Devastating Destruction

"It's called facing my problems and learning to deal with it the hard way. I'm only giving up because it's useless to run away from Landon. He's eventually going to find me one day and torture me to death. And I can do nothing to stop him." She responded rather calmly, continuing to stare down the darkened road. Her mind was beginning to have it's doubts as usual.

Listen to Gray- Don't give up. You can defeat Landon if you put your mind to it. Finally, she snapped back into reality, actually listening to the voice in her head for once.

Victoria frowned, realizing how foolish she was acting. What the hell did she even just say? Giving up? Hell no. Landon's going down.

"Did I really just say all those things? Damn.. I must be tired or some shit. There's no way in hell I'm going to let that fleabag get in my way.." Her eyes suddenly burned fiercely and she chuckled to herself quietly.

"I can't believe I just said all that.." She muttered, whipping out her scythe and leaning the blade on the concrete. It kind of surprised her how quickly her mind had changed, but she was happy she wasn't going to be some depressed loser who gave up on everything.
([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - It's short, I'm sorry. Just can't think of what Harlen can do. xP))

Harlen shook his head, "You're lucky that you're not sane half the time." Was all Harlen said before he began walking again. He didn't want to deal with this right now. And before Drue could do anything else, he had disappeared into the shadows and was gone. Maybe I should just hide from everyone for a while and lock myself up.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - sorry for the shortness. :/ I'm not good at fighting scenes. Also, don't worry about dragging this out. Go ahead and try to chop Oz's head off so that we can move ahead with more plot stuff.))

Oswald hissed as Hazel's sword sliced through his arm and spun around as she did so that he could block her swing aimed at his back. 'It's so heavy,' he noted, struggling a little under the weight and force of Hazel's attack. He managed to break away from the attack, though, and aimed another slice at Hazel's midsection.

Wilhelmina held Hazel's gaze as the younger Fairy Knight looked up at her. "Let me see what you can do," she murmured, petting Oli slowly. Ion floated near her head, buzzing excitedly as his owner dueled.
((@The Magnificent Marley, tis fine :) but now I don't know what to do T.T Oh, but did you read the new charrie I made?))

Drue laughed and yelled out, assuming Harlen could still hear him, "Sane is no fun!" Nikki was surprised at Harlen's sudden disappearance, and gasped slightly. 'Now how am I going to find him..?' She thought sadly. Drue turned to look at Nikki as she gasped. "Ah! There you are Nikki-love, thank you for getting away from him. You hurt him nicely." Nikki looked at Drue, half scared and half confused. "What? I didn't hurt him. He just ran off before I had a chance to explain that I am not mad." Nikki held her staff tightly, changing the metal's tip to a spear. "And I do remember some of it. You took care of me. But it isn't ok to be so obsessed with me..." Drue half smiled, struggling with his own mind a bit. The craziness that usually won out was struggling with the sane part of him.

(([MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION], ok, sowwy bout that :P I try to make fight scenes interesting.... usually fail.))

Hazel glanced back at Oz and hopped out of the way of his attack at her midsection. She grinned slightly and swung, the broadside of her sword hitting him squarely in the arm where the cut was. She backed away slightly then hurled herself forward, still making basically no sound, and swung hard, bladeside out, directly at Oz's neck.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] Yep I read the charrie sheet. :P ))

Harlen was actually close by, just morphed into the shadows. He could see the two of them, and hear them. Nikki wasn't mad? Harlen stayed where he was at first, just watching the two of them. He came back into view but stayed far off where they weren't able to see him. Harlen was a bit confused, but now he was just worried. He didn't want anyone to get hurt. He didn't want any of this! What if something happened to Nikki and he couldn't be strong and able to help her?
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - I can't write fighting scenes to save my life, and I think you're better at it than I am.))

Oz yelped as his cut wash bashed in, and fresh blood started seeping from the wound. This is why he hated battling; he couldn't stand the pain that came with injuries, and he always spent too long nursing his wounds before continuing the battle, like right now. His eyes widened as Hazel's blade directed itself at his neck, attempting to fall back so as to dodge, but he could feel that he was going to be too slow.

