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Demon Hunters; FOR Hire

Neow raises an eyebrow at Angel, asking if he was cold.. But he honestly wasn't at all... Its just that he preferred to wear his jackets at all times... Both for the concealment of the mechanism under his sleeve and just out of style really... Granted summers sucked with the the combination of his fur though sometimes...

"No, I'm alright, thank you." He said to Angel with a relaxed sigh and a smile to her... before he turned his attention to the leopard waitress, who still seemed rather nervous about SOMETHING. He could notice a slight quiver in her motions and she definitely was trying to hide some obvious distress through the forced smile on her face.

"I'm very sorry Sir and Ma'am, its just uhhhh, I'm one of the few working here today and its just a bit of a heavy load is all! I'll be right back with your orders!" She bowed her head in apology before quickly scurrying off and out of sight...

"Well, she isn't a good liar, that's for sure...."

Neow looked around the restaurant a few times, seeing at least three other waiters moving around or just hanging out.... He made sure nobody was looking over at him and Angel's direction, and under his clothes a faint red glow could be seen if one payed attention or stared directly at it for too long...

He leaned in closer to Angel, and began whispering to her...

"Feels like something ain't right here, I can tell she's nervous about something that's pretty significant, and I don't think it's exactly high school drama... Maybe I'm just paranoid and those Order instincts are kicking in... Maybe she's recognized us or saw our weapons or something, I don't know... But I'm not detecting anything magical of sorts in here, but you think you can hear anything in the back of the restaurant over there?"

He pointed a finger to where the waitress disappeared behind a set of double doors leading into the kitchen...

Its almost as if his nervous, friendly and relaxed attitude switched back to the offical, demon killing devourer back at Ashdale...

Again, maybe he really was just paranoid here, but he definitely felt something was amuck that didn't just concern the girl herself it seemed...
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As the waitress left, Angel groaned in frustration. She ran a paw through her hair and then looked to him. "Neow, I wasn't asking if you were cold, I was asking her. And I was implying that you should give her your jacket. She was obviously uncomfortable in those clothes," she grumbled lowly.

Of course, that wasn't the only problem this gal was having. There was some sort of burden on her shoulders as she said but it wasn't work hours.

"Neow, she's scared. Her heart beat is out of wack. There's something here that's intimidating to her. And, yeah, I'm guessing it's through those doors. If I could hear her heart all the way over there, I'm sure there'd be a spike. Just like there was when she lied to us about being alright," she watched the doors with a strange curiosity.

"I got a new implant for my ears, so no, I can't hear little things back there. If someone spoke loudly, though, or dropped something, I could hear it. If she was hit, maybe...I dunno..." she closed her eyes and her ears perked.

Angel let out a soft noise of frustration once more but continued to strain to hear. "There's someone else with her back there. Besides the chefs. There's three chefs, because they're not moving as much, and two pairs of steps. One is her's and she's moving very fast. She should be coming to the doors in a second," she spoke through gritted teeth.

As she opened her eyes, the same blue that had receeded to the edges of her eyes had washed over the amber. But the blue quickly faded and her eyes were once more their original color. When Angel turned to him, the blue around her iris was gone as well, but she seemed a bit worn out.
(Again, really sorry about the wait, some things haven't been going too well for me ;;; it hope this makes up for it! Somehow.... I still have to draw you something sometime argh)

Neow felt incredibly stupid as the realization hit him that Angel was talking tot he waitress and NOT him, making a dumbfounded look on his face before face palming in his own idiocy....

But... getting back to the task at hand, he listened to Angel speak about what she could tell...

Watching closely at the Doors, the waitress had suddenly came out rushing with the plates that he and Angel had ordered, but int he split second the doors were open, Neow's expression immediately changed to surprise, as he swore he saw something black and hideous back somewhere in the kitchen behind the stumbling waitress...

As the doors closed back up again, the Waitress made her way over to the table once again balancing their plates of food, but oddly enough without any drinks...

"U-uhmm, chicken tenders basket and Garden salad correct?"

Neow nodded to her as he looked up and down the Waitress, looking for any abnormalities that he may have no noticed before, but found nothing.

"Okay! Great! And I'll be back with your drinks in a moment sir and miss!"

"Excuse me, but hold on a minute Ma'am."

He stopped her, and she turned around rather nervously to the grey wolf.

Beckoning her to lean in closer to both the Waitress and Angel.

"Ma'am, Look, we can tell something is VERY wrong right now. You can safely know that you can trust us about it. We're members of the Order, and whatever it is we can probably take care of it." He said in a low, but soft tone of voice.

"I-it's really nothing sir b-but--"

The waitress tried to reassure Neow, but the expression on her face quickly broke down from her happy looking custom face, to one of obvious worry and fright.

"B-but there's a DEMON of some kind in the back kitchen right now, it's taken the manager hostage and pre-tending to be the manager instead, w-we don't know what to do besides just doing our jobs like it told us to!"

"Alright, then please take it easy, and stay right HERE for me please, we can handle this."

Neow nodded, and glanced towards Angel giving her a nod as well, trying to signal that it looked like there was a job of their own to do.

"Looks like lunch will have to wait for a bit." Neow said to Angel as he stood up out of his seat and had the leopard waitress herself sit down, instructing her to yell to take cover if there's gunshots or the demon comes out into the open.

He glanced once again at the double doors, seeing a brief flash of something black against the door windows... the crystal on his chest still faintly glowing underneath his glows once again... this time he was able to detect something... but he couldn't mark down what it specifically was...

"It probably knows we're already here, you got your weapons on you Angel, or you wanna borrow my knife again? I also have the orb on me, so we can probably just straight up capture it instead of kill it or have it cause more of a panic if it gets away. You ready?"

He asked Angel, having the professional look about him as his hand hovered over where his hidden knife was...
Angel nodded to the poor Leopard. Something in her heart softened. Her mother, Rosabella, was a Leopard herself. It's what gave Angelus her ability to scale walls and leap great distances. Of course, it's not like that also wasn't something her father trained her specifically to do. Without saying anything, she stood with Neow, nodding to the waitress.

