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Fandom Defenders of England/Knights of the Round Table? XDD

Should this have real pictures, anime, or realistic drawn?

  • Real

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anime

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Realistic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...everyone should just be unicorns and griffons.. qwq

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


One Thousand Club


"Although the themes, events and characters of the Arthurian legend varied widely from text to text, and there is no one canonical version, Geoffrey's version of events often served as the starting point for later stories. Geoffrey depicted Arthur as a king of Britain who defeated the Saxons and established an empire over Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Norway and Gaul. Many elements and incidents that are now an integral part of the Arthurian story appear in Geoffrey's Historia, including Arthur's father Uther Pendragon, the wizard Merlin, Arthur's wife Guinevere, the sword Excalibur, Arthur's conception at Tintagel, his final battle against Mordred at Camlann, and final rest in Avalon. The 12th-century French writer Chrétien de Troyes, who added Lancelot and the Holy Grail to the story, began the genre of Arthurian romance that became a significant strand of medieval literature. In these French stories, the narrative focus often shifts from King Arthur himself to other characters, such as various Knights of the Round Table. Arthurian literature thrived during the Middle Ages but waned in the centuries that followed until it experienced a major resurgence in the 19th century. In the 21st century, the legend lives on, not only in literature but also in adaptations for theatre, film, television, comics and other media..." — Wikipedia


~ 19th century, England

"Things weren't just glorious and beautiful in the Victorian Era..."

You recently found out that your colleague, a dear old friend you haven't spoken to in years, is dead. They were really the only one that you liked, unlike your other colleagues, whom you disliked. But they just so happened to be at the funeral. After the funeral, you guys talk for a bit, but you see some suspicious characters take something off of your dead colleagues body(open coffin). It suddenly occurs to you that he might've been involved in some dreadful business with these men, since he was a notorious adventurer-archaeologist. You and your old pals visit his mansion and find out that he was involved in some pretty deep stuff. He found out that King Arthur really does exist, and the proof? You. You are the proof. Before you can snag any more information, shady men enter the room and grab you. However, before you can be killed, you are rescued by a unicorn, a griffon, and a strange man. You find yourself in a different room; in what looks like a castle, actually. There, the strange man explains things some more: you are the descendant of the original Knights of the Round Table; including King Arthur himself, and you are destined to succeed them to vanquish any and all evil.

Ivan Mikhailov(strange man), descendant of King Arthur himself, is a wealthy aristocrat with an estate housing servants and nobles alike—now, you. You have a new identity, and while you're out, a new face(thanks to Merlin descendants). But to be able to fit in, you will have to go to parties, stores, and other events. Descendants of Morgan le Fay and Mordred have caused trouble, summoning creatures from other dimensions and using their other powers for wicked purposes. In the end, even the creatures summoned by descendants of Merlin need a large amount of control. You will have to face these beings, including the corrupt descendants, in countless of battles. However, there are some descendants of evil that choose to side with Sir Mikhailov and his band of heroes. But at the same time, there are also descendants of good that side with the baddies. And there are the neutrals, people that ignore what's going on around them. Yes, there will be descendants that already know about their heritage, but it depends if you want to be one of them or not.

So, who will you favor?

**If you have any questions, ask away in the OOC~ ouo

What do you think the title of the rp should be, if you plan on joining~ ?

Possible Ranks will be posted soon. Reservations are accepted, though they'll only last for three days(once I post the rp, of course).

Post here if you're interested! >u<


R A N K S ;;
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Open spot
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Verily, good sir, I wouldst stand in Lancelot's stead, that I might experience the pull between land and lady that rends a man in twain.
RatFlail said:
Verily, good sir, I wouldst stand in Lancelot's stead, that I might experience the pull between land and lady that rends a man in twain.
New english please? xD

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