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Fantasy Dragoon (OPEN)



Dusty Wanderer


It's another dawn here in the Monastery. I can already hear the apprentices training outside on the mountain tops, practicing with sword and spear as they leap from the highest peaks. Judging from the laughter though, I suspect they're playing at games rather than focusing on techniques, but I suppose that's to be expected. They're all young yet and boundlessly energetic. Ah, to be young again.

The air of course is as cool and clean as ever, and the winds continue to blow strong. Cuts like a knife really in this drafty old place, but all grumbling aside, there is very little to actually complain about and less of anything noteworthy to report. There have not been any serious dragon attacks throughout the entire year and most of our disciples have been resting on their haunches here more often than not.

The kingdom on the other hand is once again at war, as you might have already heard. You would think that all those esteemed and illustrious nobles will eventually tire of it, but apparently not it seems. I'm glad to have left that life far behind. Though I must confess, every time something like this happens I worry that we may get dragged into it somehow.

Perhaps it is merely my pessimistic nature. After all, I never expected to live a life free from servitude to this lord and that lord, much less experience it. Maybe I still think it's all too good to be true. Or maybe I just wanted more to write than 'all is quiet at home'. In any case, I hope this letter finds you in good health. All in all, I just want you to know that the old Monastery is still standing.

May Gaia bless your travels and ensure your safe return.




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  • If you do not post within 3 days when someone else's character is interacting with yours, your turn will be skipped. This is to prevent stalling.
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  • Anytime your character uses an ability, subtract 1 out of 10 stamina (for prana users) or mana (for mages). For any post after where your character does not use any abilities, regain 1 point. For any special conditions that apply, adjust appropriately. See the abilities section of the lore thread for more details.
Satisfied with the letter, Master Arbo set down his quill and scattered a handful of fine sand over the parchment as he went through the words in his mind again, hoping there was nothing he had forgotten to add. As he waited for the ink to dry, he gazed absentmindedly out the dawn lit window and wondered how exactly the one his letter was addressed to would react. Probably going to think I sound like a bleating old man, he thought, chuckling to himself as he said aloud, "Well you are an old man." Hearing more laughter from outside, the Master shook his head as he wondered how the apprentices had so much energy so early in the morning. Perhaps it was time to set more tasks to keep them occupied throughout the day.

Just as that thought had occurred to Arbo, one of the apprentices leaped onto the window sill from outside, landing backwards in a controlled crouch and laughing gleefully whilst calling out, "You're too slow!" It was Chiara, a brown haired girl hailing from the north and apparently so skilled in the art of Leaping that she could hop onto any old structure without an iota of regard for loose bricks or mortar. So confident she must have been in the stability of her platform. Coughing out loud, Master Arbo smiled broadly as he picked up his letter and held it out for the girl to see. The laughter died on her lips when she slowly turned around, regretting every choice she had made in the last minute that led to this moment.

"Perfect, I was just looking for someone to deliver this," the old Master beamed as he carefully folded the letter and sealed it within an envelope. "Would you be so kind as to travel into town and give this to the courier?"

"But... but I'm training, Master. Couldn't you tell?" Chiara replied in a desperate attempt to escape responsibility.

Then very inconveniently, someone from outside called too loudly, "Hey where's Chiara, is she out of the game?"

"Hmph, training is it," Arbo said as he quirked an eyebrow at Chiara.

Groaning in complaint, the girl held out her hand as she grumbled, "Fine."

With no small amount of satisfaction, the old Master slapped the envelope into Chiara's hand and added, "You know, it occurs to me that it's about time we restocked on supplies too. While you're at it, why don't you go and tell the others to accompany you on your trip? I expect it will take, oh say, the entire day to get everything we need."

Everyone's going to hate me for this, Chiara thought as she glumly accepted her fate and replied, "Yes, Master."

"Good, very good. Be on your way now."

Dreading her immediate future, Chiara turned with a sigh and left the same way she came in. Out the window. With a Leap. Quicker than anyone his age had a right to be, the old Master ducked as a stone brick was kicked loose and came flying over his head from the window sill. Looking upon where the heavy projectile had shattered itself on the floor, Arbo hmmed a very thoughtful hmm as he considered, "Perhaps I should have told her to use the door."

