A few bottles of remedies and medicine, as well a book full of anatomy diagrams and common ailments.
Weapons: A small hunting knife with a raven engraved on the side, potential creation of poisons.

Combat Info
Style: Sneaky. Karluk would prefer to sneak up on an opponent than face them head on. If they can use the landscape to their advantage, they will, using bushes and trees as cover.
Skills: Their experience with hunting means they have skills in tracking.
Weaknesses: Karluk isn’t the strongest physically. If they were to be attacked directly by a sturdy opponent, they would be overpowered easily.


General Info
Name: August Alexandra
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Class: Adventurer

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs

Character Info
Profession: Hunter
Background: August grew up in a small village. Her father was a hunter and her mother worked as a cook at the village's inn. The inn relied on August's father's group of hunters to provide food. While her mother hoped that August would be interested in learning to cook what the hunters would bring, August was more interested in learning to tack and hunt on her own. Reluctantly, her mother and father decided that they should let their daughter pursue her own interests, and so at age seven August began training.

August was no natural at tracking. She was actually quite bad at it. She started off very impatient, and received a lot of discipline from her father. When it came to a bow, however, August was a natural. She was born with great vision, and once she was able to get the hang of the actual mechanics of a bow and arrow, 70% of her arrows landed a bullseye.

By the time she was sixteen, August was the second most productive member of the hunter's group, just behind her father. He was quite proud of his only daughter. On her eighteenth birthday August's father took her on a father daughter weekend's long hunting trip. It was meant to be a bonding experience, but it ended in tragedy. There was an accident while climbing, and August's father fell to his death.

Angry, grieving, and sad, August returned to her village alone. She delivered the bad news to her mother, who did not take the news lightly. August became cold and distant. She lost the person most important to her, and she did not ever want to experience the feeling ever again. Two months after the death of her father, August decided to leave her village and live on her own. She hopes to discover all of the legendary places her father told her about in stories.
Skills: Archery, sneaking, fishing
Weaknesses: Independent to a fault, stubborn, over-confident

Relic: Goras (dormant) - A rather simple cloak with a large hood. On first inspection it seems to have a blue hue, but on second glance the color seems to be green. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact name of its color, and on occasion even as you stare at it the color seems to change.
Equipment: Block and tackle, fishing tackle, lantern, hunter's trap
Weapons: Bow and arrow, small dagger

Combat Info
Style: August is a ranger. She primarily uses her bow and arrow, and she typically lands kill shots. Opponents with heavy armor and helmets would pose as an inconvenience, but August is typically only hunting animals, not humans. August is not physically very strong and not proficient in hand-to-hand combat. She is swift, however, and if she is able to dodge she may be able to counter with her dagger.
Skills: Agility, tracking, eyesight
Weaknesses: Hand-to-hand combat, strength, stamina
General Info
Jonah Rogers



Character Info
Royal Bookkeeper
Born to a long line of bookkeepers, Jonah's fate was decided at birth. He was the first and only child to his parents which meant that he automatically became the heir for both the family trade and fortune - granted, however, that the fortune didn't consist of much but a few dusty books. Jonah's family were in service to the royal family of Hyunt which is a large kingdom in the north. Jonah was raised inside the Hyunt castle, though he mainly spent his time in the family's library seeing that his family quarter's were located there. He began to read at a very young age but received no other sort of tuition, nor any other kind of mental or physical stimulation. He was rarely in contact with people outside his family because they essentially lived in the library and seldom left. Both his mother and father were avid readers and spent their time browsing the library's books, so it was natural for their son to do the same.

As a child, Jonah's favorite stories were about magical creatures from the legends and so his parents often indulged him in reading the existing stories of them over and over again. They never believed that magical creatures had once existed, and were appalled when their son started to get the notion that they ever existed, but allowed him to have his own opinion and just figured that he'd learn the truth himself one day through his reading. They were sorely mistaken because Jonah one day stumbled across an old, tattered book with barely legible print on the cover: The Magical Creature Almanac. The book seemed to contain highly detailed images and pictures of magical creatures, but knowing that his parents would disregard it as a children's fairy tale book Jonah kept it to himself. He read it frequently, even after he had already memorized all the legible text it contained.

Eventually his father died and Jonah inherited the title of Royal Bookkeeper. For the first time in his life he actually met the king whom he served as he was appointed the role, and shortly after retreated back to his library. He still hadn't come into contact with many people outside those who wandered into the library from time to time - most of whom were scholars - but didn't mind it. He spent his time continuing to read the books available to him and taking care of his aging mother until her eventual death in his twenties. From then on he lived in solitude in the library, quietly collecting information and stories.

