Devastating Destruction

((@The Magnificent Marley))

Nikki giggled and waved goodbye to them as they left. She looked at Harlen, "Now what? Are we going back to your place? Or are we going to actually see your favorite place? Although... I am a bit tired." Nikki smiled at Harlen, thinking of Nyx's boyfriend comment from before, could he be that type of person to her? She did like him, a lot actually, but she didn't know if he liked her that much. After all, she was the person making most of the moves.

When Aziel and Nyx were a long way away from Harlen and Nikki, Drue appeared in front of the two, smiling as big as ever. "You didn't tell them all you knew Aziel, I am surprised at you. Also, helping that reaper...How could you? I'm surprised at you too." He looked at Nyx, "Ohhhh but Nyx, you are as adorable as ever little one! Have you learned and practiced as I told you?"

((@ShizukaAyame, I totally didn't see this! I'm so sorry.... I feel stupid ._.))

Hazel swung her sword right, slamming into his sword and stepping to the left out of the way. "So be it," Hazel said simply, charging towards him this time, yet not making a sound. She raced past him quickly, swinging her sword only slightly, causing a cut in Oz's arm as she stopped behind him and turned around, her sword and eyes glowing more now, she swung hard at his back with the broadside of her sword. Hazel looked up at Mina for a moment, her glowing eyes visible from even that distance.

Harlen grabbed Nikki's hand, "We should just go to my house now, it's late." He said leading her back down the streets. He kept hold of her hand protectively. They eventually got back to Harlen's house and he went into the living room, "You can sleep in my bed and I can sleep on the couch if you'd like."

Nyx stopped suddenly and held her breath, looking at Drue. Aziel kept quiet and said nothing, a blank expression on his face. Nyx put a hand on her hip, She didn't say anything for a while, "Drue, Why do you hate reapers so much?" she asked in an innocent tone.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Nikki smiled big as Harlen held her hand all the way back to his house, "No no no," Nikki said blushing, "I wouldn't want to take away your bed like that! That would be so rude..." Nikki was still thinking about Harlen saving her... for the second time. "Thank you again... I'm more in your debt now," Nikki laughed dryly, squeezing Harlen's hand. 'You want him to kiss you. You like the taste of his lips,' Nikki thought, 'But why am I thinking of this right now...? I shouldn't care about this...' Nikki spoke again, apologizing, "I'm sorry...." She sighed and looked down, refusing to let go of his hand.

"Ahh little one, that isn't very polite. I asked you a question. Both of you I asked questions actually," Drue said, his hands in his pockets. "Well, I will humor you, but please answer me then? I hate reapers because they are reapers. They wanted to take my precious Nikki away, because she has cheated death. We both ran from death, so why not hate his kind? She used to too... but she won't remember... Why won't she remember?"
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] gah, I'm taking forever to reply I'm sorry.))

Nyx sighed, not bothering to answer his question, "But maybe all reapers aren't the same, Drue..." she said quietly, looking at him, "Harlen's different." Aziel continued to remain silent and just listened to the two of them conversing.

Harlen shook his head, "Don't thank me." He said quietly and held her hand tighter, "Well, it's up to you where you want to sleep. I don't mind sleeping on the couch, really." He said, then looked at her with a soft expression.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

"Aziel? You really think he is nice? He wouldn't think twice probably to kill my dear Nikki, and I left her with him," Drue frowned, he didn't know why he left her there. He could have just killed him and taken her. "Too bad I guess..." He said aloud. "Besides, I think he likes her. She is mine. What if they were going to kiss or something? Or worse! But she wouldn't... would she? She loves me. Even if she doesn't remember... she loves me. She has to!" Drue looked at the two of them, thinking. "I just hate them all because of what they do. Because they have tried to kill me and her before. Especially her. My Nikki-love."

"I can't not thank you. In fact I can't thank you enough. I am even more in debt to you," Nikki said, thinking how the tally was now 2-0. Though she wouldn't want him in danger at all. Nikki looked down for a moment, deep in thought, then grabbed Harlen's other hand and held both hands tightly. She looked into Harlen's eyes and blushed, stopping what she was doing, looking down again. She couldn't believe she was trying to kiss him again. If he wanted to kiss her he would have already, she still didn't even know if he really liked it or not. All she knew is she surprised him last time.

Nyx shook her head, "No, Harlen is different, Drue. He wouldn't kill Nikki. Why are you so obsessed with her?" Nyx asked, still trying to defend Harlen. Aziel stepped in, "Harlen wouldn't kill Nikki. He's too attached to her now, Drue. He doesn't kill the ones that he's attached to. He doesn't kill someone unless he needs to."

