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Fantasy Dragons in the West

Nellens Zanaiya

She nods encouragingly at Xandra's responses both to her own question and the blonde Dragon-blooded's. She's proud of her sister, and is glad that she can keep up her enthusiasm. She leaves Tomiko to speak with Xandra, hoping that Tomiko's energetic nature would perk Xandra up some given her sister's slight depression. Zanaiya spies the Ledaal representative looking around and gives him a knowing smile and wink. She approaches him and bows, "Greetings, honored representative of Ledaal. I am Nellens Zanaiya, sister and escort of the bride. It's an honor for you to accompany us."
Time passes as everyone explores the ship and gets to know one another. Finally, it is time for you to join together with Roogan for dinner at his table. As everyone comes in, the Fire Aspect makes everyone feel welcome as you are guided to your seats by one of the servants there. Xandra has a place of honor next to him at the head of the table; after all, it is her wedding that you are traveling for. He starts the evening meal with a bottle of aged wine, and several plates of exotic appetizers from across Creation. As the evening passes, the wine and conversation flow freely, with Xandra enjoying only one small glass.

The meal is exquisite. Roogans' cooks are truly world class to be able to work their culinary magic the way that they have. As you eat, Tomiko asks, "Captain, how long are we expected to be at sea?"

"We can make the trip in as little as three days, but our escort ship is slower, and if we keep pace with them our trip will last a week. I hope that you aren't getting tired of my hospitality already!"

"Oh, of course not! I am simply loving your ship so far, and if this meal is any indication of how we are going to be eating, it is a good thing that it will only be a week so I can still fit into my dresses!" Good natured laughter fills the room at that, but then Tomiko asks a more serious question, "Tell me, why an escort ship? Are we expecting trouble?"

Roogan shakes his head. "The biggest reason we have a second ship along with us is the room needed by the honor guard being sent along by House Nellens. We would be quite cramped with another thirty or so soldiers onboard. There is little reason to worry."

I enjoy the meal and causally drink the wine, maybe drinking a couple of glasses. This is the first time I appear in front of everyone without a hood covering my face. The sides of my hair is wrapped in an Asiatic bun-style with two hair pins holding it in place. The white jade Dragon Tear Tiara set prominently on my forehead, a light blue orb the size of an egg set within it. Around my neck a jade hearthstone amulet with its blue stone. The artifacts stand out on my pale flesh. I will tell the women how nice they look and the men how dashing, unless they come in looking shabby, if that is the case with anyone, I will smile at them and say "Cute."

I will listen to the conversations and if asked add my own little insights to the discussion at hand. When the captain answers about the question of our safety I am all ears and looking at his face and body language for clue to his honesty on the matter.
The rest of the evening goes by without social faux pas being committed, and eventually, everyone starts to make their way to the cabin that has been assigned to you. Those with servants onboard with them find that their belongings have been properly unpacked and put away, and that your night clothes are already lying out for you to change into.

The next two days proceed smoothly with clear weather with a good breeze and light seas. Perfect weather for sailing.

It is on the third day that the horizon is obscured by a heavy fog bank that stretches as far as the eye can see. From his vantage position at the front of the ship, Roogan frowns. "The air inside that cloud will be heavy and still; toss a line to the escort ship and we'll tow her through with our engines on." The crew springs into action, and soon the Ocean Pearl has the smaller ship on a line to the aft of the ship as you make your way towards the fog.

Make Perception + Awareness rolls, please.
So far, the two landlubbers looking out see nothing out of the ordinary. Fog is fog, right? What could be the problem be?
Roogan smiles at you. "Ah, yes. I don't expect any trouble. We'll be able to clear the fog soon enough. There is just no reason for worry."

Soon enough, the ship slides soundlessly into the mist, and visibility drops to mere feet. The air feels heavy and still, but everything seems fine at the moment. Then, a strange tingle can be felt on your skin, almost as if you have just passed the boundary of a hidden room. While that doesn't strike you as too unusual, the level of alarm goes up as the mortal crew of the Pearl begin to collapse on the deck where they stand. Roogan goes up to one and rolls him over and examines the man. "He lives, but is asleep. What devilry is this?" He jumps up and takes a half dozen steps to the mast and begins to ring the large bell that is hanging there. The brassy tone can be heard all throughout the ship, even down in the cabins where Karasu is.
Hearing the sounds of alarm I strap my Daiklave to my back, and yell to my servant to follow. I will head upstairs cautiously trying to ask who I can "What's going on?" as I make my way to the top deck.
In order to get to the deck, Karasu has to step over the collapsed body of one of Tomiko's fellow Immaculate Monks. Taking a second to check, he is alive, but seems to be asleep. No wounds can be seen that would explain why he is not awake. Up on the deck, there are more collapsed crew members and servants, but you also see that there are a few people that are still up and functional. Scanning the group, it appears that all the mortals on the ship are knocked out, leaving just the Exalts functioning.

A dark shape can be seen in the fog, another ship moving towards the Ocean Pearl. What do you do?
Is the fog that put them to sleep this same fog I am now in? If so, I would like to see if I can counter it's effects. So, I want to move out of sight from the ship (even if there was no fog, I want to put something between me and that other vessle. Do I know of any spells that causes such an effect? If I do, I want to cast Emerald Counter Magic to counter the spell. If I don't recognize this as a spell, I will wait out what is to come and look from a safe spot as not to stand out like an idiot. My hood will be drawn over my face as I don't want this enemy to see me.
There is a Terrestrial Level spell called Mists of Eventide, but it does not cover such a large area as this fog is. This may be a Celestial level effect of that spell, and as such, your Countermagic spell will not work on it.
I feared as much, I will draw my blade and wait for the boarders to come. If and or shall I say when they do I will be ready to help repel them.
Iselsi Marinn

Oh. Oh dear. I suspect that some bastard has been less than scrupulous about maintaining secrecy concerning our planned course.

