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Fantasy Digimon and Pokemon rp

Babydmon stepped closer to Ty, still watching in complete confusion.

Mune growled, forcing the sharp spikes that lined his body into Patamon's gut, forcing him to either let go or end up with a very nasty bruise. Using this newfound leverage he forced himself out of his grip, hovering a few feet above the ground. Mune wasn't going to take this crap, and he forcefully shoved himself between Saro and the other girl.

Sarah for her part didn't flinch when the flaming digimon shoved it's way into her face, instead just tightening her grip on Sayo. "You were the one in the woods, you had to be!" she stated firmly. She didn't actually know if they were indeed the ones she and Ty had seen, but based on Sayo's reaction she was almost positive.

Hexxy Hexxy
Tai watched nervously and looked toBabydmon.

Patamon would let go, falling go the ground "Ngh- Gah..." He would look up at Sarah. "C-careful!" He groaned and tried to stand, falling.

Sayo winced, "W-woods?" Looked to Mune, grabbing him with her open arm.
"I came from the desert. I think its close to the woods." She would have looked to her. "I must get going. Please... let me go..!" She tried yanking away from her.
Beebasaur Beebasaur

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