He must've seen something to have flashed the Order badge. And as happy as she was to eliminate another Demon, her senses were still sore from the recent outreach for the Leopard's pawsteps. Besides, her right haunch ached at just the thought of another fight.

Even still, this was her job. Angel was the best at what she did; search and destroy. "You know, I don't think the big guy got my message," she muttered under her breath as Neow instructed the waitress.

Neow seemed certain of protecting her and she sniffed towards the kitchen. But all she could smell was coffee and grease, so this Demon must not have been here too long.

"I got my knife and my gun. Don't worry, it's got a silencer. But if you have a gun with no silencer, don't hesitate to use it. I'm hoping to switch back to my old model," she flicked her healing ears. The fresh cuts on them from their last fight were still pink with scars.

Angel didn't really care for her appearance, so long as she was comfy enough to kill. And she'd once slit the throat of a Demon while wearing a formal gown. Not like she was bragging or anything. Bragging was out loud.

"Let's get to work," she wrinkled her nose in disgust, still having the weekend off to heal up. But those two days didn't matter. And no need to call for backup, this was just a grummy street Demon looking for cover. She unsheathed her knife and pocketed the extra ammunition she had for her hand gun.

"I'll follow your lead," she nodded to him, something curious in her eyes as she watched him. Just a few minutes ago, he was stuttering to talk to her. Now he was blank faced and ready to fight. It wasn't something she'd ever seen before.
(Again, feel free to add/change the world around us or take control of the npcs!!!)

Neow quickly got himself next to the doors leading to the kitchen, bringing out his Order badge and the mechanism on his right arm spring to life as his hold-out jumped into his hand, loaded and ready to fire.

He gave a nod to Angel as he silently counted to himself...

3... 2... 1... Breach.

Neow pushed his elbow through his side of the doors very loudly and suddenly, bringing up his hold-out pistol and badge.

Immediately him and Angel could spot the human sized, pitch-black disfigured monstrosity making it's way around the kitchen along with three terrified looking chefs trying to go about their duties.

"Order of the Commortalis Anti-Daemon forces! Everyone on the ground"

Neow suddenly barked, startling the three chefs and the actual demon itself. The three chefs immediately diving for cover, they know most Order agents tend to start shooting demons immediately on sight... not typically caring for collateral damage...

Immediately though, Neow's able to identify what the demon itself was, and more then likely Angel did too.

The disfigured, man sized beast was one of the most bottom-feeding and low-threat ranking above Imps and any other smaller/harmless demons.

Usually called Malformed or Outcast demons with their disturbing and disfigured shapes, usually a little stronger then the average mortal/person, but otherwise for the most part, they were no more dangerous then a regular person fist-fighting... Although most civilians don't quite understand that, let alone know how to identify specific demon types other then the occasional bound Imp.... They were more or less the rejected or defective demons that normally couldn't function as regular fighters/drones, or couldn't develop into stronger demons... Most were like dumb animals just fighting to survive if Neow could recall, but some were capable of basic speech and performing laborious tasks though as well...

For some reason, this one in particular seemed to have a large hunch with a tree-like structure growing from the back, it's legs like large tree-trunks as well, as one arm seemed permanently and disgustingly formed acrossed it's chest and the other arm dangled lazily on it's side... For some reason it appeared to be wearing one of the restaurants branded aprons and cap.

The Order didn't particularly mind, let alone care, about wether or not Outcast demons were to be killed on the spot or captured for scientific study. But most Order members tended to kill them on sight... Either way, just their disfigured appearances alone tended to cause trouble in civilian/public areas, primarily out of ignorance/general assumption that all demons were evil and bad...

"Outcast demon! Slowly get onto your knees ad raise your arm above your head! One move and we kill you on the spot like the scum you are!"

Neow ordered the beast, assuming it could understand him based upon what the waitress back behind him and Angel back at their seat said...

Something wasn't right though it felt to Neow... now that he was in this back-kitchen... he was able to pick up faint magical disturbances that weren't coming from the Outcast demon alone....

The outcast demon itself very slowly, and unexpectedly complied as it did it's best (and rather sad looking) to get down onto both it's knees and keep it's hand above it's head...

"S-sir!" one of the chefs called out from hiding behind a stove unexpectedly.

"I-it's not the only one! There were at least two others, but they left as soon as the two of you got here! They left out our back-door a few minutes ago!"

Neow kept his hold-out aimed at the malformed demon trying it's best to comply as he got closer to it, looking for any signs of weapons or anything it may be hiding.

Damn it! He thought to himself....

If there were more, but had already escaped, that means him and Angel would have to go on a chase... and that honestly wasn't something he didn't really want to do today, considering it was the weekend....

"Shit... Angel, what should we do with this one? It's just an Outcast, we could just kill it here and now and leave a mess, or call someone to come and retrieve it or something and have some of the civs here just safeguard it easily enough, but if there's two other's out on the loose that are probably higher threat/intelligence ranking, we probably need to get going NOW before we have a level-2 or 3 situation on our plates... What do you think?" He asked the lioness, giving her a nod and wondering what to do.
Angel moved fluidly with Neow, able to follow him easily. He went through standard procedure; count to three then come in shouting his rank. To her, it seemed anti-climatic to have them know who and where she's from so suddenly and she usually dragged it out a little bit.

Angel didn't bother flashing her badge, knowing that Neow already had that covered. She just held up her gun and took in the situation. Three hostages that were already out of the way and one perpetrator. Well...

As Neow shouted orders, Angel frowned and stared at the Demon. He looked...familiar. And she knew exactly where she probably saw him. With new anger, she raised the gun.

As it looked up at them. their eyes locked, hearing only Neow ask her what to do. Everything else was sort of slurred as she remembered. The thing...it had watched. She remembered it watching.

With a snarl, Angel pulled the trigger and planted a bullet between it's deformed eyes. It's black, oil-blood splattered the wall and oven. The Demon was dead before it hit the ground.

"They're Demons, Neow. We kill what we get our paws on," she growled a reminder and took off towards the back door. Under different circumstances, she would've let it live, but this one...