Harlen's cheeks were red, he let go of one of her hands, lifting her chin up to look at him, then leaned in quickly and pressed his lips to hers, squeezing her hand tighter. He shivered slightly, then closed his eyes.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

"He's attached to her? I can't have that..." Drue mumbled to himself, "He isn't different. He can't be different. They don't work that way. Why are you like this anyways? On his side? I love her. Im not obsessed. There is a difference." Drue frowned, confused. He couldn't allow Harlen to love her. She was his. Not Harlen's. 'No no no no no.' He thought, his eyes glowed a slight red. Thinking about what the reaper could do to Nikki. "I wonder if she read my note yet..."

Nikki squeaked slightly and kissed Harlen back, her cheeks a bright red. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips harder against his, putting her free hand in his hair. She took a moment to breath and looked in his eyes. Her eyes glowed slightly, and she grinned.

Nyx looked at him and sighed in frustration, "I'm not on anybody's side! I'm trying to just get everyone to be peaceful with each other for once! If you loved her you'd leave her alone." She whispered the last part and sighed, looking a the ground, "I hate this stupid town and everyone in it. They're all damn crazy!" She started to walk off sadly and angrily, Aziel gave Drue a look of pity and disappointment, then followed Nyx quickly.

Harlen for once actually cracked a small smile and his eyes were lighter as he looked at Nikki. He pulled her as close a she could, hugging her tightly. He felt like Nikki filled a gap in his life, and he didn't want to let anything happen to her.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Drue cocked his head to the side and shrugged as Nyx and Aziel walked off. Drue walked off in the other direction. 'Not love my nikki? Nonsense.' Drue smiled to himself, 'He loves her? I will simply crush him! That will solve it all. Nikki will hate him anyways.' Drue hoped Nikki would remember some things when she read that note...

Nikki smiled and hugged him tight, loving every moment of it. She eventually pulled away and sat on the couch, speaking softly, "I almost don't want to sleep. I don't think I could if I wanted to, so much has happened tonight." Nikki rested her head back on the brown soft couch, thinking. "I have that note, wanna read it with me?" She looked at the ceiling, waiting for an answer.
Harlen sat down next to her, he was silent for a moment, "Sure." he said quietly. He didn't really want to read the letter, but he decided they might as well. Harlen looked over at her, what if Nikki did remember? Would she hate him? Harlen thought surely he was different, though. Nyx and Aziel knew it...Why did Drue hate him so much? He never did anything to him in particular.

Nyx kept walking at an extremely fast pace, "Nyx, Slow down!" Aziel called and ran up next to her, stopping her, "Nyx, what is this about?" He said quietly. Nyx shook her head, "Nothing. I just want to go home."
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION], making story notes that affect your charrie too, if you do not like, tell me and I shall edit accordingly.))

Nikki smiled a little at Harlen, then dove into her pocket for the note, pulling it out. She breathed in to calm herself and opened the note, reading it aloud. "This is unlike me, Nikki-Love, to be so sane to write this. I can only hope that I remember to give it to you. Reapers. They are not your friend, no matter how much you may think they are. By this time you probably don't remember much of anything. But your parents, you were not an orphan by their choice. The man who took Harlen under his wing, Deox if I remember his name correctly. He took them from you when it was not their time. Someone such as Harlen, taught under the same principles as that man, could not be much different. I killed that man, Deox, for you, so you wouldn't have to deal with his evil. But that was about 400 years ago. Little one, you must remember all the horrors, all the chasings. I do not know how you forgot. But I know the reapers had something to do with it. You and I cheated death, you, a mortal, cheated death with magic. Luckily it cannot be reversed, but it greatly angered the reapers. They hate us, and we should hate them. Unfortunately, if you do regain your memory, it may put you into some jeopardy with the Reapers.... I am sorry. -- signed Drue Lull, forever and always." After she was done reciting it, Nikki just stared at her shaking hands, tears rolling down her face. She knew it was true, but didn't want to believe it.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] Nope, that works fine.))

