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Dice Dragon Heist OOC


A Sparkling Zombie

Once bitten, twice sparkling!
Roleplay Type(s)

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Alexandrian Remix

You have found yourself in Waterdeep and are in need of work, so to the Yawning Portal you've come. You have established a contact there who may be able to point you to someone in need if you ask, or perhaps the contact has already notified you about a job very recently, withholding the details but telling you to meet them in the tavern that evening.

Famed explorer Volothamp Geddarm will ask you to take on a simple quest. Little do you know that Waterdeep's next Grand Game is brewing. You will compete against various factions within the city, but only time will tell if you will crack Neverember's Enigma and reap the reward.

That Social Contract

Obey the laws of this fair realm, known as RP Nation, lest ye incur the wrath of the gods.
Newbie friendly!

Be nice to everyone.

Understand the difference between IC and OOC. Try to keep metagaming to a minimum and also try not to take IC things personally. Also understand the difference between doing what your character would do and being a griefer. Let's steer clear of the latter, eh?

Fair disclaimer: I'm pretty new to DMing, hey, but bear with me and I'm 97.9995% certain we'll get through this intact.

Be able to spell and wield grammar well enough that people can understand you. Be comfortable writing at least a solid paragraph or two.

The expected posting rate is discussed in the next section.

Characters are expected to generally cooperate with each other. That doesn't mean there can't be conflicts or that they have to forfeit acting in self-interest, based on the group's comfort, just that they need to be willing to work with the party.

I'll try to keep railroading to a minimum. The intent is to give the characters opportunity for personal things within or around Waterdeep.

Any post formats are welcome as long as they are mobile-friendly.

Write in third-person, please!

Gameplay Guidelines

Some of this may change as we play! We'll discover what works for us and what doesn't and adapt accordingly.

How Posting Will Work
The plan is that roleplaying will be conducted in two-week rounds. This means that I, as the DM, will make a post, and all players will have at most two weeks to respond. Within reason, which player posts when doesn't matter so much. Character A may post first one round, and Character B may post first the next.

If all players respond earlier than the allotted two weeks, the next DM post may happen sooner.

If a player is silent within that time, they will be skipped and the next DM post will happen. The intent is to keep things moving, and being skipped should pose minimal consequence; the player can simply pick up from the most recent DM post. However, being skipped two or three times in a row will be grounds for being kicked from the game, though that player may be welcomed back if they are certain they can spare the time.

If a player knows they lack the time or creative energy to post before those two weeks, that's okay! They can summarize to the group what their character does and we can account for it accordingly. It's also okay to ask to be skipped if you feel there isn't much your character can do/provide within a given round.

We'll be using milestones.

Players may roll for their increased HP, and if the result is lower than the static increase, they may take the static one instead.

Initiative is just going to be the order in which people post within a two-week round.

If a player is silent through the allotted time, their character will take the Dodge action.

To speed up combat, drinking any potion can be a bonus action.

Instead of two dice rolls, critical damage will instead be one dice roll plus the max damage of the weapon/spell. This might not apply to enemies, at least not until the characters are sturdier.

To hopefully lessen the clunkiness, I will make the enemy's AC and HP public. Feel free to write in your character's hit/kill/miss once you've rolled for your attack. When an enemy is required to make a saving throw, you may roll for them, or I can roll it for you so that you can finish your post.

I as the DM will make all death saving throws in secret. Gotta make things thrilling! Understandably, this requires trust, and when it's over, I'm happy to reveal the dice rolls to the affected player.

Otherwise, DM combat rolls will be public. Come whatever may.

Track yer shit in your inventory. Arrows and spell components should be accounted for. Rations and waterskins won't be as scrutinized since you're in a city. You can spend money to keep yourself nourished.
Sadly only rogues start with theives' tools so unlocking doors and defeating traps is not going happen at the start of the rp.
Entering with a loud bang is more fun anyway, no? 😁

Ilikepie Ilikepie D. Rex D. Rex kaito9049 kaito9049 myrkwise myrkwise Stars Above Stars Above
Sorry for the quiet. It occurred to me that there's one more order of business before we're ready to start.

