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Realistic or Modern Division (Super Hero Roleplay)


I am the truth. Deal with it.
Right now, it is the year of 2029 in Hightron City, USA. The city seems to be like any other, except for one thing: Metahumans. A decade ago, an accident occurred in Horizon Co., a research lab facility, that caused a particle explosion across the entire city, which resulted in a few citizens receiving unnatural abilities. Many of these people were unsure what to do with their new identities. Over a month later, it was found that the particle explosion mutated several creatures into giant monsters. It was then several people decided to use their new gifts to fight against the monsters and bring them down. After that they were regarded as heroes, and celebrated by everyone in Hightron as well as the rest of the world. These heroes than joined together and formed the Dawning league a group of superheroes who swore to protect the world with their new gifts.

After that, the new stories that sprung only got more strange and more unnatural. More people affected by the explosion came out of hiding, choosing to either use their new abilities for justice or for crime. Some other metahumans appeared that were not even affected by the explosion at all. The world was never going to be the same again, and people could only wonder what would happen in the end, if there was ever to be one.

Hello, Truthblade here. This is an attempted revival of a previous project (that never got off the ground). Heroes, Villains, and Vigilantes will be able to come from all sorts of different background, with a wide range of abilities. Your character's powers do not have to come from the particle explosion, which is mostly for players who can't come up with any super-special orgins for their powers, which is perfectly fine.

I will also need one or two CO-GMs to help me sort through character sheets or help sort things out through the plot. I would like them to be someone of good reputation though. So please, if you like to be one, tell me of your experience as a CO-GM.

Here are the factions (note that free roam heroes and Villains are allowed)

Dawning League:

The main superhero team, which formed after the original heroes saved the city from the Mutant Crisis. Their victory seems to have inspired other powered beings to come out into the light.

Leader: (Me)

2nd in command: rennuelaw rennuelaw

Normal Heroes (unlimited)

Young Dawn

A group of young teenagers blessed with special abilities that had been found by the Dawning League. They are being trained and mentored by them to one day take their place (we are going to need someone who can track them down).

(1 spot opened)

W.E.A (World Espionage Agency)

The secret agent organization of the roleplay, which exists in several global divisions in each of the continents of the earth. They mainly exist to keep the metahumans in check.

For now, however, we will be focusing on the North Amerian branch, but transfer agents from other branches are welcome.

Leader (opened)

2IC (opened)

Head Technicians (3 spots opened)

Field Agents (No limit at the moment)


The villanous leauge of the story, which as of now is almost completely secret, only discussed by consipracy theorists. Even several villains that appear to be solo have a secret connection to this brotherhood. What their motives are are unknown.

(Note, I will pass of info about this league's motivations, but I will only do it via PMs to whoever joins it. Everyone else will have to wait to see what they are all about, but not for very long though.)
(Also note that their is a true leader of this group played by me that hide behind the scenes)
Leader: (opened)
Second in Command: (opened)
Underlings: opened

Both Heroes and Villains gain their powers from a wide pool of origins. Here are the ones that would be focused here (I did get this from a game, if you played it, you will know what it is).

Cosmic: These Metahumans received their powers from an out of this world source, or maybe they themselves are out of this world...or maybe this realm. (Think Superman, Captain Marvel, or The Guardians of the Galaxy).

Technic: People may not actually possess powers, but they have advanced gadgets and weapons that can put them on par with metahumans. (Think Ironman, or Cyborg).

Genetic: These humans were born with the powers they possess through genetic means. We don’t know how or why, but that’s how they are. (Think the X-men)

Skill: These people have no powers at all, but rely on highly trained martial arts or good ol fashion weapons (with some upgrades). (Think Batman or Hawkeye).

Scientific: These metahumans received their powers from science experiments or freak accidents, but can be explained through scientific means. (Think Spider-Man or the Flash.) (Note that characters who got their powers from the explosion would automatically belong to this class)

Mystic: These metahumans received their abilities through supernatural, magical, or angelic/demonic origins (Think Doctor Strange or Raven).

No Godmodding or powerplaying.

Avoid one linears whenever possible, try to do a three sentence paragraph at least. I can let it slide if there isn't much to type, but there are times where I would know you could write much more.

Do not actively try to kill characters without their permission. If death knocks on the door, it will come in, but don't kill other people's character's against their will, and at the same time, don't try to force situations where the character will inevitably die. But I will note again that characters are still subject to paying for their mistakes. If you try to take on the Phoenix leader armed with a foam sword, your not going to live.

Do not create obscenely OP characters.

Heroes must have a clear theme to them. I can allow enhanced physiology (super strength, super speed, etc) to go with pretty much anything, but you are only allowed one of them per a character unless you are able to connect them somehow. (Ex: A character with windbased powers can back themselves up with the wind to increase their speed and agility).

Basic Magic will be allowed, but just that, basic. No characters who are able to warp the entire fabric of reality with a flick of the wrist, or deep studies into the occult arts to discover a world changing spell.

I have no limit for character amounts right now. Just don't make more than you can handle.

No wide scaled invasions without authorization.

Characters need a like on them from me or a Co-gm to be accepted.

As of now, I will not accept alien characters for a while. But when we are ready for them, I will open earth's doors.

Here is the CS

Age( characters who were present in the Mutant Crisis should be no younger than 25 right now. Young Dawn members can be no older than 1
Race (Human, Mutant, etc. At this stag, I will not allow aliens.)
Appearance: (Describe their hero costume as well as what they typically wear. Use pictures if you can, or otherwise, a detailed description.)
Affiliation: (Dawning League, Phoenix, W.E.A, Unaffiliated)
Level of power (scale on 1 to 10. Only GMs or faction leaders may have ten.)
Powers: (make sure the powers fit into a theme. You are allowed two unique abilities.)
Power Origin (Cosmic, Technic, Genetic, Skill, Scientific, Mystic):
Backstory (explain where their powers came from or, if they are from the P.E, explain how they were discovered):

If you have any questions let me know.
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Save me both a Young Dawn celestial spot, and a W.E.A spot.

Truthblade Truthblade I just noticed that the CS says Young Dawn members can be older than one. I'm guessing that's a typo.
Yes. Young Dawn members are no older than 18.

Superheroes in diapers. That's a little weird...
Did I make a typo somewhere?
Hi! May I join and hold a Young Dawn spot?
Yes you may.
So with the characters, so far already created characters who spots are limited are listed below:

W.E.A- Leader
Dawning Legion- Leader
Phoenix- Leader (Sheet WIP)
Phoenix- Second In Commad (Sheet almost complete)
Young Dawn- Member 1
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So with the characters, so far already created characters who spots are limited are listed below:

W.E.A- Leader
Dawning Legion- Leader
Phoenix- Leader (Sheet WIP)
Phoenix- Second In Commad (Sheet almost complete)
There's a leader and Second -in-command for Phoenix? I must have missed something.

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