Angel burst out of the back door, not waiting for Neow. They already had a head start, so she couldn't risk waiting up. Her stitches screamed in protest but she shrugged off the pain, running after the scattered footsteps that she followed. At this rate, she'd be right on them. The Demons were probably all hulky, just like their buddy. The one lying dead in the kitchen.
Neow honestly would have preferred to capture the demon rather then straight up kill it, but she definitely had a point... Even if harmless or a magically bound slave, a demon was a demon. Besides, outcast Demons didnt do much else then work hard labour or meaningless/tedious tasks...

Before he followed Angel though, he shot a quick text to one of his superiors at the Order to send for a clean up job here at the Charlies. Quickly pocketing his phone after he quickly tells the chefs to remain calm and wait for more order members to arrive, Neow chases behind Angel and catching up to her as best he could.

The crystal one structure under his chest glowed as he searched the area for magical trails, finding two faint trails that were left behind...

"Whatever these two others are, they are certainly a lot more magically gifted then their friend with a silver bullet in its skull back at the diner. I've got a faint trail to follow!"

"Left here.. Right into that alley there..." He guided hself and Angel as he followed the increasingly strong trails...

"Over here..." He pointed in towards a back Alley theater that looked old and run down... Neow sighed as he tried to imagine what they might find in there...

"I bet you there's probably some regular civvies in there, I hear gangs and such like these kind of old abandoned places, so we might have to watch for collateral damage... Or even might get shot at ourselves..."

He shuddered a bit at the thought some people actually sympathized with the more dangerous Demons... The outcasts and imps he could understand, but any beyond those just baffled the grey Wolf as he proceeded with the standered breach manuever once again, barging open the doors...

Light flooded into the entrance into and old times theatre, all run down and dusty.... There were many footprints in the dust, and at least some of them were certainly demon like... Fresh too....

Neow looked to Angel.

"Heh... Sorry we didnt totally get the day off today... But You ready?" He asked her a little jokingly, double checking his weapons once again...

"I just hope we won't be charged at the diner for the food, or that it doesn't goes cold..." He tried to joke, but obviously failing....
Following his instructions, Angel found that he was on the right path. The scent of decay was growing stronger. These couldn't be low levels, either. These were getting to be too smart and too fast. That last one might've been just a decoy.

"If you're scared, stay behind," she grumbled at his remark about gangs. Angel could hold her own against gang members and their guns. She's taken plenty of bullets. Plenty of stab wounds and too many punches to the face. So nothing was stopping her.

"We never stop working, Neow. And if they do charge us, I'll put it on our supervisor's tab," she spoke lowly, moving through the dark. "Stay close. I know for sure you can't see as well as I can," she took his paw and pulled him to her side.

Despite her cold demeanor, she blushed in the dark at holding his paw for that moment. Not wanting to think more about it, Angel ripped her paw from his and continued moving, following the dust patterns.

She stopped, her chest going cold. "They were walking. Damnit, they were leading us," she pushed him towards the exit but it slammed shut, plunging the room in further darkness.

"Neow?" she whispered and the room was lit up with gun shots. She grabbed him by the shoulders and fell to the ground, pulling him with her. They stopped and Angel was torn from his side, a Demon falling atop both of them, trying to grab at their throats.

Neow shouted unwillingly as he charged up his magic, chest glowing brightly as he rolled over up onto his knees and hooked an energized fist into the demon's side with plenty of force, sending the monstrosity flying to the side and off of Angel as he tried to take cover with her from the sudden gunfire all around them!

"Get the hell off her you scum!" Neow lashed out as he then shot at the downed demon, two silver bullets impacting it's chest and head, effectively killing it as Neow strained himself with his magic, pounding down his fist on the floor and causing a shockwave to shake most of the area as he strained himself to create a energy barrier around him and Angel!

Both his chest and Arm connected to the ground to create the shield sparked bright red electricity all over the place, the small bubble over the two of them bouncing off bullets as it was shot out.

"A-Angel! I can't hold this for long! Get ready to start gunning down these fuckers as soon as it drops!"

He strained to talk, keeping his focus on the shield protecting the two of them.

All senses of logic and reasoning were out the window for Neow, seeming to have lost his professionalism as he strained to keep the shield up and protecting them, he was sweating and his heart was pounding....

Right now for the two of them, it was kill or be killed...

"Don't think of them as people... just think about them as demons or a bunch of... baby-eating Nazi's or... something..."

He silently mumbled to himself as he felt the shield about to break
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The sudden lift of weight almost gave her whiplash, the Demon sitting atop her injured leg now gone. Angel could feel that haunch down was covered in blood. Those stitches, despite the healing, had been ripped open for the worst. It hurt but she was used to numbing herself.

Struggling to balance on her paws, she lifted her gun, knowing this was an unfair fight. "Anyone every told you that you have a potty mouth?" she teased gruffly, keeping her extra ammunition in hand as she raised her gun. But being surrounded by this much magic made her senses got haywire.

All she wanted to do was reach out a touch it. It would heal her paw right up. Or, better yet, just steal off of Neow. But then that was bad. No, Neow was her friend. He was protecting her. She heard what he said.

"Neow. Just let go and get down...let me handle it," she spoke painfully, knowing she had a trick up her sleeve. Although, it wasn't her favorite one, it would ultimately keep Neow from being hurt further. Angel wasn't normally selfless but she refused to let anyone die for her. And at this point, it was going to happen.

"Trust me. Just put the shield down and don't say or do anything," she nodded, wobbling on her injured leg. She couldn't see too well in this type of dark but she could see the ultimate strain on his face. It kind of touched her how determined he was to protect and destroy.
Angel's comment about sailor mouth passes right over Neow, as he was far more focused on keeping them protected....

But he did hear her ask to lower the shield...

"H-hell no. I... Don't think ill let you have all the fun.... There's.. something I wanna try... Y.. You deal with those assholes on your side!" The strain was hard and obvious in his voice as the magic surged all around them and from his arm...

He waited for a moment for when the bullets would stop hitting the shield and the gangers or demons or whoever were attacking them stopped to reload...

He said to Angel as the magical Shield immediately dropped, but instead of dissipating like it normally would, the shield retracted, the energy surging back to the ground and straight back up into his arm, leaving both of them unprotected!

