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Fantasy Dream Quest | Magic, Small Group


Berry bad fruit puns
*If you are on mobile (or just don't like to scroll through BBCode), there is a non-coded version of the interest check at the bottom of the post in the spoiler.
[class=background] background:url('http://frosper.ru/img/2/kolonna_putnik_skaly_blinck_gory_sneg_holod_art_arka_1920x1288.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:25px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:700px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-210px; margin-bottom:10px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
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[div class=basics]Dream Quest[/div][div class=basics][/div][div class=basics] fantasy ////// small group[/div]
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There was a time when magical beings roamed the earth.

They were worshiped and revered by all as the guardians of the planet, and for a time all was well.

That quickly changed with the rise of the Tremors. A self-proclaimed organization of havoc, these beings banded together to overthrow all that was good and righteous with the goal of condemning the world to chaos. A massive magical battle arose as the Tremors fought against the Stars - a hastily assembled group of magical beings wishing to preserve the world as it was - and the two sides fought tooth and nail while the non-magical stood by and watched. The war waged for over two hundred years until finally the leader of the Stars decided enough was enough.

Opening a gate into the dream world, the Stars lured the Tremors into the gate before slamming it shut: locking both sides into the plane of dreams. The amount of magic required for such a feat shattered the mortal body of the Stars' leader, and the fragments of his body fell into the dream world where they were quickly lost.

The war waged on within the dream plane, but with no gatekeeper to open the gate back to reality the Stars and Tremors were stuck.

Meanwhile, the mortal realm that was left had suffered insurmountable damage. Nearly all cities and towns were destroyed, and many non-magical civilians had died in the crossfire. All at once there were no magical beings left in the world; they had all seemingly disappeared, and nobody knew where to. Deciding that it was for the best, humans slowly rebuilt their civilizations and soon there was no memory of magic or the great war outside of folk tales and songs.

Forgotten, the magical beings fought for millennia in the dream plane where the war continues to this day as the sides scramble to resurrect the leader of the Stars: the only one who can open the gate back to reality. All of a sudden, a number of mortal beings appeared in the dream plane, armed with nothing but a strange relic and fragmented memories of a war long past...

Plot & Roleplay Info
Welcome to Dream Quest! Basically, magical beings waged a massive war until they got locked in the dream plane. Now they are there fighting to try to resurrect the leader of the Stars so that they can come back to the mortal realm, but neither side is making much progress and they are essentially stuck in an eternal war.

That's where the player characters come in! Each player will play a character from the human/mortal world that went to sleep one night and woke up in the dream plane. Their consciousness was magically summoned to the dream world by a -mysterious- force, and now they're stuck there. Armed with nothing but a special relic they found upon awaking, the characters will have to figure out what's going on and eventually band together to try to escape the dream world - hopefully without getting killed along the way.

The character relics will be assigned upon acceptance, and they each have a special power that will awaken throughout the roleplay. Aside from that, the characters will have no magical powers because they arrived from the human world, and the only acceptable race will therefore be humans. The human world that they came from is your run-of-the-mill medieval setting and so characters can be farmers/knights/royalty/whatever you want, but their human roles aren't going to be that important seeing that they've been transported to an entirely different plane of existence where they're going to have to deal with magical creatures they've only heard of in legends.

There will be more detail about the worlds and character creation in the CS thread, but if you have any questions about the rp please ask below! I'm happy to provide you with as much information as possible without spoiling elements of the plot. c: For posting expectations and other stuff, please refer to the box at the bottom of the image underneath the arrow! (You're gonna have to scroll a bit~)


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Rules & Other Stuff
Alrighty! Dream Quest is going to be a small-ish group rp, and I'm looking for no more than 5 players for it. It's easier for me to GM if there's a smaller group! However, if there's more interest than that I may consider adding more people (or if it's the other way around, I can easily size down the group as well). Here is what I expect from you if you want to participate in this rp:

-Ability to write at least two paragraphs per post. I know quality > quantity, but I assure you that I'll give you enough information to respond to that you'll be able to finish those two paragraphs!
-Ability to post at least twice a week, and be willing to let me know in advance if you're going to be absent.
-Good grammar and all that jazz, I don't mind if English isn't your first language as long as you're making an effort!
-I'd prefer if you had a discord because I like doing rp discords, but if you don't have one never fear, we can use a normal OOC thread in that case.

I think that's about it, as I said there's more information to come with the CS thread, which will be put up in a few days! I'm looking for around 5 people who are interested, and if you post stating your interest beware that I will aggressively ping you to make sure you're still on board lol. Post or PM me if you have any questions!

