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Fantasy Dragoon (OPEN)

TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

As Wit surpassed Chiara, she forgot to care about what the other apprentices thought as she pushed herself to catch up to the elf, not willing to spend another second seeing his back. Possessed with the spirit of competition, she accelerated until they were neck and neck, and by the time they were on their tenth lap, word about their bet had spread around from those who overheard them earlier. Every single one of the apprentices cheered for Wit as the race continued. Even Kherek managed to crack a smile as he watched on.

"Avenge us!" one of the apprentices hollered as Wit passed by.

"Chiara must pay!" said another.

Eventually, the race concluded with Wit as the winner and Chiara following closely behind, completely out of breath in her struggle to keep up. More than a few apprentices would have to do extra chores tomorrow, but that didn't seem to matter as they cheered for the elf and hailed him as their champion, simply happy that someone managed to defeat Chiara.

"Shows me... for racing... an elf," she said as she huffed and puffed.

Clearing his throat very audibly, Kherek interrupted the brief celebration as he said, "Hope you got that out of your system. Now get to the yard, all of you."

Kherek has not used any abilities in this post. His stamina is now 10/10.​
Wit Alethkar Enkerzed Enkerzed

Wit turned and saw Chiara catching up. He realized this would not be an easy win as she was matching his steps almost exactly. Either of them could win at this point.
The apprentices cheers pushed Wit heavily. By the time he had finished the laps with Chiara on his heels, he could barely speak because of how exhausted he was.

"That was... the best competition... I've had in a while." Wit said to Chiara, raising his arms over his head in attempt to catch his breath.

As Wit reached out his hand to shake Chiara's after their intense competition, their attention was drawn by Kherek ordering them to get to the yard.

"I'd race ya to the yard Chiara, but we wouldn't have enough energy to do what Master Arbo asked of us. I'd also probably win again so that saves you the embarrassment." He says with a wink and begins following the rest of the group to the yard.

Everyone gathers in the yard waiting anxiously for whatever announcement is to come.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat Azallea Azallea

Standing before all the gathered apprentices, Kherek's voice rang throughout the yard as he began, "Several things. First of all, our stock of adamantine weapons have been completely depleted. Some of them's been lost, others are with our Dragoons in the field, point is there's just not enough to go around so get used to sharing."

With a nod towards Cassandra, he said, "If you don't got one, borrow one. Evaluation's in a month, so train hard. Meantime, Master Arbo's gone deepside to rectify our weapons situation and he's left me in charge til he gets back. Dunno when exactly, but it should be just before evaluation. Until then you'll do what I say, whenever I say, got it?"

"So, nothing new then?" Chiara whispered to Wit as all the other apprentices shouted, "Yes, instructor Kherek!"

"Quiet, you're going to get us into trouble again," another apprentice scornfully replied in hushed tones.

"Good enough," the dwarf replied as he nodded with approval. "Now get moving. I want wagons at the front, everyone else in the rear and not a single one of you out of my sight on our way to town."

"Can we bring our weapons?" Chiara piped up as she raised her hand. "You know, just in case of bandits and stuff."

Kherek rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he considered the question. Bandits were indeed a problem as they tended to prowl along any road or pass through the Stormwall Mountains, particularly towards the south where caravans traveled more frequently. Although the Sunpeak Monastery stood along the eastern side of the mountains, not even the Dragoons were immune to the odd ambush from those coveting their adamantine weapons. Kherek had to chase off several thieves himself in the past as they hid among the peaks, spying on the monastery and waiting for their opportunity to strike. Few were ever successful, but then again a few were.

On the other hand however, one of the rules of the monastery was that no apprentice could leave its grounds with an adamantine weapon in hand and as far as Kherek was concerned, such rules were ironclad. Even if the weakest apprentices were more than a match for any ordinary individual in combat, bandits having prana users and mages among their number was not outside the realm of possibility, and the apprentices would likely be targeted for simply carrying adamantine weapons in the first place.

"No," Kherek eventually decided. "At least, not if it's adamantine. Anything else is fine though."

"But I only got my spear," Chiara replied dejectedly.

"Quit your whining, there's plenty of good steel left in the armoury. Borrow one of those and leave your spear behind."