Neow threw his arm upwards, aimed towards his side of the theater, his arm surgeing and pulsating with bright red Energy as he released it all towards the people who attacked them!

With a intense flash of bright red, that lit up the entire room for a split second, accompanied by a loud, near thunderous, BOOM!

A beam of energy blasts itself from Neow's arm, thunderous and bright red bolts of energy sparking and flying everywhere!

However, the beam was unfortunately aimed too high, as the beam strikes the ceiling above a small group of assailants, causing a dusty explosion that collapses part of the building's roof down onto them, with Sunlight suddenly flooding into the old theater from the outside, the force of the beam is so strong, that is suddenly blasts Neow backwards unexpectedly, shredding a good section of his right side cloths off as well, and flies right past Angel's side, crashing into a row of seats with a painful, but thankfully not deadly, tumble!

Although... With the light now flooding into theater from it's newly created roof-light, Neow and Angle could see their attackers far more clearly...

In both upper and lower seats, hiding behind cover, were indeed typical, gun totting thugs, both Human and Anthro, (Many of whom looked shell-shocked, and have probably crapped themselves in the past few moments), with a few, disfigured and dangerous demons of low threat status here and there amongst them hiding on the walls.... but it was what some of the gangers were wearing is what both shocked, and frightened Neow when he was able to clearly see them after the daze of blasting himself into a wall...

Some of them wore Order Insignias on their arms and vests.

But their designs, both the insignia and clothing styles, were old and outdated, they were worn by time, and were distinctly different from the current day OCAD appearance and the badges that both him and Angel carried... Their clothing was even already bloodstained...

"Oh my god...." He silently whispered to himself, as he looked to Angel, eyes wide in fright, hoping she would be able to do something, or hopefully get them both the hell out of there as quickly as possible, as Neow himself started to frantically get up onto his own paws...
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Angel groaned and rolled her eyes. "You stubb-" she started but was cut off by the blast. It knocked her back just a little but it was enough to shove the unbalanced Lioness to her rear. The light stunned her and the boom left her shaking on the ground, covering her ears with tight paws.

"Damnit...Neow..." she whimpered, ears bleeding badly. "Shoulda let me go first," she gulped found him no where near her. Instead, he was thrown across the room, landing in the seats. Although her hearing was obliterated, her eyesight was fine now. And she could see a Demon or two stalking towards Neow with their guns raised.

"Kil-tei!" Angel scrambled to her paws painfully and shouted. It was the Demon word for 'Stop', one of the few words she knew in their language. This caught their attention. Angel was horrified to see how many there were and the Insignas on their clothing.

With a look of disgust, Angel got off the stage and marched to a low level Demon. It looked at her with first confusion, then recognition and finally fear. "I thought I told you all to keep away!" she snarled and grabbed it by the throat, raising it a good few inches off the ground.

"You're father-" it choked but Angel cut him off, not Angelic in her eyes as she spoke. "My father said to come get me, didn't he? Well didn't I tell you what would happen if you disobeyed?" she bared her teeth and gripped it's neck harder. There was the sound of a pop and it fell to the ground, it's neck twisted at an odd angle.

"Ma'am, you know what he'd do to us if-" another started, but raised a paw to cut him off. "I know what he'd do. But Kazimir still has no idea what a fucking chainsaw is, so who's claws would you rather suffer by?" Angel spat and they shut up quickly.

"I'm leaving and if I hear that any of you breathed a word about it to anyone else, you will suffer worse than your friends," her voice grew low and angry. With that, Angel went to Neow nodded to one of the blown off doors. "Come on," her voice less aggressive but still angry.
Neow was both stunned and shocked as he scrambled up onto his own feet, but when he saw Angel suddenly stopping some of the Gangers and demons, and actually commanding them almost, he immediately raised his bare right arm to the approaching lioness, sparking with remnant energy lightly, and his left arm aiming at a nearby demon, the hidden crossbow mechanism ready to fire... The large bloodied scar from the Ashdale incident in full veiw with strands of bandage hanging around that were obliterated from the blast... His eyes darting between her and their attackers all around.

"What... The HELL is going on!?"

He immediately demanded, fright and paranoia in his eyes.

"These... People, who the hell are all of you?!"

"Angel, what in gods name is going on?? Is this some kind of setup by the Order, or whoever thesr guys are to kill me?

W-why are they with Demons? They don't look like their bound by anything!"

The grey Wolf was shaking, the crystal within his chest pulsating brightly, almost as if warning everyone to stay away from him...

He was so confused and frightened... He didn't understand, let alone barely comprehend the situation... Then it hit his memory about Angel's father... And how informations been withheld from him by the real order... Was it possible he wanted Neow dead, knowing what he's capable of... Or maybe even captured...?

Sirens in the surrounsing town could be heard outside from the hole in the roof...

"I... I know that you know what I'm capable of.. And even what I am..."

He was trying to calm his voice and reduce his shakyness, but the fear and sudden realization had nearly overtaken him...

He know he couldn't fight everything here... The energy blast and sheild took an extreme toll on him... He was completely vulernable...

"In a few minutes... The rest of the Order... The real order.. And the police will be here... I... I bet you that almost everyone heard that blast..."

He was attempting to stall for time, still shaking weakly and fearfully, eyes darting between Angel and the rest...
The Demons fled the scene, leaving Angel staring at Neow with confused eyes as he aimed at her. "I saved you, that's what happened. I told you I could handle it but instead you blew my ears out and threw yourself across the damn theater! Now you're all torn-" she stopped and clenched her jaw, half turning away, almost angry.

"Those Demons and...well all of them are bound to Kazimir. They believe that overwhelming population of Demons can eventually rule over Humans and Anthros. It's...what my father trained me to do. And I can tell by how you're reacting that you believe I'm still with him," her voice barely over a whisper.

There was hurt in her eyes as he used the Order and his own powers as a threat against her. Wasn't he wanting to be her partner before? Even knowing she was a Darkmane? It must've been scary seeing her actually working. Fine.