- Chiara has used 'Leap' twice in this post. Her stamina is now 8/10.
- Arbo van Lodewitz had to use 'Enhanced Reflexes' to dodge a flying brick to the head. His stamina is now 9/10.​
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Wit Alethkar

It's beautiful outside. Bright and warm, with a slight breeze. Everything a vibrant green.

"UGHH!" Wit grunts powerfully, attempting Leap for the third time in a row and failing. He sighs deeply.
Frustrated with this futile endeavor, he saunters over to a large rock and rests against it, sipping his water. "What am I doing wrong?" He questions himself quietly, a hint of irritation in his voice.
He paces back and forth for a while, contemplating.
"Alright one more try." He places his water by the rock and takes a breath as he shrugs his shoulders and stretches. He is a bit hesitant, having no desire to continue failing. His last attempt was no better then the others and disappointed, he began the walk back to his room with his head hanging and his hands shoved in his pockets.

- Wit attempted Leap 4 times. Stamina is now 6/10

Ahead, he sees a cluster of annoyed looking apprentices heading in the opposite direction as him. "Seems like everyone's day is going poorly." He mumbles to himself bitterly as he kicks a small stone in front of him. He nods in acknowledgment at the group.
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TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

After placing the brick into the window sill where it belonged, Arbo spared a glance outside and chuckled as he saw the look of dismay on all the apprentices gathered below.

"Way to go, Chiara!" one of them said.

"Yeah, way to go," said another.

"You had to jump on the old fart's window."

"I'm sorry," Chiara responded miserably. "I thought he'd still be asleep."

"You thought wrong you fool!" someone in the back of the group yelled.

Yes, this is the life, Arbo thought as he recalled the words he had written in his letter. The old block of stone currently serving as his house was far from comfortable, but compared to the viper pits that were the cities and castles he used to live in, it was certainly worth the trade. He had known family before, but none were as close as the family he had now. Moving downstairs to his modest living room, Arbo took the time to don his cloak and longsword before heading outside to meet them.

Feeling the sunlight wash over his face, Arbo breathed deeply of the mountain air as he walked down the rocky path towards where the apprentices had gathered around Chiara.

"Master, is it true?" one of them complained as he approached. "Do we all have to go to town to get supplies?"

"Yeah, just get Chiara to do it," said another.

"Now, now, everyone," Arbo said as he held up his hands in a placating gesture. "It's about that time and Chiara won't be able to carry everything back by herself, so go and wake up the others while I get someone to watch over you all. I expect everyone to be here when I return."

With much grumbling and groaning, the gaggle of apprentices reluctantly agreed and dispersed. Just as Arbo was about to leave as well, he noticed Wit walking towards the apprentice's quarters with a despondent look on his face. Deciding to investigate, the old master approached the elf and said, "I'd say good morning, but you look like it's been anything but. What seems to be troubling you?"

- Chiara has not used any abilities in this post. Her stamina is now 9/10.
- Arbo van Lodewitz has not used any abilities in this post. His stamina is now 10/10.​
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Wit Alethkar Enkerzed Enkerzed

While trudging back to the quarters, Wit overheard the other apprentices disagreeing with Master Arbo in his quarters. The door opened and all of the apprentices seemed to have given up. Not surprising to Wit at all honestly. Master Arbo doesn't usually give in unless you truly deserve it.
The door opened a second time and Master Arbo came out. The bulky, white haired man was concerned, and walking right toward Wit.
"Oh Gaia, what did I do this time?" Wit began worrying at this thought. He was always doing something to get himself in trouble, often on purpose, but not always.

Master Arbo was inquiring about why Wit was upset. Wit relaxes as he realizes he isn't in trouble.

"Well Master, I just can't seem to use Leap correctly. I have attempted it multiple times this morning alone, but I have made no progress as far as I can tell. I'm quite frustrated." Wit explains earnestly.

-Wit has not used any abilities in this post. His stamina is now 7/10
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TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

Whilst listening to the apprentice, Arbo stroked his beard in deep thought as he considered the problem. Wit had been here for some time now and would no doubt have been shown how to Leap more than once. Instructor Kherek, grizzled dwarven taskmaster that he was, would have seen to it that every apprentice had every step of the technique drilled into their heads. Knowing the steps was one thing however, but actually doing them was something else altogether. Adding to that, the apprentices' day of evaluation was coming soon and for those who had not progressed enough in their training this year, it could very well be their last day at the monastery. Typically, that kind of pressure along with the attempt to master a difficult technique as quickly as possible could only amount to one thing.

