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Fantasy Digimon and Pokemon rp


The Kleptomanic
You can be a digimon or a Pokemon you will if you are a digimon you have to be in rookie form

,but anyways you can do what you feel and have fun!!!!!
abanded from TK a few years back sleeps in a cave and just does what any digimon would do.
Babydmon hovered around waiting for his trainer to appear.

Sarah opened her eyes and groaned "where am i" she looked over and saw a cave,walking inside there sitting on the ground was a small orange thing with wings sat there "who are you"sarah asked
(By the way it's a light brown)looking at the digimon hovering above
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(ok but make a digi tamer for babydmon and roleplay them and patamon)

Sarah looked at the little brown creature and jumped when it spoke "y-you can talk!" she cried

Babydmon sat down becoming impatience thinking *When will my tamer appear*
(no i don't i am waiting for my tamer to appear you have to roleplay as patamon and my trainer just like i will roleplay as babydmon and your tamer because its boring to be my own tamer :( )
Climbs up to the cave walks into the cave ,ummm this is weird what are those two creatures staring at the two digimon confused ,wow a fur ball with wings thinking to myself and a seahorse dragon. Then looks away at them who are you looking at the girl.
(what? can you like separate words from actions some how its really hard to know whos talking and whats happening)

Seeing a boy babydmon smiled rushing towards the boy saying "my trainer is here" he cried rushing in front of the boy

Sarah looked up and saw another boy "oh hello finally another person" she cried setting tokomon down
(wait is that tokomon speaking?)

sarah smiled then looked down at babydmon then back up at tai "I think we should start moving.... whats your name actually?" sarah asked

Babydmon was hovering over tai's shoulder "and i'm your digimon tai! i'm babydmon"
Well nice to see you Sarah I'm Tai holding babydmon

This is comfy on your head Sarah patamon yawns falls asleep
I'm tokomon I'll digivolve into Patamon , does anyone have a ball

yawns again and falls asleep on Sarah's head.

So you are babydmon ,what's this little phone do.
tapping the buttons on the digivice
Darkri said:
Well nice to see you Sarah I'm Tai holding babydmon
This is comfy on your head Sarah patamon yawns falls asleep
(wait you would be tokomon because digimon de evolve when their trainers stop likeing them so you would have become tokomon from depression)

Sarah smiled carefully removing tokomon from her head and carefully carried him in her arms

babydmon smiled floating out off tai's arms to float by his head "i think we should get moving before a Kuwagamon gets us"
Sarah looked on her wrist and saw a little phone thing too "wow whats this" she said as they walked along

"Thats a digibracelet it makes us digivole " babydmon said "i digivolve into dracomon"
"oh thats cool" sarah said smiling and holding tokomon close

Babydmon laughed "i told you i become dracomon"
Tokomon digivolve to patamon

Whoa that is cool says tai still babydmon I care so much for you
Sarah gasped as Tokomon became a little orange thing with wings picking up Patamon Sarah set him on her head "You are so cute patamon"she said smiling up at him

Babydmon Blushed as they continued walking suddenly Babydmon pushed Tai out of the way and suddenly the ground collapsed underneath where he was just standing two seconds ago."phew" babydmon said "that was close

Sarah noticed that there was a ladder in the hole and pointed it out to Tai "hey Tai look at that" she said then picking patamon off her head she asked "is that normal for this place?"

Nothing is normal in digiworld Sarah are you excited when I digivolve again

What's that for babydmon anyway babydmon can you become an angel to
Sarah nodded "Well i think i can believe you about that patamon" Sarah said setting patamon on her head and pulling a granola bar out of her pocket and pulling a piece of it off and handing it to patamon it"here eat this

Babydmon looked up at tai "I don't know what i'll become maybe i will become a angel." he said smiling and beginning to floating down the hole "come on guys lets go down here"

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