Harlen's heart sank when she finished reading the letter, he knew this would happen. It was too good to be true. "Nikki- Please, I...I really didn't have anything to do with what happened...I knew nothing about Deox and his business with your parents. He saved me and taught me- I didn't know any better. I'm sorry...I'm really, really sorry." He said only that, and then was silent. He got up without a word and walked back outside, aimlessly beginning to walk. He didn't care that he left his own house, he just figured Nikki would want nothing to do with him anymore. Or worse. 'Why did I get so involved?' he asked himself as he kept walking. He was a worthless reaper, who supposedly was 'evil'. That's it. That's why nobody bothered to talk to him before. That was why he was so removed. It was the reason Harlen never broke out of his shell. It's why Harlen seemed so dark and emotionless half the time.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

She didn't care that much about this Deox guy, or the fact that she would apparently not age, or even most of the stuff said. She just cried from her world being turned upside-down. She tried to calm Harlen down, but she couldn't get a word out, and he walked off. She was left there, sitting and reading over the note again and again, wiping tears from her face. She did remember things, mostly what the note had eluded to. The man Deox killing her parents... right in front of her.

Nikki remembered the past, her hiding in a cupboard, watching. Deox was in her house, and she was only 7. Her parents, both not too powerful sorcerers, tried to defend Nikki. But Deox had his Scythe. "Where is that girl? The psychics foretold trouble. I came to fix the problem. I only need her, but get in my way and you will not see morning light." Her parents of course refused, trying their best to use differing abilities, but it was no use. Her father, the closest to Deox had only a moment to think before the scythe was swung and his body was no longer attached to his head. Her mother screamed like a banshee, running away, more towards Nikki. Nikki watched in horror as her mother's life was ended, a mist of blood in the air. Somehow she stayed silent...

She remembered Drue, a family friend, who took her in. He was much older than her, he looked 21 to her 7, but since he didn't age he could wait. He took her in, taking care of her for years until she was nineteen.... then her memory was blurry... she couldn't remember any more.

Nikki shook off her thoughts and walked towards the door to go look for Harlen.

Drue saw Harlen walking, looking so upset. "Aww, did MY Nikki dump you or something little boy?"

Harlen walked until he hear Drue's voice. He stopped dead in his tracks and gave him a wicked smile out of nowhere, "Listen Drue..." He sneered, "You can say and do whatever the hell you want now. You won. Are you happy now? You're certainly lucky. But you know what? You're actually a worthless, obsessive piece of crap who takes advantage of their strength. You may have more physical strength and stronger abilities, but I have more strength on the inside. I'd love to know who made you the way you are. It's quite interesting how normal you used to be...What ever could've happened?" He said, circling Drue. He didn't care if he got hurt anymore than he already has been. Emotionally and physically throughout his life.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

"I won?" Drue said, cocking his head to the side, staring at Harlen. Drue laughed, "Your kind! Your kind made me like this. Don't you love it?" Drue shook his head and looked up towards the sky, thinking. "I am lucky? How can one who has lost nearly everything be so lucky?" Drue said, looking at Harlen, a surprisingly sane look in his eyes. He shook his head again and laughed airily. "Oh my, I am so sorry. So sorry. That little bit just eeked out." The sane look was gone, replaced with his crazed look.

Nikki walked, looking for Harlen. She walked until she saw Harlen, and.... Drue. Nikki stayed far enough away so that the two couldn't see her. She thought she would cause more trouble if she was there.
Victoria let out a frustrated sigh when Gray didn't wake up. Slowly, her red eyes drifted to the bloody wound on his forehead, and she immediately licked her lips as a small scent of blood wafted into her nose. She had to tear her eyes away from the glistening blood, taking a few steps away from Gray. She would never let herself drink his blood. But it was very tempting.

She didn't know what to do.. Her mind told her to one thing, and her heart told her to do another.

Bite him. Suck every little drop of blood out of his body. A voice in her head told her, making her eyes glow brighter even at the thought of tasting his rich, delicious blood.

She suddenly gripped her forehead and collapsed to her knees, trying to control herself. She took long, deep breaths to keep herself in check. But it didn't seem to work as quickly as she had thought. Her thirst for Gray's blood only grew stronger, making herself gasp out as she resisted herself from even trying to bite him.

She knew a way to stop herself, but it was going to hurt. Bringing her wrist to her mouth, she bit down hard, blood flowing out of the puncture wounds. She drank her own blood heavily, not satisfied with the bland taste of her own blood, but it would have to do for now.

She slowly lowered her wrist away from her mouth, licking away the blood that remained on her lips. Her red eyes glanced to the ice Rose in her hands, noticing she had squeezed it so hard that the thorns on the stem had dug into her palm. Blood dribbled down her hand in a narrow line, dripping off the side and tainting the ground below.

She let out a sigh, and stood up, hoping Gray had not just seen any of that. She really hated being a vampire sometimes.

