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Fantasy Dream Quest [Lore Hub]



Berry bad fruit puns
Magical Creature Almanac (here)
World Information
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Magical Creature Almanac

  • Rare | High Magical Ability

    Elusive nightwalkers, the banshee are said to be able to predict the death of all other beings, and are also capable of causing the deaths that they predict. Records of the banshee have been lost with time but one thing remains from the ancient texts: their screams are chilling to the bone and can be heard from miles away. The banshee took the side of the Tremors in the war with nearly no exceptions.
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Magical Creature Almanac
World Information (here)
World History
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Mortal Realm
On the mortal plane the year is 7024AR. The majority of the world is flourishing with trade, industry and cities buzzing, though as with any world there is still the presence of the poor, disadvantaged and oppressed. Lines of royalty across the countries are well established and their monarchies are stable and seem to be destined to remain for many years still to come. Notably, however, many people in the East have become discontent with the disengagement of their rulers so some rebellion stirs.

Technology is far past primitive but still not refined enough for electricity or motorized vehicles. Horses are the preferred method of transport and weapons have recently stretched to accommodate trebuchets and other more complex seige weapons. Knights are one of the most revered positions in society and one often sees small children playing as knights and other nobles, and for this reason rings of knights are highly selective. They have high expectations for combat abilities and are known to be skewed towards nobility and royalty. Those who don’t qualify for knighthood usually just become soldiers.

Every rumor and aspect of magic that once existed in the world are thought to be myths and legends. Magical creatures can only be heard of in stories and music, and the only ones who have extensive knowledge about them are scholars and gypsies who are essentially the only existing people who believe magical creatures ever did exist. Gypsies are a highly condemned people and largely not welcome across the countries of the world.

Dream Plane
The dream plane has no clear flow of time and everything is experienced in random fragments. The season changes at will and day switched to night with no real sense of reason. It is very common to be walking somewhere in the day and minutes later find that it’s nighttime and have no real conception of what happened. The dream plane is largely uninhabited aside from the presence of Flickers which refer to the dreaming minds of people on the mortal plane. Flickers float around the plane and both appear and disappear randomly. They cannot interact with the world around them, and are like ghosts in the fact that you can just walk through them. They appear in the forms of small glowing balls of light, and while they take different colors it’s hnclear what the colors mean. Long-term inhabitants of the dream world have learned to simply ignore their presence.

Nobody has determined just how large the dream plane is, but it’s clear that it contains every environment possible ranging from tundras to forests to deserts. They often change and border each other in a manner that makes no sense. Generally they stay in one place but it’s not uncommon for forests to move and appear in other places. Normal laws of gravity usually apply but not always.

Notably, there are no natural living beings in the dream plane. The only living beings that reside there originated from when the Stars locked all the magical beings inside it, and since the war inside the dream plane has been going on for over 7000 years many of them have been killed. It seems that if you’re killed in the dream world, you die just as you would in the mortal plane. For this reason, the bulk of surviving creatures are the most ferocious and resilient of the creatures. The war continues on but large coordinated attacks have become fewer and further between as the creatures have gradually realized that there’s no point in fighting if nobody can make it out of the dream plane.
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Magical Creature Almanac
World Information
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Relic Information
The War
The war between the Stars and the Tremors is referred to in lore as the “Great Magic War”, though few believe the event was anything but legend. Nowadays there is little evidence in the mortal plane that the war ever happened, but that is solely because the war obliterated much of mortal society when it occurred. The immense amount of magic used in the war essentially destroyed much of modern civilization in the mortal plane, and after the magical beings were trapped in the dream plane it took centuries for the mortals to rebuild their society.

The war raged in the mortal plane for over 50 years. At first, mortal beings fought alongside the magical creatures and many factions of humans pitted against each other, but it soon became clear they were terribly outmatched. Suffering massive casualties in the first 10 years of fighting, the humans withdrew from the war with few exceptions. After that they lived in fear of the constant magic assaults on villages and the fear of being preyed on by carnivorous beings: before the war, many human villages were protected from evil by good creatures but many of these guardian creatures were killed or called away during the war. Many villages and towns retreated underground.

Among the magical creatures, there were some factions that suffered similar fates to the humans. For instance, the elves - despite their massive number and high capabilities - were completely wiped out by a series of dragon firebombings. They were later hunted down by tribes of centaurs, and elves were declared extinct well into the 40th year of the war. Many other species suffered this same fate.

Around the 45th year of war, it became clear that neither side was going to back down. They had invested so many resources into the fighting that there was simply no turning back, and many forgot what they were even fighting for. In the eyes of immortal creatures, these 50 years were but small spurts of time and so they fought on without regard to the mortals. Wars had occurred like this before, but certainly not on this scale. Seeing the utter destructions nd devastation they had brought upon the mortal world, the Stars reconsidered their strategy. It was then that the leader of the Stars proposed the idea to transfer the war to the dream plane.

The Reconstruction
After the magical beings were all trapped in the dream plane, the humans slowly retreated from hiding. Their numbers were low and their civilizations were ruined but they managed to bond together to exterminate all magical creatures left behind - deciding that it was best for their world to be without them. The year that the world ended in the mortal plane is referred to as 0AR, or 0 years after the Reconstruction. That became the human’s new measure of time, with years after the war ended called AR (After Reconstruction) and years before that called BR (Before Reconstruction). The Reconstruction process was slow, but with the tenacity of humans they managed to make a come back and slowly began to expand again.

The Continuation
The Continuation refers to the continuation of the war in the dream plane. For the 5024 years that the mortal plane recooperated and rebuilt, the magical beings fought. In this time, many species met their fate either on the battle field or attempting to adapt to their new environment. For example, with no humans to feed on, the vampires we’re rapidly wiped out. Fairies survived for a few centuries but their numbers slowly dwindled until they, too, were killed even after they attempted to surrender and hide. The war weeded out the weaker magical beings until the ones left largely consisted of the immortals. After the portal to the dream plane closed, the leader of the Stars shattered into pieces and now both sides are fighting over the pieces: the only hope of their escape is to resurrect the Stars’ leader. Skirmishes now center over possible locations of the fragments, and the fragments can be identified through the abnormalities they cause - though abnormalities can be difficult to identify since the dream world is an eccentric place. Numbers on both sides have dwindled so it can be difficult to locate any of the creatures unless they locate you first.
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Magical Creature Almanac
World Information
World History
Relic Information (here)
Known Relics
Relic Name | Owner | State | Form | Powers

Keryth | Jehan | Dormant | Ankle Band | Unknown
Corym | Karluk | Dormant | Earrings | Unknown
Goras | August | Dormant | Cloak | Unknown
Trianne | Jonah | Dormant | Necklace | Unknown
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