Creativity - One of Jonah's best attributes is his creativity. He thinks outside of the box with ease, which is a lot of the reason why he believes that magical creatures once existed despite the large amount of doubt and skepticism he's confronted with. He is able to repurpose just about any object into something useful and is good at improvising on the spot.
Memory - Jonah has an outstanding memory, be it for information or practical knowledge like directions and faces. He can recite just about every piece of information he's read before which makes him pretty much an encyclopedia on a lot of topics, and his memory for people and the land around him is astounding.
Inference - Jonah is good at putting pieces of a puzzle together to see a larger picture, or analyzing information that he has in order to reach conclusions.
Defenseless - The man lacks any sort of combat training. He's held a sword twice in his life and didn't even swing it, and he is entirely inexperienced with defending himself as well. In combat situations he freezes up and is unable to defend himself or others, meaning he is incredibly vulnerable to attack.
Slow - Jonah is slow in pretty much every physical sense of the word. His reflexes are slow, he is slow at running, and his normal walking pace is slow too. He doesn't make a very good travelling companion due to that fact, and is utterly incapable of dodging any sort of attack because by the time his body moves the attack has already landed. He also isn't good at running away from things, so in general he's just a liability on the battlefield.
Scatterbrained - Contrasting directly against his high recall abilities, Jonah is also known to frequently lose his train of thought. He has to be reminded pretty constantly what he's doing or what he's looking for lest he forget, and sometimes can be very easily distracted by events happening in the world around him.

Trianne (dormant) - A simple silver necklace that consists of three strings braided together. Secured by a gold clip at the back, the thin necklace glows at random times, and in different colors.
Magical Creature Almanac - An ancient book that has illustrations and information about various magical creatures. A lot of the information is unreadable due to age, and the book itself is falling apart, but it is one of the last accurate surviving records of many of the magical beings.
Pen and Paper - A calligraphy pen with ink and a notebook full of paper. Jonah uses it to take notes on his surroundings and things of interest.
Walking Stick - A simple wooden stick with a snake head carved at the top. The places where the snake's eyes should be are hollowed out, suggesting that there was previously some kind of filler there but it has long since fallen out.

Invisible Text
name... Nakia Thruss
age... 21
gender... Female
height... 5'5"
weight... 127 lbs.
class... Warrior
profession... Farmer
Cooking | Getting Into Trouble | Farming | Reading

Listening to Others | Terrible Manners | Decorum | Reading Social Cues

Nakia was born the second child and only daughter to her family. Other than her older brother who went on to become a soldier and later a Knight, her parents never had more children due to an incident after Nakia's birth. So growing up, much of the hard labor of taking care of the family farm fell to her as her father and mother grew older and lacked the strength to care for it. At first she hated the fact that she was stuck unable to decide what she wanted to do with her life, being saddled with farm work and the expectation to marry well and have plenty of children so they could then care for the farm after she'd gone. She resented her brother for leaving and forcing her to care for this burden, believing that he didn't care for her and her opinions. During this early time in her life, she learned the meaning of hard work and dedication, while also gaining a bit of a smart mouth that often got her into trouble with her parents.

She didn't see her brother at all for quite a few years. It wasn't until sometime after her twelfth birthday that he finally came home with orders to rest and heal from a deep injury before returning to the army. It was then that Nakia created an actual bond with her elder brother who in the end confided in her that he joined the army to help give her a better chance in life. With the money he could earn from becoming a Knight, he would be able to give more to her as she grew older and decide what she wanted to do with her life. She'd been stunned before she began to cry silently, thanking him and apologizing for her quiet hatred of him. Nakia was ashamed of herself and did her best to care for her brother while also taking care of her duties.

Her brother had been home for coming close to a month when she finally saw him practicing his swordsmanship and became entranced. She demanded that he teach her all he knew. After all, he'd managed to become a Knight! Who better to teach her than her elder brother? Immediately he refused, which angered Nakia and caused her to throw an awe inspiring tantrum, throwing his words back in his face about wanting her to be able to decide what to do with her life. After storming away and waiting a few days, she began to beg him, never leaving him alone until he finally gave in, preferring that she learn from him rather than try on her own and hurt or even kill herself.