"You're trying to Leap before you can jump," the old master declared. "At least, that's what my master told me when I had the exact same problem."

Pointing up at the nearest mountain peak, Arbo continued, "You see, once you go up, it's a long way down and while you may know the technique, your body doesn't. So, the solution then: teach it to fall first so it doesn't fear the flying... hm, or something like that. I'm not sure if those were his exact words."

With a shrug, he added, "Oh well, in any case, try dropping off various heights before jumping back onto them, starting small of course and scaling up as you improve. If you're channeling your prana correctly, you shouldn't feel the impact of landing on your feet at all. That's when you know you're doing it right. I hope that helps."

Clapping Wit on the shoulder, the old master turned to leave and walked a few paces away until he remembered, "Oh, where is my mind. Before I forget, I'm having everyone go to town to get supplies later. Would you be so kind as to help wake the other apprentices up? I'll be back to have someone watch over you all."


Meanwhile in the apprentice's quarters, Chiara was going to every bunk bed with a body in it and kicking their occupants awake whilst hollering, "Rise and shine sleepy heads, we got work to do!"

"Yeah, no thanks to you Chiara," said one of the other apprentices.

"Yeah, way to go," said another.

"Gaia's ass, I already said I was sorry," Chiara retaliated.

"Sorry doesn't help you fool!" someone in the back of the group yelled.

"Who keeps calling me that, you wanna fight?"

What followed then could only be described as utter mayhem.

- Chiara has not used any abilities in this post. Her stamina is now 10/10.
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Wit Alethkar

Wit was hanging on every word of Master Arbo's advice. He wanted to soak up as much information about Leaping as possible.
His goal had been to have this achieved weeks ago, and it was stressful with the examination coming so close.

"What if I can't pass?" This thought terrified him deeply. "Where would I go? Home? Never. I'd allow myself to become homeless before I went back there." He clenched his jaw tightly, now even more determined to get Leap done correctly.

Wit didn't particularly care to join the others, but he didn't want to disobey Master Arbo. He began making his way over to the the quarters, deciding he would practice Leaping again tomorrow or later tonight. He had almost reached the door when it burst open and someone flew out and onto the ground. Sending dust into the air around them.
Wit rolled his eyes. This isn't what he wanted to be spending his time doing at the moment. He helps the apprentice that was thrown out the door off the ground and continues walking into the quarters.

When he opens the door he is not at all surprised by who he sees on the opposite side. Chiara stood proudly with her hands on her hips. As if challenging the rest of them. The one she had thrown stands behind Wit with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed.

-Wit has not used any abilities in this post. His stamina is now 8/10.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

"Who's next, huh?" Chiara shouted as she jerked a thumb towards herself. "Anyone else wants a piece a this?"

Having heard the door open behind her, Chiara looked over her shoulder and said, "Oh hey, Wit. What's up?"

At that moment, one of the apprentices tried to take her by surprise and suddenly lunged at her, but Chiara was already anticipating just such an attempt.

"Whoops, too slow!" she said as she stepped to the side and grabbed her assailant in a headlock. After a brief struggle, she twisted around and booted the apprentice in the backside, sending him stumbling past Wit outside.

"I thought I saw you training in the yard earlier, but I wasn't so sure," she said as she wiped a bit of dust off her shoulder. "Were you trying to Leap again?"

Another apprentice came flying in with a drop kick, only to be redirected by Chiara with a hard shove into the doorframe before collapsing into a heap on the stone floor.

"I'll avenge yooooo- HRK!" yet another apprentice yelled as he ran forward and promptly tripped over, breaking his fall with his face.

"You know, you should come to me for advice on stuff like that," Chiara continued as though nothing had happened. "Everyone knows I'm the best at Leaping... RIGHT?"

"You suck, Chiara!" someone shouted in the back, while another said, "I just got out of bed, I'm not dealing with this."
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Wit Alethkar
Enkerzed Enkerzed

Wit chuckled. He leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He admired how casual she was being while in the middle of this mess. It was quite amusing. "Hey Chiara. Just came to help you wake up these guys. You seem to have it under control though." He smiled and laughed a little as he spoke. Watching her kick ass always brightens his day. He moved over slightly to avoid getting hit as she sent another apprentice out the door.

"Yeah... I was trying, and failing." He said and looked at the ground. "Master Arbo gave me advice earlier. I was gonna try again later tonight or tomorrow if you are serious about wanting to help. I mean I'll take all the help I can get. I can't afford to fail." He said, scratching the back of his neck and wincing at the thought of having an audience to his failures.

