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Realistic or Modern Deception and Perception

Joel's concentration broke a moment upon hearing voices that sounded... Somewhat familiar... He turned to look at them, blinking a couple of time in a daze of confusion "Huh?" he managed, straining to do so before spluttering a little blood onto the floor he was pinned against by his mouth.
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Mimi entered through the door's of the Articulated building and right away noticed that there was no one in sight. Not a single soul around. Her forehead creased and she called out, hoping for a reply. Her heels clacked against the tile floor, it's echoes further emphasising the emptiness of this place.

Where is everyone?

She tried calling out again,

"Hello? Excuse me but I'm the new intern starting here? Is there anyone around?"
Virgil would only look to Nat seeing the glaring eyes and only giving her a friendly smile. He'd nod to Hunter as saying she was a fine catch, however in Virgil's mind behind a pretty face is a deceptive mind. He'd only think it right since she was with the RS then the Zeppelin so shortly. He'd look back to Joel when he heard the noise he mad as if he forgot the man was there for a moment. He'd climb up a ladder making his way to a cross-over railing where the button pad was sitting. He'd press a button lowering a hook to a moderate distance before climbing down the ladder again calling Hunter over. He'd lift up Joel patting his head gently motioning for Hunter to lift him up. If he did so they'd get his chair on the hook letting him rest in the air feet at Virgil's chest level he'd then turn looking to Natalie before going to get his tools again. Virgil came back with a large bowl of salt before asking. "Either of you ever see flesh torn from the muscle?" Would say this as he placed on his leather gloves wetting them and dipping them in the salt. He'd then insert his fingers into the incision starting to pull down slowly, the skin slowly tearing and ripping as he made his way down. The cuts were deep enough so the flesh rending was deep as well going through all layers of skin leaving tendon and muscle. He'd go half way (Think a sock half off your feet) then stop looking at the foot with a surgical precision. He'd then make a few cuts under the arch of his foot as the skin thinned out. He'd drop his knife after continuing to pull removing all the skin from his foot besides his toes. Flesh hanging loosely off the end of his foot from the ankle all the way to the first joints of his toes. He'd then retrieve the bowl of salt asking a simple question. "You still not going to tell me more information?" He'd say rubbing his hands through the salt mixing it thoroughly.
"Dammit Virgil, I said be gentle, not tear him up." Hunter had seen interrogations, but no one was as thorough as Virgil, and he was even without Feitan. Hunter went to the front of the interrogation and looked at the hostage, "Give him the information, he will only get worse.". With that Hunter was at his limit of the horrible air of despair and pain, he returned to Virgil's side. He whispered, "What do you need from me, at this rate the girl will run away from guilt. You won't get anything from her by making it watch.".
Joel shifted his arms behind himself, it was an uncomfortable position to say the least... After a few moments of rearrangement he pointed out in a half calm, half strained voice "Did you ever think about telling me what it is you want to know? Or perhaps just ask nicely?" Joel then smiled weakly, his previously energetic persona seeming to have drained into the grey concrete of the floor that he was pressed against. His eyes were also struggling to remain open, perhaps due to his lack of sleep catching up with him, or blood loss, or a combination of the two - either way it was clear that the man was exhausted both physically and mentally from the ordeal, he wasn't even trying to struggle against anything at this point.
Natalie pursed her lips together and felt her stomach churn. She couldn't just stand there, her head was getting lighter by the second, not only from seeing all the open wounds, but from seeing all the open wounds on someone she should be defending.

Something clicked, and she lowered her eyebrows, gritting her teeth. Natalie pulled her dress up slightly, pulling out the knife in the sheath she always kept and sprinted, pulling Virgil down and pushing the knife at his throat. "Listen here you b***ard...You want to know something? You ask nicely, or I'll cut you up into pieces before you can even try to call out..." Natalie was now in 'job mode', ready and waiting to cut deep into his throat. Nat panted from the adrenaline pumping through her body, something she hadn't felt in a long time, eyes full of fire.
[QUOTE="Phantom King]Virgil would only look to Nat seeing the glaring eyes and only giving her a friendly smile. He'd nod to Hunter as saying she was a fine catch, however in Virgil's mind behind a pretty face is a deceptive mind. He'd only think it right since she was with the RS then the Zeppelin so shortly. He'd look back to Joel when he heard the noise he mad as if he forgot the man was there for a moment. He'd climb up a ladder making his way to a cross-over railing where the button pad was sitting. He'd press a button lowering a hook to a moderate distance before climbing down the ladder again calling Hunter over. He'd lift up Joel patting his head gently motioning for Hunter to lift him up. If he did so they'd get his chair on the hook letting him rest in the air feet at Virgil's chest level he'd then turn looking to Natalie before going to get his tools again. Virgil came back with a large bowl of salt before asking. "Either of you ever see flesh torn from the muscle?" Would say this as he placed on his leather gloves wetting them and dipping them in the salt. He'd then insert his fingers into the incision starting to pull down slowly, the skin slowly tearing and ripping as he made his way down. The cuts were deep enough so the flesh rending was deep as well going through all layers of skin leaving tendon and muscle. He'd go half way (Think a sock half off your feet) then stop looking at the foot with a surgical precision. He'd then make a few cuts under the arch of his foot as the skin thinned out. He'd drop his knife after continuing to pull removing all the skin from his foot besides his toes. Flesh hanging loosely off the end of his foot from the ankle all the way to the first joints of his toes. He'd then retrieve the bowl of salt asking a simple question. "You still not going to tell me more information?" He'd say rubbing his hands through the salt mixing it thoroughly.

