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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Dragoon (Characters)



Dusty Wanderer

Please do not post your cs here unless it has been approved. Send it to me in a private message first.
Also, please note that this is a lore heavy rp so attention to detail is a must. As well as lore friendliness however, I will also be judging character sheets by the writing skill of their author, so bring your A game to increase your chances of getting your cs approved. You don't have to be a veteran roleplayer or novelist, but you should at least be experienced enough to know not to write one liners, not make too many spelling and grammar mistakes, put some effort into your writing and communicate if you have any ideas or questions you'd like to ask.
Now for the character sheet. This is just a guideline, doesn't have to be in this exact format...


Appearance: [PICTURE] (Optional, spoiler tag if it's big)

Description: (Height, weight, skin colour, hair colour, etc. in any format you like)


(Please refer to Lore for the following)



Rank: (Dragoons only)

Style: (Dragoons only)



Skills: (general areas of proficiency not related to abilities)
  • These are just examples
  • Cooking
  • Hunting
  • Sewing
  • Etc.

Abilities: [Prana] OR [Mana] (refer here)
  • [ability name] - [description and extent of ability based on character's own proficiency]
(Feel free to choose as many abilities as you like, but be prepared to explain how your character learned them and why if asked)

Equipment: (spoiler tags if using any pictures)

Extra: (Optional)

Accepted characters:
Enkerzed Enkerzed ~ Arbo van Lodewitz, Chiara, Kherek, Galzis Stoneback
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat ~ Wit Alethkar
Azallea Azallea ~ Cassandra Fariá
xrakkax xrakkax ~ Reiyu
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Name: Arbo van Lodewitz


  • 6'2 height
  • 204lbs
  • White
  • Old
  • Barrel chested
  • Brown eyes

Age: 64

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Rank: Master

Style: Striker

Kindly and more lively than some half his age, Arbo serves as somewhat of a father figure to all Dragoons of the Sunpeak Monastery, particularly towards the apprentices who have yet to walk the path of the dragonslayer. Ever ready and willing to impart some word of advice or comfort, he has come to regard those under his charge to be closer to family than his actual living relatives, who mainly reside in the capital city of Fiore, as much a part of the court as the king himself. As dearly as he treasures his time at the monastery, Arbo carries the scars and weight of his old life as a Knight with bitter memories. There is much he'd rather like to forget and never speak about. Even at the monastery, there are precious few he confides in, so he tends to be rather tight-lipped about his bygone past. All that matters to him now is that he is finally serving a worthy cause and he will do anything to protect it. The monastery, the apprentices, the Dragoon order itself, he would lay his very life down for them in a heartbeat.


  • Fencing
  • Riding
  • Dancing
  • Carpentry
  • Masonry
  • Horticulture

Abilities: Prana
  • Enhanced strength
  • Enhanced reflexes
  • Enhanced toughness
  • Leap
  • Share Power

  • Adamantine longsword

  • Does most of the repairs at the Sunpeak Monastery
  • Tends to the vegetable garden there too
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Name: Chiara


  • 5'5 height
  • 150lbs
  • White
  • Long brown hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Scrawny

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Rank: Apprentice

Style: Lancer

Personality: I'll do it laterrrrrrr




  • Adamantine Spear (Wooden Shaft)
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Name: Kherek


Description: (Height, weight, skin colour, hair colour, etc. in any format you like)

Gender: Male

Age: 58

Race: Dwarf

Rank: Instructor

Style: Striker



Skills: (general areas of proficiency)

Abilities: Prana
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Toughness
  • Feel No Pain
  • Imbue Armour
  • Imbue Weapon
  • Leap

  • Twin Adamantine Axes

Extra: (Optional)
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Name: Wit Alethkar

Wit Alethkar.jpg

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 125 lbs
Body Type: Very Slim
Hair color: short, black, usually messy
Eye Color: Orange
Clothes: Dark colored, multiple layers.

Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Elf
Role: Apprentice

Personality: As his name suggests, he is witty and sarcastic. He regularly pokes fun at other people for his and his friends entertainment. Although he does this he cares deeply about people close to him. He tends to disappear from the room without anyone noticing he's left until later. He often goes unnoticed and uses this to gather information to protect the people he loves. It is a mysery how Wit has knowledge of some things, but it is a highly demanding task to keep anything hidden from him. Since he is not immortal like most of his race, he seems to rush to get everything finished, possibly because he fears death and has a desire to get as much done as possible.