As Chiara left for the armoury, Kherek turned to address the other apprentices as he said, "Anyone else?"
Enkerzed Enkerzed

Cassandra Fariá

Waiting in the yard for the announcement with the few apprentices who caused no ruckus in the quarters, Cassandra saw the other half of the apprentices approaching, along with the dwarven instructor Kherek.
His shorter but hurried steps resembling a march, were directly contrasted with the tired trudges of the exhausted group of trainees.
He waited a few moments for everyone to gather and quieten before he began speaking.
The news about the lack of adamantine hadn't surprised Cassandra as she had been able to experience it first hand, but the fact that they had no solid or permanent solution worried her to a certain degree.
She nodded regardless. None of them had a choice and they will have to learn to manage.
An unpleasant thought came to her mind. There will probably be enough weapons when elimination day comes around, as she dubbed it. Sure, having her own adamantine weapon would be great, but the fact that some apprentices will be forced to leave, still didn't sit with her well. It makes sense from a logic standpoint, sure. If someone's not cut out to be a dragoon, they shouldn't waste time here. But on the other hand, the order is lacking in appliciants. Can they really afford to cut off willing people regulary?
She got lost in thought for a minute, but hearing the second part of the speech, she snapped back into reality and focused on what Kherek was saying. That cant be right, can it?
She decided to gamble and ask. The apprentice raised her hand and spoke up: "Shouldn't the wagons be in the centre of the group, though? It would make them safer and it'd allow us more mobility and visibility", she added.


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post.
Her stamina is now 8/10.
Azallea Azallea

"Thank you for your tactical insight, Knight Cassandra," Kherek replied in a deadpan manner. "That would indeed be prudent... after we have actually loaded the wagons. As we have yet to do that however, I don't think that will be necessary. Furthermore, your assessment is incorrect. It's not the wagons that need protecting, but you and everyone else here under my charge. Let me make this clear to everyone."

Raising his voice, Kherek continued so the whole monastery could hear, "If we run into any trouble on the road, you will all ditch the wagons, fall back behind me and do nothing. I will handle it. Only act if there is no other choice, understood?"

As the apprentices sang out their acknowledgement, Kherek called out to Chiara in particular who was halfway up a slope towards the armoury, "I said is that understood, Chiara?"

"Loud and clear, sir!" she called back with a wave of her hand.

"Good. Now, anymore questions? Last one, we don't got all day."
Wit Alethkar

The announcement didn't surprise or upset Wit much. He had his weapon. Though, he was worried about the fact that Master Arbo wouldn't be around to assist him in training before examination day and a bit disappointed that Kherek would be in charge until he gets back.

"Yes Sir!" He says along with the other apprentices while shrugging his shoulders at Chiara's comment. "It doesn't really matter. I think this announcement is for the newer dragoons-to-be anyway." He replied quietly.

Chiara seemed really defeated by Kherek telling her she can't bring her adamantine weapon, as if anything would actually happen. Even if it did, Kherek would most likely not let them get involved unless absolutely needed. "Better safe than sorry." He decides.
"Chiara could you get me a weapon too? Just a light weight blade as a precaution." He asks Chiara as she begins marching toward the armory.

To Wit, it didn't make sense to ditch the wagons if there was an attempted robbery. He thought they should protect the wagons like Cassandra said, but he wasn't going to argue with the dwarf. "Yes sir!" He says loudly for the second time, just wanting to get this endeavor over with.

He didn't have any questions so he glanced around him to see if anyone else did.
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Azallea Azallea TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

"No one? Good, let's get going then," Kherek said when he saw no one else speaking up. "Get the wagons, get the horses, get some weapons too if you don't already have one, but remember. No adamantine. Meet up on the path out of the monastery when you're ready, we travel together."

As the apprentices dispersed, Chiara was just approaching the armoury when a woman stepped out with a steel tipped spear in hand. She was one of the few Dragoons left at the monastery, fully trained, fully armored and full of scars.


"Bit of a commotion out there," she said.​

Chiara shrugged as she began to move past, but then stopped short when she noticed the spear. "What's that for?"

"Training, what else?"

"Yeah, but with that?"

The woman smiled as she replied, "No more adamantine weapons, right? I lent mine to a brother in the field, so I'll be borrowing one of these if you don't mind."