Another apprentice was thrown in his direction. He slammed against the opposite side of the door frame. He looked at Chiara. "Are you doing this on purpose?" He asked playfully, raising his eyebrow.

-Wit has not used any abilities in this post. His stamina is now 9/10.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

"I swear, I'm not," Chiara replied, walking backwards from Wit before turning around and chasing the apprentice who had shouted, 'You suck,' earlier.

After catching up to her target and hopping onto his back with an arm across his throat, she steered her unfortunate prey towards the door and said, "Tell you what, if you help me carry the wagons back from town, I'll help you out tonight when we return here. It'll probably take the whole day anyway."

"Help... me," the apprentice managed to choke out as he reached an imploring hand towards Wit.

"Oh no you don't."

With an enthusiastic hiyah, she steered her stumbling mount away from the door and let go just as he started to fall.

"Now let that be a lesson to all of..." she began to say triumphantly until all the apprentices she had trounced earlier rushed her all at once and tackled her to the ground.

"Revenge!" one of them shouted whilst pinning Chiara down.

"Dog pile!" said another whilst jumping on top as well.

"Argh, let go of me you cheap bastards!" Chiara yelled as she struggled. "You all need to lose weight! Hey Wit, don't forget our deal, alright?"

At the same time, instructor Kherek was on his way to the apprentice's quarters, having been sent there by master Arbo. An engine of muscle and stoicism, he had been following his strict training regimen at the edge of the monastery as he had always done and did not appreciate the interruption. So when he heard all the noise from the apprentices echoing over the mountaintops as he got closer, he was very, very unamused. Where the old master was kindly and affable, the dwarven instructor had none of that warmth and was coming at the apprentice's quarters like an approaching thundercloud, ready to lay down the hammer of discipline upon the heads of everyone inside.
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Cassandra Fariá

She was worried. As the evaluation day approached, she became more and more aware of her position. As a newcomer who isn't as skilled in prana as the others and wasn't even given an adamantine weapon yet, she could very well be the weakest link. She couldn't bear the thought of being sent home after spending so little time here.
That's why she decided to take the day off and concentrate on improving the abilities she already posesses or perhaps even learning some new ones. But as always, it was easier said than done. As it turned out, the training wasn't so productive as she had hoped. There was no opportunity to practise healing or 'feeling no pain'. It seemed that the only thing Cassandra could improve was Leaping.
She wasn't bad at it, but she wasn't the best in it either. If it came down to how well one could Leap, she'd probably be out.
She attempted it a few times and it was quite successful, but it wasn't enough.
'Perhaps I'd be better off learning something new', she sighed, thinking of resorting to the old tehnique of quanity over quality.
She remembered the lesson instructor Kherek taught them about Enhanced Strength. She might as well try it out. Spotting a lone pine tree, Fariá unsheated her sword, given by her family as a parting gift. She tried channeling her prana to add more force to her attacks, but she couldn't spot the difference. She was still attacking a tree, out of all things, and she was still doing with with the same force and strength as usual. It was a concentration problem. She had trouble using prana and attacking someone (or in this case, something) at the same time. It happened before, too. She had asked some other apprentices for help and they had said it would become easier with time and practice, but how much time does she have left?
She finally gave up and decided to go back to the apprentice's quarters and ask if anyone's willing to help her with her training.
Feeling a little bit defeated because she couldn't do it herself, she made her way back to the their quarters only to see instructor Kherek walking in that direction with a stern expression on his face.
She decided she'd rather keep out of whatever was happening inside at the moment and slowed down her pace.


Cassandra used 'Leap' and 'Enhanced Strenght', both 4 times in this post.
Her stamina is now 2/10.
Wit Alethkar

"I guess I can do that." He says smirking at her and shrugging his shoulders.

Wit continued to watch in amusement as Chiara beat on the other apprentices. One reached his hand in Wit's direction, asking for help. Wit simply put his hands up as if to tell the defenseless kid that he is on his own. Chiara rode on his back like a horse until he finally collapsed. Chiara began her normal rant about teaching them a lesson but then, the tables turned as all of the apprentices went at her all at once. Wit winced as they all forced her to the ground and formed a dog pile on top of her. "I won't forget don't worry." He says calmly, pulling her opponents off of her one by one and tossing them to the side.