Turning to Neow fully, she opened her mouth then closed it. "You'll need to get to a safe house. Those Demons will report both of us to my father and he'll send more after us. And you're right, the Order should be here soon. So you should be okay. Good bye, Neow," Angel muttered and turned, leaving Neow on the chairs.

The sirens grew closer and it wasn't minutes after Angel left that firefighters and paramedics rushed in. A few hesitated when they saw his glowing chest but one of the paramedics acted as if everyone had a rock in their chest and began asking him what happened as he stabilized Neow onto a stretcher.

Standing in the doorway that Angel left out of, was a hulking white wolf and a petite red fox. They had Order Insignas on their arms and frowned as they searched for something. They moved around the room, speaking softly. "Because Angel said so," the male wolf, a Human Anthro mix growled lowly. The female fox was a full Anthro like Angel, and she paced nervously.
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Neow passed out shortly after the police and Official order members arrived, the strain of his magic and the shock was too much for him... Some arrests were quickly made amongst the Gangers and Kazimer's men who weren't able to retreat immediately, fearing for their own lives, they didnt spill any information about the incident though...

A couple of days passed by since what some of the Order Agents were beginning to call "The incident." Since Angel and Neow were involved after the Ashdale incident...

"Thankfully, The Order has declared that last Saturdays incident, was only a minor, and very rare occurrence, hopefully The brave men and women, human and Anthro alike within Order, and our nations soldiers will continue to protect and keep out the demon scourge!"

The newsman droned on the television on the wall opposite of Neow's bed...

He'd been stuck in the local hospital for at least 2 days now, the injury acrossed his arm from the Ashdale incident had been torn again thanks to his "experiment" that caused all the trouble in the first place...

Honestly I always wanted to do that... He thought to himself.. Although probably not again for awhile... Not nearly enough energy to pull it off though... And hopefully next time it won't shred apart all of his cloths either... Lucky only most of his shirt and brand new jacket got shredded....

Doctors wouldn't release him due to the injuries... But if what she said was true... It'd be extremely important that Neow find somewhere safe to hide, or at least be able to defend himself...

At any rate though, he was likely starting to run out of time... since the theater, Neow read up a bit on Kazimer and he's been able to absorb information... and he honestly didn't like what he read about what that man has done to enemies and even Demon threats in the past...

It didn't entirely change his outlook on Angel herself though, but it still would have been nice if the Order had made this information available to him, and the rest of the god damn United Nations even, woulda helped knowing what he was at least being thrown into...

A knock was suddenly heard on his door however, and shortly after pressing a nearby button on the bed to let them in.

Neow was surprised to see three different people suddenly enter his hospital room...

Two of them were Order agents, a Large, white wolf man who had human features like Neow himself, a petite red fox girl, who was more animalistic, and even more surprisingly, the snow leopard waitress who he and Angel met at the restaurant....

The White wolf was stoic and seemingly seemed to have a briefcase with him, one big enough to probably hold more then a couple of items, the Vixen, as well as the Snow leopard girl, both seemed kinda nervous... (the Waitress clearly more so, as she clearly didn't understand why the two Order people were here either.)

Neow did notice however the Waitress seemed to be carrying a take-out bag though, and he could smell the hot food within it, exciting him a little bit...

But regardless, the Wolf and Vixen put him on a bit of caution...


He said, eyebrow raised, looking up and down at all three of them... But he smiled at the Leopardess re-assuringly before looking back at the two Order Agents...

"Is there... something you... Or the Order uhh, Need?" He asked more directly at them rather then the waitress...

As far as Neow knew about his current situation with Angel, all he knew was they were still to be partnered together... While it bothered him to know Her father seems to have been always after her, she still appeared like a Good-guy to the grey wolf....

(I'm not sure if this was the way you wanted to take this but, i think making some side characters and controlling them could be hella awesome!!! Take it away with the two order guys! I've kinda got some ideas tho with the Leopardess I wanna control and expand on~)
The Wolf nodded to Neow but merely handed the briefcase to the Fox. The Wolf glared at him with a form of impatience as he stood behind the Fox. "Hullo," the Fox nodded, speaking in a soft Italian accent. "My name is Anastasia Whistland. I'm a case worker with the O. I handle questioning and assigning our assets to different jobs. This is Feliks, my husband," she pulled a chair beside his bed, smiling sweetly.

Her voice held something lilting and her eyes were a light grey, making her look blind but they held a focus that no sightless person would have. With the strange voice and odd eyes combination, it was clear she was a Persuasion. Persuasions use a voice to relax their target and to simply allow them to do as they say. Sort of like mind control but the target always can step away. It's just very difficult.

"Feliks is a medically retired O asset, so if you believe you are speaking with terms I don't understand, Feliks can translate to me. We've come to ask about the disappearance of Angel Darkmane. I was told you were both told to meet up at your house but sightings also place you at a Diner just south of the theater. You were found among the rubble but only Angel's blood is to be found at the sight," Anastasia listed what she knew. Then took out a pen and paper and looked to him.

"What was the extent to your relationship with Miss Darkmane? Were you strictly professional, friends or involved?" she gazed at him with big grey eyes. Felix rolled his eyes in the background as if he knew Angel would never be involved with anyone of the O. His arms crossed over his barrel chest and he lifted his lips in a small snarl. As if he blamed Neow for Angel going missing.

"I also understand that you're one of our...special cases. As far as your papers say, you're living purely off of magic. It didn't bother you to have someone like Angel nearby? Weren't you afraid she would hurt you beyond repair? Several other magic users refuse to be around her for her specific case. Did she ever threaten to take your magic from you?" Anastasia's voice clear and calm.
Neow eyed both Anastasia and Felix a bit suspiciously... He could very certainly feel a strange calmness wash over himself as the Vixen spoke... He heard about Persuaders before, but never had he actually met one... Or, at least, noticed one.

But to him, it was clear to him what was up...

Although he still wasn't entire sure why the Leopard girl was here, who was standing patiently and a little nervously in a corner of the room, eventually pulling out a little pink phone out of her hoodie and fiddling with it, waiting for them to get done with business.

"Glad to meet you, Anastasia, Felix, the two of you and the girl there are the first to actually visit me besides Doctors and nurses."

