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Fantasy Dragoon (OOC)

So just an fyi, only two mage characters will be accepted atm as the monastery's resident witch/wizard & their apprentice. So if you have any questions about it, please pm me here or on discord directly.
Uff da.

I'll begin working on a character sheet tonight-ish. Unfortunately, Friday's and Saturday's I'm a bit busy.
That's alright, thanks for letting me know beforehand. Also, don't worry about details just yet for your cs, just the bare bones will do for now. You can flesh it out later once I setup the lore.
Well... technically, yeah I suppose, but I haven't accepted any characters yet because I'm still setting up the lore. Don't worry though, should be done soon. After that, you can refer to it to make the appropriate edits to your cs. Just make sure to take care with your spelling and grammar. The higher the quality of your writing, the higher the chances of your character getting approved.
Not to rush you but when do you think you would be done with the Lore. I have a camp coming up and I just want to know if it would be after or during camp
Honestly, I should have been done a week ago, but I kept getting hung up on minor details. I've changed my approach however, so I should get it done a lot quicker now. Say in about 3 more days. If I don't finish by then, I'll just start the rp and work on it as we go.
So, I know this is a it short notice, but new rule for the cs thread. Do not post your cs there unless you have sent it to me in a pm first and I have approved it. This will also make it easier to make edits while discussing ideas and details, so RubyZoo RubyZoo and MidnightStar MidnightStar , please save your cs somewhere, delete them from the cs thread and send them to me in a pm. If this isn't done in the next 2 days, they'll be removed anyway.
So, I know this is a it short notice, but new rule for the cs thread. Do not post your cs there unless you have sent it to me in a pm first and I have approved it. This will also make it easier to make edits while discussing ideas and details, so RubyZoo RubyZoo and MidnightStar MidnightStar , please save your cs somewhere, delete them from the cs thread and send them to me in a pm. If this isn't done in the next 2 days, they'll be removed anyway.
Because I started my account yesterday, I am not able to send PMs yet.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat Please do wait until you can then as I won't be starting the rp for 2 more days, so I won't be approving any characters anyway. I'm glad you're eager to join in, but I made that rule for a reason.
Alright, that's it for the Four Nations. Next up is magic and abilities. The roleplay will begin tomorrow, so get ready with your characters. If I haven't finished writing about magic by then, we'll just go over the details as we discuss.
Okey dokey, characters will now be accepted starting from today. As DoomyGloom DoomyGloom is currently making a character for the Sunpeak Monastery's resident mage, the position of mage apprentice is still open, so make your claim while you still can. The magic and abilities section for the Lore has not been completed yet, so don't worry about that for now. We can go over it together when you send me your cs. And before anyone asks, yes, you may have more than one character. Just make sure you're confident about handling them. Now, I will be judging based on writing skill as well as attention to lore when it comes to approving characters, so bring your A game and write to impress. The roleplay is now officially open!
Would a Feran and Human half breed be possible if so then which counter part would they begin to look like the most then?
That's up to Gaia jk. It's up to you, doesn't really matter. Just be sure to mention in race on the CS about being mixed, eg. Human/Feran. That should about do it.

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