"Oh, now you get involved?!" One of them exclaims in a bitter tone.

"Wow Wit, thanks a lot for the help." Says another as she pushed away his hand and got off the ground herself. She pushed past him and sat at her bunk.

"Happy to be here for you guys!" Wit says sarcastically.

All of them stopped talking and moving when the door opened and Instructor Kherek walked in. He looked pissed.
Wit put down the apprentice he was holding by the arm slowly and looked at Chiara, who was sitting up in the middle of a pile of now dirty and injured apprentices. Her hair looked as if she had been in a wind tunnel. It didn't look good for any of them.

"In her defense, they wouldn't get out of bed." Wit says, attempting to lighten the situation.

-Wit did not use any abilities in this post. His stamina is now 10/10.
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TheSortingHat TheSortingHat Azallea Azallea

Though Kherek stood at only half the height of the door, his squat frame took up its entire width like a boulder and seemed to darken the room in spite of the dawn's early light spilling in through the windows. Sweeping his gaze across the apprentices gathered before him, his piercing gaze settled on Wit, Chiara and all those in their immediate vicinity, and he pointed in their general direction as he spoke in a low bass-baritone rumble, "You lot, outside, 20 laps around the building. Everyone else, into the yard."

When no one immediately moved within the next heartbeat, Kherek became thunder itself as he roared, "NOW!"

Stepping outside, the dwarf watched on with arms crossed as Chiara came sprinting past, the first to leave the apprentice's quarters. With the rest following shortly behind, Kherek turned his gaze outwards and spotted Cassandra approaching in the distance. Looking directly at her, he lifted a finger and beckoned her forward.

Meanwhile, Master Arbo was approaching the edge of the monastery's grounds until he stopped to look back, having heard Kherek's booming voice. Chuckling mirthfully as he wondered what fresh hell the apprentices were in for, the old master said out loud as if speaking to the monastery itself, "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

And with that, he disappeared over the next slope with his red cloak billowing in the chill of the wind.
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Wit Alethkar

Instructor Kherek didn't seem amused at all by Wit's attempt at a joke. He directed the cluster of fighting apprentice's to run twenty laps around the apprentice's quarters. Even though Wit wasn't truly involved in the fighting he didn't put up an argument because the dwarf looked as if he might explode soon.
Kherek barely gave them time to react before he barked the order at them a second time.
Wit followed behind Chiara when she ran past the angry instructor. He kept his head down to avoid Kherek's invasive glare.

As Wit sprinted around the corner of the building, he meets Chiara's pace.

"Hey, at least he's not making us do suicides..." He says to Chiara, who is exhausted, and grumpy. She is covered in dirt, dust and a little bit of blood.

"Today is gonna be a great day." Wit mumbles to himself sarcastically.

They can hear the other apprentices talking as they trail behind them.

"First she gets us involved in an all day task, then this. What's next?" One of the apprentices says.

"Wow Chiara, you really pissed them off today..." Wit says to Chiara, raising his eyebrows.
Enkerzed Enkerzed

Cassandra Fariá

Only guessing what mischief was happening inside to cause such a reaction, Cassandra heard the unmistakable sound of the dwarven instructor shouting. After what was probably a milisecond, Chiara sprinted out, followed by Wit and the rest of the apprentices. His yelling was nothing unusual, actually, he seemed to often be in a bad mood, at least around them, but nevertheless, to her it was still a bit unsettling. Despite being short, to put it bluntly, he had a commanding presence and was respected by apprentices and dragoons alike.
Looking back at the apprentices running leaps, she was glad she wasn't in their position, but her relief didn't last long as the Kherek gestured to call her over.
"I'm not in trouble, am I?", she thought to herself, but hastened towards him, not to keep him waiting. She wasn't in the mood for running today and it seemed that forcing them to run laps was his favourite method of achieving discipline. "Don't fix what isn't broken, I guess".
"Did you need me?", she asked when she reached him, glancing one more time at the dragoons-to-be as they ran past her.


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post. Her stamina is now 3/10.
TheSortingHat TheSortingHat Azallea Azallea

"Well... first of all," Chiara replied between breaths as she rounded the corner of the building. "They started it."

"Lies!" someone shouted from behind.

"Ah, shut it! As for the town, the old fart said... it was about time anyway. So that... was inevitable."