But first, an info dump! Yay info dump!

The current year is 1492 DR. We will be starting in the evening of the first-day of Chess.

Dragon Heist takes place in Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, where you're likely to spot a wonderful variety of folk. You hear words in languages utterly foreign to you, and you smell dishes both delectable and strange. Waterdeep is the ultimate city of such delights, and before long, the alien thing becomes familiar to you, and the stranger becomes your friend.

The Unflappable Waterdavian
Natives of the City of Splendors are notoriously slow to take offense. A Waterdavian plainly states their feelings as a warning, so that one is apt to hear “I don't find that amusing, friend,” said pleasantly before real anger is shown. Some visitors misinterpret such behavior as cowardice or ignorance (“He was too stupid to realize I insulted him!”). For those who act on such misjudgments, however, surprise and regret are the usual results.

Most Waterdavians are also slow to take fright unless facing magic or monsters. A swaggering warrior threatening them is quite likely to be stared at calmly, or even sneered at. “The only mortals that Waterdavians fear are a few unstable wizards and the Lords,” Durnan often says to those who are surprised by the nonchalance of the Yawning Portal's regulars concerning the open entrance to Undermountain in their midst. “And only when they've incurred the wrath of said persons themselves.”

Waterdeep mints its own coin that's equivalent to the generic currency. For example, one "dragon" is the equivalent of one gold coin. Though no law requires you to pay for goods or services in Waterdavian coin, the drudgery of weighing foreign currency and checking its purity prompts many retailers and operators of swift-exchange businesses—including drays and hire-coaches—not to accept anything but coins minted in Waterdeep.

Though you can trade your coinage for Waterdeep currency with anyone willing to do so, the exchequers at the Palace of Waterdeep make exchanges with no associated fee. The queue there can be quite long, necessitating that you make an appointment—often a day or more in advance. For a swifter transaction, I recommend any member of the Guild of Trusted Pewterers and Casters, or of the Jewelers' Guild. Both have the most reliable scales and abide by guild-wide rates of exchange.

Be sure to exchange taols and harbor moons before leaving the city, as their value greatly diminishes elsewhere!

Copper coin about the size of a thumbnail

Silver coin, slightly smaller than the nib

Brass coin, about two inches square with a hole large enough for a nib to fit in

Gold coin, half again as large as a nib

Platinum coin, twice as large as a nib

Platinum crescent inset with electrum, about three inches long with a hole large enough for a nib to fit in

The Lords of Waterdeep make up a council that governs the city. There is one Open Lord whose identity is publicly known. The rest are Masked Lords, who are of nearly equal power but whose identities are hidden even from each other, so as to prevent any of them from being influenced by bribe or threat. They usually speak through the Open Lord.

There are three main branches that Waterdeep employs:

* The City Guard, who patrol the roads leading to Waterdeep, watch the walls, guard the civic structures, and protect magisters.
* The City Watch, who police the city's streets.
* The Griffon Cavalry, which is a branch of the City Guard specialized in aerial, griffon-mounted defense.

Waterdeep is a city of firm laws and swift justice. Adventurers hell-bent on slaughter and plunder won't fare well in the City of Splendors. The punishments for assault, arson, theft, and murder are severe, regardless of the reason for the crime. Those charged with committing a crime are brought before a magister--nicknamed the Black Robes--to be judged. Punishments aren't treated as public entertainment and are instead doled out in private. The Watch even makes every effort to take individuals into custody quietly, so as not to disrupt other citizens.

The Code Legal is the main body of Waterdeep's complex library of law and custom set by precedent. Be aware that the Code Legal provides only an outline of typical sentences for various offenses, and magisters have broad discretion when meting out justice as they see fit.