"Hey, you don't need my permission," Chiara said as she held up her hands. "Go for it."

"I thank you. You know, you kids sure are lucky. Back in my day, they didn't let apprentices train with adamantine weapons. You were only given those when they made you a full Dragoon. Master Arbo must have a lot of faith in you all."

Not knowing how to respond, Chiara simply nodded her head and mm hmmed her agreement.

The Dragoon smiled again as she donned her helmet and said before leaving, "Good luck on your evaluation. Perhaps I'll be calling you sister soon."

Whilst entering the armoury, it began to dawn on Chiara why the monastery kept steel weapons at all when the primary tool of the trade for Dragoons was adamantine. Most of the racks on one side of the room was empty, but lined up on the other side were weapons covered in a thin coating of dust. Dust that had not been disturbed for a long time; since the previous generation of apprentices in fact. These were all training weapons. Weighted and oversized to match or surpass the sheer heft of their adamantine counterparts, which all Dragoons were expected to wield with ease.

"Lightweight, huh..." Chiara sighed as she looked around, trying to look for something remotely close to what Wit had requested. Failing to find any such thing, she grabbed a spear for herself and a longsword for Wit, though she couldn't be bothered looking for a scabbard so she switched it out for an axe, which could at least be tucked into a belt. Satisfied with her choices, Chiara left the armoury and returned to the yard.
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Wit Alethkar Enkerzed Enkerzed

The group of apprentices departs and follows Kherek's orders. Wit heads to the stable to get a horse.

On his way he notices a Dragoon proudly walking down the path carrying a steel spear. Wit briefly wondered why she didn't have an adamantine weapon.
The sturdy looking woman had short dirty blonde hair tied up in a pony tail. The sunlight bounced off of her shiny metallic armor and Wit took note of some sort of trinket around her neck. From the angle he couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"Maybe I should ask her for advice about Leaping." Wit scratches his head thoughtfully.

After deciding to go through with this he jogs to catch up with the strapping warrior and slows down as he reaches her. Wit decides he wants to be on her good side as he sizes her up quickly. "She's looks pretty bad-ass." He thinks to himself.

He begins introducing himself. "Hello, um my name is Wit. Could I ask you something?" Wit asks her, unusually intimidated by the visibly experienced woman.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

"That you certainly could," the Dragoon replied as she stopped in her tracks to speak with Wit. "What would you like to know?"

Meanwhile, Chiara was walking through the hive of activity in the yard as she looked this way and that, searching for Wit.

"Where on Ith have you gone?" she groused under her breath as she adjusted her grip on the axe, trying to find some way of holding it comfortably. "Tells me to fetch him a weapon and just disappears, are you serious..."

After following the group heading for the stables with her eyes and not seeing Wit among them, she looked towards the next group of apprentices walking towards the armoury and then spotted two figures off to the side. One being the Dragoon she had just spoken with earlier and the other being noticeably tall and lanky as only a certain elf could be.

"There you are," Chiara muttered as she made a beeline for Wit and then in a somewhat louder voice whilst waving the axe about, "Hey, what the hell? You might as well have gotten this yourself if you were coming this way, you know."

As she approached, she looked between Wit and the Dragoon before asking, "So what's going on here then?"
Wit Alethkar Enkerzed Enkerzed

As the Dragoon answered Wit relaxed a bit. He expected her to be harsh and cold for some reason, but she was the opposite.
"I've been here for a while and evaluation day is coming up. See, my problem is I haven't learned how to Leap yet. Which is frustrating because-" Wit began explaining when his attention was drawn by an all too familiar voice. He sighed, apologized to the Dragoon, and turned toward the interruption.

Chiara was headed toward them at a steady march. Swinging the weapon she brought for him above her head and yelling.
"I wasn't aware that I'd be coming this way until after you left. What, is the ax too heavy for you to carry?" He yelled to her teasingly. She didn't seem amused.

By the way Chiara walked up to him Wit could tell she was upset about something. He wasn't sure what it was, but decided to lay off.
"Oh, I'm just asking her for advice about Leaping, and quite frankly, any other advice she might have. She's experienced. Thank you for grabbing this for me. I'll catch up in a sec." He explained as he reached for the ax in Chiara's hand.

