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Fandom Dragon Age: Tales of the Champion



Proverbs 17:9


In 9:31 Dragon, bards from all over Thedas sang songs about the Hero of Ferelden's adventures, how they slew the Archdemon and ended the Fifth Blight. People believed the chaos had finally come to an end and started to celebrated that peace had finally come. But it didn't take a Blight for conflict to brew, and somewhere else another story started. One that would change everything.

Across the Waking Sea, Kirkwall, the City of Chains, stood as a monument to Free March enterprise out of a ruined Tevinter past. Viscount Dumar was the appointed ruler, but the true power belonged to Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard. The Commander of the Templar maintained order with an iron fist and it's said her orders are where the trouble with the Mages all began. Her reign over the Circle of Mages resembled a prison rather than a protectership, and apostates were subject to Tranquility without a second thought if they disobeyed. And apostacy became ever more common, as Mages fled Templar cruelty...and the more they resisted, the harder the Templar pressed them back.​


That same year, a military unit of Qunari were stranded in Kirkwall due to their ship's destruction in a fierce storm. Having few choices for dealing with hundreds of heavily armed foreign warriors, the Viscount reluctantly gave the Quanari a section of the Docks to stay in, though this act worried a great number of people. The Arishok stated that they would leave when the their transport arrived but many thought different.

Despite those two incidents, the Hawkes, an immigrant family from Lothering just found their place in Kirkwall after a year of servitude to pay up their debt. This is when the real story begins. The Hawkes just wanted to make ends meet and avoid Templar attention. The prospect of an expedition to the Deep Roads had the promise of turning their fortunes around, thanks to the dwarf Bartrand. None knew then just how much their fortunes would change in the coming years in Kirkwall.

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