Wilhelmina, on the other hand, sprung in to action and leaped off the balcony as Hazel began her attack on Oswald. She summoned magic to her feet and pushed off the ground, shooting towards the dueling pair in a blur. She drew her sword as she sprinted towards them, and smashed her sword into Hazel's, knocking it far away from Oswald. She stood slowly from her stance and sheathed her sword. Leaning down a bit, she reached a hand out to Oswald who had fallen in the process and pulled him to his feet when he grabbed her hand in his. "That was interesting... You are very talented, Hazel," Wilhelmina remarked, glancing sideways at the younger girl.

Oswald bit the inside of his cheek gently to stave off the humiliation he was feeling. He had been thoroughly beaten, but at least he was the only member of the clan who could claim having sparred with the princess.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Drue just stood there, frowning, for a while before he spoke quietly, "You don't remember enough... you of all people should know I wasn't always like this." Drue looked down, then looked back up at Nikki, "But you are mine. Mine! And no one else. Definitely not a reaper's! I will take you by force if I have to, you will remember it all eventually..." Drue walked toward Nikki calmly but swiftly. Nikki hurled a rock as hard as she could at Drue's head, and he barely flinched when it hit his face, a small bleeding cut appeared on his forehead, "Why would you do that Nikki-love? That isn't very nice," he said, his eyes starting to glow red in anger and frustration. He stopped, now close to her. Nikki had her staff-spear pointed at his heart.

Harlen held his breath and just watched. Nikki will be fine. He told himself over and over, attempting to calm himself down. The reaper sat against a building, but in a position where he would be ready to sprint over as fast as he could. He heard footsteps behind him and slowly turned to see Nyx, "Nyx what are you doing here? Where's Aziel?" He whispered. Nyx shook her head and sat beside him, "I snuck out." she whispered back, then looked over at Drue and Nikki.
(([MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION], aww thanks :D and you aren't bad at all))

Hazel looked at her sword that was now on the ground with a blank stare, then turned to stare at Mina. Hazel's eyes still glowed slightly as she spoke, "You won then Mina? I apologize for not doing my best, I couldn't chop his head off fast enough." Hazel shook her head and looked around wide-eyed. She saw her sword on the ground and ran over to it, sheathing it quickly after wiping the blood off. Hazel looked over at Mina and Oz, then looked at his arm, "Oh my God are you ok? Did I do that to you? I did didn't I," she said, thinking about it. She knew what happened, but she wasn't herself when she dueled, so she couldn't stop herself. "Yes, I did... Dammit... Here, let me heal it...." Hazel walked up to Oz and looked at him for the O.K. to heal.

(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

"Oh Nikki, you wouldn't do that to me, would you?" Drue said, gripping the spear in his hand and trying to crush it. Instead of it crushing, the spear cut deeply into his hand, and he cursed, "Holy metal?? Really! Why do you hate me so much Nikki?" Nikki stabbed forward into his chest, missing his heart, then pulled out and ran for it. She knew she couldn't win easily or fairly. 'Run! You probably only pissed him off!' Nikki thought to herself, running into an alleyway and engulfed herself in darkness to hide. She only hoped Harlen was safe. She was still close enough to hear what was going on.

Drue screamed out in pain at his chest wound, black blood poured out of it. Slowly his regeneration was kicking in and the wound was healing. 'Holy metal...' Drue thought to himself, in too much pain to be crazy. 'She really does despise me.... Though she didn't kill me, so maybe there is a chance I can redeem myself...' Drue collapsed and fell unconscious due to blood loss and pain.