The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors
Expect to be questioned at the gate, or when you register with a magister, regarding your ability to cast arcane magic. Wizards, sorcerers, and other arcane spellcasters who intend to stay in Waterdeep for any length of time are required to register with the city, and will be strongly encouraged to join the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, headed by the Blackstaff.

Members of the Watchful Order are expected to render service to the city when called upon, acting as temporary members of the City Watch or City Guard. Their expertise often helps investigators determine whether magic was used to commit a crime in the city. Members can also expect to be tapped for assistance during and after fires, natural events that cause multiple casualties, or other nonmagical disasters.

Members of the Watchful Order form a more or less sociable association in the city, working together to keep an eye on any spellcasters who opt not to join their guild. Any havoc caused by a spellcaster in Waterdeep risks drawing the wrath of the Lords of Waterdeep—so it behooves the Watchful Order to watch all its members.

Guilds and Guild Law
No aspect of life in Waterdeep goes untouched by at least one of its more than forty guilds. Virtually every profession has an associated guild, and there's hardly a citizen of the city who doesn't belong to one or more guilds, or doesn't work for someone who does. As a visitor to Waterdeep, you need to know this, lest you run afoul of “Guild Law.” Guild Law isn't technically in the legal code of Waterdeep, but guilds are mentioned in the oldest surviving legal documents, and the rules of Guild Law are respected by wise city folk.

Guilds take their laws seriously, as do members of the City Watch and the magisters. If you flout a guild's traditions, you can expect not only public scorn but also a visit from enforcers of the law. In addition, many guilds have their own codes of accusation, trial, and punishment, such as:

* A member of the Bakers' Guild who sells bread baked in the wrong shape will be drenched with water and coated in his own flour.
* Heckling a member of the Jesters' Guild will result in the offending party being jeered at in public by no less than four guild members for a period of four days.
* Any ship that unloads its cargo without due observance or aid by the Guild of Watermen shall have its cargo seized or thrown into the harbor.
Many guilds have codes that entwine each other, complicating matters even more for the outsider. In Neverwinter, if you want to construct a building, you simply purchase the land and hire workers to build it. In Waterdeep, the Surveyors', Map-, and Chart-makers' Guild must first be consulted upon designation of the plat, then brought in to draw or approve the construction plan. The Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild must then clear and prepare the site, only after which will you be able to hire members of the Carpenters', Roofers', and Plaisterers' Guild to erect the structure.

Moreover, the work will not be complete until members of the Guild of Fine Carvers and the Guild of Stonecutters, Masons, Potters, and Tile-makers design and craft any decorative elements of wood, stone, or ceramics, and after the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers has manufactured and installed any door hinges. If the building is to be connected to the sewers or a city water supply, the Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild must be called upon again to do that work. Want glazed windows installed? For that, you need to hire members of the Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers, and Spectacle-makers.

If you do business in the city as anything other than a purchaser of goods and services, I strongly advise you to seek out a local solicitor and pay to be guided through the process. No guild of solicitors exists, so be sure your choice comes highly recommended by individuals you can trust. To learn the peculiarities of any guild's rules, consult someone on duty at the guild headquarters or ask a senior guild member.

All that said, working at a guild-related profession without being a member of that guild isn't illegal. Guild members have no lawful recourse to interfere in the business of someone who chooses to not join the organization. But if you practice a trade or operate a business without becoming a member of the appropriate guild, word spreads, and you'll find that your coin isn't good for purchasing the goods or services of anyone who is a guild member. Since that group includes virtually everyone who sells the necessities of life or offers shelter for a fee, the benefits of joining a guild swiftly become apparent to those who procrastinate in this regard.

To join a guild, one must possess a background, a proficiency, or a status that the guild values. For example, a character with the sailor background is welcome to join the Master Mariners' Guild.