Gray soon rose, rolling off the tree. "Shit!" he shouted as he fell with a thump by Victoria. He had realized the vampire was there. The blunette looked up and smiled, "Hey Maryland, mind if you get my crutches?" He tried to stand up, but his weak legs dropped his heavy figure. The eighteen year old was weaker than a mice with no tail and was blind. He stared at the white-hair and noticed the blood from the thorns. "How did you get that?" he asked, crawling over.
(LOL It's totally fine:P)

Victoria turned towards him slowly, the ice rose still in her hand. She quickly walked over to his crutches, picking them up and bringing them back to Gray. He had smiled at her.. She found that unusual. Gray didn't seem like he was the type to smile.

"What this? I found it just laying on the sidewalk." She said, studying the rose delicately before looking back to him.

"Is it yours?" She asked, a wide grin beginning to spread across her face as she wiped away the blood that dribbled down her palm.

Hopefully, this loss of blood wouldn't make her hungry again. The last thing she wanted was to drink Gray's blood. Knowing the state he was in now, he would probably die if Victoria sucked his blood.
Gray nodded hastily as he took the crutches and said, "I was testing to see if my powers work, not for romance in anyway." He was back to his normal self as soon as he was able to. "I used an eternal ice spell on it, to make sure my scroll-powers still are in effect." He hopped on his crutch to her. The blunette blew his bangs to the side. "So if you think it's anything associated with you, you're wrong."
"I never said it had anything to do with me." She said, suddenly becoming defensive. She stared him down for a few moments, than sighed and quickly looked the other way.

"Anyways, the only reason why I came over here was to give it back. So here ya go." She said, flinging the ice rose to him. Her red eyes suddenly burned with stubbornness and she crossed her arms over her chest, beginning to walk away.

Like she had hoped, Gray had no idea that she had just tried to bite him only moments ago. He knew he would hate her for sure if he caught her doing that again.

She walked onto the road, not daring to look back as she felt him watch her walk off. She felt bad about leaving him. He was pretty weak, and could hardly walk. She let out another sigh, and continued to stare forward as the rain poured down.
Gray scoffed and caught the rose as he muttered, 'Unbind' and the ice melted. Of course, nothing lived forever, nothing could never melt away from the face of this world. Nobody cold escape this world, it was just taking it's plight into darkness. He spun his crutches around and began to walk away before saying, "You know you feel pity for me. Just because I'm weak in this state doesn't mean I have luck on my side,"
"You're only in this state because you tried to kill Landon. If you hadn't of gotten into it, you would of never been hurt." She said quietly, suddenly stopping and glancing behind her at him.

But I wouldn't be here. Was what she was going to say next, but decided to keep her mouth shut. It was the truth though. If Gray hadn't of been there to save her, Landon would of taken Victoria to the light side, and she would of been practically tortured to death.

She shuddered at the thought, blinking her eyes and shaking the image out of her mind. She knew this wasn't going to be the last time Landon came after her. He could come after her again, and again, and again. Until she was dead.

She knew Landon, and he never gave up when he set his mind on things.
"But I saved you, right? Although I don't think you had the heart to kill that stupid idiot." He turned himself around and glared at her. "Do you know my weakness? It's the light side. That's why I have no powers. If I happen to wander too close, all my energy- Life and magic will disappear. I'm afraid if you get yourself in trouble again, I won't save you...atleast for now." The blunette sadist clenched his fists and continued, "I don't even understand why I'm doing this for you." Fear, that's why you're for her. So she may favor you and so she won't kill you. Gray, all you are made up of is fear...
She whipped around, meeting his gaze with burning red eyes.

"Than don't bother showing up the next time Landon finds me." She snarled, her red eyes burning with fiery. Her fists clenched, and she turned her gaze to the side.

"I've already given up. Landon can do whatever he wants with me." She whispered that sentence so quietly that it was almost impossible to hear.

She suddenly turned around, her back facing him. She hated giving up on things, but Landon was impossible to defeat. He was eventually going to get his hands on her, no matter how hard she tried to get away. It was useless. She had already decided just to get it over with.
That's not the reason! I-I know it's because she's a part of my game!

Even though his mind was screaming, he remained calm. He raised an eyebrow and mocked her genuinely, "Really? Because Miss Victoria, I thought never gives up." He blinked before going on, "So he can break your bones and cook you in a manhouse? I don't think you would like that." Gray bounced on the crutches to her side and sneered, "Giving up truly means you have no strength."

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