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Fantasy Digimon and Pokemon rp

Tai would sigh. "We should try and find the others."

He nodded "O-ok!" He would nod and look to her, flying around her now.
Dracomon nodded, glancing around before pointing directly behind them. "The table was over there, I'm sure of it!" Without waiting for Tai's confirmation he rushed off, not even glancing back to make sure Tai was following. He was determined to prove he wasn't a coward, he could help Tai he just knew it! Skidding into the small clearing with the table, he nearly ran right into Sarah who seemed to be talking to Patamon.

Sarah paused, frowning at the slight stutter in Patamon's voice, it seemed like a good idea to her? She was about to act upon her plan when Dracomon came crashing through the trees, skidding to a halt a few inches away from her feet. Letting out a yelp of surprise Sarah jumped backwards, bumping into the table and falling to the ground with a thud. "...ow..."
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Tai would follow after him nervously, "Wait up!" He would have caught up shortly.

Patamon would have looked to Sarah, trying to help her up.

The Digimon would scatter and leave, something or someone had caught thier attention, Sayo would peer at them from a tree, holding Sunmon close.
Dracomon glanced back at Tai, sheepishly glancing down at his feet and mumbling a soft "sorry...". He started to offer out a hand to help Sarah up, but pulled it back after remembering that would require touching her. Just the thought of that sent shivers down his spine.

"It's alright Patamon, I'm okay." Sarah assured her digimon, using the table to get to her feet and carefully coddling Patamon in her arms. "Don't worry about me, the worse that happened is I got a little stain in my dress..." her voided trailed off as many digimon started rushing from the nearby trees, clearly scattering from something.

Mune glared at any digimon in view, determined to keep them away from his beloved Sayo. He would protect her at any cost, and the other digimon could see the fire in his eyes.
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Tai would look to Dracomon. "It's o-" He stopped as the digimon left.

Patamon would nuzzle into her "Are you sure?" He looked worried.

Sayo smiled at Mune "...Wait... See and Watch." She held him carefully.
Dracomon raised his fists, eye the area where the digimon had run from, ready to take on anything for the sake of Tai. He had already wimped out of one fight, he wouldn't do it again. "I'll protect you Tai, NO SCARY DIGIMON WILL GET YOU!" the last part was yelled, aimed towards the source of the disturbance.

Sarah let out a chuckle, squeezing Patamon tightly in a hug, "Don't worry silly, I'll be fine!" she assured her companion, tearing her eyes away from the trees where she had been scanning for the source of the disturbance.

Mune reluctantly stopped his glaring, instead focusing on keeping watch for anything that may try sneaking up on them. "why" he demanded, voice harsh but it was obvious he didn't mean it. He always sounded harsh but those who knew him knew better.
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Tai smiled and paused, noticing a tv, a little dented, but definently workable.

Patamon huffed and held his breath like a child.

Sayo looked to him. "I have never seen one that looks like me. You know I have been here since I was 6." She would hold him still. If anything would be done to Mune, Sayo would take it. Sayo watched as the tv glew faintly. Beebasaur Beebasaur
Dracomon squinted in the direction Tai was looking, noticing a slightly damaged TV hidden in the trees. "Hey...what's that Tai? It looks like a uh, light...box?" He started towards it, not even thinking about the potential dangers.

Sarah blinked, trying to make sure she was seeing things correctly. "I-Is that a TV?! What is a TV doing in the middle of the woods??" She was flabbergasted, what was this doing here! It could only mean something bad, it had to be! The thought that the TV might be a good thing didn't even cross her mind. Determinedly she grabbed Dracomon by the tail and pulled him back, getting a yelp of fear from the small digimon. "Stay away from that...it could be dangerous."

Mune grumbled to himself, but didn't object. "We should leave, they could be viruses." he deadpanned, glancing around for the nearest escape route.
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Tai would grab Dracomon. "Hold on.!" He watched the tv. "Hmm.."

Patamon looked carefully. "Just go near it!"

Sayo nodded. "Fine...' As she jumped from tree to tree.. back to where they came.
Mune didn't have a chance to warn Sayo of the cracked branch she was about to step and before it was too late. Just as Mune yelled out "WATCH OUT!" the two went crashing through the foliage, landing with a thud on the floor. Mune was quick to digivolve into Coronamon, trying to help Sayo up. "Are you alright?!" you could hear the genuine fear and concern that so rarely reached his voice.