Moving quickly across the ship's deck, Marinn checks his bow and quiver.

Well....we can...we can....

His hands shake, and he has to consciously press his fingers into the smooth deck material, First Age metals and ceramics made unbreakable.

Ok. Ok. Being boarded, maybe.

We can do something about that.

He nocks an arrow, and decides to use the mist to his advantage, slipping into the curling vapour like a ghost.

The smell of rotting flesh fills the air as the shadowy vessel draws closer. It is eerily quiet, no sounds of conversations or shouted orders can be heard. The next thing that happens is a grappling hook is flung over the Pearl's railing, followed by a second and a third. The lines go tight as the two ships are pulled together. Through the fog, you can see that the other ship is a floating horror show. It seems to be made of flesh and bone, not wood, steel and canvas.

Once the ships are hull to hull, boarding ramps are dropped into place and several dark shambling figures make their way onto the deck of your vessel.

Join Battle!
Iselsi Marinn

Oh no, no no...cut the shit. Here and now, we are alive. Kill the enemy.

Marinn skulks in the mist, picking targets.

Nellens Zanaiya

When the crew begins falling to the deck, asleep, Zanaiya runs to her room to fetch her lance and returns to the deck, her lance shining with a blood-red hearthstone set near the tip.

Mnemnon Amal had not been on the exquisite first age vessel with the others, but in the somewhat fouled escort. The captain had been bribed, less than a quarter of the expected amount once he caught a glimpse of Amal's unmistakable aspect markings, he had entered hooded with a shapeless bundle, and the crew had been instructed not to bother the man in the guest cabin.

Strictly speaking there was no reason for the secrecy, he could easily have obtained official permission to travel. However, Grandmother had asked that this be done discretely. For that request he would forego any treasured investigation of an ancient wonder and suffer any indignity among commoners.

Now however... Duty meant more than position. The mortals of the Realm served the Exalted and rightly expected protection in return. Even if these mortals hadn't done much in the way of service, noblesse oblige compelled he act.

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Ok, now I am not happy, I just happened to be invited on a ship that is about to be infested with dead! I was worried about archery, not thinking that tactically the fog may make distant attacks difficult for them as well. Karasu, will head to the nearest assortment of planks and ropes to block boarding by the undead along it's path. She first starts at a slow pace which rapidly picks up, Justice being dragged in her hands. The giant blade of jade dwarfing me. The first few walkers, stumble with their instincts guiding them forward. My first strike is the plank they are using. Concentrating my essence.

As the dead shuffle their way over to the deck, a voice can be heard calling out from the other vessel. "Find her! Find her and kill her!"

@Exthalion is up first with Amal

Order of Battle

0 - Amal <====

1 - Tomiko

2 - Marinn, Karasu

3 - Zanaiya,

4 - Zombie horde 1-10, Xandra, Mithras

5 - Zombie horde 11-20

6 - Enemy Exalt on other ship

7 -

8 -

The list will be edited as more posts are made.
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Ledaal Mithras

Mithras had been quite busy amusing himself with one of the crew at the moment. He'd finally looked out at the fog with dread before finishing his liason, stepping out onto the deck after slipping into his clothes. His delay had meant the enemy had closed now even as he could see the vile ship. It was a pity to distract himself to keep up appearances but now was the time of actions. He rolls his broad shoulders as he starts to make his way to a better position to defend the bride.

Looks like we have everyone in this fight that is going to be posting for it.

@Exthalion is up first with Amal

Order of Battle

0 - Amal <====

1 - Tomiko

2 - Marinn, Karasu

3 - Zanaiya,

4 - Zombie horde 1-10, Xandra, Mithras

5 - Zombie horde 11-20

6 - Enemy Exalt on other ship

7 -

8 -
Amal began to run. As he did the shapeless grey fabric that had concealed him fell away and even through the fog his coming could be seen like the rising of a pale moon, for his armor knew it returned to sea and gave back with gladness all the faint light that struck it.

Just as he was about to run out of deck he made a mighty leap, breaching the surface of the ocean like a dolphin. Far away, in the cool shallows of Crane Bay, the beam of an ancient lighthouse seemed to take on the wavering quality of light reflecting against water for its sundered heart called for its strength.

Amal reflected on these things as he swam. This is the strength of the Realm, the true Mandate to rule. Every individual piece brought together for purpose and power. This is why we will never fall, the whole world rises to uphold us.

As he drew near to the disgusting vessel of the enemy his keen eyes glanced around for what he had hopped to find. There! the rudder chain, spun of what looked like sinew and spines. He knew he had to act quickly, the ships were still moving and he would quickly tire if he tried to keep up. With his left hand he got a grip on the uneven surface of the ship, with his legs he braced, and with his remaining hand he held the serrated edge of the stone-cleaving sword. Not exactly stone, but it'll do.

His attack was a single graceful motion, though the terrible grinding of jade on bone made him grit his teeth. With the last of his momentum he broke the surface and shouted, "Helm, hard to port and a cheer for our good Scarlet Empress!"

Flurry, with a dash action to get close and an attack on the port rudder chain. (Or whatever side of the enemy vessel is in contact with our ship.)

Here is the attack. I am not sure how the multi-action penalties work for dashing so I just gave myself a 2d stunt. Feel free to remove dice as needed.


Here is damage, which I don't think I need but rolled just in case. Core says that damage against objects isn't rolled, and that objects have no DV. So is it just 8d from the attack or 17 from successes+damage?


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