Destiny Court: Guardians of the Arcana

Dethbycoffee said:
I do have a question. Relative to the Arcana. There are no descriptions for 14 to 21.... where might I find accurate information for these arcana?
More specifically, 14, 18, 19, and 21.
14 to 21?









Give me a second, and I might be able to churn out explanations for them.
I'll just sum it up, short and sweet. I'd go into details, but I'll go on a long rant if I do.

14: Temperance represents synthesis and harmony, where everything is together as one, where opposites are merged.

15: The Devil represents doing things merely for your own self benefit and being a slave to one's own impulse. This can be taken in several ways, i.e. people who help others because they want to feel good about themselves is considered self benefit. As such, The Devil may not be inherently evil.

16: The Tower's card depicts a tower being struck down by lighting. This is the WORST card of the tarot deck, as it represents what the phrase "The taller they are, the harder they fall." means. It is often related to individuals who were once proud and arrogant of their standing that eventually walk the road to their own demise. Very often, this card is also used as a omen of doom and demise

17:The Star is simple, and it is the direct opposite of The Tower: it represents hope, luck, peace and joy, all the brighter things in life, and all of humanity's positive emotions and actions (altruism, namely), just like the bright light of the stars above.

18:The Moon, like the moon, is mysterious and often related to psychic energy and ability, and is often related to the ability to sense things without others directly telling them of it. It is often put in together with creativity and inspiration. However, as the Moon was also said to create madness in people (hence, lunacy), it also represents madness and fantasy, subconscious and trickery

19: The Sun is not unlike its Star brother, and it also represents joy. As our Sun grants us energy and power to live through each day, the tarot card also represents energy, and optimism, both of which are needed to live through each day. It also represents accomplishment.

20: Judgement, as I've mentioned somewhere, is obvious. Judgement is meted out by judges, and judges, to be fair ones, need to realise their own calling. The tarot Judgement represents the ability to come to terms with their calling and the meaning of their life. It also represents the ability to accept the thoughts of others and the ability to absolve others of their sins.

21: [media]

I mean

21: The World is, well, the world, where everything is complete, and it is the representation of fulfillment, wholeness, and hence, harmony from this said completion.

Well, that's the gist of everything. Probably. Pooka most likely knows more than I do, but is he even here?
CORRECTION: After a little bit of thinking, I figured that Judgement may actually be interpreted as judging oneself, and more or less coming in terms with your own self. It may not mean absolving the sins of others, but rather, accepting and absolving your OWN sins.
Well, now that I know more about the remaining arcana, I think my interests are leaning to the star, the sun, or the moon. ^-^ @Dusky have any of those been permanently called yet?
I think Dusky mentioned that there are no reservations, merely people calling for them. You CAN compete with them.
Do I hear a challenge? Dethy, this sounds like a challenge! Come on! Put your skills to the test against Paranoia! You can do it!
That sounds like a challenge to me!

@Dethbycoffee Are you going to take this lying down, chump? Put em up, man, and duke it out!

Paranoia vs Dethbycoffee

The Battle of Stars!

This gon be gud
*puts up a betting stand*

I want bets, everyone. Put your bets on the best Star here!
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I only posted twice! >:I

Anyhow, @Dusky , I'm making a species just for this RP. Do you want me to pm you the details I have so far?
I'd like to go in as a back-up Sun. I'll make a CS cause they're fun, but I concede the spot.
I'll probably won't finish it today but I'll start today, you have my word.

But I do have one question...I never worked with codes before, do I just need to paste the template with my character's information and post it?
Mono said:
I'll probably won't finish it today but I'll start today, you have my word.
But I do have one question...I never worked with codes before, do I just need to paste the template with my character's information and post it?
Copy the code, then simply write the info you want to where Dusky has so kindly pointed. Then click "Post" and you are all set.
That'd be nice, Oiteh~

Seems any other questions that have come up have been kindly answered accurately by others!
The art of sass requires that the sasser knows when to be sassy and when to be not! It also requires one know how much sass should be distributed at a time, but fuck that, I go all out.
The Sass Master is with us! We will be unstoppable!

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