Devastating Destruction

(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

She frowned at Harlen, But we have to take them to the same place! You aren't making any sense. Luci pushed past Harlen, tugging Nyx and Drue forward. I will take them both myself if I have to. I don't know what is up with you, but you need to quit it. You may be older than me, but I am of higher rank. If you have unfinished business then just kill him now. It says dead or alive anyways. And the girl they don't want. She will be let go more than likely, I just wanted to make sure before I did so. The only reason Drue is still alive right now is because it is easier to pull someone with working legs to HQ. Luci was getting frustrated, she pointed at Drue, who looked up confused, "Go ahead and kill him," she said matter-of-factly, "Either that or we are going now."

Harlen crossed his arms stubbornly, "Oh, Luci. You're younger so therefore you aren't as experienced," He said out loud now, "And I barely speak to the HQ anymore. I take orders from secondhand 'masters'. I'm telling you that I do this alone, and I will not be turning Drue in. I'll be killing him myself, and I'd prefer nobody be here while it is done. I need some answers from him. So, you can either go now, or..." He trailed off, or we'll just have to wait and see what I come up with. He said to her in his mind now. He didn't give a damn how much trouble he could be getting into, and decided he wouldn't be letting Luci go anytime soon either way.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Luci laughed dryly and looked at Harlen, "Is that a challenge?" Luci said, making her scythe appear out of thin air. "I am getting irritated, why won't you stop lying to me? You won't take them with me. So what is the actual deal? Do you know something about that Nikki girl? You did say she was dead, though she isn't." She smacked the stick of her scythe against the ground in anger. "Rules are rules. Orders are orders." She looked at Harlen, her eyes turning a blackish color.

Harlen shrugged simply, "Oh, I don't know. It could be." He said faintly, "No need to get so angry, little girl." He said and smiled harmlessly, putting his hands up, "Go ahead, take a swing at me. I'd like to see how low you can really get." He hissed, his eyes also getting darker.

Aziel looked at his watch impatiently, 5 more minutes and I'm going in there. He told himself.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Luci scoffed, and quickly attached Drue and Nyx to the wall again, this time with her mind. "I can go low enough to cut tender places," she said, poking said place with her mind. Luci raised her scythe and swung hard and fast at Harlen's unmentionables, at the same time using her telekinesis to grab his leg and pull, to try to throw him off balance.

Nikki looked around the corner at the door, extremely worried about Harlen. It had been a long time and her heart was aching from the worry.

Harlen was somehow prepared for this moment, he was thrown off balance for a moment, but quickly stepped back and she missed him by only an inch. He smirked and then his own scythe appeared. He didn't plan on slashing it at anyone or anything, just as a way to dodge attacks.

Aziel waited a few more seconds, then climbed down from the tree, but didn't go inside quite yet and waited a few more seconds.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Luci frowned at him and sliced at him again, aiming for his right arm and cutting it slightly. She leapt back and then dove forward again aiming for his cheek, and pulling his hair back with her mind. There is no point to this! But I don't plan to lose easily.

"Should I go in with you?" Nikki whispered to Aziel, the idea of Harlen in trouble was driving her crazy.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] sorry it's so short))

Harlen groaned in frustration and then swung Luci's scythe out of her hands with his own. He slashed at her angrily, cutting her shoulder.

Aziel shrugged, "Up to you..." he murmured, then barged in the door, looking around.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION], let's just say, for sake of story, that Nikki's mind is in a weakened state right now -wink wink nudge nudge- and who can read minds in a weakened state? -nudge- >.>))

Luci held her shoulder and her scythe disappeared as she looked to the door, seeing Aziel walking in with Nikki walking in after him. Nikki was annoyed with her allowing herself to be a weakling in front of Harlen. She saw Harlen with the cut on his arm and then saw Luci, and protectiveness burned inside her, she pointed her staff, which was now back to normal, at Luci and focused slightly, her eyes glowing. 'She hurt him,' she thought to herself, 'I should have done more. I am going to kill her.' She lifted Luci off the ground swiftly and slammed her against the far wall with all her force. Luci's head smacked the stone wall and she was instantly unconscious. The far wall was the one with the chained Drue and Nyx, so she landed in between them. A nasty cut on her head started to bleed as Nikki ran over to Harlen and nearly tackled him with a hug. 'I was so worried that he was hurt...' she thought to herself.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] Ooooh, gotcha. xD ))