Harlen saw that he collapsed, then got up and went running after Nikki, skidding to a stop and turning into the alleyway, "Nikki?" he called nervously. Nyx got up and walked over to Drue, staring at him for a moment, then she went off and climbed up a tree above Drue. It was a rather tall tree, and it was the same one she would climb every time the sun would come up. She could see the other city from here, the light city. She found it so beautiful, but she wouldn't dare enter the city. She always wanted to, but was too afraid they'd hurt her all because she was a demon.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Nikki heard Harlen call her name and let go of the darkness, revealing herself to him. "Hi..." Nikki said timidly, walking over to him, "Are you alright? Is he still... you know... alive? How much of that did you see?" Nikki looked down at her feet. She didn't want to kill Drue, but maybe if they caught him, they could make him back to normal. Back to the Drue she remembered, and yes, at a period of time, loved.

Harlen shook his head, "I don't think he's dead...And I saw most of it. I'm sorry." He apologized quickly, although he had no clue why he was apologizing. He just felt like he needed to. "I'm really sorry Nikki." He was interrupted when he heard a scream coming from Nyx. He turned around and ran back out of the alley, looking around quickly, but there was no sign of anybody.

Nyx was about to fall asleep in the tree, but all of a sudden everything went black and a sharp pain pierced the side of her neck, She screamed as she felt arms wrap around her and then she felt like she was moving. Someone had grabbed her. She hoped it was Aziel- but she knew it wasn't. She began to drift off, she tried to stay awake but couldn't.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Harlen was just apologizing to her for something when a scream was heard. She ran out after Harlen and looked at him in fear. "Who would have taken them? Drue should have been unconscious. So he couldn't have." She looked at the puddle of blood where Drue was laying just before and noticed another note, the corner of it stained with blood. "Notes are Drue's thing apparently," Nikki said with a dry laugh. She looked at Harlen for what to do.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] I feel bad now for my stupid posts. >.<))

Harlen rubbed the back of his neck and sighed heavily, "Where could they have gone?" he asked himself and looked around. The Aziel, of course, appeared out of nowhere. "Did Drue take Nyx?" he asked rather calmly. Aziel only hoped Drue wasn't heartless enough to hurt Nyx. Harlen shrugged, "I guess..." he said, staring at the blood-stained piece of paper, "I guess we might as well read the note..."
((@The Magnificent Marley, haha its ok :P also, please clear your PM space :3))

Nikki looked at Aziel and spoke, "I don't think he could have, he was unconscious. Though he is a master at illusions.... I don't know..." Nikki was unsure, but she didn't think that Drue would hurt Nyx. She sighed and looked at Harlen then back at the note, "This whole ordeal is going to shave years off my life... Oh wait, I forgot... I can't age." Nikki breathed in deeply and grabbed the note.

She went back over to Harlen and held onto his hand. She was not letting him run off if it said bad things again. "It is older, it isn't a fresh note," she said before starting to read the note aloud, "Dear Nikki-love, If you are to read this, it probably means I am hurt in some way. I have made little illusions to trigger, like the release of this note, when I am harmed. Do not worry about me though my love, I should be fine. You know me, resilient. Just keep running. Don't let the reapers or their friends catch you. I do not know what they would do if they did. Just remember, as soon as I am back from whatever harm befell me, I will be there to love you. Always. I fear the reapers have done something though... I cannot remember as much, and I will black out, only to awake to a puddle of blood and a mess in front of me. I am losing my mind my love, and I hope I can keep you from this evil. Reapers are not our friends.... to stoop so low as to poison my mind.... it started with voices. They don't go away... I am certain it comes from the higher ranks within the reapers. I must go, you came in my room. --sincerely, Drue Lull. Forever and always." Nikki looked at Harlen, tearing up a little again.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] Cleared it. :P ))

Harlen was still afraid of losing Nikki to Drue. He was afraid she might just remember all of it. What if somehow, Drue went back to normal? Would Nikki start to love him again, instead of Harlen? The reaper couldn't take the thought, he tried to brush it off like he did with everything else. It wouldn't go away, though. Harlen pulled her closer, gently kissing her forehead. Harlen felt as though everything would be better if he had never showed up into Nikki's life.