Turning back to the Dragoon, Wit continued "Anyway, it's frustrating because it's supposed to be simple. That's why apprentices learn that ability first. I can not fail." He emphasized.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

There were about a hundred things Chiara wanted to say in retaliation to Wit, but she didn't want to say them in front of the older and more formidable looking woman in fear of embarrassing herself. So instead, she listened quietly as the Dragoon said, "I understand the feeling, Leaping doesn't seem to come as naturally to you as it does for others, does it? I was the same way once. Strugglers like us, we have to work hard for what we have. So my advice is to keep trying until you succeed. Don't worry about the evaluation or what others can do, just focus on yourself."

"That's it?" Chiara said, completely underwhelmed. "Come on, you can't be serious."

The Dragoon turned towards her looking genuinely hurt. "I'm sorry, it's the best advice I can give. I haven't had to think about how to Leap in a long time, I just do it."

Then towards Wit, she continued, "But it is what worked for me. I simply kept trying and trying until one day I eventually got it, and if there's anything I've learned over the years it's that hard work never betrays you."

Meanwhile, Kherek was supervising the apprentices as they saddled the horses and hitched the wagons, until he looked towards the armoury and clapped eyes on the two having a conversation with a Dragoon. "Chiara, Wit, stop bothering her and help out over here!" he shouted as he pointed directly at them and waved them over.

"Looks like I've kept you two long enough," the Dragoon said as she made to leave. "Good luck with your training."
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Wit Alethkar

Wit nodded his head as he listened to the Dragoon speak. As she finished, Chiara disrespectfully shut down her advice.
Wit turned and stared at Chiara with his mouth agape. Her outburst had taken him entirely by surprise, and though Wit agreed with what Chiara was saying, he believed she was overreacting and shouldn't speak to a Dragoon in that manner.

"Something else is definitely bothering her." Wit thought to himself as the Dragoon began speaking again.

Her advice wasn't incorrect, but it honestly wasn't the best. "I understand. I appreciate any advice anyway. Even if it is of the most basic information." He replied to the Dragoon. He felt sort of bad for Chiara's behavior and wanted to apologize, but decided that it might make things even more awkward.

Kherek had noticed them and was ordering them to come back. They said goodbye to the Dragoon. Wit thanked her for her willingness to help him, and they started back to the yard.

"So, what was that?" Wit asks Chiara once they were out of earshot of anyone.
Cassandra Fariá

Wow, I used to be better at this, she went red with shame after Kherek pointed out the hole in her logic and just hoped no one could or would see it.
Silence is gold, after all, she concluded, more as an afterthought, feeling temporarily embarrased, but not allowing herself to get caught up in those feelings. One word and its meaning stood out to her in his sentence. She still wasn't used to people using 'knight' as an insult. Sure, knights weren't popular with everyone, especially common folk, but they still generally mantained a good reputation. Apart from here, it seems.
She wondered if knights did the same thing with the word 'dragoon'. They probably did. She didn't understand why there's such an intense rivaly between those two orders, especially considering their similarities, but she guessed it was just one of those things you have to accept as they are.

As the dwarf continued his speech, she had to admit (to herself of course- there's no way she'd speak up again after her previous gaffe), that his orders were illogical. Wagons are the priority, we are already low on supplies, we can't afford to lose them, or even worse, give them up! It simply made no sense. And there's strength in numbers, which she was sure they had on their side, considering the opposing side would be a random and unorganised group of bandits, at best.
The apprentices maybe weren't experienced warriors, but they could handle themselves. They weren't children who needed babying and protection! And they could surely help in fighting a couple of outlaws. To do otherwise would be shameful. They wanted to fight dragons, but weren't even allowed to fight if someone attacked them.

Kherek gave out the tasks as no one had any questions and Cass set out to fetch herself a horse seeing as she already had a non-adamantine weapon. The stables were surprisingly big, made for a bigger group of dragoons than they were, perhaps even a small army. Only few of the stalls were occupied with horses. Some apprentices had already lead their horses out, but some stalls have been empty for years.
Her gaze fell upon a dark brown horse with a white patch on his forehead and white little sock-like marking on his legs. "Well hello you, what's your name?" she scratched his neck, looking for a name tag somewhere on the stall door, but couldn't find one. "What do you think of a nickname until I find out your real name?", she grabbed a saddle and started putting it on the horse. "Cake, maybe?" She said the first thing that came to her mind, not even surprised it was food since she was starting to get hungry. The horse neighed and she allowed herself a small smile. "Cake it is, then."