((I feel sick from just reading that.. xD Ouch.))
Hunter was shocked, this was a cool headed girl who wanted a future away from the job not one night ago. Now she was back into the swing of things, and Hunter realized this was probably the end of what they had. Natalie was on top of Virgil in front of him, knife pressed close to the bear throat of the man. Joel's little sarcastic mark led to Hunter kicking the chair, having him face the opposite side of the action. He sighed, then leaned down and pulled the knife hand back behind Natalie's back, tight enough to feel her shoulder feel the uncomfortable pain of dislocation. Hunter didn't wait for a response or a fight, he picked the girl up and led her to the nearest wall, putting her face to the concrete. "What are you doing Natalie?" Hunter voice was soft, but stern, the familiar harshness of betrayal creeping up to it.
Joel panted a bit, summoning the breath inside his lungs to let himself speak "Doing the right thing..." he managed, letting out a deep breath of relief that he could still muster up enough strength to at least talk. He couldn't see what was happening but he could guess that this woman wasn't part of their agency and was attempting to free him perhaps "Torturing someone without blood on their hands..." his voice trailed off a moment before coughing then continuing "... Is perhaps a little too far." he then took another deep, raspy breath finishing with a question "How many people have you killed or tortured? I wonder, do you ever think about their lives you snuffed out...? Like bright candles in a sea of darkness, you are that darkness - you end them. You are what people fear, what people hate and what people look upon with disgust... Tell me, how does that feel?"
Natalie continued to pant, and began to struggle, but soon stopped as she knew she would damage her shoulder if she did. "Get off me!! Jesus, you guys are sick! You're going to kill him!!" Her heart pounded hard in her chest, but was enjoying the cold concrete against her rosy cheeks. "Go on then, you gonna tie me up too? Is this what this is? You ain't gettin' SH*T outta me!!"
Virgil would stand up rubbing his neck the entire time he was downed he was only looking at Natalie with a small grin on his face uncaring, for he had the knife he had just used for incisions beside his leg as she tackled him. He could of easily cut her to pieces right then and there, but had an odd feeling Hunter would be the one to pull her off. When he did Virgil grabbed the bowl of salt pressing it into mans now skin-ridden foot. The amount of pain would be insane like placing your foot in fire without the burns. The salt would burn severely which even in his state would cause him to cry out in screams of pain. Virgil would then speak normally as if he was talking to one of the kids he saw skating giving them advice. "It feels like I'm removing the filth from the world." He'd say before removing the bowl now plenty of blood was with the salt as well in the form of a mashed foot print. "I want to know everything about Ruby Syndicate." He'd say in his originally cold voice, Virgil gazed softly to the once love couple and sigh gently. He didn't want to have to torture her but she forced his hand with that stunt. He'd then speak a number remembering the beginning of Joel's words. "Eighty solid, fifty three killed, and twenty seven tortured." He'd lean down to pick up the sub-machine gun having it at the ready.
Hunter pushed her arm further, hoping to silence her. He then looked towards the hostage, "I've killed no one, I have only been idolized in this business for my ability to extract information. You on the other hand have quite the opposite, a tech savvy killer. And cut the shakespeare, my god you are strapped to a chair and all you can think about is what quote you want to be your last!?" Hunter lost his cool, this man was a babbling idiot, succumb to his ego in more then one ways. The fact that he wasn't cooperating was valiant, but to act like a fool when you are no position to was utterly ridiculous. "You will never talk to me like that, like you are above me. Look at you, the same filth that we are. You have with no doubt done the same things we have done, and for what? You are the worst kind of us, the egotistic, self indulged kind, too stupid to realize that we are the same. And with all this and you have the balls to call me the things people disgust. If you ever call me something of such profound nature again then you will become my first kill.". Hunter didn't care who this person was, for he was true s***. The definition of a mentally insane, for no one could be right in their mind to point such hate in a direction of practically a colleague. He turned his attention to Natalie, "You know this is business, if he cooperates he won't die.".
She grit her teeth at the pulsating pain shooting through her arm, "I should've never have went with you!! I knew this would happen! You're SICK! Both of you!" Natalie felt her heart drop, she felt broken, and her arm was soon going to be if she kept shouting.
"Natalie grow up! You think I enjoy all of this, you think this is all I want in my life!?" Hunter did not release any of the pressure, he was hurt, her voice and malicious statements cutting through him. He was getting angry, too much stress, a mental hostage, and a girlfrind.. ex-girlfriend out of control.
"Then why are you still doing this?! Huh?! That...that THING..over there is going to carve him alive! You won't get anything out of him if he bleeds to death! And you're just gonna sit there and watch?! You're weaker than I thought!!"
Joel let out what only can be described as a roar, growling his lungs out until he could no longer, shivering and panting while being unable to move due to a lack of energy "Y-yes... We are, very different..." he blurted out before returning to his now soundless growling "The note... Told the truth..." he let out a weak laugh, barely able to draw the smile even slightly before simply shivering, his body slowly going into shock from the multiple nerves firing off an intoxicating signal to his brain all at once.
"Oh I am sure of it shakespeare, now shut up!" The tone was taunting, and to be honest tired of the fool. He turned his attention to the real problem, "Weaker, huh, that's an interesting way to put it. Natalie, then tell me, would you have me betray my friends, because looking at you that seems to backfire. It's obvious you care for them, more then me." Hunter was tired, this wasn't how it was supposed to go, and honestly he needed to talk to her alone. He took the knife from her hand, throwing it across the room, far out of reach for anyone. Leading her still pinned, they went out the door. He flipped her around so she could face him, but kept both hands clamped out to hers. "Natalie, what do you want me to do!?".
Natalie turned her head away, breathing heavily with her rosy cheeks puffed slightly in annoyance and frustration. The relief that her shoulder now felt was great, and the cold wind blowing on them was also relieving. "I don't care for them at all." Natalie mumbled quietly.
"Then tell me this, do you care for me after that." Hunter felt the wind, but it wasn't relieving, it was bitter. He was angered, at Virgil for causing the scene, the fool for his rant of something he doesn't know, and the girl being too dramatic.
"How..How can you just stand there. You've never killed anyone, huh? But you can watch him practically tear him limb from limb? We're not the bad ones, Hunter, we get jobs, we do them. We don't know Jack Sh*t! So you can tell your little friend to quit with the amateur horror gore in there..." Her voice was low, she was done. Of course she still cared for him, but her mind was so tangled up.