History: Wit was raised in a cooler area of Avalan in a poor family that was large compared to the typical elven family. He is the youngest of his siblings and tends to stay in the background. He regularly stole to support his family.
As a child he got himself into trouble often because of his inability to hold his tongue. His parents treated him poorly as he was their only child born with a soul untethered from Gaia. Because of this, he left home at the age of fourteen. On his travels, he crossed paths with another elf who told him his powers would be most useful if he continued on to the Sunpeak Monastery. So he did. This is where he honed his healing abilities and discovered his strength and speed.

Pin-point accuracy with a bow was something he began learning as a young child.
Very proficient in hand to hand combat.
Keen eyesight, and hearing.

Abilities: Prana
-Enhanced strength and speed
-Healing powers: Life threatening wounds are often more exhausting for him to heal and sometimes he ends up doing more damage then healing when using this ability on himself.
-Enhanced hearing and eyesight: able to detect danger within a limited range of his choosing. (limited up to about 2 miles)
-Leap: Still working on this ability.
Because of how young he is, he could develop more over time through practice.

Equipment: Dragon bone bow and Adamantine tipped arrows, dagger, and wraps on his hands.
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Name: Cassandra Fariá

commission__rhona_by_inar_of_shilmista-dbadjwt (1).jpg
Art by Inar-of-Shilmista on DeviantArt

• 5'9"
• 150 lbs
• Athletic
• Red, medium length hair
• Light brown eyes

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Human

Rank: Apprentice

Style: Striker

Personality: Cassandra is adventureous and curious. She's eager to train and learn more about prana and the abilities it allows, determined to master them. She's quite easy going and fun-loving, but has a strong sense of pride which tends to lead to conflict sometimes and the fact that she's impulsive doesn't help this. However, if anyone is in trouble, she'd put their differences aside and help them.
Cassandra often acts before thinking and can be reckless because she has a strong need to prove herself. Generally, she tends to look at the bigger picture without concerning herself with the details.

History: Born and raised in southern Norsinia, Cassandra grew up as the firstborn child of a merchant family. Since she was a child she was dreaming of becoming a knight, yearning adventure at first, but as the years went by, prestige and respect too. She began her training at home, becoming quite proficient with swords and daggers and no stranger to archery. However, she had no proper prana teacher so she learnt what she could on her own from book and occassional travelers. One day, a dragon was sighted nearby, attacking a small village. They were many casualties, but fortunately Dragoons showed up and managed to stop further destruction. When she saw them with her own two eyes, their skill in battle and with prana, she forgot about her dreams of knighthood and decided what she wanted to do with her life.

• Swordmanship
• Archery
• Dagger proficiency
• Riding

Abilities: Prana
(in order of skillfulness, most to least)
• Enhanced Reflexes - the first one she learned
• Leap - average
• Healing (self & others) - hasn't had practice with major injuries
• Feel No Pain - still working on that one

• Sword (family heirloom)
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  • 5’10
  • Toned body
  • Green skin
  • Green eyes
  • Black straight hair





Years of her environment had instilled in her the importance of being observant and reserved. Reiyu has shown her more sociable side when she is comfortable and the circumstance allows for it.

Reiyu lived on Nakashima Island as the ward of old Lord Makoto, who is the head of the noble Genjiwara clan. Lord Makoto’s young wife, Lady Fuyuko, spared little time with Reiyu as she grew, and yet left a lasting impression on the girl— severity, elegance, and the coldness of her critical stare. Moods between them didn’t improve no matter what Reiyu did to gain favor. Before long Lord Makoto took her training with him. The girl had a talent with prana that he decided to encourage. The years passed, Lord Makoto got older, and soon tension arose again between Lady Fuyuko and the issue of Reiyu. Lord Makoto took Reiyu aside and explained that he believed that she would find purpose in the life of a Dragoon. Reiyu showed interest in becoming a Keshirai, but Lord Makoto asked her to trust him. She would be well received by his old buddy, Byron Wes, at Sunpeak. Reiyu packed up and left by the end of the week. Reiyu kept him up to date on her progress by sending a letter twice a month, sometimes more. Eventually, she became a Dragoon. Shortly afterward Reiyu stopped receiving a reply to her letters. Byron had promised they’d contact Lord Makoto when they could, but for the time being, they had to focus on their work. Currently, Reiyu is doing what Dragoons do best.