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post.
Her stamina is now 9/10.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat Azallea Azallea

"What was what?" Chiara replied hotly as she walked ahead. "Even I could've given better advice. I mean just how may others do you think heard the same thing before they got kicked out of here? And say it happens to you, what then, eh?"

Kicking a rock out of the way, she continued relentlessly, "Would you turn sellsword, bandit, Knight... maybe even go back home?"

Chiara paused for a moment and glanced back at Wit before hastily adding, "Not like that's worth considering, but still, not a lot of options is there?"

By the time they arrived at the stables, Chiara spoke much more softly to avoid anyone else overhearing, "Look, I don't know if you've noticed but you're about the only friend I've got around here, so... it would really suck if you got kicked out. I mean, duh, of course it would, but what I mean is-"

Before she could say another word, Kherek had marched his way over and paused briefly as he looked back at the stable, scanning his eyes over the group of apprentices working in there. Spotting Cassandra tending to a horse by herself, the instructor pointed in her direction and said, "You two, go see if she needs any help."

Chiara rolled her eyes and sighed as she replied, "Yes, instructor."

"You want to run more laps? Watch your tone there. Last warning."
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Wit Alethkar

Chiara's sudden yelling made Wit jump.
"Hey! No need to yell at me! I wasn't the one giving the advice! Besides, I agree with you. It was shoddy advice." Wit defensively spoke to Chiara, who was fuming.

Chiara brought up the fact that Wit could be going home and Wit became very nauseous. He propped his ax on his shoulders and took deep breaths as their conversation continued.
"I don't need a reminder that I might be expelled. I already know that. That's why I asked for your help." Wit replied solemnly and looked at the sky.

When the two of them reached the stables, Chiara quieted down significantly. Wit leaned in a bit to hear her, but Kherek interrupted their important conversation and instructed them to help Cassandra tend to a horse. It was as if he believed she couldn't handle the simple job herself. Chiara began to talk back to Kherek so Wit grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the opening to the stables.
"Don't worry, I'm training hard. Hopefully it pays off." Wit reassures her as they walking into the stables together.
"Also you need to learn how to hold your tongue." He continued, raising his eyebrow as he nudged her shoulder and gestured at Kherek.

Cassandra was standing next to a stall talking to one of the horses as she put a saddle on him. "Hey Cassandra. Need any help?" Wit asked as he walked toward her.
Enkerzed Enkerzed TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

Cassandra Fariá

The apprentice was still getting the horse ready as Wit and Chiara approached her.
"Oh, hi", she greeted them, slightly surprised at Wit's offer to help her.
"I think I'm good, Cake's pretty much ready for the trip", she patted the newly-nicknamed horse. "But thank you", Cass added quickly, not to sound ungrateful for the offer and continued with a question: "Do you two have a horse? I'm not sure how much time do we have left so if you want I can help you? You're probably still tired from all the running", she said with a small grin. "To be honest, I still don't know what that was all about", she caught a glimpse of the instructor glaring at some apprentices nearby. "I can imagine, though." Does that dwarf ever relax?


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post.
Her stamina is 10/10.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat Azallea Azallea

Irritated by Kherek's interruption, Chiara let herself be led away by Wit before she could say anything else she might regret. She knew it wasn't smart to provoke the instructor, but she was right on the verge of saying... well, it didn't matter anymore.

When Wit spoke to her, Chiara nudged him back as she replied, "I don't want to hear that from you of all people." Then the elf was speaking to Cassandra and Chiara listened in as she followed closely behind.

"For the record," she interjected when Cassandra brought up the running from earlier. "They started it. Also, I think we're meant to be hitching up the wagons, so uh, you got the wrong thing. See?"

Chiara pointed in the general direction of the other apprentices who were harnessing up their horses and not a single saddle to be seen among them.

"First trip into town I take it?"
Wit Alethkar Enkerzed Enkerzed Azallea Azallea

Realizing that Chiara was right, Wit glanced at Chiara apologetically and continued in. He should not be giving advice like that. He can barely hold his own tongue.