Guilds charge members monthly or yearly dues that vary. A guild can expel a member for any number of reasons, not the least of which is failing to pay dues.

Those characters who stayed in Waterdeep for at least a week are likely aware that a gang war has been plaguing the city. They have probably heard through word of mouth or through news sources that it's between the Zhentarim and the Xanathar Guild.

The Zhentarims is a known shadow organization that trades mercenaries and goods (including weapons) for profit.

The Xanathar Guild is not an actual guild of the city, but a criminal organization, more like a typical gang. They're not very well known outside of Waterdeep, so it might be a new name for some of you.

Now onto the last thing we need to square away before we can begin...

As stated in the interest check, the adventure hook is that your character is looking for work, so they have come to the Yawning Portal. How you handle this is up to you. One option is that your character can be at the tavern by chance. Another is that there might be a familiar face from whom your character can get you work leads. With the latter, you could be actively seeking out this contact, or about two hours ago, the contact might have notified you of a job through some means, not disclosing details but telling you to go to the Yawning Portal that evening.

If you want your character to have a familiar face at the Yawning Portal, you can choose from the options below. I'm also open to implementing a custom one if you have something you want to suggest.

Just lemme know what it is you would like to do!

I'm hoping to get the first post up this Wednesday.

Durnan is the proprietor of the Yawning Portal and is a retired adventurer. He is a man of few words.Bonnie is a barmaid who is quick to greet patrons with a smile and is diligent about keeping their tankard filled with their beverage of choice. She came to the city about a year ago.Mattrim “Threestrings” Mereg is a socially awkward bard who is a better musician than he pretends to be. His lute has only three strings, thus the nickname. He lives and performs at the tavern.Jalester spends a lot of time at the Yawning Portal. Usually he is seated in a quiet corner where he watches the merriment of others, but he seems polite and sociable enough when approached.
Meloon is a cheery, optimistic, warm-hearted adventurer who seems eager to fight alongside friends.Obaya is a priest who has traveled from Chult to sponsor expeditions into Undermountain. Her energy is more often focused on those adventurers who are strong enough to brave the dungeon, but she keeps an ear out for work that may interest those who need more experience.Yagra is a mercenary who passes the time by challenging adventurers to arm wrestling. She has a tattoo of a winged snake on her neck.Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm is a famed explorer and author of works like "Volo's Guide to Monsters". He's been spending his free time in the local taverns and mulling over his next book project.
I think Epono has been to the Yawning Portal a few times by now, and may be trying to get into Bonnie’s good graces in the hope that she might put in a good word for him if she hears of a work opportunity from one of the other patrons.
Mori may be there in order to meet Mattrim, perhaps in order to conduct a joint-performance at the Yawning Portal.
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I think I am going to stick with them knowing Volo, might as well go straight to the top after all
I think Epono has been to the Yawning Portal a few times by now, and may be trying to get into Bonnie’s good graces in the hope that she might put in a good word for him if she hears of a work opportunity from one of the other patrons.
Sounds good! Epono probably hasn't had to work hard. She's pretty friendly and could have given her word that she would keep him in mind for any jobs she hears about.

Mist may be there in order to meet Mattrim, perhaps in order to conduct a joint-performance at the Yawning Portal. They're currently under the guise of a chipper young lady with a face and smile that can draw in an audience.
Trying to arrange that with Mattrim could work, or if you want, he could have already agreed to play with Mist and they are both performing on this particular evening.

Not sure what contact to go with, maybe Jalester but who knows.
I could see that. Jalester was a former captain in the City Watch.

I think I am going to stick with them knowing Volo, might as well go straight to the top after all
Sounds good! In that case, about an hour or two ago, he contacted Rymm (and Bastle) in some fashion, telling them he has a job for them and to meet him at the Yawning Portal, where he will provide more details.