So for the next month that her brother was home, he taught Nakia the basics of swordsmanship, giving her books on how to better her mastery of the basics. By the time he had to go back to the army, she already had a fairly decent grasp on the beginners skill set. He left her with the instruction to practice with wooden swords only while at home. For years they continued like this. Whenever he could spare the time, her brother would come home and train his sister who seemed to soak up his instructions like a sponge. It wasn't until Nakia was eighteen that her and her family received word that her brother had been killed in a border skirmish. The young woman had been enraged and set about destroying a small area of her practice shed. She didn't know what to do without her brother and soon fell into a depression that lasted a few months.

Without her brother who loved her and instructed her on how to be a better person, Nakia grew fairly bitter and sarcastic, finding herself often in trouble with the people from town as well as her parents. While before she'd been pleasant for the most part, now she was downright cold and ignored most who approached her. She was nineteen when one morning a soldier who lived in the town near the farm woke her with a bucket of water to the face. Sputtering out insults and threats, she was forced to listen to him explain how he'd worked with her brother and had finally been sent home and able to find her as a favor to her brother who had died saving his life. He promised to continue her swordsmanship lessons as long as she promised to change her attitude.

Reluctantly she agreed, finding that she didn't care much for the soldier's attitude, but she could silently admit to herself that her brother would be ashamed of her if he saw her now. So she vowed to improve herself, inward and outwards. And so now at twenty-one, while she still has a pretty prickly attitude, she takes most things in a good fashion and is much more open and receptive to others, even though she kept her loud mouth. Her skills with the sword had increased drastically as well, having another teacher to give her style an edge. Nakia knows she's nowhere near the best at her craft, especially due to her being a woman, but she knows that because of her size, her speed is her most deadly advantage and she uses it at every opportunity.
Elivin (dormant) | A simple necklace made of thinly stripped, braided leather. Lacking a pendant, the most ornate part of the necklace is its clasp which is silver with small engravings. It hangs loosely around the neck.

A make-shift altered form her brother's armor and a belt carrying a small pouch to hold money and small miscellaneous items.

Her brother's katana.
combat style...
Nakia is more of a frontal attacker. She tends to throw taunts to try and unnerve/get under her opponents skin and charge forward with a burst of speed and take her opponent down as quickly as possible. Due to her size and weight she focuses on speed in her attacks, taking out her opponent before they even know what hit them before they can overpower her with their strength.

Speed | Reflexes | Stamina

Strength | Hand to Hand Combat | Endurance

Code by S n o w S n o w
General Info
Name: Olaf Erikson
: Male
Age: 32
Class: Warrior / Berserker

images (3).jpegHeight: 5' 11"
Weight: 179 lbs

Character Info
Profession: Viking
Olaf, son of Erik, owner of three boats, two goats, and one cranky donkey; married to a fierce shield-maiden named Svanhild, whose beauty was matched only in her ferocity; sworn to Earl Ragnar Lothbrok in the early conquests of the west as cook and warrior, and afterwards sworn to raze those lands in the name of vengeance; lost an eye in a raucous wager against Three-Eyed Bjorn (formerly Two-Eyed); and, against all odds, converted to the Good Faith by the tireless efforts - and martyrdom - of a brave priest.

Sailing, Equpiment Repair, Foraging, Cooking
Reckless, Blunt, One-Eyed, Animal Handling

Aldiric (Dormant)
A thin round shield made of some kind of unidentifiable metal. It shines dully in the light, and there are a series of circles carved into it that gradually grow in size toward the border of the shield.

Weapon: One-Handed Axe
Off-Hand: Wooden Shield (Wolf Crest)
Armor: Full Leather with Furs
Travel Sack:
- Beef Jerky
- Roll of Twine
- Whetstone
- Waterskin
- Pouches of sage, thyme, and rosemary
- 2x Throwing Knives
- Travelling Fur Cloak
- Eye Patch
- Tiwaz Rune
- Rosary

Combat Info
Style: Lausatök (Free-Form)
The traditional fighting style of the Vikings, wherein Olaf was trained from the moment he learned to pick up a sword. He focused his training in the shield and axe, blending defensive manuevers and fierce movements. He fights best as part of a war band and shield wall, but does just as well in single combat. When the rage goes to his head, however, more often than not he'll eschew the shield -- and self-preservation instincts -- to mow down every enemie in his path. And in that state, everyone is his enemy.

Skills: Berserker, Endurance, Stamina, Strength
Weaknesses: Blood Rage, Speed, Agility, Finesse


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