He didn't bother to joke, even though The fox seemed nice enough, all Order members were generally still all "no bullshit" types.

"I'm not exactly sure what you mean about speaking with unfamiliar terms, but to answer your questions, as far as I know we're just acquaintances, not exactly good friends but were sure as hell not "involved".

Angel did meet my at my home to drop off my weapon she borrowed at the Ashdale incident. I suggested we go out and have a bite to eat together since we both had the day off, and turns out we got set up and led to the theater to be ambushed by Demons and The Old Order members and sympathizers..."

He paused for a little bit, letting the Vixen write everything he said down... He gave a quick glance at the snow leopard and tried to smile at her, giving her a nod to just be patient... On second thought though, he wasn't entire sure if she was supposed to be here, let alone listening in on this... But it was mostly common knowledge by now...

"I caused the explosion and that thunder like boom everyone heard when I tried to blast a energy laser at some of them in self defense, mind you.

But I think most of us
know what those of the Old order do."

Neow was surprised however when they mentioned his own case and what they were seeming to imply about Angel..

He gave a nervous look to the snow leopardess, still unsure if she should be here and listening in on this conversation but... He did have to answer these questions...

"If you've been reading my case then, or even pay attention to the general public, you KNOW the Order's been withholding a lot of information from me, correct? What do you mean she would hurt me beyond repair? All i know is she hates magic, and pretty much most everything else it seems like..."

His eyes dart down to the briefcase the Whistlands brought with them...

"So whats with the briefcase then?" He questioned them, before turning his eyes over to the Waitress, nodding her to come over with a smile.
Anastasia wrote everything he said, nodding patiently with unflinching eyes as he questioned her himself. Feliks growled and held out an arm when the leopard took a step towards him. The Wolf, politely as he could, pushed her outside to wait and went back to his place without a word.

"The briefcase? Most of your personal information, any information that wasn't stolen about Miss Angelus and her father, and this," she reached in and pulled out the empty orb. She balanced it in her hands and it seemed to glow softly as she rolled it in her paws. "Angel borrowed it from me for that big fight with the Lords. I'm surprised it survived," she whispered then set it back inside the briefcase.

"As for the information, I have no authority over what you know and do not know. I apologize that I can't give you everything you need for your own ease of mind but I will try my best," Anastasia nodded.

"Tell me exactly what happened two days ago. From the moment you knew there was a Demon inside of the restaurant to the moment you were found by the paramedics. Please use as much detail as you can but i understand if some things are blurry. Take as long as you need," her voice friendly and lulling. Even Feliks seemed to get a little sleepy eyed.

((Sorry it was so short, I just couldn't think of anything else to put))
(No worries!!)

Neow raised a bit of an annoyed eyebrow at Felix as he quickly got the Snow leopardess out of the room... it was understandable, but regardless it irritated him... he could still smell the food she brought...

"I can understand."

He said calmly in response to about the withheld information... normally he would be a little more peeved about something like that, let alone some of his personal information being readily available to other Order members by the looks of it... He knew that SOMEWHERE in that briefcase was his full-body visual... which made him somewhat uncomfortable in all honesty...

He was also surprised somewhat that the Orb had somehow left his possession.... but then again, he did accidentally shredded most of his t-shirt, bandages, and new jacket with that blast.... At least he was certainly feeling Anastasia's effect, keeping him kind of calm, but still feeling somewhat embarrassed knowing he also had a lot of very private information in that case too....

"I think i pretty much just explained it already, but, again, me and Angel thought we'd go and get a bit to eat since we had the day off, we make it to the diner and take a seat and so on so on... But..." He tilted his head towards the door.

"It was thanks to that pretty little Snow Leopard you just shoved out of the room, that we found out about an Outcast and a few minor threat level demons were fiddling around.... I think after we get some of the more sensitive information out of the way, we should bring her back in here for her side of the story, i'd imagine it'd help your notes." he gestured towards Anastasia's notepad and calmly laid back in the bed.

"After we disposed of the Outcast demon and sent a text for some clean up crew, which i imagine are the ones who called the rest of the Order...

We tracked down the other demons with my own magic to the theater, and i think you know the rest... but I guess if you insist for details, once we walked into the theater, we got ambushed and shot at by a bunch of Kazimir's men and bound demons, we would have both been killed on the spot if i didn't raise an energy shield. After I released the shield though and blasted a new sunlight into the theater, on ACCIDENT, mind you..."
He seemed to get a little defensive now in his tone of voice...

"But, after that, Angel seemed to be almost COMMANDING our assailants and kept them from killing both of us, threatening them with something like a worse death then what her father could do..."

Neow let a silence fall over him though... as he remembered once last, extremely crucial thing...

"But, there was one last thing Angel said to me before i passed out from the strain of my magic... She said to find somewhere safe, somewhere to hide almost. She said her Father is going to keep sending his men and Demons after the both of us... Probably to retrieve her and kill me... but I'd imagine Kazimir probably knows the extent about my own power by now..."

He sighed deeply, a hint of pain in his body language... he still felt extremely mixed feelings about Angel at this point... He wanted to believe she was still on the good side... She did certainly still appear like one... But he would still hope these mixed feelings were only to blame on the lack of information from a particular organization...

"Anyways, I would take it the two of you are good friends with her then? Because I bet you from that last thing she said, she's probably in hiding right now herself..." He questioned them while he was at it.

But he shook his head, they probably wouldn't answer him anyways....

At least he was certain they knew how bad the Old Order could get....

His head did perk up though again, looking at both Anastasia and Felix (or is it Feliks?)....

"You still haven't answered my other question either, what did you mean again by that she'd hurt me beyond repair? Is there some really sick and twisted reason why she hates magic and others avoid her?" he raised an eyebrow at them, waiting for an answer.
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"We will speak to your friend afterwards," Anastasia nodded politely, beckoning him to continue. It was only when it got to the point where Angel spoke to the Demons was when the vixen's expression faltered. Even Feliks seemed baffled.

"She...spoke to the Demons...alright," she brushed it off and went back to writing. "After you receive medical attention, you have a safe house waiting for you. Feliks, your escort, is the only one who knows the location, so he will stay with you there in case of emergency," Anastasia nodded and put away her note pad.