Dracomon cringed fearfully away from the contact, slipping from their grasp and backing away a few paces. Why did everyone insist of touching him. couldn't they just leave him be? When he heard a crash nearby to the TV he pushed past Sarah and Tai, determined to figure it out. Patamon seemed to think the TV was a good thing, and as Patamon was very smart, as far as he knew, it must be. If something was behind the TV they could break it, or even worse surprise attack them! There was no way he would let that happen.

Sarah let out a yelp as a yell could be heard, followed by the crash of tree branches and a thud. Dracomon, who had been hiding behind them, pushed past her and Tai, moving so fast she didn't have a chance to grab him. "Why do you want me touch it Patamon, did you hear that noise? What if something hurts you!"

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Tai would stagger back slightly, before looking in the direction of the sound.

Patamon would look to her. "Then we can exit!" He flew infront of Sarah to protect her.

Sayo would get up, looking back at them, throwing a smokebomb as she grabbed Cornamon and ran. Beebasaur Beebasaur
Dracomon didn't hesitate and rushed right into the smoke bomb determined to take who ever it was down. He began to spin around in a circle, his tail swinging at everything in his path.

Sarah put her hands to her face as smoke rushed out of the woods, but her fear was quickly replaced with concern as Dracomon disappeared into the smoke. She turned to Patamon, fear in her eyes, "Patamon can you clear the smoke at all? We have to help Dracomon!"

Mune growled as the Dracomon's tail swung very close to Sayo's leg as they fled, and he just couldn't take it. Forcing his way out of her arms he sprung at the Dracomon, forcing them to the ground and using Corona Knuckles. No one was going to hurt Sayo, not with him around.

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Tai would try to clear out the smoke.
"Dracomon...!" He followed his partner.

Patamon would be able to clear some of it that was around them.

Sayo would watch and look to Cornamon, "Enough, Come on back. We will deal with the intruders later." Beebasaur Beebasaur
Mune growled, but reluctantly let go of Dracomon, who was putting up a rather good fight. Turning around he ran after Sayo, jumping up and climbing onto her shoulder as she ran.

Dracomon got to his feet and shook his fist at the retreating figures yelling out, "YEAH RUN YOU COWARDS! YOU'RE JUST SCARED BECAUSE I WAS WINNING!" he huffed turning around to face Tai who had joined him in the now fading smoke. "...they got away, I was winning though!" he exclaimed, looking up at Tai with a hopeful expression. He wanted Tai to congratulate him, he had nearly won!

Sarah gave Patamon a thankful look as she too followed Tai into the smoke, spotting the rather bruised up Dracomon. "What happened?!" she gasped, bending down to look at Dracomon who flinched away from her.
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Tai sighed "You did great bud." He smiled proudly.

Patamon layed on her head waiting.

Sayo would lean against a tree. "You did well, but we should get some rest."
(Salis, would you mind writing more than one sentence? It is hard for me to write replies with little to no information, it kind of feels like I am the only one pushing this story along :/ ))
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((Awesome! I'll do a short reply for this one, but for your next reply a little bit more would be greatly appreciated!))

Dracomon grinned, gladly accepting the praise. He was so tired, despite the shortness of the battle it was still pretty intense, his scratches and bruises said as much.

Sarah let out a sigh, determining that Dracomon was indeed alright, and her attention returned back to the TV which was glowing ominously a few feet away. "So what you're saying Patamon," she began approaching the slightly damaged TV, which was displaying crackling static, "This TV could take us home...?"

Mune glanced around them, hopping down from Sayo's shoulder and dusting off the dust from his shoulders. "It's not safe, they could find us." he determined, turning to Sayo. Despite the many years they had been together Sayo still hadn't realized that everything was dangerous, she wasn't nearly cautious enough. Luckily for her he was here, he'd keep her safe no matter what.
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Tai smiled "Now... Let's go home..." He would approoch the TV, it glew brighter as he approched, the TV showed a library that they knew.

Patamon nodded softly, "Mhm! I believe it will get you home!" He would nuzzle into her.

Sayo sighed and held him. "They have to go back, they have a family to go back to. Remember, When I first got you I raised you and fed you, back at the foster home." She would hand him a apple. "... Do you think we should follow them..?" Sayo asked him, wondering what he thought of this idea.

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