Harlen looked at Nikki, surprised. He listened to her thoughts and then hugged her back tightly. She was worried about me, she cares. More realization came over Harlen, the fact that Nikki wasn't mad at him, she cared about him. Even if he had just gotten a simple cut on his shoulder. "We should get Nyx and Drue out of here...and take Luci just in case she wakes up again." He said quietly, still holding Nikki tightly.
((@The Magnificent Marley, haha yay obvious hints :P ))

Drue watched their embrace after seeing Luci slide down the wall all bloodied up. He bit the inside of his cheek hard and clenched his hand, trying to stay calm. 'I can win her back... she is my Nikki-love, not his...' Drue thought sadly, a frown plastered on his face. As soon as Luci was unconscious though, the chains disappeared. Although he didn't know how it happened, he was grateful for it, seeing as how they had had no key. He breathed out in a hiss, "We don't have to take that woman with us... Assuming I am coming with you that is. Nikki-l..." He sighed, "Nikki and I have a lot of catching up to do as it were." His hands were in tight fists at his sides, 'They still aren't letting go... Make them let go. Make them let go!' He struggled with the insanity building inside of him. If he wished to have any chance with his Nikki-love, he knew he had to try his hardest to not succumb.

Nikki eventually let go and nodded at Harlen, "However do we need to take her with us? She hurt you..." Nikki frowned, looking at the shallow wound on his arm.
((I need to take a break from RPing for a bit. I'm not dropping out, I'll probably be back in three days. I'm just a bit behind on studies.))

I ran as fast as I could toward the dark capital, ready to start training for whatever I had to do. My fangs showed in an evil smile as I thought about them sinking into Emma's flesh. My eyes focused on the black glowering building that towered above my head. There was an instant where I hesitate, for I had been enslaved for my entire child hood, so why would they want me, but then thought about the recent changes in her life, such as becoming a vampire. Everything was heightened from the way I heard, to the hunger that grew in my stomache. I quickly ran into the woods, deciding to get a quick meal. The wolves could feed off of the carcass later, so it didn't bother me in the least to drink from another's flesh without devouring the flesh itself. With lightning speed, I tackle a deer, sending it sprawling, and with my new hands, snapped its neck giving it a quick ending. Then, with the pulse of the hunt still in my viens, drink until I am no longer craving the substance known as blood. Now I run back to the dark city, and enter fealing a bit better about returning to the place. I head over to a group of people speaking.


The feel of wind on my wings felt wonderful on this hot day. In my wolf form, it always felt a bit more free, for I didn't have to think about where I was going, but just swept through the country side approaching the light capitil, with my best friend ray who also is in his wolf form. We started our decent on the city. Once on the ground, my wings folded and stayed close to my side. When Ray lands, I quickly change into my human form, and grab my pack, changing into my sundress that billowed behind my legs and swayed with each move. My hazel eyes settled upon the bright white buildings that towered over us. Ray and I walk the paths into the city and see someone crashing to the ground. My curiousity sparks, and I glance at Ray. He nods, and with that, we run towards the collision site. The male had fallen out of the sky, with no wings. This made Emma curious. She quickly hide her wings, and did her best to conceal the canines that were permanently there, and approached the person. "Are you okay? You took quite a fall there" she said, ready for an attack at any moment.