"Stop chatting and pick up the pace!" Kherek roared at Chiara as she passed by on her first complete lap, jolting her into a startled flinch. Then as the rest followed, the instructor continued, "When you're all done, meet in the yard. There's something to announce."

As soon as Chiara rounded the back of the building, she said in hushed tones to WIt, "I thought I was going to die there."

Satisfied with the apprentices keeping pace in their punitive exercise, Kherek turned his attention towards Cassandra as she neared and said to her in a flat statement more than a question, "You still don't have an adamantine weapon."

Pointing at the apprentice's sword at her hip, he continued and this time in the form of a question, "You still training with that?"
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Enkerzed Enkerzed

Cassandra Fariá

Surprised at the direction the conversation was going, Cassandra felt a glimmer of hope.
They wouldn't kick me out after giving me an adamantine weapon, would they?
"I don't", she shook her head, but after hearing the second question, couldn't help but being slightly offended.
"What's wrong with my sword?", she huffed.
Admittedly, it isn't made of adamantine, but it's a blade forged with quality in mind. One of the best there is, as she'd often hear her family say. She thought about arguing, but decided against it. What would she gain by pointing that out except a scorn or a dismissive gesture?
And it is kinda absurd to bicker over a weapon just because of some silly emotional reasons, she decided.


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post.
Her stamina is now 4/10.
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Wit Alethkar

"I wasn't present when it started. I walked in after the first person was thrown remember, but I have a feeling that the fault lies on both sides." Wit says and looks at Chiara for validation.

Kherek continues barking orders at the group. Which irritates Wit to his very core. "Gaia, does he ever just relax?" He thought to himself and closes his eyes to calm himself.

Wit notices the dwarf speaking to Cassandra. He didn't seem pleased, though he rarely did.

"Hey Chiara, what do you think Cassandra did to piss him off?" He says while glancing in the direction of the apprentice being scolded. "At least he's not yelling anymore." Wit says in his head, relieved. He was starting to gt a headache.
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TheSortingHat TheSortingHat Azallea Azallea

"Could be anything," Chiara replied with a shrug. "She's new around here, right?"

On her second lap around the building, she kept her mouth firmly shut while passing by Kherek and managed to overhear him saying to Cassandra just before rounding the next corner, "- too light. Better at tickling a dragon than killing it. Not even good to train with. You need a..."

Once out of earshot again, Chiara pounded a fist on her hand as she said to Wit, "Now I remember, seniors took the last adamantine weapons right when she joined up, so she never got one. Sucks to be her, eh."

At the same moment, Kherek was still haranguing Cassandra as he continued, "- heavier weapon or even a stick would be better. Fine blade like this, you don't want to ruin it so you instinctively hold back. Affects your concentration. Makes you pull your punches during training and limits your power. Good for the sword, not so much for you."

Holding out an open hand, the instructor said, "Here, let me see it."
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Enkerzed Enkerzed

Cassandra Fariá

Not that that's my fault, she almost mumbled, but managed to hold her tongue, feeling like a child being scolded. She'd rather be running with Wit and Chiara who were just starting their 3rd lap- if she was counting correctly, than listening to his monologue. Though, by the time he finished, she had realised he was, of course, right.
She unsheated her sword without a word and carefully handed it to the instructor, handle first.


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post.
Her stamina is now 5/10.
Azallea Azallea

Kherek took the sword and promptly stabbed it into the hard, stony ground all the way up to the hilt. Before the apprentice had time to be horrified or however else she might react, Kherek pulled the sword out with a grunt and held it up for Cassandra to see. There was not a single nick or scratch on the blade.

"To make it useable," the instructor began as he turned the sword from side to side. "You have to channel prana into the weapon itself. Make it durable enough to survive your attacks. Useful for Knights, but..."

Flipping the sword over and returning it to Cassandra, Kherek pointed at the hole in the ground as he continued, "If that was a dragon, you would have only just made it past the scales. Good luck penetrating any vital organs when you're splitting prana between your weapon and yourself. With an adamantine weapon, you are free to go all out since it can take that kind of abuse. You'll understand when you get your own."

Kherek used 'Imbue Weapon' and 'Enhanced Strength'. His stamina is now 8/10.​
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Enkerzed Enkerzed Wit Alethkar

"Well then it's not her fault she didn't get one. I'm sure she knows she needs one, though it does help to be pushed by Kherek. He'll make sure she gets it done." Wit continued as they turned the corner, back into sight of the dwarf. Cassandra was handing Kherek her sword. She looked nervous, as if she was handing him a baby.