Wit chuckled at the fiery headed apprentice. He liked watching people when they are experiencing new things. The mistakes they made were quite amusing at times.

"I wasn't even really involved in the incident. Kherek just made me run because I was in the room." Wit replied to Chiara, shrugging.
He followed Chiara's gaze. "I guess it's a good thing we came in here to help you. Kherek might have lost his mind if you walked out with a saddle on the horse. You might have had to run laps after all." Wit continued, walking to the opposite side of the horse as Cassandra, he began to help her remove the saddle. Then he picked up the correct equipment and handed it to her.

He walked around the front of the horse.
"Cake is it? That's unique." He said smiling at the silly name and petting the horse's white patch.
Enkerzed Enkerzed TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

Cassandra Fariá

Cassandra let out a resigned sigh. "Damn", she cursed as she looked at the apprentices Chiara was indicating to. Not one of them were saddling their horses. How did I miss that?
"Is it so obvious I'm new?", she joked.

"You're right, I don't even want to imagine that." She shuddered at the thought of Kherek's reaction and those unlucky laps she'd probably have to run. With Wit's help she took off the saddle and harnessed the horse properly. "Thanks", she nodded with a smile.
"And yeah, I couldn't find his name tag anywhere and I didn't want to keep calling him 'horse' ", she shrugged, "so I gave him a nickname."

Her curiousity appeared again in the form of a question: "So, have you two ever been to the town? What's it like?" She didn't even know what to expect. It was probably an ordinary village, but maybe she was hoping for some sort of anecdote. With a dragoon monastery so close, how ordinary can it be?
Azallea Azallea TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

"Noisy," Chiara replied as she leaned against the stall door. "Place sits on a road to a pass through the mountains, so caravans are coming and going all the time. Elves mostly, traders from Avalan where Wit here comes from. They deal in some real enchanted stuff, I'm talking flaming swords and full plate armour that'll send you flying like a rag doll if you swing at it too hard... er, not that I know what that's like or anything."

Forcing a cough, Chiara turned towards Wit as she added, "Don't tell her about that."

Then towards Cassandra, she continued, "All way too expensive for us of course, so we mostly settle for little things like fire talismans and cloaks. Y'know, stuff that'll help us fight against dragons. Well, when we become full Dragoons that is. Ah, which reminds me."

Looking around to make sure no was eavesdropping, Chiara leaned in conspiratorially as she said, "You didn't hear it from me, but I heard that you can make a killing on the black market selling dragon parts. Scales, bones, blood, it's all top coin to the right buyer. Technically not allowed since we're supposed to be slaying dragons, not harvesting them, but it's what some of the seniors do sometimes for an extra bit of gold. Remember though, you didn't hear it from me."

Tapping the side of her nose, Chiara looked around once more to check that no one else was listening and when she was satisfied, she opened the stall door as she said, "Well, let's go get ourselves a wagon before we get barked at again."
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Enkerzed Enkerzed TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

Cassandra Fariá

Cassandra listened to Chiara's description carefully. The town seemed interesting as did the mentioned items. If I could get my hands on something like that..., she fantasized. Even though she'd probably have no real use for that kind of equipment right now, she couldn't deny that one day it would come in handy.
She raised an eyebrow at Chiara's digression, suspecting there's a story, presumably an entertaining one, behind the cough and hushed warning to Wit but decided against asking anything for now.

Although she wouldn't admit it, her business sense awakened when she heard the words 'black market'. If it wasn't harming anyone and it could get her extra coin, why not?
She certainly heard that dragon parts had a high value, but for some reason she never thought it was dragoons who were selling them. Of course it made sense, who else would, or even could, fight dragons? She just thought dragoons were above that. She was glad they weren't.
"Pity that it'll be a while before we face our first dragon.." Cassandra replied distantly. "But thanks for the info.. which I didn't hear from you" she nodded with a small smile on her face.

Taking the reins, she led Cake out of the stable. She glanced over some apprentices who just returned from the armory and were hurrying to help with the horses. On her right, she noticed the stored wagons. With some help she attached the horse to a wagon, just in time to listen to further instructions.
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Wit Alethkar

Wit was leaning against a post in the stable waiting for Chiara and Cass to be ready to leave. He listened to Chiara describe the town and occasionally nodded along in agreement to what she was saying.
He was fine with the weapons he had, but he longed for a beautiful, smooth, dragon scale blade. It was far too expensive for his current financial state.