Before the fox could open her mouth, Feliks finally did. "I served in Iraq with Angelus for two years," he spoke in a thick country accent. "Angelus saved me from the very same bomb that took her hearing," he nodded, turning halfway. "But I did lose my tail," he sighed, the stub giving a quick wag before he leaned back against the wall.

There was something pleasant in Anastasia's eyes when he spoke up but it faded as Neow asked about Angel further.

"You don't...You don't know? Hmm, that's odd. Well, Rosabella was Angelus's mother. Rose was a Pure Magic User, able to do just about anything. Her father, Kazimir, was not. Strictly Weapons. When they had Angelus, she obtained one of Rosabella's strongest powers; to take powers from others. It has no name since it's so rare and borderline Dark magic. But Angel has the ability to take magic from another, give it to someone else, heal herself or to enhance her own physical abilities. It's borderline Dark because it can kill magic users who rely on magic as a life source. Like you, Neow. All she would have to do is just draw a drop of blood...most who have this ability tend to go Dark not just because of the killing but because of the high. Taking magic can feel like drugs to them. It's quite horrific, really," Anastasia sniffed and Feliks gently bumped her shoulder.
Neow listened intently as they both spoke....

"Yeah... The people who ambushed us claimed to be working under Kazimir, which confirms for me they were old Order, rather then just thugs who wore the clothing for style..." He added on after Anastasia's confusion to help clarify...

Neow did give an interested nod to Feliks when he surprised him by suddenly speaking up.

"Heh, I see why you've been giving me the hostile look then.... I was on the home front during all those issues with the middle east for cyber security and network defense... Least until I woke up with this thing my chest and the Daemon threat appeared in China..."

The grey Wolf said kinda solemnly as he listened further about Angel's abilities...

"I myself fall into a really strange inbetween of pure and offensive magic, i havent figured out how to use my power constructively other then offensive defenses... but you both probably already know thats because of my own... Well special ability i guess..."

He avoided eye contact, he typically never liked talking about the Modifier, or the crystaline structure growing out of his chest... Even if people knew about it like these two did... It glowed softly underneath the hospital gown, just hardly visible underneath it...

"But The strange thing is though... Angel's already had my blood on her hands back at the Ashdale incident plenty of times when I was injured though..." He tapped on the bandages covering his entire right shoulder with his left hand.

"At least.. I think so anyways..... But if she's able to do something like that, she's bad more then enough opportunitities to kill me on the spot, especially at the theatre when I casted a sheild over us..."

Neow began to think for a momment... The ultimate question of why the Order did their damndest to withhold this information from him and the general public...

"You... Don't think ... the Order paired the two of us to keep me in check because I have the potential to become too powerful... Do you guys? If my powers are as divine as those religious fanatics believe they are, maybe Angel's able to work with me without killing me...?

I know you both know by my file alone, that my powers permanently increase every time I consume a demon soul... Right?"

He asked, feeling a little bit of apprehension and fear in his voice ...

Not feeling entirely comfortable, a bit vulnerable in the presence of these two strangers... And if he had to live with Felicks there, Neow wasn't sure how safe that may be for EITHER of them....

He was beginning to feel Anastasia's calming influence over him fade....
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Feliks gave a short nod of respect as Neow spoke of his part in the war but now Anatasia seemed a bit on edge.

"Just because she's covered in your blood doesn't mean she can take it. She herself would have to do the action of spilling your blood to start taking your powers. The Order...well, as far as I know, Angelus had no idea your power would increase permanently. She most likely guessed it would heal you like it did for her. And Angelus just being around you is a show of great restraint, as she can feel your level of power the closer you are. When Angel first came to the Order, she was a Power junkie created by her father. Going off the deep end. But something about her was different than other junkies I've seen. She had something to make her want to get better. What it is, I still do not know. She's a very excellent keeper of secrets," Anastasia growled.

"Ana, you don't think..." Feliks whispered softly. "I do," she sighed solemnly. "Neow, you'll be leaving today and that's official. You cannot stay here any longer. Take whatever medication you need and get dressed. Feliks will bring you home, you pack your most essential items and you'll be out of this town in the maximum of two hours," the fox demanded. She stood, put everything into the brief case and left, Feliks holding the door open for his wife.

"You got ten minutes, alright?" the Wolf spoke politely to the snow leopard waiting outside and closed the door behind her.

Feliks kissed his wife on the cheek then stood guard in front of the door.
"Indeed she is a keeper if secrets... Unlike like a specific Order..." He joked harshly at Ana's last comment as he nodded in confirmation for his orders.

"I bet you the doctors arnt going to like that, or my shoulder for that matter but yeah gimmie a few..."

But before he could sit up out if the Bed, the snow leopard girl walked in nervously, holding up the take out bag of food just in front of her chest...

"I.. I just wanted t-to thank you a-and that girl you were with... Y-you guys were so cool!! "

She paused and stood there nervously, Neow gave her a reassuring smile...

"Thank you... But I don't think we could have done it without you! I uhh, imagine that bag of chicken I smell is for me then huh?"

Her tail stood up and she cutely blushed at the comment...

Shame she looks so young... She's really darn cute... Neow thought to himself as the unnamed Waitress shyly handed him the bag, the delicious smell filling his nostrils...

"I hope they at least lemme eat this on my way out, but thank you, this was very kind of you to do! You're the only person besides those two who've visited me!" The grey Wolf said heartfeltly... Smiling at her.

"The Order is some real serious business after all, but if you ask me" he lowered his voice go a whisper to her.. "Some of them need to take it easy and get those sticks out of their butts now and then." He chuckled at little bit, the leopardess still stayed silent and shy....

"You know..." She spoke up meekly...

"A-after you guys left I.. I uhh kinda followed the two of you o-out if curiosity...."

Neow gave her a concerns and surprised look...

"You... Followed us all the way to the theatre...?"

"Y-yes.." She tried to avoid eye contact with him, but then looked back up at him with a slight awe in her blue eyes.

"B-but you guys were s-so cool though!!! I saw how you protected yourself and shit a laser at them and everything! I-it was so amazing!"