  • Tantojutsu
  • Riding
  • Artisan of Yoltan Noble Arts
  • Hikaru dorodango
  • Swimming
  • Enhanced Senses: (I) Boost one of five senses. Add 1 stamina cost for each additional sense enhanced. eg. -5 stamina for all 5.
    • - Eyesight
    • - Hearing
    • - Smell
  • Enhanced Strength: (I) Boost physical strength, allowing you to pull, push, lift, carry and attack with more power.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: (I) Boost reaction time, allowing you to dodge attacks or respond to rapid movements.
  • Enhanced Speed: (I) Boost movement speed, allowing you to reach or escape a target.
  • Enhanced Toughness: (I) Boost defensive power, allowing you to resist physical or elemental damage.
  • Feel No Pain: (I) Fight through injuries that would otherwise render you incapacitated.
  • Guide Projectile: (O) Control path of an arrow or thrown weapon for a brief amount of time.
  • Heal Self: (I, F) Heal wounds and recover from injuries.
  • Heal Other: (O, F) Heal wounds of another being.
  • Imbue Armour: (O) Transfer prana to armor, increasing its durability and resistance to damage.
  • Imbue Weapon: (O) Transfer prana to melee weapon, increasing its durability and resistance to breaking.
  • Leap: (I) Soar high into the air to gain distance or deliver an almighty attack.
  • Share Power: (O) Sacrifice own stamina to replenish others. Add 1 stamina cost for each point of stamina given to another character.
  • Elastic: (I) If/When a person detects their opponent will land a hit, they gauge where the strike will be and that area of their body becomes ‘rubber-like’. This lasts only one post long without concentration. If the person does not correctly determine where the hit will land they are likely to sustain great injury or death. Another use for this ability is to bend like rubber. If a person is wedged in a position that would normally break their bones, such as bending their tibia in half, this will keep it from shattering. But not forever. So if you don't move your body to a safe position, and you run out of prana points, your leg will be jacked up.)
  • Javelins (x3; Adamantine)
  • Hook-and-chain (Adamantine)
  • Naginata (Steel)
  • Kaiken (x2; steel)
  • Various shirukoi outfits (Silk armor)
  • Erhu
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Name: Galzis Stoneback


  • 5'8
  • 170lbs
  • Black hair
  • Blue eyes
  • Pale
  • Lean and mean

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Race: Human

Rank: Dragoon

Style: Striker

Serious and intense, Galzis can best be described as the embodiment of northern temperament for which the barbaric tribes of the Stormwall Mountains and indeed most Norsinians are infamous for. Hotheaded, passionate and impulsive to a fault, Galzis is the type to prefer action over words and has little patience for anything he sees as a waste of time. Above all else however is his powerful hatred of dragons, stemming from the time he had witnessed his village and entire tribe burn before his very eyes as a child. Although often plagued by feelings of inadequacy due to not being as strong as the rest of his peers, Galzis is driven like no other and thinks nothing of putting himself at risk for others.

Born among the Stoneback tribe in the northern parts of the Stormwall Mountains, Galzis learned from an early age to fight, hunt and survive in the cold, rugged terrain of the mountainous region. With no brothers or sisters and his mother having died in childbirth, Galzis would join up with the other boys his age whenever his father went away to hunt or raid, and together they would form their own hunting party, taking on wolves, mountain lions, bears and boars. Whenever they could find nothing to hunt, they would fight each other and compete in a variety of challenges. Galzis was never the best at anything in particular, but he would always at least come second or third in everything and soon came to be known as the most reliable member of the group.

Although the others looked upon him favourably, Galzis was unhappy being good at everything, but the best at nothing and so he set off on a solo journey at the age of 16 to survive in the wilderness on his own for a month, as much to prove to himself than to others that he could do it. Upon his return to the village however, he arrived just in time to see a dragon burning his people alive and for all that he had went through on his journey, there was absolutely nothing he could do. When he had finished burying his tribe and mourning for their loss, he travelled to the Sunpeak Monastery to become a Dragoon and swore to prevent the same fate from happening to anyone else.

  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Climbing
  • Survival
  • Riding

Abilities: Prana
  • Enhanced Speed - accelerate up to 60km/hr when running (not his best skill).
  • Enhanced Strength - capable of reducing a tree to splinters with his bare hands given enough time and effort.
  • Enhanced Toughness - capable of withstanding the lash of a dragon's tail without suffering any injury (might be some bruises though).
  • Feel No Pain - disable pain receptors from broken or fractured bones.
  • Imbue Weapon - increase durability of steel weapons to near adamantine level.
  • Leap - up to 200m vertical.

  • Adamantine longsword
  • Steel shortsword

  • Mostly likely to fall for a joke and take it seriously, no matter how ridiculous it seems.
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