I'll try to get a post out tonight!
Diana pulls out her magnifying glass holding it towards you. "It doesn't seem you are that confident in your character's ability to get sober."
soon Volo will show up and actually get our characters to start interacting with each other
Maybe it'd happen sooner! Amelia is probably going to see Epono and go talk to him. It makes sense to me having the twins catch up before they happen to take the same job, depends on what kaito9049 kaito9049 thinks. (They could do some other stuff to pass the time in the tavern, to get challenged to arm wrestle by Yagra). Bastle would probably be there as well, unless he walks off when Rymm is distracted, speaking off...
And ill post soon as well!
We need to coordinate our posts! Like maybe hash out conversation they have when walking to the portal? Oh, and you may have missed it because of the posts that came after it, but I have a reply to one your posts in the interest check.
Yes! A few things will happen that can bring you all together soon. Probably in the next round or two. Just wanting to give everyone a chance to enter before I post again. :)
Yes! A few things will happen that can bring you all together soon. Probably in the next round or two. Just wanting to give everyone a chance to enter before I post again. :)
Hmm, personally I am not sure you need to wait rn. Like currently it's all independent conversations that don't really effect each other all that much. I think it would be good to keep those going. I mean maybe wait for myrkwise myrkwise , but definitely don't let me hold you up. (Unless you are like dead set on having Volo storm into the tavern in your next post or something like that.)

Ilikepie Ilikepie Soooo, what's up with Diana's dragon obsession? Or is that a question better suited for the RP?
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For some reason, I haven't been getting notifications from the IC thread; sorry about that.
Diana is trying to prove dragons are secretly controlling waterdeep in the shadows and that the dragons are planning something big that she has to stop. She has no idea what that big thing is and is working on figuring that out.

She is a detective working on stopping a dragon conspiracy that most would consider her crazy for believing in.
For some reason, I haven't been getting notifications from the IC thread; sorry about that.
Oh yeah that happens sometimes, well it's good thing that I tagged you I guess!
Diana is trying to prove dragons are secretly controlling waterdeep in the shadows and that the dragons are planning something big that she has to stop. She has no idea what that big thing is and is working on figuring that out.

She is a detective working on stopping a dragon conspiracy that most would consider her crazy for believing in.
Crap, I didn't think to check the background part of your CS. For some reason, I just assumed it would be the same as background stuff from like the player's handbook. Sorry about that! Well, I like it. It seems like a fun idea. (I think it was because the CSs on dnd beyond, which I checked out first, didn't have backstory so I assumed the other CS didn't either. So sorry to you too, myrkwise myrkwise !) Does she still have the pendant on her?

A Sparkling Zombie A Sparkling Zombie Soo, I think it'd be better if Bonnie replies to Epono before Amelia shows up (It feels like I may cut something off otherwise). Then she can like either walk off and serve another customer or listen in to their conversation maybe adding some commentary? (Plus walking into Mori and Threestrings playing would be nice!) Unless you like need us to reply first because of what you have planned for your next post?
Diana keeps the broken pendant in her backpack.
Gotcha! Honestly I am not sure what Amelia would think about the dragon theory. Like on first impression it's obviously very out there and very silly, and the she is something of a straight man. But it's not actually that implausible when you start to think about it; true dragons are prolific shapeshifters and are very smart. The idea that they are covertly manipulating events for some nefarious outcome is entirely possible and Rymm is just paranoid enough to maybe slowly start to believe it. And then there is the whole prophecy dream business, that has Waterdeep burning down, because of fire. And well, you know what dragons breathe*...

One more question: did she find the cat?
A Sparkling Zombie A Sparkling Zombie Soo, I think it'd be better if Bonnie replies to Epono before Amelia shows up (It feels like I may cut something off otherwise). Then she can like either walk off and serve another customer or listen in to their conversation maybe adding some commentary? (Plus walking into Mori and Threestrings playing would be nice!) Unless you like need us to reply first because of what you have planned for your next post?

It's fine if you wanna wait until next round.

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