He raised an eyebrow, and his warmness kinda faded away.

"You really, REALLY shouldn't do that, you could have been hurt or worse! Those were Demons and people who wanted to kill me and Angel!!" He expressed with clear concern in his voice, his ears folding back a little bit.

"I... I know... But I c-couldnt resist.. I'm.. Sorry..." She said, embarrassed and a little ashamed... Trying to avoid his gaze and cover her face....

Neow sighed deeply and thought FIR a second.... The TV on the wall still going through annoying commercials..

"Just promise me you won't do it again... Okay?" He said to girl with a bit of reluctance...

"And uhh, I don't know what you saw at the incident or... Heard here... But promise me that you'll keep it to yoursel-"

A emergency sound suddenly blared on the TV, interrupting and startling Neow and the snow leopardess with a fright as a new voice on the TV started speaking, and a Symbol of the Order showed over the majority of the screen, a monotone, male voice booming in a professional manner.


Neow didn't even bother to listen to the rest as he hopped out of his bed and began retrieving his cloths and items and changing as quickly as he could, not bothering to mind the snow leopard girl as she looked at the TV in terror.

After he was fully dressed he stood in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders and breaking her out of her stunned expression.

"Listen to me, you need to stay calm, alright?" He told her as she looked at him.

"What is your name?" He asked as calmly and slowly as he could...

"M-my name? Its.. Its Terra..." She gulped, the panic was beginning to get to her he could tell...

Quickly, Neow unseathed his hidden knife and held it out in his hands for her.

"Terra, I need you to listen to me. I want you to take this, and keep it with you until all of this is over. I promise you if you take care if it, It will protect you, okay?"

She nodded fearfully, her breathing was rapid, but she was holding on just enough to listen to him. Taking the long silver knife into her own hands and holding it close to her.

"If you have to use it, do not injest the black blood or let it contact your own blood. It will kill you. Do you understand?"

He spoke clearly, and seriuosly. She nodded, her hands were shaking as Neow calmly let go of her shoulders and began heading towards the door...

"W-wait! W-what about you? C-can I please go with-"

"No." He turned his gaze as he stood next to Feliks in the doorway.

"You need to stay here and stay safe, they won't find you here, but if they do, you know what to do..."

A spark of bright red magic sparked in his right hand.

"I can take care of myself, don't worry about me." He said with a nod and a smile to Terra, before turning to Feliks.

"Let's get going, I knew they'd be after me, but not this soon, Where's Anastasia? We should meet up with her and get the hell out of here."
"Ana's gone. She can't take all the panic, she'll have a damn seizure. And the O will have a fit if i bring back damaged goods, so you keep your ass close. We fight our way through and to the car and get out of the area. All of our assets are coming and should be here in two minutes. So chop down all you can but follow me," Feliks grumbled gruffly, his accent almost too thick to understand.

"As far as I know, we're going to be cutting supporters down first, because Demons are too stupid to use an elevator. This may prove to be difficult in our case, so we must move fast. Everyone! We need to move in an orderly fashion outside. Use the stairs, do not shove and try not to scream, cry or faint!" the Wolf shouted at the nurses who were frozen in place.

To make his case known, he pulled two handheld axes from the briefcase that was abandoned by Anastasia. With this show of power, the nurses set in motion to retrieve their patients and get them downstairs. "Since they're not here, we take the stairs and get to the parking lot. There is where we'll most likely find our abundance of Demons," Feliks continued to speak.

The hospital was just buzzing with fear and urgency as they made their way through the crowded stairwells. Felix was quite the bodyguard, as he refused to let anyone too close to new. After all, Kasimir was starting to gain supporters from the O. How easy could it be for one of them to be disguised int he crowd and take one stab at his throat.

Once outside, the sounds of sirens and screams filled the air. Most people ran down the street, leaving their cars in the lot. Felix had a plan and grabbed Neow's arm, dragging him into the covered lot. It was dark and not too far off there was a flash of lights and the sound of the car unlocking. As they neared the car's rear, Feliks fell with a sudden thump, a figure behind him.

Angel sighed and shook her head. "I'm so sorry Feliks," she mumbled and turned to Neow. "You have to come with me, now. Where he's bringing you already has been searched and under my father's surveillance." Angel wore a black hoodie with the hood covering her forehead. Her pants were black and the bandage on her right haunch was gone. The best way to explain it's magical healing was the bright blue that covered her natural amber eyes.

"I don't care if you don't trust me, Neow. As far as I care, you can hate me. But you're what my father wants and I won't let him get that. With you, you'd be a walking life-line that he could use at any second. The transfer cable? Me. So we both have to get out of here. Now," she growled, taking a threating step towards him.
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(Didn't have too much to work with or respond to this time, hope that's alright!)

Neow was startled when Feliks suddenly fell down with a thump behind him, and turning to see Angel had knocked the large wolf down without so much as a problem.

"Hey lets not jump to conclu-!"

Neow cut himself off as he spotted a hideous black being crawling on the ceiling behind Angel, immediately aiming his right hand up wards and straining himself to fire a bolt of electricity right into the damn things head, with a horrendous screech it fell and died right behind Angel, feeling it's soul come into him and adding to his power, almost refreshing him a little bit...

"As I was saying, lets try not jump to conclusions right now, but I want to know you're the real Angel. You know the deal, quick cut to the hand or something to prove you're not one of those damn shape shifters, but do it on the way. There's civilians in danger and we need to get going, so hurry up and lead the way!"

He said with a great sense of Urgency, he knew he was still quite vulnerable, and he wasn't exactly up to full power yet... that single lightning bolt alone was a strain on him, and he definitely wouldn't be able to figure out if this Angel was a shapeshifter or not right now until she gave a small slice on her own hand... but hopefully that glimpse of a blue glow in her eyes would at least mean to him she's the real deal....

As he went to follow Angel though, he gave a quick glance to Feliks on the ground.

"I'm not gonna argue or exactly discuss all those details Ana and Feliks gave me with you right now either... but... he should be fine... right? I bet you the Order's gonna have his ass for this afterwards..."

The grey wold said as he passed by the incapacitated Feliks....

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