Wit's jaw dropped as he watched Kherek plunge the fragile sword into the solid ground, knowing the sword means a lot to Cassandra.
"I know he is kind of a jerk but would he really destroy someone else's weapon?" Wit thought to himself.
Just as quickly if not faster than he forced it into the stones, he withdrew it, unharmed. Kherek had used her sword as a lesson.
"Ah, he used his abilities for that... I can only imagine the look on Cassandra's face." thought Wit as they went around the back of the building again.
Enkerzed Enkerzed

Cassandra Fariá

Cassandra couldn't help letting out a horrifed gasp as the dwarven instructor suddenly plunged the sword straight into the ground before even giving her time to react or stop him. Her heart skipped a beat, thinking she was a merely a spectator of her blade's last moments, but then Kherek pulled out the sword - and it was intact! The apprentice sighed in relief. She didn't even expect him, much less see him, to use prana to strengthen it. He must have done it so discreetly and effortlessy, she admired his skill.
She collected herself and hesitatingly asked him: "And.. when am I going to get one?" If I am, that is. "Or at least learn that ability", she added carefully, accepting her weapon back and strengthening her grip on the handle, just in case.


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post.
Her stamina is now 6/10.
Azallea Azallea TheSortingHat TheSortingHat

"I can teach it to you after evaluation," Kherek replied. "If you pass that is. You won't have time to learn it beforehand. Focus on what you can do in the meantime. As for when you'll get your adamantine weapon, that's what the announcement will be about."

Returning his attention to the running apprentices, he said to Cassandra, "Go wait in the yard. I'll be there shortly," and then to, or rather at, the others, "Hurry it up you pieces of dragon bait, we haven't got all day!"

Upon reaching the back of the building for the third time, Chiara nudged Wit in the arm and said, "Race you. Loser does the winner's chores for tomorrow."

Without waiting for a reply, she broke into a dead sprint and bolted ahead of everyone else, passing those who lagged in the rear. All too soon, the instructor could be heard bellowing, "Now that's what I like to see, anyone who gets overlapped by Chiara and doesn't catch up within the next minute will do extra chores tomorrow! That means you three just now!"

The three apprentices in question groaned out loud as they accelerated their pace. One of them called out, "You really do suck, Chiara!"

"And don't think about slowing down!"

I have made a terrible mistake, Chiara thought for the second time today as she ran.

Kherek has not used any abilities in this post. His stamina is now 9/10.​
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Enkerzed Enkerzed Wit Alethkar

Kherek began ordering the apprentices around again. "Looks like hes done badgering Cassandra..." Wit thinks to himself as he rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"My headache was JUST starting to go away too." He says to Chiara as she begins to sprint away.

Not wanting to get shown up by the human girl, or do her chores the next day, Wit accepted her challenge. He smirks and begins sprinting after her. He takes advantage of his lanky shape and height compared to Chiara's and take long steps. She was a little tall for a human girl but compared to Wit she was quite short.
Her cocky attitude always drove Wit into competition.

"I am NOT doing your chores Chiara! I have enough to do right now!" He yells energetically as he smoothly catches up to her and passes her.
He tops off his taunt with a wink in her direction and continues running, smiling. He makes sure to glance over his shoulder often to make sure Chiara is not sneaking up in attempt to sabotage his lead.

As the other apprentices complain and groan at the increased pace, Wit looks back at Chiara who looks regretful.
"Ah, don't worry about them. They need to stop being so lazy anyway. I mean, we are here to train for fighting dragons. How are they gonna do that if they can't even run some laps without complaining. It's sad.." He said to Chiara over his shoulder hoping the others heard him.
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Enkerzed Enkerzed

Cassandra Fariá

Cassandra nodded, valuing his advice and already planning on how to realise it, training wise. I could ask Chiara and Wit if they'd like to train together, she thought, watching them compete.
She couldn't wait to hear the announcement, hoping it meant good news for her. The girl sheated her sword and murmured a thank you to the instructor, whose attention was now fixed upon the running dragoons-to-be, and set off to the yard, but not before letting out a short "woo, you can do it" to her fellow running apprentices.
On the way to the yard, she took some time to reflect on what happened. That was a rollercoaster of emotions.


Cassandra has not used any abilities in this post.
Her stamina is now 7/10.

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