Three years ago, Natalie was so in love. James, her friend from the Syndicate, had her head over heels. Nat was never one for the cheesy stuff, but boy, did she jump for joy when he bought her flowers. It wasn't long before they were dating, and almost inseparable.

That was until he was roped up, by one of the rival companies which soon went under. She remembered finding him, strapped to the chair, blood everywhere with the stench of sweat, blood and vomit. The wounds he had must have been unbearable, a stab wound to the stomach, slashes everywhere, nails in him along with a clearly used screwdriver discarded next to him. Natalie remembered the pain in her chest when she ran to him, tilting his face up, and finding his dead eyes resting upon her.

Rest assured, when Natalie left, she was the only breathing human in that building, her knife rendered useless with blood and marks.
Seeing as this situation was becoming far too risky and that there was no way to escape by himself Joel decided to call it, in a whisper which would of course not be audible "Ok PCD, change, red." after doing so he'd close his eyes, simply trying to ignore the pain as he waited. It was going to feel like a long wait...
"I can stand there because I am thankful it is not me. Natalie Virgil has his jobs and I mine." Hunter put his head to hers on the last sentence. "I'll tell Virgil to take a break, just wait him out and not torture him.". He was letting his emotions get in the way, he was putting his friends in danger, but he couldn't help it. "Just work with me a little sweetheart.". With that he opened the door, one hand still on Natalie, "Virgil wait him out, pain only goes so far, but boredom can drive a man insane.". He closed the door and looked at Natalie, awaiting a response.
She kept her head away, refusing to look at him. Natalie was p***ed, and she knew she wouldn't be able to calm down for a long time. If anything, she knew she needed a good drink, and again, yearned for her flask in her pocket.
"Come on, we are skipping the dinner and heading for the bar." He didn't release her arm, not trusting the new attitude of hers. He walked out of the back alley onto the sidewalk and towards the nearest pub.
She went along with him, still gritting her teeth. This was the angry Natalie, and she knew that she probably looked like a toddler taking a tantrum, but she just couldn't help it.

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