Thanks to RI.a RI.a for the awesome BBCode, the credit is already on here but this was great so I'm doing an extra shoutout lol.
[/div][div class=credits]credits RI.a RI.a [/div]

There was a time when magical beings roamed the earth.

They were worshiped and revered by all as the guardians of the planet, and for a time all was well.

That quickly changed with the rise of the Tremors. A self-proclaimed organization of havoc, these beings banded together to overthrow all that was good and righteous with the goal of condemning the world to chaos. A massive magical battle arose as the Tremors fought against the Stars - a hastily assembled group of magical beings wishing to preserve the world as it was - and the two sides fought tooth and nail while the non-magical stood by and watched. The war waged for over two hundred years until finally the leader of the Stars decided enough was enough.

Opening a gate into the dream world, the Stars lured the Tremors into the gate before slamming it shut: locking both sides into the plane of dreams. The amount of magic required for such a feat shattered the mortal body of the Stars' leader, and the fragments of his body fell into the dream world where they were quickly lost. The war waged on within the dream plane, but with no gatekeeper to open the gate back to reality the Stars and Tremors were stuck.

Meanwhile, the mortal realm that was left had suffered insurmountable damage. Nearly all cities and towns were destroyed, and many non-magical civilians had died in the crossfire. All at once there were no magical beings left in the world; they had all seemingly disappeared, and nobody knew where to. Deciding that it was for the best, humans slowly rebuilt their civilizations and soon there was no memory of magic or the great war outside of folk tales and songs. Forgotten, the magical beings fought for millennia in the dream plane where the war continues to this day as the sides scramble to resurrect the leader of the Stars: the only one who can open the gate back to reality.

All of a sudden, a number of mortal beings appeared in the dream plane, armed with nothing but a strange relic and fragmented memories of a war long past...

Plot & Roleplay Info
Welcome to Dream Quest! Basically, magical beings waged a massive war until they got locked in the dream plane. Now they are there fighting to try to resurrect the leader of the Stars so that they can come back to the mortal realm, but neither side is making much progress and they are essentially stuck in an eternal war.

That's where the player characters come in! Each player will play a character from the human/mortal world that went to sleep one night and woke up in the dream plane. Their consciousness was magically summoned to the dream world by a -mysterious- force, and now they're stuck there. Armed with nothing but a special relic they found upon awaking, the characters will have to figure out what's going on and eventually band together to try to escape the dream world - hopefully without getting killed along the way. The character relics will be assigned upon acceptance, and they each have a special power that will awaken throughout the roleplay. Aside from that, the characters will have no magical powers because they arrived from the human world, and the only acceptable race will therefore be humans.

The human world that they came from is your run-of-the-mill medieval setting and so characters can be farmers/knights/royalty/whatever you want, but their human roles aren't going to be that important seeing that they've been transported to an entirely different plane of existence where they're going to have to deal with magical creatures they've only heard of in legends. There will be more detail about the worlds and character creation in the CS thread, but if you have any questions about the rp please ask below! I'm happy to provide you with as much information as possible without spoiling elements of the plot. c:

Rules & Other Stuff
Alrighty! Dream Quest is going to be a small-ish group rp, and I'm looking for no more than 5 players for it. It's easier for me to GM if there's a smaller group! However, if there's more interest than that I may consider adding more people (or if it's the other way around, I can easily size down the group as well). Here is what I expect from you if you want to participate in this rp:

-Ability to write at least two paragraphs per post. I know quality > quantity, but I assure you that I'll give you enough information to respond to that you'll be able to finish those two paragraphs!
-Ability to post at least twice a week, and be willing to let me know in advance if you're going to be absent.
-Good grammar and all that jazz, I don't mind if English isn't your first language as long as you're making an effort!
-I'd prefer if you had a discord because I like doing rp discords, but if you don't have one never fear, we can use a normal OOC thread in that case.

I think that's about it, as I said there's more information to come with the CS thread, which will be put up in a few days! I'm looking for around 5 people who are interested, and if you post stating your interest beware that I will aggressively ping you to make sure you're still on board lol. Post or PM me if you have any questions!
Sweet! Thanks guys. :D I’ll have the CS thread up by tomorrow at the latest, you’ll be pinged when it’s up. :)

Still accepting people though!
I'm interested as well. I plan to send over a character sheet late today or early tomorrow.
I'm interested in this! (I can't PM just yet... I should set that out as a goal to get cleared this weekend lol. Once I can though, will shoot you a message.)
Definitely interested! I'll get to work on something tonight!
Thanks guys! The CS link has been posted already so just look at that and toss something up!
Put it up on the thread or PM you first? Cause I thought I read something earlier that said to PM you. I can do either, just wanted to double check lol

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