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Fantasy Dragons: Flight for Freedom (OPEN)


Ten Thousand Club
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Flight for Freedom
[/div][div class=stoneArrow]⇟[/div][/div][div class=stoneHeader]
The Plot
[/div][div class=stoneContent]Deep in the forests of Ocalla, a prosperous kingdom, lay secrets untold to
the humans who live over the wall.

Deep in those forests, mythical creatures thrive. Few humans know of these, and those who do often go missing soon after, lost to the forests of old.
The wall protects the kingdom from the forest, known only as the Perditta, translated to mean 'lost', due to the many who have tried to explore it and
have never returned home. Thus, the Perditta is out of bounds to the
humans, unless they wish to disappear also.

The myths and legends that do live in the Perditta exist in peace and
harmony with each other. Every manner of beast thrives there, from
unicorns to griffins. And they are happy for it. A war has not happened for many a year, and peace reigns supreme.

One of these myths happens to be Dragon-Shifters. Beautiful beings, who
are beast at one moment, human at the next.

Now, one specific group of these shifters, a pack named the Astra, are even more powerful. They have abilities like none other, controlling wind, fire,
ir, water, or whatever their power commands. Some can disappear into the shadows like they were never there, whilst others may poison with a single touch. Thus is the way of the Astra.

And this pack lives in harmony also. Whilst their powers could be used for
bad, they restrain themselves, keeping to their own kind and living deep in
the Perditta, rarely bothered by others.

But recently, a new pack has settled, just outside the Astra's territory. The Draven. These to, are like the Astra in powers. However, they do not share
the Astra's peaceful nature, and their Alpha wants the Astra's territory for themselves.

Tensions are high.

Will war break out?

If interested, please post in this thread.
The real threads are a current WIP.

RP | CS | OOC | Lore | Discord
[/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div][/div]
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No clue really XD I need the main slots of the packs to be filled, with at least one of each preferably, except maybe elders and pups... So... around 10 characters to start, but obviously people can make more than that.
All links have been added to the first post! Some aren't finished completely yet, such as the Lore page, but characters can start to be made.
It'll be more casual than detailed. I would prefer more detail in posts, but as long as posts a certain length, I have no issues. Rules are posted on the RP page if you wish to know more :)
It'll be more casual than detailed. I would prefer more detail in posts, but as long as posts a certain length, I have no issues. Rules are posted on the RP page if you wish to know more :)
So they are! My apologies for missing them. Yes I could get behind this, I have a dragon character in mind who I have kept in reserves for something like this.
I would like my own den and territory plz
A loner may have their own den, outside of the territory, and may have a small area of their own that they dislike others being in, but will be unlikely to have a territory as large as one of the two packs. Might also hinder interactions with your character, just as a note
A loner may have their own den, outside of the territory, and may have a small area of their own that they dislike others being in, but will be unlikely to have a territory as large as one of the two packs. Might also hinder interactions with your character, just as a note
Eh as long as I can feed myself I'm good
Unless I'm invaded
Then I eat my invaders

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