I follow Emma (Emily) without any question, as I am used to not talking much and letting her do most of the talking. I had also changed into my regular whear which is a baggy short sleeved shirt, with skinny jeens that were the perfect fit and complimented his outline. Both of us are not whearing shoes. My dark blue eyes with golden spikes look at the person with little suspision, although still being precautious.
(([MENTION=3696]Sunrise[/MENTION] - I'm sorry, but there are only about five people in the Light faction right now. Four of which are inside, and one is lurking around somewhere. If there are any other Light guys, they're either inactive or new. It might be a while before anyone responds to you. :/ ))

"Well, I'll be damned," the king murmured as he inspected Hazel. "I never would have expected Annora's daughter to pop up so suddenly. Tell me, Hazel, how good are you with the sword," he demanded, looking at her expectantly.

Before Hazel responded, Wilhelmina leaned close to her ear and whispered. "Do not be modest; speak plainly and tell the truth. Tell them all exactly how good you are," she instructed.

(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - sorry for the shortness. :P ))

Lithium regarded Victoria with an amused grin as she muttered to herself. He lowered the offered leg when she declined and chuckled. "Yes, I can't blame you. Werewolves are truly disgusting. Light soldiers, now those guys are tasty," he said with a cackle and chucked the remainder of the arm over his head. A woman shrieked as she was splattered with blood from the severed limb, and Lithium turned to wave at her before properly introducing himself in return.

"'Tis truly a pleasure, Miss Victoria Maryland. As you know, I am Lithium, the only free Ghoul to ever roam this earth," he said as he removed his crown and bowed before replacing it gently on his head. "You, my dear, are a vampire, are you not?" Lithium asked, though he knew the answer. That lovely aroma that exclusively belonged to his master's kind wafted around the woman, and Lithium's stomach growled again, but in a more subdued manner, like a lion getting ready to pounce instead of a dragon screaming its rage. "We come from similar blood, then," he added, though it was an obvious statement. Ghouls were created by Vampires to serve Vampires; that is, all the Ghouls besides Lithium.
(I'm neutral for now, but in the Light half. Might be posting again soon, Sunrise.)
(([MENTION=3696]Sunrise[/MENTION], yeah.... what she said. Sorry I didn't warn you of that.))

(([MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION], tis ok. I think you are allowed short posts, haha.))

Hazel blushed a bright red and looked at Wilhelmina as though she was crazy. Hazel thought for a moment, sighed, and then spoke, "I have only recently got here, and I only had time to duel with Oswald, and he was way too easy for me... i'm guessing he is a novice? Regardless, I haven't shown Wilhelmina my full strength yet, even though she wanted me to. If I had poor Oz probably would have been dead.... So, I suppose, in all honesty, compared to everyone else, I don't know. Though, when I was younger, I kept getting called a child prodigy." Hazel spoke quietly, and when she was finished she looked at Wilhelmina, then the king for approval.

Hazel was afraid she wouldn't be good enough. She knew Oz seemed slow compared to her, and especially compared to Wilhelmina, but she didn't know everyone enough to make a mental chart of ability.
(([MENTION=3696]Sunrise[/MENTION] - Welp, Osuka's character recently crash landed into the Light's city, so maybe you could edit your post and say your characters found him? They could've seen him while he was falling, and then ran up to him to make sure he was okay. If that's all okay with you, that is, [MENTION=3445]Osuka[/MENTION].))
(( @Osuka, okay :) ))

(( @kinadra, it's alright :) Is there anyone in the dark half near Kendra? She is outside walking around town, looking for a local store or something... {If they have coffee, that's what she is looking for} ))

(( [MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION], i'll go edit it, if it's alright with Osuka :3 ))
(That's perfectly fine with me, actually! ^^ I'll have my post up in a tic!)

(Again, anything's fine. He'll probably be a little oblivious to them at first, but he'll see them after a sec. He's kinda...well, he's a Kitsune. So... xD )
(([MENTION=3696]Sunrise[/MENTION], well, Victoria and Lithium are chatting on the dark side.... If its alright with their users, maybe its them you saw?))
(( [MENTION=3445]Osuka[/MENTION], I LOVE Kitsunes. Not nearly as much as Werewolves or Vampires, as you can tell, but they are my third-fourth favorite, next to Dragons and Shape Shifting. Haha :) ))

(( [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION], Okay :) Thanks for helping me out. I probably seem so... New. xD ))

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