Aziel started to walk off, in search of Nyx. He was only supposed to care about Nyx, and nobody else, since his main purpose was just to watch over and protect the 14 year old girl. He didn't want to get involved with anyone else's drama, so he simply walked off. Especially because that note wouldn't help him find Nyx. He was unsure of who the hell managed to kidnap her, but right now his main focus was to find out.
Wilhelmina shook her head at Hazel. "No, you won. Your fight was against Oswald, and, as he is the only one injured here, it is clear that you were the victor of this match," she declared. Oswald stood to the side of the two, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm right here, you know. I can hear you," he grumbled to himself, but Wilhelmina simply shrugged as if to say, "so what?" He cleared the embarrassment from his heart, though, and turned to Hazel with a smile. "Ah, no, it's alright. I'm fine, and I'd rather let it heal on its own. It's more likely to scare if its not healed with magic," Oz said with a crooked grin. "It's a battle wound," he explained and his smile widened into a full blown grin. 'From the princess herself, too,' he added silently to himself. "I should probably bandage it, though, so that it doesn't get infected. Well, if you'll excuse me," he said with a small bow to both Wilhelmina and Hazel. "It was nice meeting you pri- Erh, Miss Hazel," he quickly corrected and scurried away from Wilhelmina's heated glare.

Wilhelmina sighed at his retreating form. "He simply cannot hold that tongue of his," she muttered and looked back to Hazel. "I suppose we have some things to talk about now. Follow me," Wilhelmina instructed and promptly turned on her heel. There was a particular place she wanted to show the young Fairy Knight before she revealed everything she knew.

Wilhelmina left the training hall and sped down the hallway that led to the grand staircase that connected the rest of floors together. "We are headed for the forth floor," Wilhelmina informed as she took to the stairs, quickly ascending them until she reached the top floor and came to a pair of huge oak doors. "This," she started with an underlying tone of excitement in her voice, "is the room belonging to the matriarch of the Fairy Knights. It is supposed to be mine, but I have a hard time sleeping in here, so I do not spend much time here. It should still be nearly the same as when your mother used it," she finished with a small smile. She pushed open the heavy ornate doors and stepped inside. The splendor of the room always gave Wilhelmina a small shock when she laid her sight upon it.

(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - I'll let you explain what the room looks like. The last matriarch was Hazel's mom, after all. Also, that post was long and my hands are tired. :P ))
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION], I officially think I am addicted to this >.>))

She had finished reading and Harlen seemed protective of her. Kissing her forehead like he did made her blush. "It's ok Harlen. I couldn't hate you," Nikki said, not realizing it was the idea of her loving Drue that scared him. She looked around and noticed Aziel was gone, he had walked off. "Should we help him find her? Also, should we help Drue be, well, sane again?" She didn't love Drue, but she did remember how much Drue had helped her and raised her. She felt it was only fitting for her to help Drue.

Drue woke up chained to a wall with magical chains by his feet that he couldn't break even if he was at his full strength, which he wasn't. He looked down at his chest, his shirt was now gone, and there was a long line that was slowly healing into a scar. Drue looked around and saw Nyx chained against the same wall near him. "Damn..." He said quietly. 'Who could have taken me?' he thought along with what he said. The chains were long, long enough to allow a bit of movement. He stood up and rubbed his head, "Oww, Nikki-love got me good..." He was able to maintain a little sanity though, thanks to the bump on the head that Nikki gave him.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] I know, It's so addicting .-.))

Harlen nodded slowly, "It's up to you. I just..." He didn't finish his sentence and looked at Aziel walking off, "Yeah. We should help Drue and Nyx..." He said quietly, "I don't know how we're going to do that but let's just start by following Aziel, I guess." He said and jogged over to Aziel.