"Hey, you never know, we could be called upon if a dragon was to show up right now. All of the Dragoons are off on other tasks." Wit replied to Cassandra as he walked out of the stables behind the horse.

Together, they all hitched up the wagon and headed back to the center with Kherek to wait for the others. Many other apprentices were already waiting to depart.
Azallea Azallea TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

"Alright everyone, remember the plan," Kherek said as he addressed the gathered apprentices once more. "Wagons front, stick to the path, everyone stays in my sight at all times and not a one of you get involved if we run into any trouble. Your weapons are for self defence only, got it? Good, let's go."

Without further ado, the instructor led the group of apprentices towards the path down the mountain and waved them forward as they passed. With Cassandra leading the horse and Chiara walking behind the wagon with Wit, she took one last look at the monastery before setting foot on the path. Among the highest peaks of the mountains, she saw a figure leaping so high into the sky that it had disappeared above the clouds. No doubt it was that Dragoon lady from earlier, soaring to heights that Chiara could not envision herself reaching and calling it training. "Hard work never betrays you, huh..." she muttered whilst turning towards the path. "Tch, as if you couldn't give better advice than that."

After three hours of travelling down the mountainside, Kherek allowed the apprentices to have a rest at the edge of a glade where a babbling brook was streaming nearby, spilling over mossy stones and pebbles worn smooth beneath the water as they gleamed in the sunlight. It was still morning, but the shadows of the tall alpine trees had grown significantly shorter since the apprentices began their journey and the sky had become a sheer blue, the clouds having moved on elsewhere.

"If you haven't eaten yet," Kherek said to all and sundry. "Now's a good time for it."

Laying her spear down by her side, Chiara sat on a rock next to the stream and loudly complained as she took off her shoes, "Bah, we'd be there already if we were allowed to ride. Feels like there's a damn swamp in my boots."
Wit Alethkar Enkerzed Enkerzed

The apprentices began their journey to town. The long path down the mountain was fairly scenic. Greenery lined both sides of the dirt path and eventually they came upon a babbling brook.
Wit was relieved when Kherek finally allowed the apprentices a break at the stream. His feet were aching unbearably because of the lengthy walk on top of the laps they had to run earlier.

Wit strolls over to the side of the stream where Chiara is.
He drops his ax and his bag off of his back and plops down next to Chiara with a grunt. "If only." He replies shortly as he removes his boots.
"Is it just me or does this walk seem longer every time?" He says to her as he dips his bare feet into the stream.

Letting out a relieved sigh, he reached into his bag and pulls out some fruit, crackers, and water.
"Here, you're probably just as drained as I am." He says to Chiara as he hands her some.
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TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

Chiara shook her head and held up a refusing hand as she replied, "Nah ah, I'm saving up for when we get to town. Been too long since I've had a proper tavern meal."

Splashing her feet into the stream, she continued on dreamily whilst leaning back on her hands, "Beef pie, hot stew, blood sausage, a nice juicy mutton chop and ale fresh from the tap. I can just taste it now."

Salivating at the thought of food, Chiara looked up towards the sky where a flock of birds flew overhead from the south. Just another hour's travel in that direction was a hot meal and the town of Farhaven in all its rustic charm. No doubt Kherek would put them to work as soon as they got there, but surely even he would allow the apprentices a visit to the tavern after a hard day's work... wouldn't he?

Of course he would, Chiara thought optimistically. Hopefully. Desperately. Shaking her head to banish all thoughts to the contrary, Chiara jumped up to her feet and looked for something to distract herself with. When she looked out towards the other side of the stream, inspiration struck as she wiped her feet dry on the grass and began putting her boots back on.

"How about an impromptu training session?" she said to Wit whilst hopping on one foot. "Nothing too strenuous of course, just gotta try and make it to the other side with a Leap. See how far you can get. Here, watch me do it first."

When she was done putting on her boots, Chiara stood at the side of the stream and bent down in a slight crouch before springing into the air, arcing over the stream and landing neatly on the other side. "Now it's your turn!" she called out to the elf.

Chiara has used Leap in this post. Her stamina is now 9/10.​

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