Nyx woke up, rubbing the side of her neck, "Ow." she mumbled to herself, she began talking to herself quietly and angrily, then looked around and saw Drue, "Do you have any clue where we are?" she asked rather casually, studying the chains. She almost didn't want to know what was going on. "Where's Aziel?" She asked suddenly, now coming to a more clear realization, she squirmed, trying to break loose from the chains but almost immediately gave up, huffing out a frustrated breath.
(([MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION], haha ok :P yeah, that is long, but well written :) ))

Hazel simply shrugged when Oz didn't want it healed, she knew he wouldn't budge on it. "Pri? What is Pri?" Hazel asked Mina, seeing the glare aimed at Oz "Whatever it is, you don't need to be mad at him about it. I'm sure its fine. I'm not offended or anything. My mother used a room here?" Hazel said as she looked at the doors that were now opening.

'Wow,' was all she could think. The room was extravagant and large. It looked as though it could fit twenty beds, not just one. Though the one that was there looked huge and comfortable. A four-poster bed. Between the bed and the door was a large chandelier that hung proudly from the ceiling. To the left a large bookcase was against the wall with a comfortable looking reading chair. To the right were two doors, one she assumed was the on-suite, the other probably the closet. Hazel looked down at the floors, a dark natural wood was there, probably imported. She looked at Mina, her eyes as large as saucers, and she squeaked out a noise, "My mommy here...?"

(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Nikki frowned and caught up with Harlen, "Are you upset? I mean... besides because of the obvious. If something is bothering you, please just tell me?" She looked at Harlen, the sun rising up slowly on the horizon, highlighting his features and letting her see better.

"They are magically enhanced," Drue said absentmindedly, adjusting them on his ankles. "I don't really know why we are here, or where we are for that matter. Though I would guess in the basement of some building." A female voice answered, though they couldn't see her, "You would guess right Drue. Long time no see? A bit more sane than I left you last." Shall I fix that? she said, intruding into his mind. Drue let out a whimper-like scared sound when he 'heard' that.
(( [MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION] ))

Kaleo leaned her head to the side.

"If your gonna do that lets go in-

side of the building" she said as

she opened the door to the abandoned

building she as hiding out in.

She whistled and called for Bandit.

He came darting around the corner

thinking Salem hurt Kaleo. he darted

up the stairs into the building. She

waited for Salem.

Nyx clenched her teeth, she was pretty scared, but managed to stay calm. She stared at the ground silently, not moving at all. Nyx got buried in her racing thoughts, hoping someone would come and help them. Anybody. Nyx unconsciously began humming to herself, very faintly.

Harlen continued to follow Aziel and shook his head, "No, Nothing's wrong." He said calmly, although he knew it was a lie. Aziel spoke again, "Nyx and Drue are at the same place, with someone else. Both of them got kidnapped...I'm still trying to figure out where they went, but it's in this direction."


Salem hummed to himself happily, following her, "But I must find someone first if I shall work. Oh, Kry will be so proud of me!" He said childishly to himself. Kry doesn't want the same old thing, Salem. You have to practice on an immortal for more power. Another voice told him, "Why you're right, aren't you?" he said aloud and clapped a few times, He studied Kaleo then shook his head, "Nope. I can't do that." He mused to himself. Were you really thinking of hurting her? That's pathetic. Find someone else. Yet another voice said. "Shut up, I killed you for a reason! I don't need you to run your ignorant mouth. You're dead." He snapped back at the voice.
((Lost in Paradise - I shall get Lithium over to you in the next post. Just need to think up a scenario first. ;) [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - *takes off top hat and bows* Why thank you, my dear!))

Wilhelmina smiled at Hazel as she took in the room. "She was. She spent a lot of time away from the manor with your father going from battle to battle to protect the Light faction's soldiers, but when they were home this is where they lived. ...Would you like to stay here?" Wilhelmina asked after a moment of thinking the proposition over. She never really used the space, so she thought the young girl might like to use the room in her stead.

((Wow, it feels weird writing such a short post after that mammoth of a post. XP ))
She made her way up the staires

listening to Salem. she sat on the

ground and looked up at Salem "uhh..

who are you talking to??" she pet

Bandits head. "are you okay?" she

was concerned for him. She looked

around the room for some thing to

do then she looked back up at Salem.

She smiled and shook her head.

(( [MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION] ))

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